
Rare And Precious Things Quotes

Rare And Precious Things by Raine Miller

"I can hear the ocean," she said up against me, her hand on the back of my neck lightly caressing back and forth, the soft floral scent of her driving me crazy.
"Not sure how much sleeping we’ll be doing…but we will be here tonight."
"For you, my beauty. You can open your eyes now."
"It’s so beautiful. I—I can’t believe we get to actually stay here."
"Well, I think your sister has succeeded, and then some. It takes my breath away, Ethan. This is the perfect place for us to spend our wedding night…nothing could be more perfect to me."
"I love you with all of my heart, and all of my mind, and with all of my body. It all belongs to you now."
"I need you like I need air to breathe. You are my air, Brynne."
"I love you so much, Ethan, even when you’re being an insensitive brute."
"What would be really scary is not being with my beautiful gorgon and our little peach."
"You’re absolutely crazy beautiful lying on that towel in your bikini. Pretty sure you ought to be illegal wearing that."
"I love you, beautiful wife," he said with a wicked grin.
"You’re everything, Brynne," he whispered low.
"I…love…you," he said to me in a roar that could only be described as one of utter, agonized bliss.
"Brynne was the reason. Finding her, falling in love with her, had initiated every possessive instinct inside of me."
"Before Brynne, I could just bury the bad and horrible, detaching myself from what had happened to me, and not allowing myself to feel. I was disconnected, aloof, emotionless. Not now."
"Falling in love with a person changes everything. You learn this, after the fact of course, because you quickly realize you didn’t really ever have anything to worry about before you had someone to lose."
"There’s a shit-ton of crap to worry about in the future."
"I breathed in deeply and told myself I could do this. I was getting better at separating the past from the fear of the unknown down the road in the future."
"I rested my hand over her belly which had grown more since our honeymoon, but still didn’t look very big to me—just a curved mound where she used to be very flat."
"Love. A thing I’d never sought out, had caught me up, completely ensnared me…so that now I was dependent upon it for my emotional survival."
"How in the goddamn hell will I survive the birth of this baby, Brynne?"
"I know you care for nothing but the success of your campaign, Senator, not even what’s happened to your son, but I don’t give a maiden queen’s first fuck about your politics, or your rapist son."
"Brynne, baby…there are others who know about the video—you told me so yourself. This visit to see Oakley in the hospital will make it worthless. I can’t risk you any more than you already have been."
"You’re my life, and you’re stuck with me. And you are the most beautiful woman in the world. In the fucking world! Do you understand me, Brynne?"
"Good sex wasn’t love. For me, honest devotion and loyalty was love."
"My cock withered, as I gained some clarity about what I had just done to her."
"I love you so much, Brynne, and I can’t make it in this life without you. I’ll never regret our baby, and I’ll never stop loving you, or our children."
"Mike Hastings was the very best of soldiers. Strong, loyal—a fighter to the bitter end. The kind of soldier you want at your back when the shit goes FUBAR."
"Somerset had stunning country in every direction. I’d discovered that the inland landscape had commercial lavender fields. Miles and miles of purple flowers scenting the air, and so beautiful, your mind could barely accept what your eyes were seeing."
"What shall be the price of Guilt? Just five letters in a word that buries me with its weight."
"Today I also gave my agreement to marry a man who says he wants nothing more than to care for me and to allow him to cherish me."
"I understood Marianne’s pain better than most people could."
"I am unable to deny his wishes for me, just as I was unable to deny my beloved Jonathan…"
"I couldn’t forget you that night because when I saw you in person for the first time…it was the moment I came alive again."
"To my beautiful American girl, for reminding us all to be thankful."
"I love you, and I’m happy right now. Very, very happy…because I got to be with you…and love you."
"You made me real, my beauty, and I love you for that, and I always will…until the end of time."
"Everyone needs the basics, Brynne. Food, water…a bed."
"He loves you so much. I know he’s fighting his way back."
"I won’t leave you, my darling. I’m going to be here when you wake up."
"I did, my beauty, because you brought me back."
"It's so sad what people do to innocent animals."
"Every day since the first day, you have made my life worth living."
"Let's go to our bed, and forget about everything else for the moment. Just you and me together."
"I wish I could tell you how much I love you...but there aren't enough words to fucking express it."
"I probably will win it, though," he teased, "I think I'd look good in a crown."
"So you approve of him being our new guard dog here in the country?"
"I thought so," she purred, before hiking up her nightgown and straddling me.
"I want you to remember the first time I was here in this bed with you—the first time we were together."
"I wanted you just as much that first time, Ethan. Just as much."
"Babies have their own ideas about when to come."
"And for the first time since I’d known him, I saw tears in my Ethan’s eyes."
"I don’t think any of the good that happened to me in the past year would have occurred if not for Ethan. I believed that with all of my heart."
"But most importantly, I’d allowed myself to be loved."
"Only Ethan’s love gave me the security I needed to trust again, and to love myself again."
"It’s funny how our subconscious can hold onto some memories and not others."
"The horribleness of that year was really clouded for me. There are some things I remember clearly that were insignificant at the time, and other things I should have memories of, but are just…gone."
"The innocence of my prior life was gone. Forever. Time to grow up."
"The spark that started a flame, that started a blaze, that started a forest fire, that would leave burns and scorch marks in its wake? This became part of our landscape."