
Prime Quotes

There are 195 quotes

"Super Saiyan 4 puts you in your prime, you become the prime ape."
"Unbeaten Fighters in their Prime putting it all on the line looking to build their legacy."
"It's important to give people their flowers while they can still smell them while they're still in their Prime."
"I feel like I'm stepping right into my Prime."
"You're in the prime of your creative Zeitgeist."
"Someone wants you to hide yourself, but you're in your prime right now."
"Adrian Peterson was a freight train in his prime."
"10 years in, I'm wonderful, like I'm in my prime."
"Prime Whitebeard, that was on par with him, would surely be the strongest in Marineford."
"It's just not often in today's game we see two young fighters, both undefeated, both in their prime, step in the ring together."
"Stonehenge, in its prime, must have been an awesome sight."
"Conditions are absolutely prime, it's been so dry and it's just had a little dusting of rain."
"Let's put this together while both these guys are in their prime."
"I'm nowhere near the end of my prime, and I'd imagine like this is going to be my prime."
"Oh, how I wish you could have seen us in our prime. We blanketed the galaxy and even others around us. We witnessed them merge into ever larger super galaxies."
"He's doing things in a way that is so extraordinary. I've never seen anybody better. That's how I feel about Mighty Mouse when he was in his prime."
"He was still able to do that much if you're talking prime Whitebeard."
"People say they're past their Prime, it's not necessarily true."
"His ability to still be in his prime going into age 40, man, it's remarkable."
"I feel like I'm honestly still in my Prime."
"I'm young. I just turned 30. I'm in my prime right now. Just starting."
"Let's celebrate growing older together. It is our Prime."
"I wish I had known that I was in the prime of my career when I was in it."
"I was the same way, like when I was bodybuilding, like it was my prime job."
"That's crazy, YouTube get Prime, I would farm so many for you."
"I'm in my prime. I want to use the time I have now to tell the best stories in hopes that people are like, 'Oh, I get it.'"
"31, 32, 33 for men is like the new 22, it's the prime."
"Biggie's in his prime when he dies. Tupac's in his prime when he dies. We had the number one album in the country, Grammy nominations and everything when Pimp dies."
"Unlike the new movie, this Laura Croft is in her prime."
"We have a really prime location, it meets all of our needs and then some."
"Bring in the 2004 Porto-winning version of Ricardo Carvalho... at the age of 26. That was in his prime."
"He's coming into his Prime and he's fishing like that right now."
"You are in your prime. If you are focused on attracting love, you will attract it."
"He was, you know, in many ways, and I think in his prime, maybe the most unbeatable fighter ever just because of all that he brought to the table."
"Your prime starts when you get money and it ends when you lose your money."
"Prime's characters and characterization are excellent."
"I think he's ready to come out of that and I think he knows he's in his prime lyrically right now."
"I feel like I have a 15-year window of being just in my prime as far as a physical athlete."
"I feel like I'm in my prime, and I know I'm in it."
"Now back from injury, a man in his athletic prime at the age of 24."
"You have a short time that like you're in your Prime I believe I'm still like haven't even reached my Prime yet."
"But what about Goan in the S game? Some of you may ask. That was Goan at his prime level as a warrior in terms of mind, body, and spirit, right? Well, yes and no."
"In his prime, Ry could defeat someone as powerful as a yonko."
"Ry's moment implies that in his prime, he could defeat someone as powerful as a yonko."
"It was Wenger's absolute prime, his peak."
"...the best value in startup drafts as well as in trade value is getting the 26 27 year old 25 to 27 year old wide receivers who still have two to three years in their Prime."
"Prime showed no vulnerability, no humility, no respect for anything or anyone that did not exactly correlate with his view of the world."
"Prime presented Catra a dark reflection of herself, the cruel monster she feared she presented to the world."
"You must be dark holiday that's the rumor you retired too not me I'm in my Prime."
"I don't think you're past anything. In fact, I'd say you're looking your prime."
"166 thousand square feet of class A prime industrial. It doesn't get any better."
"I think now is my prime. I know exactly who I am."
"I guess this was an okay Spar for me but a piece of advice you should really get back in shape because from I can tell you were a lot weaker than you were in your Prime."
"...imagine seeing a prime Tupac let's say in the midst of like that inner scope and aftermath takeover..."
"A spike in the middle, afflicting the people in the prime of life."
"You've never been better, you're in your prime."
"Maybe it's just like, you maybe the bit is just like the person in their prime. 30s is the prime, yeah, for everybody. I think the 30s is the prime. Right?"
"Todd Bertuzzi: at his prime, one of the best power forwards in the game."
"You're at the prime of your life, so happy birthday."
"He's in his prime right now, yeah. He doesn't go compete anymore, but he played in the World Cup in the junior division, he was really good."
"From 21 to 32, that's when you're gonna probably gain the most information, gain the most experience."
"Time to show you the real power of a Prime."
"And creatively, this is where Ace enters his prime, giving us song concepts about a variety of topics with expert lyricism and delivery."
"We've seen all of the great NBA players of the modern era play in their prime."
"This is pre Rockefeller breaking up, this is like Jay-Z and Dame Dash together, the prime of it."
"He's in his prime right now, this is the strongest level he could achieve at the moment."
"When your numbers and your production and it counts to Winning is still consistent, you still are in your Prime."
"The anomaly is his prime is longer than anybody else."
"My reign will be long and it will be glorious. I'm finally in my prime."
"He's got the birthright, he's in his prime."
"His prime is so incredible, and he did so much in such a small amount of time."
"I'm single, I'm like in my peak, my peak sexual peak, you know, 30s feeling good."
"I'm starting to feel very confident; I'm getting better and better, and I feel like I'm starting to be a prime fighter."
"Now he is right in the middle at the prime, at the peak of his career."
"This is truly the primest of the Prime when it comes to relaxation time."
"When you have two of the baddest dudes in the world, undefeated in their prime."
"You are watching greatness in his absolute prime."
"Speed of hand from Eubank even in his prime."
"Everybody on this roster is in their prime."
"At 32, a woman is in her full prime."
"These are your best years, you're young and full of energy."
"This is Cartoon Network at its purest form, on its A-game, in its prime, at its best."
"I'm the 29-year-old now, so I feel like I'm in my prime."
"I've been around for a long time, but I'm just reaching my prime."
"LeBron's prime was longer than Mike's whole career."
"Celeste was in the absolute prime of her life."
"It's a pretty nicely done looking version of Prime."
"Your best years are to come. You're not going to come to your prime in another ten years."
"This was right in the heart of Larry Bird's prime... he was arguably the best three-point shooter in the league at this point."
"I feel like I'm up in my prime, but who am I gonna share my prime with?"
"Age doesn't matter, you're in the prime of your life."
"This is the Submariner at its prime, at its peak, as an instrument."
"Enjoy it while he's in his prime."
"I'm in my Prime, getting mine, got some labels trying to sign."
"At just 27 years of age, Ramsey is only entering his prime now, which has to be a scary thought for opposing defensive backs."
"I feel like I'm like in my prime right now."
"I'm reaching my prime right now. And, I mean, it's incredible because here I've been a runner for 27 years and I'm still getting better, you know, at age 40."
"It's a feel-good movie and it was at a time when John Candy was at the top of his game."
"Prime isn't just a distinct age for everyone; this is your Prime no matter who you are."
"Not everyone hits their Prime at the same time."
"I'm thriving, I feel like I'm low-key in my prime right now."
"You're going to be light years ahead of your peers and contemporaries, which you already are. You are just getting into your prime."
"We're talking about Kobe Bryant in his prime, LeBron James ascending in his prime, and Kevin Durant in his prime."
"Players like Shaquille O'Neal, in his prime, was unstoppable, but his prime was only a few years."
"Years go by and we're still in our prime."
"Think about a 28-year-old wide receiver in the NFL; we consider that their prime."
"He was at his best when everything was simpler."
"I think I am in my prime now. To me, it just keeps getting better."
"He's in the prime of his life, the prime of his career."
"We might just be seeing the best golf out of Tony now, now in his early 30s."
"By sending your products to FBA, you benefit from your offers being Prime eligible."
"He retired at the best time you can, on top in your prime."
"She looks so young though, like thirty is super young. That's prime age."
"Been at it more than half a decade and I'm still in my prime."
"You're not talking about a guy that's passed his best, you're talking about a fresh fighter that is in his absolute prime."
"Realize that you are in your prime."
"He was strong, he was in his prime then. He kept in good shape too."
"Playing him when he was in his prime was much more fun than playing him in his decline."
"All the Pistons firing, I've been stuck between maybe retiring and feeling like I'm just now hitting my prime."
"If you are a Floyd Mayweather for example, when he came out of retirement, he was still pretty much in his prime."
"I look a little bit like Madonna in her prime."
"23 is like prime time. Prime, I mean my prime. My Optimus Prime."
"You're not old; you're in your prime."
"He's never lost in prime condition, he wants it more than ever before."
"I am the queen of Canada, and I am in my prime."
"Both of these men are in their absolute prime; they will never be better than they are right now."
"Champion versus champion, both unbeaten, and they're both in their prime."
"It was really upsetting because they were in their prime and they looked so good."
"He is living those glory days right now in his prime."
"When he was at his prime, he seemed invincible."
"I feel like Jordan, I'm back in my prime."
"I'm as in good a shape as I've ever been in my life right now."
"I'm in my prime, if I haven't reached my prime yet, I can't wait."
"Your free time is at its most valuable right now because you're in your prime."
"I'm feeling maybe the sexiest I've ever felt in my entire life."
"The Pacers were already good; they added a guy who's made two all-NBA teams and is still in the heart of his prime."
"I will stop Prime, no matter what."
"I'm 24 now, getting towards my sort of peak, prime stage in my life and in my career, so I think it's time for me to take another step and continue to improve."
"I do put in work every day. I'm on my prime, and these next six to seven years are like the best years of my life."
"I'm 27 years old, I'm entering my prime, and that's what I'm looking forward to, man, just putting on great shows."
"The optimum time for an entrepreneur is between 45 and 55."
"I'm in my prime, huh? Now, yes, right now."
"The pink frost hellebores are just in their absolute prime right now, looking amazing."
"This is prime time for us, this is like the good years."
"Prime members purchased 375 million items to save more than 2.5 billion dollars."
"EXO was on top of the K-pop world in their prime."
"What we have here in Iowa anyway is one of the all-time greats in real time and the peak of his absolute prime."
"She's just really starting her prime."
"I get to work with the Michael Jordan of MMA in his prime."
"I'm not about to let anyone tell me I'm not in my Prime."
"I'm in my Prime because I've never felt better."
"Now Jet's 25 years old and he's just in the prime of his career, just crushing souls."
"This is the best years of our lives for real."
"That's the prime of your career, and you're going into where you're going to be playing for the last big contract of your career."
"Odin was part of the Avengers of 1 million BC and by that time he was seemingly in his prime."
"He's 38 years old and said that he's in his prime and he's only getting better."
"Summer 2017 was definitely what I think we all considered to be like our prime."
"Prime numbers, divisible only by themselves and one."
"What a blessing it is to come across Harry Mack in his prime."
"Business is booming. One can say that the WWE is in its prime."
"Rails is in its prime. This is the first time that Rails has been in its prime since Rails 3."
"Larry Bird in his prime was the best player in the world, period."
"They're excellent players in the prime of their career."
"Ladies, don't let anyone ever tell you you're past your prime."
"I'm just entering my prime, let's go."
"Most guys don't reach their primes till 27-28."
"He's in the prime hitting zone of his life, sporting wise."
"You ain't feeling me? I'm in my prime, Amazon for my delivery."
"This version of Jordan was in his prime and looking to repeat as an NBA champion."
"Mike Evans says he's in the prime of his career and I totally agree with it."
"Stefon Diggs is an elite wide receiver in his prime with Josh Allen."
"All-time great athletes... they have two primes: their athletic peak and then their cerebral peak."
"This is the prime time, folks, prime time."
"We know exactly what to do, we know who we are, and we're still in our primes."
"That is the perfect age to be sort of breaking into your prime."
"We just got to watch Lionel Messi in his prime."