
The Judas Strain Quotes

The Judas Strain by James Rollins

"Let it be forgotten. It has nothing to do with us. Let it be swallowed away by history."
"Twelve bonfires blazed out in the midnight harbor."
"The sun will rise soon. Let us be gone. It is time we went home."
"Who wants another bottle of Foster’s while I’m down here?"
"Maybe the sensitive creatures were responding to microquakes."
"A single spear of light pierced a quarter-size hole in the wall, spiking down atop the room’s slab floor."
"I will keep silent. To my deathbed and beyond. I so swear, Father."
"In the current world order, knowledge was the true power—more than oil, more than any weapon."
"As director, I had a duty to send the best people suited to oversee a medical crisis on behalf of Sigma."
"Stay safe, watch your back, and get back here as soon as possible."
"We need to question Seichan as soon as possible—before anything else happened to her."
"Impossible. …they are the language of the angels."
"With every hospital and medical center they passed, they only became more stubborn."
"Plainly the guard hadn’t been studying his parents, only the car."
"Where’s that medical help?" She seemed to find little hope in the large form of the guard, even clutching her purse a bit tighter to her side.
"The human body is composed of a hundred trillion cells, yet only ten trillion are ours. The other ninety percent are bacteria and a few other opportunistic organisms. We live cooperatively with this foreign environment. But if this balance should tip, should turn against us…?"
"It could…it might save the world. If we’re not too late already."
"His aliases are as numerous as his assassinations. He’s left a bloody trail all around the world."
"We need that woman in custody. Immediately. To lose this chance is beyond acceptable."
"We may not have that long to wait. Not with the Butcher of Calcutta hunting them both now."
"This decision was made by Homeland. Signed by the president. There will be no countermanding it."
"On the run, hunted by both sides, the man would prove formidable."
"Ignoring him, Gray continued to examine Seichan’s broken obelisk."
"It might save the world…if we’re not too late already."
"What you’re looking at is angelic script. The language of the archangels."
"Gene by gene, nearly identical. So why does one kill and the other remain harmless?"
"It’s been theorized that, sometime in the ancient past, a viral bacteriophage injected a peaceful Bacillus with this deadly pair of plasmids, creating a new monster in the biosphere."
"Something has risen again out of the depths of the sea, something with the ability to turn all bacteria deadly."
"Scientists have even coined a name for this ancient strain of viruses, one that turns friend into foe: the Judas Strain."
"The ultimate betrayer of life. This organism has the capability to transform all bacteria into lethal, life-destroying organisms."
"We’re talking about a thousand different new diseases hitting the world simultaneously. A plague with the capability of changing faces faster than we can react."
"Action must be swift, and hard choices made. In Tuskegee, did not your own government allow people infected with syphilis to die of the disease while scientists dispassionately recorded the suffering, the advancing symptoms, and the eventual deaths?"
"I’ll let you choose another child to die in her place."
"You scared Jennings in R and D. He was just about ready to have the island firebombed."
"It was nothing more than laboratory contamination. Everything is fine here…or at least as fine as a shipload of burned patients might be."
"Once I began to suspect what the Guild intended, I made a copy of the translated chapter for myself."
"Like this secret chapter, Marco edited the friar out of his chronicles."
"We don’t know why Friar Agreer was cut out of the story."
"It was as if there was a systemic attempt to erase the Polo family."
"There were clues in that secret page as to the location of this coded map, a map now carved onto an Egyptian obelisk and hidden in the Gregorian Museum of the Vatican."
"The rambling letter in Marco’s text also references a key to the map. A way to unlock its secret."
"Because we believe Marco’s disease is loose again."
"‘A legion of pestilence.’ That is what struck Indonesia."
"‘A dark Virtue that saved us all.’ That sounds like a cure to me."
"The tower was under construction during that century. Built to house the Vatican Observatory."
"Nature will try to exploit it, like the fluke with the ant."
"One foot in the present, one in the past. Forever at a crossroads."
"But the ultimate question is why. Why does the virus want to get inside our heads?"
"If you don’t follow my directions precisely, I’ll kill your parents."
"I have men closing on your position as we speak. Do not try to be clever."
"Few people did. And at the moment, Gray had no room for recriminations, too consumed by his own guilt."
"Yes, and you’ll beat my dog and kick my cat. I get it, sweetheart."
"But I’m afraid we’ll have to say our good-byes here."
"Whatever. As soon as this little conversation is over, I’m heading out of this damn church."
"It’s all yours, baby. You’ll never see me again."
"To use that fear to weaken your morale. Just stay focused. Be cautious, but use your head."
"The Guild will prey upon your fears of their omnipotence."
"There was no denying the simple truth. He had left his parents alone."
"Our prayer was answered in a most strange manner."
"But with its consumption, we would be protected from the pestilence that struck here."
"A plan might be too generous a term. More like a seat-of-your-pants run for your life."
"We’re going to have to bolt with as few people as possible, using the cover of the storm."
"No organism is evil for evil’s sake. It just sought to survive, to spread, to thrive."
"Time to meet the neighbors…see what’s cookin’."
"Get this through your thick skull, Gray. Nasser’s plan, our plans…they’re all screwed. It’s clean slate time here."
"We’ll need to go silent. Have Vigor pull his cell phone battery so that it’s not tracked."
"With that bastard dead, we have a small window of confusion here. We must take advantage of it."
"You say carjacking, I say borrowing."
"Forget it," Annishen finally said, grabbing Harriet's shoulder. "The pills you gave him earlier didn't do anything."
"He's my husband. He has Alzheimer's. We're...we're taking him to the hospital."
"I thought we already knew where to search," Gray said.
"May the Lord forgive my soul for disobeying a promise to my father, now dead. I must make one final confession."
"Come again! Come again!" he said, formally shaking each hand.
"Such care was not administered out of mercy or compassion. It was done to serve one end: to make sure she completed her promise to Devesh atop the deck."
"Lisa remembered Devesh’s first lesson: Be useful."
"Imagine events magnified worldwide. That is the threat I’m trying to prevent."
"The entire deck. Clear it all out. Cabin by cabin."
"This is for everyone’s safety. We’re seeing a rapid decline in condition among patients. Shipwide. With medical supplies already running low, we must be efficient."
"The pathology appears to be some form of catatonic excitement, accompanied by deep psychotic breaks."
"But some of that junk DNA bears a remarkable resemblance to viral code."
"So it seems our historical trail has run full circle back to the scientific trail."
"I know I had an episode at the hotel. I’m sorry I hit you."
"So if you’re done just hanging around, how about we kiss this Love Boat good-bye."
"The cure must be taken beyond the Guild’s reach."
"Unless they fled faster, reached the lagoon’s exit, they’d be smothered under the net when it all came down."
"I need to get airborne!" Ryder called back. That would be a problem.
"Pain shot up Monk’s broken leg. Still he hung clamped to the strut."
"CAN YOU RETRACT the wings?" Lisa called to Ryder.
"Once extended, the wings are locked out! A built-in safety feature!"
"Monk…please, no… DAMN IT ALL…why can’t I let go…?"
"Ryder didn’t hesitate. He understood the sacrifice."
"In seconds the cruise ship was swamped under it, caught like a dolphin in a tuna net."
""What is it?" Gray asked. "One of the main Hindu creation myths. The Churning of the Ocean of Milk.""
""Get me there…somehow." Susan sagged, slipping away again. "Or the world will be lost.""
"It’s time we lit a larger fire under you, Commander Pierce."
"What you must ask yourself, Gray, is why? Why is he bluffing?"
"Neutralizing base," he explained, waving the residual dust from his face.
"The gateway to Hell was opened in that city; but I know not if it was ever closed."
"It’s not always rocket science, guys. Sometimes a door is just a door."
"It will be like Christmas Island. Only a hundredfold worse…trapped inside the cavern. And you’ll all be exposed."