
Mealtime Quotes

There are 363 quotes

"For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful. Amen."
"Gratitude before a meal makes the food taste better."
"We're gonna sleep with some full bellies tonight."
"Now dessert? This is breakfast here in America."
"We are healthy, we are blessed, never stressed, girl, and we are ready to eat."
"God is good, god is great, let us thank him for these quesadillas, amen."
"It is finally time for us to dig in and start eating so I gotta corral all these folks from all their small talk conversations."
"Pause this video right now, grab a snack, grab dinner, grab breakfast, grab lunch and come eat with us because we are about to feast."
"Children up to 20 months old completed their meals when they watched SEO Jun's videos."
"This is our last meal, we have to eat this together."
"Eating dinner together is usually our chance to connect."
"Nobody has to put up with lectures and gag noises while they are eating, especially not on their birthday."
"You leave that table loving each other, no matter how many 'bocincias' were at the table."
"Y'all know the deal we gotta tuck our shirts in we're gonna stop yelling let's eat."
"I'm ready to eat, let's say grace and get into it."
"Good morning, everybody. Breakfast time!"
"We're going to finish eating here, dinner is set for us."
"This is the original table that they all sat at, um, now and they all had their meals and chattered away."
"Eat together as a family as opposed to with one wheel one hand on your steering wheel."
"Enjoy the meal, but enjoy the moment too, and enjoy just hanging out."
"Remember friends, if you are struggling to find ways to feed your family, if Meal Time makes you crazy, if you are tired of feeling overwhelmed and frazzled in the kitchen, that is why I created the exclusive large family table community."
"You look taller too because you eat all your dinner."
"Yo, look at this, bro. We got IHOP over there and over there, man. Well, we about to smash. Yeah, now we are, but you didn't feed me this morning. Right now, it's noon. Whatever, last time."
"After a long and eventful day, it is time to eat."
"It's not about the meal but the time that you spend together."
"Bringing back the idea of sitting down together as a family to eat a meal is a habit that used to be absolutely common."
"I'm gonna grab my family we're gonna sit down and eat."
"Would you like to come eat breakfast now with Mom and Dad?"
"Dinner is served, Bon Appetit people!"
"Great comfort foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner."
"That evening, a more serene moment transpired as Jinmo and Nahi shared a meal together."
"I don't eat food in between meals, but at meal times, woof, I'm a regular eating machine."
"This is lunch, soon we're gonna head to dinner at our next location."
"Families that eat together on a consistent basis tended to eat significantly less ultra-processed foods and significantly more whole, real foods."
"Sometimes I have small breakfast because I'm gonna have lunch like, in a couple hours, you know what I mean?"
"Meal Time can be a real struggle after you've lost someone. For me, I was lucky enough that the food really made me feel close to Dad."
"I'm ready to eat, it's past one o'clock."
"Literally, all I've had today was brunch."
"We had kind of a late breakfast, so we don't have any snacks in between now and lunch."
"It's lunchtime, that's okay, you can have cereal any time of the day."
"It's already like almost 4 P.M. and we're hungry."
"It's the most important part of any meal."
"Right, let's have some lunch now."
"God is great, God is good, let's take a fork and dig in."
"I love breakfast food day or night."
"We'd love you so much bless this has me eat lunch everybody said amen."
"Tell me a nice to see you next time we want to thank the Lord for this beautiful salad he's fixing to give us for lunch, by his hands we are fed, give us Lord our daily bread, amen have a blessed day."
"Good job kids, okay now come and eat!"
"It gave these guys a little something that was familiar I mean it gave them maybe hopefully a good feeling when they were going to have a meal."
"I'm gonna have a little snack because obviously we have brunch at 12:30, and I want to enjoy that."
"Enough jibber jabber, it's time for us to eat dinner. Thanks for hanging out with us, I'll see you next time we're in the kitchen."
"Cheers to a good meal, a good lockdown meal."
"I hope you're having something good for dinner."
"Who's ready for some turkey bacon?"
"That's the cool thing about Turkey, you can get breakfast any time of the day."
"Being able to sit down and have a meal uninterrupted brings me so much joy."
"It reduces overwhelm around meal time."
"There's not a better place to bond people than in a table and join a meal."
"In the 18th century, the major meal of the day was in the middle of the day or sort of late afternoon."
"Well that was a really delicious dinner."
"Thank you all for eating supper with me tonight."
"Taking the hassle out of dinner time."
"So now we're gonna move on to dinner and dinner has been probably like the easiest meal for us because what I do for Jackson for dinner is I give him exactly what Joe and I are having."
"Lunch, my favorite meal between breakfast and dinner."
"This is what dinner looks like: screaming children, kids that just want their food."
"Chow formation is honestly one of the best times of the day."
"Thank you for being here thank you for your time I know it looks like I barely ate anything but this is um I'm gonna eat it in another buckling today it was breakfast let's mean let's just be real oh it's 1:00 p.m. shoot Wow anyways I'll see you guys later bye"
"It's almost dinner time, people, almost dinner time."
"We can eat later, no. We can take 10 minutes to eat, nobody's going anywhere and we skipped supper last night if you remember."
"I'm ready for a little bit of lunch. Well, I guess this would be dinner."
"I'm going to go dinner, for all the reasons mentioned. Dinner."
"Let's set this up and enjoy our lunch today"
"Hey, everybody, it is finally time for our Leroy lunchtime, and I'll tell you what, Cindy, looks like we got a pretty good variety here."
"Thank you so much for this day thank you for this meal you've provided richly and I ask you blessed to my body in Christ's name amen amen"
"We've eaten something finally. It's only... we only ate at 4.5. I'm so full now."
"But yeah, sitting down, enjoying a good meal was, is definitely true time."
"It's dinner time already. Thank goodness!"
"Breakfast, one of the three best moments of the day, except for lunch and dinner."
"It's like a signal to play with toys after the meal"
"If I was gonna pick one, I would do brunch over dinner, which is I think brunch is so amazing and it's just a superior experience every single time."
"A good midday feed. Yeah, sure, Jonas."
"Breakfast is honestly my favorite meal of the day. If I could have breakfast for every single meal of the day I actually would."
"This is a true meal here, here we go." - Recognizing a satisfying meal.
"Came to eat right after waking up the next day..."
"That's lunch today cuz it's my day."
"Once again, mum had outdone herself and it was a delicious feed for us all to enjoy while hanging out together before getting on with another week's work."
"That's why eating with the family is very important. It just keeps that togetherness of a family, right? It has a bigger meaning than just in your stomach."
"Because mealtimes allow us as families to be able to connect. It's the one time where we can just all come together."
"What are y'all having for dinner tomorrow? That's right, get them, who's that Miss Margaret, yes."
"Feeling more satisfied with my meals throughout the day."
"Because brunch, brunch is a time to be festive and extra."
"It's a meal that your kids will want to come home for."
"I'm just gonna make like breakfast for lunch because literally breakfast is my favorite meal and I don't even care that it's two o'clock and I'm having that."
"Is one of my favorites: eat breakfast for dinner. Whatever your favorite breakfast is, breakfast tends to be a much less expensive meal to cook and I love breakfast for dinner. Some people call it Brenner."
"Look at this, it's still breakfast. I got pancakes all kinds of stuff there."
"The key to dinner time success: variety."
"I remember being a kid, and my parents were very straightforward meat-potato-vegetable kind of meals, and we sat down at dinner every night and had dinner together. This was something I grew up with every night at the dinner table."
"I'm really excited to go for lunch I'm really hungry."
"It's funny, just having a glass of water before you eat your meal."
"What a great place for breakfast or even dinner."
"God is great, God is good, and we thank you for this food."
"I'm going to enjoy my coffee and kind of ready my stomach for a Hearty dinner later."
"Two little eager faces ready for breakfast."
"We want our kids to walk away from our family table when they leave our home going that was a place that was slow, it was enjoyable, we were relaxed."
"Dinner is served! Super yummy, and we're just gonna eat at the bar tonight."
"Heavenly Father, please bless this meal."
"Heavenly Father, please bless this meal and the hands that prepared it."
"It's dinner time, it's pizza time."
"Don't forget to have breakfast for dinner, families love this."
"It's an effortless way to build up your appetite and get some exercise in before that all-important meal."
"Dad expressed his wish to have one meal together with all of us as a family."
"We are done with lunch. Didn't even eat dessert, and I don't feel deprived."
"Dinner is the one meal of the day where I always cook."
"We're getting on lunch, that's awesome, huge blessing."
"Supper is served, that looks pretty good."
"Dinner is officially ready. Doesn't it look good?"
"Has anybody ever not been in the mood for breakfast?"
"It's just gonna change our lives, I think, and bring us together. I want to show the kids what it means to come together and, really at the end of the day, share a meal."
"Lunch is sweeter with everyone together."
"The dinner table has been set, so let's get right down to business."
"It's the nicest lunch we've ever had," said Julian.
"That's dinner right there, it's one of many dinners."
"One of my favorite parts about the day is dinner."
"Oh, I'm ready for breakfast. Oh yeah, although I think by the time we get there, it's going to be more like lunch."
"What do we have for dinner? I'm starving."
"I would call it the Second Breakfast."
"It's time for lunch, what about you, you hungry? Yes, let's go."
"Are you ready for breakfast? Yes, I am."
"We're going to go have our dinner now, you ready? I'm ready."
"The whole family is eating, this is what I love to see us getting along."
"When you sit down for a meal with a loved one, you get to enjoy the conversation and be present."
"Keep mealtime exciting with over 40 recipes to choose from every week."
"I love that we're all at the dinner table."
"What's for dinner? Look, it looks like breakfast."
"Good mythical morning, and I am in a good mood today because we're going to be having breakfast for dinner."
"Heavenly Father, we thank you for this food and this time we fellowship with the family."
"This is a great meal to make that will bring the family together around the dinner table."
"Brunch after breakfast, before lunch, it's just magical."
"He suddenly got overly excited and said he was happy the food had finally arrived and that everyone was hungry."
"Thank you for this food that we're about to receive for that body, and I ask to do please bless this food, in Jesus' name we pray, amen."
"I want to thank you for this food that we're all about to receive in our body, and I ask that you please bless this food, in Jesus' name we pray, amen."
"Lunch is served, so excited to eat."
"Let's eat because I'm hungry; I haven't eaten today."
"Probably got the name of Jesus we ask you to bless this food Lord, we thank you for it."
"Lord, help us to be truly thankful for what we're about to receive."
"Dinner is ready, everyone is hungry, and Elsa's turkey looks and smells super yummy."
"We're going to go ahead on and say our Grace so we can get to eat."
"It's lunchtime, super hungry over here."
"We're having lunch now, and we are having a marvelous time."
"It's always just about lunchtime somewhere in the world."
"Here it is, our breakfast is all done."
"And just like that, it's lunchtime, my favorite time of the day."
"Bringing families together at the table."
"Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank you for this food that we're about to receive. In Jesus' name, we pray, amen."
"Great Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for this food we're about to receive, and Jesus' name we pray, amen."
"Heavenly Father, we thank you for this food that we're about to receive."
"I think that beans on toast is breakfast, but I also think it can be dinner or lunch, and that's why it's so great."
"The family meal is such a primary and joyful experience."
"Dear Lord, thank you for the company that we have today and thank you for the food, may it nourish our bodies, thank you, amen."
"Heavenly Father, I want to thank you for this food; may it be nourishment to our bodies."
"God is great and God is good, and we thank you Lord for this food."
"Let's eat," she said. "Are you as hungry as I am?"
"Food is the only time that we all sit down at the same table and there's no electronics, there's no nothing, and we just talk."
"We're going to call it supper and hopefully we're going to call it good."
"Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank you for the food that we are about to receive, in Jesus' name, amen."
"My dinner is like 1am." - Anonymous
"Dinner's ready in like five minutes."
"God bless this food, the hands that prepared it, and let's eat. Can I get an amen?"
"No matter what is happening on board, we always sit down to share our evening meal together in the cockpit."
"Brunch simply means going to eat in a restaurant past the normal breakfast time but before the normal lunch time."
"Heavenly Father, thank you so much for this food, thank you God for just blessing us."
"Howdy folks, it's dinner time, chicken's fried and tasty sides, all of this for just 20. Get it from a KFC."
"In Jesus' name, thank you for this wonderful and blessed food, amen."
"Dear Lord, thank you for this wonderful meal, thank you for the company I have."
"The stars were just starting to shine as Team Kuza ate their dinner."
"Good morning everybody, good morning, breakfast time."
"Eaten with a meal, there's a lot of protective effect happening there as well."
"We have to eat, and yeah, we pack a sandwich when we go over there, but you also have to think about being a family and being able to sit down at a table and having a meal."
"So let's go ahead and say grace. Amen."
"I always try to have my meals with baby E because it's really good for modeling eating behavior and table manners."
"Good evening, it is fresh and clean dinner time."
"Dinner is served, it smells so good."
"Then dinner's ready, everything's all done, from your vegetables to your protein, everybody eats, and then cleanup is a breeze."
"They'll always greet you very politely, very kind, and often, if it's around mealtime, they'll say 'Haere mai taamu,' which means 'come and eat.'"
"Look who's home, just in time for dinner."
"The sun is low in the sky and it's time for a bite to eat."
"Hopefully it fills us up because we are all starving, aren't we?"
"And we're lucky now, they've just had breakfast, and it looks like they're just about to put all the lunch stuff out."
"So the kids' meals have arrived, and it is shepherd's pie which doesn't look too bad."
"Well, the adult meals have arrived now, and just in time for Madison falling asleep on mommy."
"That's what's for dinner because it is dinner time."
"It's hard to find a meal that all the kids will eat and love."
"Every time it's cutlet night, everybody is so psyched."
"You're going to eat breakfast with us."
"It's food time, look at them all coming downstairs."
"Put that snack back. If you eat a snack now, it's gonna ruin your appetite, and this dinner is gonna go to waste."
"Yay, it's time for us to eat, I'm very excited."
"It'd be nice to have a family meal."
"I'm so excited to eat with you guys."
"If you're hungry, let's all go to the kitchen and eat the dinner."