
Twisted Pride Quotes

Twisted Pride by Cora Reilly

Twisted Pride Quotes
"If there’s one thing I know, then it’s that even men like us rarely forgive themselves for letting people they are supposed to protect get hurt."
"How dare he suggest something like that? 'Of course not,' I said coldly."
"I want to hear her say it in front of that fucking camera, want Dante hear his niece offer her fucking body to me, want them all to hear it, and she will."
"It wasn’t what I wanted. Far from it. I had never settled for a consolation prize."
"We all have to let part of ourselves die to rise up stronger."
"She’s a woman. She’s been coddled all her life. She will take the easy way."
"I won’t ever kill myself. I won’t do that to my family."
"He couldn’t force those from me. I didn’t kid myself thinking that I could stop him from taking anything else."
"Monsters aren’t real, my mother had told me a long time ago when I was afraid to sleep in the dark."
"I respected Fabiano for his honesty. Most men were too cowardly to tell me the truth to my face."
"I’d better leave now. Tonight isn’t a good time to be around you. Goodnight, Angel."
"I’m fairly sure God designed your body to drive men into insanity."
"You already gave away your first kiss, Angel. What do a few more matter?"
"Unfortunately, everyone I’ve met so far is loyal to you."
"They only see my name. That’s all they care about."
"An alcoholic shouldn’t run a bar. And my underbosses and captains better not gamble or do drugs."
"I shook their hands before we gathered in the center of the room."
"I clapped my hands, and one of the bartenders opened another door."
"One day you will realize that you were never freer than in your time with me."
"You always watch me like something you want to touch but aren’t allowed to."
"I don’t want to torture you. And I told you I won’t ever cut you again, Angel."
"The taste of blood never disgusted me, and your virgin blood is sweeter than anything else."
"Nothing had ever cut deeper than Remo’s words. He didn’t need a knife to make me bleed."
"I could still taste Serafina, sweet and metallic. The sweetest triumph of my life."
"This was the moment I’d worked toward, had been patient for."
"Serafina was magnificently gorgeous, ruinously breathtaking."
"Hatred flared in her eyes, and for once it didn’t give me a thrill."
"You need to own up to your actions, Angel. You can’t run from them."
"I wished you had taken me on the first day, back in that basement on that dirty mattress."
"It’s strange when your nightmares are less horrendous than reality."
"I’ve lived it, Angel. It makes you stronger."
"I can’t think about anything else than having you on your knees in front of me."
"You are part of the Outfit, part of this family, nothing changed."
"I couldn’t live on my own. As a woman that wasn’t an option."
"I will protect her. I won’t fail her like I failed you."
"Maybe you need to. Today will be easier to stomach than tomorrow, so stay if it’s what you want."
"She will be the most beautiful bride, I just know it."
"I swallowed. 'I hope one day he'll understand.'"
"I grabbed a syringe with adrenaline and one with a sedative."
"Words were too insignificant. They would never understand."
"For my babies. I want them to be safe and happy."
"I know what people say about them, and I hate it."
"Don’t tell me what to do. I have a right to be here."
"I wasn’t free when his name was etched into my heart."
"Real love doesn’t make you weak. Love how it’s meant to be makes you stronger."
"We can’t change the past, no matter how much we want to do it."
"Love can bloom in the darkest place, and ours did wildly, freely, untamable."
"I never considered marriage an option for the two of us."
"I never thought I’d find a woman I wouldn’t want to kill after a few hours."
"This is close to perfection. Everyone who matters is here."
"I can’t promise you peace. It’s not only my call to make."
"I know you miss them, especially your brother."
"I’d always relished the fear in the eyes of others, with the exception of my brothers."
"He was the cruelest man I knew. But with every atom in my body, I knew that he would never hurt our children."
"I brave your darkness gladly because your light shines all the brighter against it."