
Personal Bond Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"The first time I rescued a tiger, and I still have her. She's 27 years old. That was my first real connection."
"Paris shared a personal detail that shows the beautiful bond she shared with her late father."
"You're a good man. Dude, appreciate you as well."
"David, I want you to know that no matter what, I'll always feel it, you're my boy."
"Be brave and remember I will never leave you, and you will always find me when you need me most."
"I love you bro, and I wish you nothing but the best in life."
"You really are, and I love you to bits and pieces."
"You will never fully understand how deeply my heart feels for you... you are my heart in human form."
"I feel like the Korea is like my second home."
"He was my boy, there was just such a recognition."
"It's that special bond, you can't replace it."
"The two formed an instant bond and have an unbreakable relationship since their meeting in 1979."
"I love you, no matter what you become, whatever you look like."
"I'm gonna give you, Car, my love. It's been this long, the bond now has nurtured has finally matured."
"Thank you for your amazing support as always; it always brightens my day."
"I'm doing it with one of my best friends, I'm talking about you Max."
"I love you. I love that guy so much. I would have taken anything he gave me, I know."
"Little square face, we were meant to be. I mean, little square face, you're just, you're cool."
"Shackle yourself to me because I created you."
"She's a part of me, Alice, and I, we're going places."
"They're very protective of you as well, they're very strongly bound up to your energy."
"He leaves her... they bond even closer after that point."
"Best of friends, the cutest thing in the world."
"Your faith and perseverance mean the world to me."
"My best friends are the people who know all the dirt and still love me anyway."
"If I like you, it ain't nothing you got to worry about."
"You are my person, and you will always be my person."
"I love you, Bunny. You've always been there for me."
"I love him so much, Mr. Elliot, my boy."
"I just want to tell you that you're truly dear to me in my life, and I don't have anyone except you."
"What I love most about you, you are the single most caring person I've ever met in my entire life."
"I'm so lucky to have such a supportive family. I think a lot of people in Hollywood, you know, either the parents or, you know, the manager or something, they're making money off their kids. With me, it's just I've always had that close bond with my parents."
"He's my best pal in the whole wide world and I love him."
"Mitch and I are... it's been one of my best friends of my life and I we still work together and yeah you know he produces our show flake with us and he's just such a part of my life."
"Jack Benny and George Burns were best friends."
"Michael Jackson went to the circus, saw Mishu, and automatically got attached to him; they became best friends."
"She loved taking care of her new little sister."
"Just remember, I will always be in your heart."
"It's nice to have a bond with such a gentleman such as Rich Strike."
"That's my dude right there, watching out for... the friendship that has grown between these two is incredible."
"Caring for Emily brings me a different kind of happiness."
"I care deeply about you and I'm really grateful for you."
"I love her to death. She's fantastic, she's great."
"I swear on everything, I would not be here without you."
"There needs to be a bond between yourself and the cards that you're reading."
"I really love Destiny to death; she's literally my favorite person in this whole entire world."
"Tess is the girl of my dreams, she's my favorite riding partner, my best friend, and my biggest support."
"I would be gutted because I would consider, to this day, to this hour, Jeff my best friend on the earth."
"She has been and always will be someone who has a special place in my heart."
"I guess we were just made for each other."
"Sarah's the kind of person that would change your diapers when you're an old person. That's why she's my bestie, because she's got a heart of gold."
"I feel like I've known you my whole life."
"I will never forget what you did for me, and I never will."
"I just absolutely love Kim Hong Jun, he is everything to me, he is my safe space, he is my comfort."
"Daniel is one of my best friends."
"John Tunstall really liked Henry, now Billy, and took a liking to him and sort of took him under his wing and became his mentor."
"I just want you to know, you hold a special place in my heart."
"She came to my brother's funeral, which meant a lot to me."
"I felt a deep appreciation for her coming along. I really love her."
"No matter how bad it gets, I always have you."
"I consider you a good friend of mine."
"You're my friend, you're the best person I've ever met."
"Do you trust Kamal? Just Kamal with my life."
"She's so brilliant, honestly, I just trust her with my life."
"She won't let anyone near her but you; she trusts you."
"My darling, your mother was my best friend."
"You're one of my best friends. I'd do anything for you."
"I grew up with 50. That's my son's Godfather. That dude is a good dude, man."
"I remember why I love you so much."
"You are my joy, you're my laughter, you're my friend."
"You're my best friend, the best friend that I ever had."
"You mean the absolute world to me. I couldn't and would never betray you."
"He was my best friend, and you were a good friend."
"She was and still is my best friend."
"I have through the years experienced things with Emma that I have never experienced with any other person."
"Because I feel you're the one person I can trust."
"They discussed a bracelet ikawa gave her, symbolizing their growing connection."
"...he's a friend that sticks closer than a brother."
"It was bigger than music, it was like he cared for me."
"I loved her, she was my best friend."
"He's one of my best friends to this day."
"You are and you will always be dear to me."
"Not as a boast, however, but as a gift to his friend and a symbol of their bond."
"You feel connected to this person, you feel this deep yearning for this person."
"Honestly, I love Mimi with my whole heart; she is literally still one of my best friends."
"She was my confidante, she was everything to me."
"I got the best dad ever, like, that's my dog, okay."
"I loved Charlie. Love, love, love, love, love, love."
"This girl right here, she is my other half, she's my rock."
"We've been friends for over 20 years. Mindy is like my sister."
"I believe you're a close friend of mine."
"Thank you for opening so many doors for me professionally and personally. I owe a lot to you. I love you. You're a person that I feel proud to know and proud to call a friend."
"This person loves you unconditionally."