
Book Collection Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Buy physical copies of any book you plan to read in the future."
"This is my collection of the Penguin English Library Edition, they're just so pretty."
"There's just something really fun about seeing all of the books that someone owns."
"This is the best way to get affordable books to style your home."
"New shelves for my growing book collection! Loving the setup."
"Self-help books and inspirational books... a collection for you."
"We're gonna go big we're gonna go home a bunch of legendary books."
"Okay, time to add the last book to the stack."
"Let's be honest, you can never have too many books."
"I have loads of classics on my shelves. This whole shelf is classics."
"Wow and then I can't actually even see you there that big behind of books a little head pop up."
"I saw them at Goodwill for like 399 each and I was like perfect I can finally have the Hunger Games on my bookshelf."
"I love the way these shelves look. I think the rainbow is stunning. You have some excellent taste in books."
"I've bought over a 100 books in languages that I don't even speak."
"I collect books: classics, contemporary, sci-fi, young adults, drama, theater, opera, educational books, nonfiction, and of course speculative fiction."
"These are my book club editions I'd like to upgrade these to actual real editions eventually it's just not in the plans right now."
"I love it when spines are matching like this, the New 52 omnibus."
"I will never regret the books I bought. However, I will regret the books I did not buy."
"It's so cute definitely getting a special spot on my bookshelf as soon as I find the space very happy to have this."
"A good book collection must be made only of first editions."
"I've managed to fit all of my books, so I really like it."
"I want to eventually just get these shelves to be in books that I want to keep as kind of trophies that I really enjoyed reading."
"I need more space on my bookshelves because I have two bookshelves from Ikea and they're getting very very full."
"Next we have this amazing edition of Dune by Frank Herbert, look at the spine on that, that's awesome."
"Almost every book in here, there is a reason why I own it."
"I figure as I reread them I can buy the hardcover."
"This is a must-have book in your collection, I know a lot of people do have the later Zelda adaptations but this is one that I think if anything you have to have this one."
"...a real joy, I think, even if unlike me you don't want to curate a whole little bookcase of this type of book."
"I will be honest, sometimes I buy books just because I like the way they will look stacked amongst other books."
"I'm so excited to show you my library book haul."
"What a vibe, that is it for my specifically autumnal books."
"I've started collecting old cookery books going back to 1920."
"I organized all of my books into two piles: books that I have read and books that I haven't read."
"I'm very, very excited to put these on my shelf because they are gorgeous editions."
"I have something like a half a metric ton of naval historical books that I can refer to at various points."
"The world's largest library is the Library of Congress... with 164 million items and 1350 kilometers of bookshelves."
"People say that the books you've displayed on your shelf say a lot about the kind of person that you are."
"For every five books I read from my physical TBR, I could add two tokens to my shelf."
"I'm going to buy five books; it will probably take me an entire year to read these five, but I'm excited to have a little to-be-read pile."
"I used to come home with two paper sack grocery sacks full of books every week from the library."
"This is probably one of the most unique hardbacks I own."
"In the Wizard's keep, there are dozens of libraries, huge libraries, most at least as large as the Vault of books at the palace of the Prophet, many a great deal larger."
"This feels like inspiration for one day in the future when I just own hundreds of books."
"I forgot how many books they have. Oh my goodness."
"I'm still working on curating my bookshelves and getting them to a place where it feels like it represents me as a reader."
"I don't look at my books as like trophies anymore... I want my collection to more so represent me as a reader."
"We read in books we are buying books faster than the rate we can read them."
"These spines look absolutely amazing, can't wait to get volume three and volume seven then this series will be complete."
"Mesmerized by the idea of getting access to so many treasured books."
"I like holding on to old books though... Since sometimes I like to reread them."
"I'm slowly beginning to conquer the enormous pile of books that I have on my shelves that I have not read."
"There's gonna be so many books in here."
"Alice Oseman's definitely an author whose books I do want to collect."
"These editions are the UK editions, I'm obsessed with them."
"My TBR is completely excessive and that's how we like it."
"I counted last year and I own around 700-ish books."
"I love this shelf, it has a lot of my fantasy novels."