
The Forever Song Quotes

The Forever Song by Julie Kagawa

The Forever Song Quotes
"The outpost gate creaked in the wind, swinging back on its hinges."
"Footsteps crunched over the snow as Jackal stalked around us, black duster rippling behind him."
"I bit it down, gritting my teeth to keep from snarling in frustration."
"Where were they? It wasn’t possible that an entire outpost of mortals had up and disappeared without a trace."
"Everything looked intact, undisturbed. There were no bodies."
"The Jeep, as Jackal had so eloquently pointed out, was dead."
"I’m guessing this is the reason we haven’t found a single bloodbag from here all the way back to New Covington."
"I didn’t care about Eden. I didn’t care about his virus, or the cure, or the rest of the world."
"I don’t particularly like the idea of facing the nut job with you and Kanin on the edge of losing it."
"You go ahead and enjoy that bloodbag. I’m not that Hungry anyway."
"I was just starting to get uncomfortable when Kanin turned off the road."
"We must reach Eden soon, if not to beat Sarren there, then to stop him from using that virus."
"That’s what I like about you, sister. You and me, we’re exactly the same."
"Is this the part where you tell me I’m going to hell now?"
"This is hell," Jebbadiah said. "This is our punishment, our Tribulation."
"The sins of our fathers have passed on to their children, and their children’s children."
"I don’t know where I’ll go after this," I said again, gazing off into the trees.
"I don’t know." Kanin sounded suspicious, and I caught the barest note of frustration beneath his cool tone, a hint I would have never caught a month ago.
"One does not live to be several centuries old without a little paranoia," he said, the corner of his mouth curving just slightly.
"I sang for Sarren," he whispered, and everything inside me went cold. "I sang and I sang, until I died. And Sarren gave me a new purpose, a new song. But the requiem isn’t over yet."
"I remember pain," Zeke said softly. "I remember there was blood, and pain, and darkness. And then...nothing."
"You can make it easy for yourself and blow your brains out right now, or I can slowly twist your head around until it pops right off your neck."
"He told me to say hello," Zeke whispered, his fangs gleaming inches from my throat.
"Sarren did not simply Turn Ezekiel, as I did you. No, he went further. He made him a childer."
"But it is such an invasive, barbaric practice, it is frowned upon by nearly all our kind and used only in rare, extreme cases."
"It’s when a vampire—and only a Master can do this—creates a spawn in his own image."
"And Sarren helped me forget. I forgot the pain of being mortal. The human you knew before...he’s dead. Dead and gone."
"What would you do, even if you could reach him?" the Master vampire asked gently. "Ezekiel never wanted to be a vampire. He would have rather died than Turn."
"I’d promised Zeke I would keep fighting the monster. And I would."
"But now, Kanin was asking me to destroy the one thing that kept me human, the only thing I had ever truly wanted for myself."
"If Zeke really was lost...then he’d be better off dead."
"Because not all of them make it back," Kanin replied gravely.
"You are willing to let others die for this. To let Sarren win."
"Take it, Allison." Kanin pulled his arm back, leaving the blade and sheath gripped loosely in my fingers.
"You cannot let your feelings for Ezekiel cloud your judgment. He will try to kill you, Allison."
"Better to feel nothing, to be numb, than to lose control. It’s the only way I know to deal with it."
"Afraid that my worst, secret fear would be confirmed: that Ezekiel Crosse truly had died on that table with Sarren, and the vampire walking beside me was a completely different person."
"Unless you can pull a working alternator from your tight little ass."
"Humans are ever resilient, and their will to live surpasses everything else."
"No matter how much that disgusts me...there’s a part of me that wants to do it again. And it will never go away, will it?"
"Sometime in your life, Allison Sekemoto, you will kill a human being. It is unavoidable."
"I was blind, but I see things a little more clearly now."
"Stop treating him like a mortal and let him be a bloody vampire."
"It’s not like I can’t wait for yet another riveting night of listening to you people whine at each other."
"I’m scared. I’m terrified that I won’t be able to fight this, that I’ll turn into a demon and lose my soul forever, if it’s not already gone."
"The world didn’t care about that; it was ruthless and brutal and merciless, just like Sarren, and not even people like Caleb and Bethany were immune to its darkness."
"They're kids, and it’s been days. How could they survive, alone, with the rabids? And Sarren?"
"But he was also a vampire now. And I knew how quickly sorrow could turn into a blinding, bloodthirsty rage, as the monster lashed out at everything around it."
"Enough with the blame, Ezekiel. We all have things we regret, things we wish we could change, but we can’t dwell on them."
"It's amazing what you can find if you go poking around back rooms when no one's looking."
"The last time we chose to wait, Ezekiel, you died."
"This isn’t the end, Zeke. Whatever happens, I’m not giving up our forever without one hell of a fight."
"If an infected rabid bites you, you get the virus."
"I hope you will remain the same girl I met that night in the rain."
"I think it’s safe to say that everyone knows I’m a vampire now."
"The cure—for Requiem, for Rabidism...is in me."
"It has to be me. Requiem cannot be allowed to spread."
"I’ve searched so long for a way to atone, to be forgiven for what I caused."
"I started this, it's only fitting that I end it, as well."