
Someone Like You Quotes

Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen

Someone Like You Quotes
"That's why I knew when she called me at Sisterhood Camp, during the worst week of my life, that something was wrong even before she said it."
"At Sisterhood Camp, we were supposed to be Isolated from the Pressures of Society in order to Improve Ourselves as Women."
"Scarlett, always capable, would do house-work during a nuclear holocaust."
"I pictured Scarlett at the sink in cutoffs and a T-shirt, her hair pulled back in a ponytail, phone cocked between her ear and shoulder."
"I wanted to crawl through the phone right then, popping out on the other side in her kitchen, beside her."
"I looked out the window at the dark and the lake beyond, the moon shimmering off of it."
"Michael Alex Sherwood died at 8:55 P.M. on August thirteenth."
"He was also the only boy Scarlett had ever truly loved."
"The first time I saw Scarlett was the day she and her mother, Marion, moved in."
"We had a whole lifetime of talking ahead of us."
"My father loved this, too; he spent most evenings out on the back porch, looking up excitedly at the sky."
"She nodded, then picked up her purse and scooted down a bit on the step."
"But now, I had Scarlett. And from that day on, nothing ever looked the same."
"But even with her two books, dozens of seminars, and appearances on local talk shows advising parents on how to handle The Difficult Years, my mother hadn’t quite found the solution for dealing with me."
"I couldn’t sleep for a long time. I thought only of Michael Sherwood’s face, the one I’d cast sideways glances at through middle school."
"It was the first day of school when I saw Macon Faulkner, and he was grinning at me."
"Something in him, about him, with his easy loping walk and sly smile, his past secret and mysterious while mine was all laid out and clear, intrigued me beyond belief."
"I put my hand in Macon’s, feeling his fingers close over mine."
"I knew I had to keep him to myself, as I’d slowly begun to keep everything."
"We had secrets now, truths and half-truths, that kept her always at arm’s length, behind a closed door, miles away."
"I never really liked him. He’s too wild anyway."
"Any guy would be damn lucky to have you, Halley, and you know it."
"I know I am. Now I don’t have to hear the sordid details of P.E. every day."
"It’s not like we’re gonna go and get pregnant or anything."
"You’re beautiful and smart and loyal and funny."
"I had nothing in common with Cameron Newton except for the one thing that counted: Scarlett. And that, alone, was enough to make us friends."
"My mother still wasn’t happy about Macon. There were things he did that she couldn’t pin on him directly, but she was suspicious."
"Because of this, and other frustrations, she started making new rules."
"He hit the button for P and we started moving. 'You live in the penthouse?' I turned in a circle, watching myself in the four mirrored walls."
"Well, come on," he said, reaching over to snap me on the side in the one spot where I was absolutely the most ticklish, 'we haven’t got all night.'"
"I sat down on the bed, facing the TV, and leaned forward to get a good look at the photograph. I thought how familiar it looked, and the setting, before it finally hit: it was me."
"‘You don’t spend much time here, do you?’ I asked him. 'Nope.' He sat up and drained his glass. 'Can you tell?'"
"So I went, up to my room, my heart thumping. As I passed the mirror in the hallway I glanced at myself, at a girl with her hair tumbling over her shoulders."
"I’m eating better, you know," she said indignantly. "Lettuce on a Big Mac doesn’t count."
"‘You’re gonna need major drugs,’ I said as we left, climbing into the car en route to our Saturday twelve-to-six shifts at Milton’s."
"You can't just turn your heart off like a faucet; you have to go to the source and dry it out, drop by drop."
"I decided, at that moment, that I truly hated Elizabeth Gunderson."
"You can’t just plan a moment when things get back on track, just as you can’t plan the moment you lose your way in the first place."
"She’s beautiful," I told her. "She has my eyes."
"I wondered what kind of girl she’d be, and if she’d ever see the comet that was her name, and Grandma Halley‘s, and mine."
"It’s the drugs," I said. "Since then it’s been a piece of cake."
"I hoped that Grace would be a little bit of the best of all of us: Scarlett’s spirit, and my mother’s strength, Marion’s determination, and Michael’s sly humor."
"I wasn’t sure what I could give, not just yet."
"But I knew when I told her about the comet, years from now, I would know."