
Battle Of The Ampere Quotes

Battle Of The Ampere by Richard Paul Evans

Battle Of The Ampere Quotes
"More than seventy percent of the country is without power."
"The ER were contained only because they were completely exterminated—more than a million and a half rats were killed in the bowl’s meltdown."
"This is like Frankenstein; the monster has turned on its creator."
"You’re telling me that we lost billions of dollars as a side effect of a boy looking for his mother?"
"Are you an idiot? Do you have any idea how powerful those children are?"
"It’s just that everyone at the academy has talked about you for years."
"You’re kind of a legend. Like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster."
"The way they see it, you put my country out of power."
"They make you angry at them. They get you to denounce them."
"When the Elgen take you, they do things to you. They change you."
"You’d be surprised at what you can get used to."
"The wise are hung and the fools are glorified, at least while they are living."
"Friends or not, I don’t think it’s a good idea going up against the army."
"You can’t fight an enemy you don’t know exists."
"We don’t have a choice, we’ll be okay. I’ll be right beside you."
"She looked up at him, dumbfounded, trying to figure out why they were in her cell."
"They didn’t bring me here to fire me—you brought me here to silence me."
"The autonomy of nations is already slipping from their citizens’ grasps and they don’t even know it."
"By the time they know who we are, it will be too late."
"I don’t think so," Hatch said. "Throw him out."
"The army learned of our existence while interrogating the others."
"I wish it weren’t. We will contact you when the army starts to move. Over."
"I can sense electricity. That’s how I knew you were electric when I met you."
"I’m afraid we’ll be eating snails very soon."
"This is good. What is it?" "Anticuchos de corazón."
"I was a jerk to him. I was always on his case."
"But there’re five thousand of them and only one of you."
"I must pray to the Virgin Mary for your safety."
"The Peruvians think we’re terrorists and want to publicly hang us."
"I’ll show you a final offer," the red-faced man said, reaching for his gun.
"All that’s required for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing."
"Because there’s a chance we might be able to stop them."
"Sometimes there are bigger things to live for than yourself."
"You have already risked more and done more to battle the Elgen than any of us. You may hold your heads high."
"We might as well make the most of the time we have left."
"We were avoiding what we had been through, as if we were suddenly strangers again."
"You know how I like making deals, Michael. So here’s a deal for you."
"I broke a truce with an evil, sadistic, psychopathic liar. I’m not losing sleep over that."
"Do you know what you are, Hatch? You’re a skid mark on the underwear of humanity."
"You know me better than that, you dog-faced man-worm."
"It’s the only logical choice you’ve given us. We can die slowly of torture with you mocking us, or we die quickly, save the world, and take you with us."
"You’re shark chum now, Hatch. You stinking, maniac, sicko freak of nature."
"But you’re going to be okay. We’re going to help you get through this."