
Cool Quotes

There are 1101 quotes

"The monsters look really [ __ ] cool. I just need the monsters on screen for 100% of this movie."
"This guy has fake 12 gauge shotgun shells all around here like the real one. Definitely has a really cool look."
"It's surreal for sure, but it's f**king cool."
"The Terrafugia transition... a prototype flying vehicle that's pretty damn cool."
"Danny Trejo would be a cool dad and I would trust him with my life"
"The Marvel Illuminati is so sketchy and cool."
"The carbon fiber design has a really cool look for the Mustang."
"That's how you do it, like that. There we go. This is cool as [__] bro."
"every generation has their different idea of cool when i was young cool was skateboarding punk rock and sang fu to the machine protesting war and saying screw the government."
"Toxtricity is the essence of a cool punk rocker."
"You're the person you know how they all show the scene or the person's walking away and they may throw their cigarette back or the lighters catches emit this huge explosion happens and then they just so softly walk away from it."
"He's like the coldest, coolest dude that you ever meet."
"The Kestrel armor in Mass Effect 2 provides some solid stat boosts along with a design that will keep you looking cool."
"The Mercer Armor Prototype may not provide the best tactical advantage, but boy does it look cool."
"I just wanted to mention how cool it was that they did that."
"The singing sorceress vinyl record and vinyl jacket, super cool."
"Nevertheless, Sully is a pretty cool character."
"We have found the coolest street in Shinjuku."
"It's one of the coolest places in America, dude, literally."
"The giant dragon skull on top looks very cool too."
"Definitely one of the coolest things that we have ever done."
"This is so freakin cool, it's a 1946 Willy's in green of course."
"Dude, look at this, even this Volvo is so freaking cool."
"This carpet ride, you know, really cool."
"What a cool water feature we've got going on here."
"Pickleball dad like a regular dad but cooler."
"It's dope actually, really cool that you guys do this."
"It's cool, I love the mythology of skateboarding."
"It's not just a pair of sunglasses, it's a shade of cool."
"Was this a financially awful decision or the second coolest thing you could possibly do?"
"Okay, this one's actually kind of cool, like it's this weird sort of lattice, right?"
"I love this thing, I really do. You know, there's downsides to it, is it the most logical tow rig? Probably not, definitely not. Is it cool though? Does it make me happy? Absolutely."
"That was so cool, I really genuinely had fun."
"That is hand painted, that is really, really cool."
"It's actually pretty cool looking."
"That was legitimately pretty cool."
"It's inspired by a car's tire, which is pretty cool."
"This is so freaking cool and this is only the start of it."
"Wow, just look deep in there, it looks so freaking cool."
"This is a really cool UNIX-based system running AIX."
"I thought this had such a cool kind of 70s vintage vibe."
"Here's a very cool customized a generation Corvette."
"I feel like someone thought that something was edgy and that there was something cool about what they were doing."
"He makes falsetto sound cool, super cool, absolutely."
"That's a car Corvette bed, how cool is that?"
"The cool thing about the GT3: the engine is in the back."
"Four bar linkages are very, very cool."
"I love fast food like it feels cool wearing this, you know what I mean."
"It's radical, yeah, so cool, it is so cool."
"That was by far the coolest item that we tested today."
"It warms my heart, this is so cool."
"I am the heart of justice. Just really cool."
"It's pretty cool, I will say that."
"Having a dual monitor setup like this is freaking cool."
"This is the coolest thing. I peaked. This is it."
"We've got some good Space Marines, and then we've got the anime-inspired ones which I think are really cool."
"Your early adopter of a new technology that could be scary but it also could be way cool."
"First time he's ever been portrayed on TV. That was definitely one of the coolest things I think I've ever done."
"Well, how was that bud? That was really cool."
"It is completely phenomenal, it's out of this world, it's so cool."
"That's super cool. Whoa! Whoa! The animation on his face is really detailed there for a second. You can see the muscles and stuff moving. Everything is very detailed."
"It goes without saying that you seem like a cool-ass person whose book I'd probably enjoy reading."
"Man, this thing is really freaking cool."
"Man, this thing is just so dang cool."
"I like the intros you know, like the strings are cool."
"It's so cool. This is the future of Music technology."
"We did it. We had fun. It was really cool to talk about this."
"It's passive, it has one knob, that's very cool."
"It's pretty cool to see this. This room is all dedicated to the Declaration of Independence."
"If you're just having it standing there, it looks pretty cool, and it's a lot of fun."
"The action was pretty cool actually."
"This is a really cool feature, I just wish more stuff had supported it because it's so awesome."
"You two monitors on a computer from 1981, that's so cool."
"This is actually pretty cool. We got a couple big ones."
"Nighttime drone stuff is really interesting, really cool."
"...this has some really cool features to it."
"It's not my cup of tea but it is cool."
"That's the perfect cool little room."
"What a morally gray character. That Tyrion seems like a cool guy."
"This clip is so cool because it's also super good quality."
"So, very, very cool, incredibly helpful. Make your documents nice and interactive, make it easier for your audience and your readers."
"...and there it is, love that, I click inside there, what is that a form? Oh that's me, oh my god I just hit tab, very cool."
"The event they put on is so freaking cool. I would love to see this done again but in a much bigger way, like in a movie or something."
"I'm actually excited about the fact that it's a plant-based makeup sponge. I think that's really cool."
"...cool build, really cool products..."
"Cool, but we like to think this was broken in the heat of battle, don't we? Oh, absolutely, yeah."
"This is such a cool card love these cards."
"Oh cool, I'm cold. Put on a jacket!"
"I really think it's a cool little package."
"If you have a supercharger, you're just cool."
"this is so cool i'm actually excited dad"
"Yo, that looks super cool actually, hold on a second."
"The Kelly Kettle is a super cool little device."
"This actually turned out like really cool, I like that it comes with its own mold."
"wow that is so cool your head hurts."
"This collection is the coolest thing."
"Your center cap is a Willy so I'm going to turn you guys upside down you can see the center cap is a Willy's Jeep which is so so cool."
"It's everything for me. Poetry's always been cool, electric, wonderful."
"It's just so cool that you can see through like so many layers."
"Are you saying cool sincerely? It's cool enough."
"This thing is beautiful, it's cool right?"
"Stitch is so cool, I'll give him the pass."
"Literally, right behind the Indiana glass dish was that cool."
"This is cute. Rock candy pen. That's legit. That is so cool."
"Legit one of the coolest, greatest animated films that I've ever watched."
"That mist will build up and then tumble over into the cool box with all the beers because then I think it's going to look real cool."
"The coolest part about the suspension is not the road, it's a trick that it does when it's standing still."
"That's fast. That is off, not V12, unbelievable. It's not necessary, but wow, is it cool."
"Having a cheat ability is very cool."
"That's so cool. And I bet you it glows."
"I've got the key in my pocket which by the way if you've never seen it is this super cool Thor's hammer obviously in the same colors anodized to match with the interior details and the accents."
"It started off super creepy but it was actually pretty cool."
"It's called an uni fire, so it's actually quite cool."
"That would be quite cool, actually. It'd be a bit like NASCAR over time."
"What makes a double beta lightsaber cool in the first place is when the user can actually use it."
"It's a lot of fun and cool and funny even in my opinion."
"This project, and the whole video itself, was pretty cool."
"Isn't that cool? That's like the coolest Styrofoam thing I've ever seen."
"I think this way looks pretty cool to me. So we're gonna roll with it."
"Hey, we're too cool for you anyway."
"This is so freaking cool. I love it so freaking much."
"Unnecessary but really cool, and once more, I like unnecessary."
"This is so cool, it turned out exactly as I thought it would but I had a little bit of problems, but thankfully I was able to fix it and it looks fantastic."
"That is so cool. I love that. I also love that you graduated high school in the midst of all this, like hard work."
"He's probably the coolest operator I've ever come across."
"We also know in fact the way to say is dark matter is cool and not just in the hip way but it's cool and that it is cold."
"This is just so cool. Merida is such a cool City."
"GARP is gonna get back up and he's gonna do something really cool."
"Small town is literally just built off the back Sam Walton which is super cool."
"Wild. I mean, it's pretty cool looking."
"The butt bomb, yeah. Terrifying, but really cool."
"...this is kind of cool and this is really quite different."
"It's all there. Super super cool."
"Paddington is just sweet, Paddington is just cool."
"Our D-List is crowned by what I think is one of the coolest cars ever produced and sold outside of the United States. Period."
"'Having Anakin on the brink of death alongside Rex, Ahsoka, and Aayla Secura made this fight one of the coolest.'"
"That's historic, that's pretty cool."
"Playing it cool, just letting it unfold little by little."
"Our main hero here is Ace and this dude is cool as hell."
"That was genuinely one of the coolest, most interesting, fascinating, well-created movies I've ever seen."
"It's absolutely wild and transformative, but it's also really effing cool."
"Isn't that cool? Oh, that's really cool."
"I love vintage items because I think they're so cool."
"He literally just taught me something that is so, so cool."
"Yugi catches a flicked die in a really cool guy fashion and accepts the challenge."
"I think that stuff is just really cool because it's so unique."
"It is the coolest thing so this is basically the second step in the meeting process."
"If you don't think that stuff's cool then [__] off."
"It's so cool that something like this exists."
"If you're going to be a villain, you better give it your all and look cool while doing it, or else you will be made fun of on the internet for years to come."
"Wouldn't it be cool if this was an auto?"
"But the SpongeBob crew really wanted to do a Red Mist reference. And to me, that’s really cool."
"This was a rebag purchase. Cool, cool, cool."
"I highly recommend this place. This is cool. I mean, I'm all about observation decks."
"That was dope, bro. That was so cool."
"Object-oriented programming was really cool."
"There's so much cool stuff here, vintage goodness."
"I love this like the coolest part of this movie."
"...this is a neat way to recycle them and use them in a really cool and productive way."
"Such a cool design, awesome work."
"It's just cool, it's a nice break from the normal."
"This movie's just cool. It's pretty Kick-Ass."
"Wow, that was cool. Happened super fast."
"Princess of hell. That's so cool. Such a cool story."
"Our mechanic invited us over to his house to have dinner, and he had this made for us. How freaking cool is that?"
"It's fair to say that retro motorcycles are cool."
"Why can't we have James Bond be a gallivanting, womanizing, drunk kind of cool super spy? That's what he is."
"They've just really nailed the design and they just look cool."
"I've got to take some photos of this before I extract it cuz that's way too cool."
"All we're really trying to do here is be cool. Okay, it makes pretty good noise out. The exhaust popping is so enjoyable. I just, I don't care what anybody says, I love the exhaust pops. It's so fun."
"It's kind of cool to touch the future."
"Are you really going to take full advantage of this suspension if you're not racing it on the track? Probably not. But does it look cool and does it feel good? Absolutely."
"It's got a really cool look to it."
"This is really cool. This is really cool. How fast did you get? 96, okay? I think I could get a 100 out of it if we were, you know, wanted to be really silly. I don't know if the juice is worth the squeeze just to say we did it. Probably not."
"Unicron, arguably the coolest thing ever created for a Saturday morning cartoon."
"Satoshi Nakamoto, that's a cool name. Satoshi Nakamoto. Everything sounds cool in Japan."
"everything about it is just gangster."
"Honestly, their family's too cool."
"I'm standing on some really cool tables, like everything here is kind of really nice."
"This is so cool. Right? This is just the best room."
"I think it's pretty cool. Sierra thought it was pretty cool."
"overall really really really cool car"
"Geekery has become a lane of cool."
"Magicians aren't cool, and they shouldn't be. It would ruin it if they were."
"Wow, that's so cool that you have these."
"Oh my goodness, it's a little bunny! I think it's a planter. How cool is that?"
"I see a llama, I see a bunch of dogs. That's so cool."
"It's cool that this exists on the internet, man."
"Airboats are like among the top five coolest modes of transportation ever invented right up there with rocket planes and steam engines."
"The demon effects... just looked so cool."
"Somebody who is extremely passionate about anything. Being passionate about anything is just cool."
"When you actually see things happen, it's really cool, absolutely."
"Wow, it's so cool, I'm glad you enjoyed it."
"All you gotta do is press this remote and it is so cool."
"Their fighting style is cool, I like it."
"It's just a really cool thing to do... accessible to everybody."
"This is the coolest office I've ever seen."
"It's cool, it's weird, you don't hate it."
"Whoa, guys, did you see that? That was so cool!"
"I just think he's the coolest, and I, like, I don't know, I feel like birthdays are a day to kind of like reflect."