
Crown Duel Quotes

Crown Duel by Sherwood Smith

Crown Duel Quotes
"I hope any of my descendants reading this know exactly what the Covenant and the Code of War are."
"One legend has it they were once trees, given human form by some powerful sorcerer."
"Rich or poor, every family within the borders of Remalna gets Fire Sticks."
"We share the land with the Hill Folk. They were here before our people came."
"The only weapons permitted would be those held or thrown by hand."
"The Hill Folk honor me. All my life I have kept the Covenant, and I shall die keeping it."
"We really need someone trained to captain our people and teach us the latest fighting techniques."
"It's no longer time for taxes, child. It's time to go to war."
"You have her wit, and her brains. You can take Remalna, and you will be better rulers than any Merindar ever was."
"But I was happy, Papa. It wasn't neglect, it was freedom."
"It's too late for... His eyes closed, and his fingers loosened from mine, and wandered without purpose over the bedclothes."
"A countess wearing a horse blanket and a count who hates fighting."
"You don't look at the problem all at once, or it's like being caught in a spring flood under a downpour."
"The wind won't blow ten years' worth in at once."
"If she had wanted, she could have raised her banner, and half the kingdom would have risen, gladly, in her name."
"You're a good boy, Branaric. No, a man now... a man these four years."
"This is war. Baron Debegri was the first to start using arrows, despite the Code of War."
"Why did you do it? Did you really think you could take a few hundred ill-trained village people into war and expect anything but defeat?"
"I tried to figure out how I might get myself to where the horse stood without rousing its owner from his slumbers."
"I drifted off while estimating steps from tree to shrub."
"The lovely scent of tea worked its way into my dreams and banished them."
"Somewhere in the distance a single bell rang out the pattern for gold-candles and the beginning of another day."
"I promised Mistress Kylar. And if I don't keep that promise, chances are you might lose that foot."
"You might contemplate during your measures of leisure what the purpose of a permanent court serves."
"We didn't want to kill anyone. Not even Galdran, until he sent Debegri to break the Covenant and take our lands."
"You'll have your brother soon for company, and your heads will make a nice matched set over the palace gates."
"I wondered why Galdran had bothered to have me locked up at all, if he was permitting half the Court to troop down to gawk at me."
"Either you surrender, speaking for your brother and your people, or he's going to make an example of you in a public execution tomorrow."
"The only reason you and your brother have not been in Athanarel all along is because the King considered you too harmless to bother keeping an eye on."
"My heart gave one great thump and scampered like the rat they'd called me."
"The only thought in my mind was to put as much distance as possible between that town and myself."
"His expression certainly hadn't changed from what had to be a kind of resigned boredom."
"Just a scare, I told myself. He was watching the crowd to pass the time."
"The welcome gold of lit windows glowed through the gathering darkness."
"I clung to the tree until my arms were so numb I couldn't tell if I was holding on or not."
"There is nothing like good, honest, righteous anger to infuse a person with energy."
"As I spoke the words, a lot of things started making sense."
"We admire—tremendously—your courageous efforts to right the egregious wrongs obtaining in Remalna."
"You'd be the best because you aren't Court trained."
"You're the one who always wanted to go there."