
The Woman Who Stole My Life Quotes

The Woman Who Stole My Life by Marian Keyes

The Woman Who Stole My Life Quotes
"I’m not a full-blown karma denier. It might exist, it might not, like how on earth would I know?"
"Karma is running a great big ledger in the sky where every good deed done by every human being is recorded."
"I suspect karma has been doing the conceptual version of lounging around on the couch in its underpants watching Sky Sports."
"Are you alive? Yes, he replied. Are you? Yes."
"I was trying to do a good deed, letting you out."
"Looking like you’re working isn’t quite the same thing as actually working."
"I type one word. 'Ass.' It doesn’t further my case, but it feels nice to write something."
"I’ve never liked Phyllis—she was a terrifying little bulldog of a creature."
"The chemicals produced in the brain by a lengthy Twitter session are similar to those produced by cocaine."
"I emerge from my Twitter hole, dazed to find myself still at my desk."
"To be able to scratch the sole of my foot using the big toe of the other foot is nothing short of a miracle."
"Most people in intensive care are model patients. That’s because most of them are in a coma."
"I’ll have to get curtains, I decide. I won’t be able to sustain this smiling business."
"Human touch is as important as water and food and air and laughter and new shoes."
"Stay alive. Sometimes there’s nothing else you can do, but you must do it."
"Not everyone can find a cure for cancer. Someone has to make the dinners and sort the socks."
"Just because you live near a golf course, it doesn’t mean you have to play golf."
"Instead of thinking, 'Why me?' I think, 'Why not me?'"
"Life isn’t about becoming a perfect person; it’s accepting that you’re a bad person."
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
"There’s a big difference between nineteen and twenty-two."
"It’s only a matter of time before the floor is littered with massive pizza boxes."
"We are acting like normal people! I am immensely cheered!"
"Please God, don’t let me have a bees’ nest in my attic."
"Who can I ask for help? Ryan is useless, and so is Jeffrey."
"They must be in the attic. I stare fearfully at the ceiling."
"You can tell your Mannix Taylor that this is one shitty system."
"He picked up the crumpled ball of paper, threw it at the nurses’ station and yelped, ‘Catch!’"
"Pick it up yourself. You threw it, you pick it up. Consequences, Dad, consequences."
"But how would I know? I haven’t been at home in seven weeks."
"I’m sorry. I apologize. Jeffrey, pick that up and put it in the bin."
"Poor Ryan. He was frustrated and confused and sick of it all."
"I could tell your Mannix Taylor that this is one shitty system."
"There’s no such thing… but he is in the correct age range."
"Has he taken up cycling? I mean, obsessively?"
"Sometimes you get what you want and sometimes you get what you need and sometimes you get what you get."
"If it is made with love, the imperfect becomes perfect."
"Some people can make their ears move—it’s their party trick."
"Because of the legalities some of my bigger possessions will be gifted in advance of Day Zero."
"You know what happens to the person who doesn’t bend, Stella? They break."
"I eat 100g of cottage cheese. It doesn’t uplift me the way, for example, 100g of milk chocolate would."
"I sit at my keyboard and type the word 'Ass.'"
"You never forget those skills. It’s like riding a bike, right?"
"I can’t sleep. I toss and turn for almost seven hours."
"Getting better is easier if you actually want to get better."
"Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together."
"Sometimes things don’t happen for a reason, sometimes things just happen."
"You cannot get drunk. That’s when you’ll be at your weakest."
"Ask not for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."
"Everything will be grand. The kids will get over it. Ryan will get over it."
"One day in hospital, you told me you became a doctor to please your dad."
"Love isn’t hearts and flowers. And it’s not good sex. Love is about loyalty. Endurance. Soldiering on, shoulder to shoulder."
"We’re adults. We shouldn’t have to live like this."
"Grass-roots promotion, a lot of travel. We’ll tour you possibly four times, starting early next year."
"So you give up your job and base yourself here for at least a year. You go hard or go home."
"First rule of publishing: if something works, just do it again, with a different title."
"I could do the deal for your second book right now, this afternoon, and get you another quarter of a million dollars."
"My God, what have they done? They’ve ‘New Yorked’ you! Shiny and skinny!"
"You can’t do guilt when you’re a doctor. You have to compartmentalize, it’s the only way to survive."
"It took me longer to read this book than it took the author to write it."
"Not everything was your fault. But I want to go home."
"I've nowhere to live. You've got to let me move in with you."
"This fizzy stuff is giving me the gawks. Have you any Smithwicks?"
"This isn’t about you. This is about me and my reputation."
"You’re completely right, Stella. I’m getting top notes of loneliness and an aftertaste of dread."
"I’m sorry. I’m very hungry, Ryan. To be honest, I’m hungry a lot of the time, and it makes me cranky."