
Plot Analysis Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Are any of these things huge gaping holes that absolutely guarantee that the raid on Onigashima is going to fail? No."
"A great plot twist will have you looking at the clues in a new light on your second go round."
"Mrs. Loomis's motive for revenge was intelligently crafted."
"Overlong battle scene, thin on plot, character, and style." - The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
"It's fine to not care about plot holes but people who do aren't wrong."
"The plot of Your Name is a little convoluted."
"I actually have a very good track record when it comes to predicting stories and plot lines."
"In the end, Missourina Falls proves to be a very tightly woven and logical story that has a sensible answer for nearly everything."
"Is there a movie with more plot holes than The Dark Knight Rises? I enjoy the movie but holy cow, so many logic questions."
"Frieza will not be in this story because if we're going to sit here and talk about how the ark is perhaps nearing its end what sense would it make for Frieza to kind of pop in"
"Come join us in the spoiler section if you want to know exact details and plot holes."
"This is such an interesting and surprisingly mature plot thread that could explain some things about Janna."
"Fans are split on whether having such a random act kick off the day being saved was a stroke of genius or a sizable plot hole."
"There's enough interesting stuff in the plot."
"None of the zain enos would have worked if they hadn't based that movie on zero hour which was an actual disaster film and an actual with an actual real heartfelt plot."
"It Follows: It still has some excellent jump scares and weird disturbing characters, but its clever plot shines brighter than both those things."
"But dreams of repopulating the world aside, why would the machines have difficulty finding and gaining access to Zion when they're the ones who are allowing it to happen?"
"If you would have moved Hawkins out and minimized Drake as well as one other character that I'm gonna get to in a second."
"It's almost terrifying how obvious it is." - Time travel as a narrative tool.
"Reservoir Dogs as a plot structure reference for a Doom movie."
"Reunited is representative of three different plot points." - Oscar Clocks
"They're chasin' point where Ant-Man and the Wasp fits into the larger MCU... events could end up clarifying or changing our perceptions of events in later films."
"This story is great even if it doesn't actually make a lot of sense. Plot holes of plenty and misconceptions about how things work dominate the story, but it really does have an epic quality to it."
"Most plot holes in good movies are like that."
"Christina could have saved Lancaster in order to save D, so her doing this does show that she is indeed operating with ulterior motives."
"I reckon if you look up 'Die Hard plot holes' now, they'll say 'Did you know that late in the movie, he cuts his feet?'"
"Syndrome's plot in this movie is probably one of the best villain plots in any superhero movie."
"Realizing Urashiki's plan was to acquire Kurama's chakra from Naruto as a child."
"The plot of this movie, I think, a little bit better than some of the previous ones."
"Chad orchestrates this whole elaborate plan to not only make sure that Troy doesn't end up in the play but that him and Gabriella break up entirely do you really think that's gonna work it's the only way to save troying Gabriella from themselves."
"It never really made sense that they would put Harry in a new body just to kill him off."
"It's not Grisha who peeked into the future memories of um, of the future holder, Eren, the future Eren, uh, that's holding the Attack Titan. It was actually Eren, uh, the future Eren, who initiates the stampede of the Titans."
"The prologues of books six through ten are Gavilar's death again, but it's on Braize dying the second time."
"That's the plot of Justice League. I'm not gonna lie, that is pretty weak."
"Lauren tells the Colonel she thinks this is a repeat of what happened in Russia and that it’s an intentional alien attack."
"So, what if Koozan went to Enies Lobby at their long ring and gave Spandom the golden snail predicting the possibility that Luffy would charge into Enies Lobby to save Nico Robin?"
"I mean, this is literally new girl Nick and Jess, yeah, it is exactly, it's that plot."
"The way they respond to the Void Century, the way they respond to the One Piece treasure, the events that take place on Laugh Tale, that is going to lead into what turns the entire world upside down."
"The Scarab without the database that Peacemaker now possesses was confused about its origins."
"It seems like Moff Gideon was really, really excited to mass produce those clones using the force."
"So this could be a big theme in the Winds of Winter. It could be something which actually is a large part of Jon's plot."
"He will head north, he will steal Heartsbane, he will take Gilly, and he will encounter Randall Tarly again."
"Regina is the one who stole live, right? Was it? Because Armani died, right? I think Regina is still alive."
"I'm not a hundred percent sure, maybe trying to kidnap the Stella or another one of the Vegapunks, but I think a big factor could be, you know, Vega's brain is public records."
"Tatsumi concludes that if he finds someone more brutal than him, Baby Beel will get attached to that other person, and he’ll finally be free."
"I'm a little confused though about the one scene where he got locked in that like dungeon thing."
"Now, the part of the story that did not work with 'Happy Deathday 2' is the explanation as to how Tree ended up in the time loop. It makes absolutely zero sense and it's unbelievably stupid."
"The storyline for the third one was the police get locked underground because he makes something blow up. That was [ __ ] stupid. Don't walk out on the ice."
"Ultimately, the bottom line is, he needs to kill 11 to take her powers. That is what I am saying. Whether it's to be the fourth kill, eighth kill, it doesn't matter. The whole point is to kill 11."
"By the end, our four or five main characters have a couple of different conclusions."
"The whole time he was just trying to get his brother back like that's that's mind-blowing."
"What does this gap between season 1 and season two mean? What's going on here?"
"I think it's just a brilliant two-part. Absolutely got it."
"Could the events essentially happen the same if there were no dragons?"