
All In Quotes

All In by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

All In Quotes
"By the time we were clearing away the plates, it was pretty clear that none of the adults would be driving themselves home anytime soon."
"Viewed from the outside, it was chaos. But viewed with a profiler’s eye, it was simple. Easy to understand. Easy to make sense of."
"There was something comforting about the fact that she was exactly the same as she’d always been: part mother hen, part dictator, ruling her family with baked ziti and an iron fist."
"I’ve changed. The new Cassandra Hobbes had more scars—figuratively and literally."
"Sometimes, when I closed my eyes, I saw light reflected off of a bloody blade."
"For the first time in my life, I felt like I belonged somewhere."
"In a house full of people who saw things the rest of the world missed, it was impossible to hide."
"That was a lead. Notches in the bones. The way she was buried. The place her killer had laid her to rest. There had to be something."
"Home isn’t a place, Cassie. Home is the people who love you most, the people who will always love you, forever and ever, no matter what."
"The smile on his face, the way he’s teasing Lia—Dean was healing."
"I couldn’t have stopped if I’d tried—and knowing what my brain would cycle back to the second I stopped thinking about this case, I didn’t fight it."
"Each day, he inched out of the shadows and became a little more himself."
"Too young to party, just old enough to participate in federal investigations of serial murder."
"If we’d had normal childhoods, we wouldn’t be Naturals."
"We shared a room for forty-four percent of the last calendar year. So far this year, we’re at zero."
"There’s a high probability that you’re profiling me."
"The Fibonacci sequence is everywhere. It’s beautiful. It’s perfection."
"The blood-splattered dressing room in my memory spoke of domination and anger, the burial site, as Dean had said, of honor and care. Two sides of the same coin—and taken together, the suggestion was that this wasn’t a random act of violence."
"You took her because you needed her with you. You couldn’t leave her behind for someone else to bury."
"Like me, she’d been good at reading people—good enough to convince them that she had a line to 'the other side.'"
"Sleep came for me in the dead of night. I dreamt of my mother’s eyes, wide-set and rimmed in liner that made them look almost impossibly large."
"I like you, too, I almost said, but didn’t want to chance that she’d see those words as a shade short of the truth."
"You make him happy. As happy as Dean can be."
"We are officially at issue capacity, Cassie. So I’m sorry, but you don’t get to be effed up right now."
"I’m not sure, but we might be looking at a history of assault. Verbal, physical, sexual—or maybe just the ongoing threat thereof."
"Tory Howard is a decent magician, but her real talent is hypnosis."
"Someone had to hold them together. Someone had to hold us together."
"If I have to be a real bastard to keep from burying another kid, well then, Cassie, I can be a real bastard."
"There’s a seventy-four percent chance it will come off. On the bright side, I know where the killer is going to strike next."
"It’s a spiral, Dean said. Not just a spiral, Sloane said, stepping back. A Fibonacci spiral!"
"You’re not just sending a message. You’re creating something. Something beautiful. Something holy."
"I’m pregnant. Dean’s eyelid twitched. No, you’re not."
"I’ve never seen any physical indication that you possess hypermobility. Oh."
"This isn’t just murder, Dean murmured. This is a performance. This is art."
"You carved the numbers into her skin, I said out loud. To punish her. To punish yourself for falling short of perfection."
"You can’t fight him, I thought, watching Aaron go. No one can."
"Just because you don’t understand something doesn’t mean you get to ignore it. You can’t just pretend the pattern doesn’t exist and hope it goes away."
"My client was glad to come down and clear up any lack of clarity that may exist in her prior statements."
"I generally start with having volunteers count backward from one hundred. If I want a bigger impact, I might use a technique that gets a quicker result."
"Hypnosis isn’t mind control, Agent Sterling. It’s suggestion. You can’t alter someone’s personality. You can’t make them do something they truly do not want to do."
"You can’t force someone under who doesn’t want to go."
"A substantial portion of apologies are issued by people who have nothing to apologize for."
"Break the rules, and we may be forced to make you…disappear."
"Your body is heavy, but your right arm is weightless. It floats up…up…The further I count, the farther you go."
"The real question is what she wasn’t saying."
"His job was keeping us safe and fed. No matter what."
"Only Lia could make hacking the FBI sound reasonable."
"A shower would be good for me. Even better, it might quiet my mind enough that I could really think."
"The hardest thing about being a profiler was figuring out what information to discard."
"Being a profiler meant that I always felt like I was missing something, right up until the case was closed."
"You don’t want comfort. You want the man who killed your daughter, and you want him dead."
"He wouldn’t be our problem. He’d already be dead."
"But it just so happens regrets are a specialty of mine."
"You matter to him before he even knew who you were."
"Mine. The necklace and the shroud she’d been wrapped in and the blood-spattered walls, the memories, the good and the bad—this was my tragedy, the great unanswered question of my life."
"Are you making a wish? I asked. She stared at me for a moment. I don’t believe in wishes."
"My mother was dead. For five years, she’d been dead. I was supposed to feel something. I was supposed to mourn her and grieve and move on."
"You’re crying. Don’t cry, Cassie. I’m not. My face was wet, but I didn’t feel like I was crying. I didn’t feel anything."
"My mother’s dead. She’s dust, and she’s bones, and the person who took her away from me buried her. He buried her in her best color."
"The agony of not knowing what had happened to my mother—of never being able to silence that last sliver of maybe—had been with me so long, it felt like a flesh-and-blood part of me."
"I felt hollow, empty inside where the uncertainty had been."
"Every time I felt myself going under, they pulled me back up."
"I knew. I always knew. If she’d survived, she would have come back for me."
"Nightshade’s here in Vegas, and he doesn’t want us to leave."
"You chose Scarlett for your ninth, because she mattered to Sterling and Briggs and they dared to think they might stop you."
"You know who we are. You know where we live."
"Two days until our UNSUB killed again—unless Nightshade killed him first."
"You live at Judd’s place, right? He and I go way back."
"You don’t have to say anything, but I think you want to. I think there’s something you want us to know."
"What better way to avoid suspicion than being arrested for the crimes and then exculpated and released?"
"In most states, suspects can be held up to seventy-two hours before charges are filed."
"We are going to nail Beau Donovan to the wall, and he is going to spend the rest of his life in a box with the walls closing in on him."
"You plan. You wait, and you plan, and you execute those plans with mathematical precision."
"It’s easier when the body belongs to 'the victim.'"
"You just killed a man, and you’re going to let someone else dispose of the evidence."
"Home isn’t a place, Cassie. Home is the people who love you most."
"You have no idea what I am. You have no idea what I’m capable of."
"We all have choices," Nightshade replies. "The Pythia chooses to live."
"What did they ask you to do, Beau? What kind of monster were they molding you to be?"
"But then, I never said your Agent Briggs had been afflicted with that poison."
"Some secrets are sacred. Some things you take to the grave."
"Masters come, and Masters go, but the Pythia lives in the room."