
Urban Exploration Quotes

There are 291 quotes

"Urban exploration, also called UE or urbex for short, is the act of finding man-made structures lost to abandonment and decay or secret rooms of larger man-made buildings and exploring them."
"Much of the magic of Pokémon GO is everything that happens around the game: the people that you've met, the places that you've been, the things that you've discovered in your city or your neighborhood because of the game."
"As an urban explorer, we don't steal or vandalize but we only just document history and explore."
"Originally known as Jazzland, the Six Flags in New Orleans has stood abandoned for more than 15 years."
"Its abandoned buildings, decaying structures, and overgrown vegetation add to that eerie ambiance that envelops this place."
"I'm an urban explorer, a modern-day roamer if you will."
"Central Park is very big and it's full of stuff."
"After discovering boxes full of pristine sports cards in an abandoned warehouse in Detroit, a group of urban explorers unearthed the treasure trove..."
"This is gonna be the holy grail but also one of the most dangerous cities on earth."
"Let's say the people who built the division crafted the most incredible New York City, and I would love for people to be able to just boot up and wander that New York City 10 years from now, 15 years from now."
"There doesn't have to be this break between City and dungeon it can be sort of one continuous thing right and that really allows for a different style of campaign."
"It's a VR world where you can relive your childhood dream biking through a cityscape."
"It's definitely the case that we love an old town."
"It's more than just travel time. City events become part of the journey."
"Walking the streets of the future is really going to be breathtaking."
"Stealth camping in London, baby, we're doing it!"
"Exploring the remnants of old London beneath mud in London is as exciting as it sounds."
"If this is any indicator of what lies below the streets… Amoni-Ram might be the key to pushing humanity into the future."
"Many small things contribute to the sum of it, which is hopefully then you being able to explore a city that you feel is truly alive."
"Paris, please wear comfortable shoes. Highly recommend it because there's so much to walk and see."
"The door, the spray-painted directions, it all seemed too sinister to be anything like an innocent vandal's prank."
"Whether you work downtown or live downtown, it's definitely an interesting and eclectic area in just about any city you visit."
"I just love exploring the city, getting to engage with all the other shopkeepers, how the narrative is just woven into the game."
"My favorite thing to do in the game has got to be the web swinging throughout the City performing all kinds of stunts."
"People will be able to find familiar landmarks, such as Times Square and the Empire State Building."
"What's your take about urban exploration, and would you go urban exploring yourself?"
"Central Park is two and a half miles top to bottom, and there's a lot of dense forest in between."
"I hope you enjoyed that walkthrough of New York City through Soho all the way to Chinatown."
"Dixie Square Mall was perhaps the most famous abandoned mall at the time."
"For a mall to be left abandoned for that long is extremely rare."
"Prototype 3: Dive into the shifting cityscape."
"I think it's very likely...that this structure was present in the ancient city Mr. Cabot was exploring."
"Just wandering the streets with your neck craned up is entertaining."
"Unearthing the world's oldest subway tunnel."
"Every street corner is a double-take waiting to happen."
"Every couple blocks feels like you're in a different country."
"Each borough has their own unique flavor that makes them special, and that's really why you should explore them all."
"It feels like a behind the scenes tour of a city no matter how busy a place gets during the day you'll almost always have it to yourself before 8:00 a.m."
"The Upper West Side isn't the most interesting part of the city, which is why I think it's a pretty cool bar."
"The hopping bridge, the one that connects the museum in the residential area, I just love that."
"Oh my god everyone's pushing as well uh tourists where are you is the city we looking for are you happy we made it after two after two hours of queuing we're bloody made it you see all these buildings we're gonna do a light show at eight o'clock."
"I ditched high school for my first meeting with him and wore these all across New York City to meet with him."
"St. Louis is such a fascinating city. Way different than how I remembered it."
"Kathmandu really fulfilled my excitement for fast pace, lots of food options everywhere, and just like so many different Pockets within the city."
"Seeing beautiful patterns from above... Dropping down into street view..."
"In the heart of Edinburgh, history stands tall."
"Novigrad, which is just a very dense detailed city with lots to do, lots of people to see, lots of deep dark secrets."
"There's always something new to learn about Gotham City."
"Exploring the once efficient water system hidden beneath the city... locals and tourists derive pleasure from it."
"Being in a place where you're like walking through a city and you're on a sidewalk and you look down at your feet and you're like oh that's where Julius Caesar was assassinated you can't describe the like chills in your body."
"Exploring the city was a genuine treat, scaling buildings with parkour mechanics allowed us to approach conflicts a different way."
"This is it, it's like a Freetown scavenger hunt."
"It's not only can you find amazing fishing opportunities in urban settings especially in Dallas but you can find your new honey hole just by scrolling through Google Maps."
"What a successful day of urban Six Flags fishing, we literally got in Six Flags today, not sure if we were supposed to be there but we took the public route all the way through the creek and managed to catch fish right under some roller coasters."
"Scaling the cement tower, one jump at a time."
"Maybe you'll find your own down in Night City."
"Every time you travel over bridges and under viaducts, you leave one world and enter another."
"Is this what's in right now? I will take the bullets, let me scan for some graffiti real quick."
"That's what's good about New York, there's so many, you can live here for so long but there's so many places that you've just never seen or been to, and it's brilliant."
"A self-driving watercraft cruises silently through Amsterdam's ancient canals."
"This secret network of illegal catacomb adventurers are known as 'Cataphiles'."
"Consider this story as a pre-emptive warning to anyone who wants to do urban exploration. Don't. Just don't."
"Dumbo has got insanely beautiful views of Manhattan."
"Walking is probably the best thing you could possibly do when you're in New York City."
"There's just something about when you hop on a boat and you just have that freedom of cruising through the city."
"Man, we're really out here finding some damn heat in these streets."
"It's very climbable... fighting on top of the roofs here."
"All of Rome was just along this street and up the monuments."
"Going for a nice stroll through the city, through your neighborhood, to a park with your extra time."
"I've driven around the city for 12 hours and never saw this."
"This is what I love about parkour athletes: when they see something like this, they just see a giant playground."
"Wherever you are in Las Vegas, there will always something good to eat nearby."
"This tract of land is perhaps the most melancholy and mysterious spot in the whole city."
"There are little parks and bits of history everywhere."
"Night City is vibrant, the characters are interesting, and the million things to do and find in this game is a testament to their design and vision." - Reddit user
"Walking among layers of history, stories echoing in every step."
"Hopefully you enjoyed it, going through the city like that."
"The depth and breadth of these guides varies by city."
"It's almost like a little alleyway at the back that is sick. I don't know, I find this stuff so cool."
"The streets just available like this, it's just like the perfect kind of fix."
"Heading back to central London, there are two final areas around Soho and the West End that, for me, are both must-visits."
"What makes this place one of my favorite locations right now to explore is the fact that one, it's a hoarder's house."
"It's surprisingly relaxing to swing around town."
"Woman finds an entire apartment behind her bathroom mirror."
"This guy found a trap door in his new apartment."
"Are you somebody talking? There's gargoyles on the top of that building right there."
"What this guy really had just done was uncovered the ancient subterranean city of Derinkuyu all whilst doing a little home improvement."
"Peter considers the city to be his playground and feels at home there."
"We got in grinding working and you could grind on the power lines."
"The act of exploring abandoned places and uncovering hidden treasures has become a popular hobby for many adventurers and treasure hunters."
"Explore the heart of the city at Piazza della Repubblica, surrounded by elegant buildings and bustling cafes."
"It's right here in this city where you can be walking down the street and see some old stones that make you wonder why they're there."
"Just walking downtown, I love the architecture."
"There's literally stores, churches, there's shops, there's hotel rooms, houses, cottages, everything left behind."
"This is cool as [ __ ], to be honest. I really wish we saw more of this city as the new setting is really damn cool."
"An urban explorer came across the find of a lifetime when he discovered a rare and very valuable collection of vintage prototype cars."
"It’s everything you can expect from a house that’d been abandoned for seventeen years: Dust, cobwebs, and graffiti abound, broken bottles scattered across the floor."
"The periscopes were just looking into the downtown in Manhattan."
"One of my favorite things about Europe is we seem to always come across free-flowing fresh water in the cities."
"Our boards are designed for exploring the urban environment and maximizing how much fun you can have in any environment."
"Somehow, another I did it. Got inside the abandoned Six Flags."
"The downtown area at least in most cities is definitely not going to disappoint. The scenery is spectacular both at the lakefront and along the river."
"Oh, man, another dead end, and this alley smells more like fish guts than any other alley we've smelled today."
"...the park's haunting history and eerie atmosphere have made it a very popular destination for urban explorers and ghost hunters alike."
"Florence is a very pedestrian-friendly City."
"This place was developed in the 1980s, was never finished, but it also has a cult background."
"It's quite scary at times because you're going through underground bits where you're like, 'What are these guys doing drugs or all those guys up to no good?' But I got talking to a few of them, and in the end, they're just like normal random OHS just hanging out, you know?"
"We had such a fun time, this is such a cool hip city."
"It's so neat to see a city that has this much abandoned stuff."
"The real treasure were the things they pulled out of the dumpsters all around the city."
"Just north of Union Station is Metro’s first infill station, NoMa-Gallaudet University, where you’ll find one of my favorite secrets on the Red Line–a piece of abandoned track."
"You're coming all over this City Walk line."
"so we went around the city right so while I was eating we'll see the blue the Pretty Lights"
"What started as urban exploration became inspiration."
"These are the moments I love in your topographical ramblings when the streets speak to you and tell you their secrets."
"Apparently Chernobyl is one of the most impressive places for urban exploration even though it is not encouraged."
"But due to the city's high amount of abandoned buildings, it attracts a lot of urban explorers."
"Yorkville: where every street holds a story and every meal is a masterpiece."
"I don't mind getting back caught by security, I don't mind putting myself in danger in certain parts, but the thing that freaks me out more than anything is the chance of bumping into someone squatting there or a drug user."
"There's something very romantic about a dirty old tunnel beneath a city that is sitting there quietly and forgotten."
"...we're going to kayak to this island that is in the middle of downtown... it was definitely an adventure to say the least."
"...Inman Park, easy to get onto... you can spend some time... if you want to continue your journey, you can just hop right on the BeltLine."
"For the most part, all the different neighborhoods you can visit and all the little boroughs and stuff like that that you find are actually very accurate to how New York really is."
"The best way to explore Geneva is on foot it really is because it's a relatively small City."
"Rooftops are fantastic places to get new perspectives on the world."
"The amount of beautiful streets is just ridiculous."
"Osanbashi Pier is a lovely place to just hang out and watch the Minato Mirai Skyline."
"The old town of Salzburg is one of the great pedestrian zones in Europe."
"I love this concept of an urban explorer entering a building and coming back out to find that reality has completely shifted to something new."
"You're gonna learn a lot about our city man through this, and it's going to be dope."
"Bangkok is a very trendy city with a lot of places to visit."
"Fascinating, like a second city below the first."
"I'm what they call an urban explorer; I break into abandoned buildings, take pictures, and film interesting things."
"So I went back to what I enjoy the most, which is alleyways and backstreets, and anything you wouldn't normally notice while trying to send a tweet."
"It's so nice, I think the secret is to always look up when you're in town centers."
"I can't get enough of this city, I just cannot get enough."
"This is the best place I've ever seen in the urbex world."
"As you make your way down Main Street, you have old brick buildings to your side and the park’s impressive skyline straight ahead of you."
"It was magical, I could walk everywhere, it was great."
"We're gonna take this bad boy through the streets of Hong Kong so you can see the way that it looks, feels, and functions in an urban environment."
"For me, as long as I have a camera with me and can listen to people's stories and share them, I really like having access to a city."
"Rediscover downtown, come down here with your family and your friends."
"Wow, what a cracking walk that was. You can't beat a bit of East London river hunting."
"People are always telling me how lucky I am to have a job where all I've got to do is walk around Chicago at night looking for a story."
"I spend my nights exploring the jungles of this great city. I find it fascinating, the battle of good versus evil."
"This is such a cool city; there's so much going on here."
"There's a lot of other buildings, other art, lots of stuff that you can explore."
"The entire city is a sight. If you're going to be here for a while, take one day just to walk around and take it all in."
"An abandoned arena is bucket list for me."
"I love the cities that have the stairs that you cross underneath the intersection; it's like a whole little different world over there."
"You never know what you're gonna find in a big city; the bigger they are, the more you turn out the unexpected."
"I just love these really properly old stations that are part of the proper DNA of the underground because tucked away behind those doors, they've got so much to offer."
"It's crazy, guys, to think that houses like this are just sitting in our own turn of London."
"It's a gem of the city, a hidden gem."
"The Urban Explorer took photographs of bodies that had been left behind, now turned to skeletons."
"This would be one of our favourite explorations we have ever fulfilled."
"It's like a different world out here, and it's incredible to have that experience which seems so different from the streets of Dhaka but right within Dhaka."
"There are 32 kilometers of another city, an underground city of Montreal, with plenty of shops and restaurants."
"It's New York, you need to experience the subway system."
"As you are trading as an architect, you actually learn so much about your city."
"Over the decades of sitting abandoned, it grew to become not only a notable abandoned structure covered in graffiti but a historic one with a large movement to save the structure."
"We just keep coming across all of these ancient buildings that just kind of scattered and nestled in between all the larger apartment buildings all throughout Thessaloniki."
"It's always you know that's the great thing with river walks, particularly urban river walks, that's why I love them so much."
"The unspoken rule of urban exploration is: take nothing but photographs, leave nothing but footprints."
"It's one of the best types of urban walks, I would say."
"It's the best kind of deal, we get to do urban exploration and you get to keep whatever you want."
"St. John is Canada's oldest incorporated city, located right on the shores of the Bay of Fundy."
"I'm quite an experienced member of the urbex community and have had much more sinister experiences with places like this."
"It's one of my favorite parts of this part of town, the overgrown canopy."
"Like all old cities, San Francisco has a large and extremely complex underground system and community."
"He always had the skateboard in case there was a chance there was an interesting parking lot somewhere and he could go out and skate."
"It's really cool like walking around the streets and meeting the people."
"These TW200s are great ways to connect the dots in your city or town and just see stuff and enjoy the classic feeling of riding a motorcycle."
"When people think about metros in North America... the Mexico City metro is an impressively large network that you should get to know."
"The hospital closes its doors to patients in the early 1990s but it became a mecca for urban explorers."
"Here in Helsinki, you have like a whole underground city."
"So how amazing is that, we've got the remains of the subway bricked up there now."
"Every city has a unique story to tell."
"Amazing what you find when you come down these alleys."
"It's such a great city, and doing a food tour to end our time here was amazing."
"Exploring the abandoned town of Pripyat really gives you the feeling of stepping into a post-apocalyptic world."
"Hello and welcome to the urban exploring adventure show."
"It's not every day you see an abandoned Value City Department Store."
"This place is like known as the heart and the hub of Kuala Lumpur."
"Well, one cool thing about this part of town is the artwork is just crazy."
"It is absolutely a perfect day to walk around and see the city."
"Something so magical about the fringe of London."
"Decayed art with the sun shining right inside through the cracked windows, it's peaceful but it's nice as well."
"I like this little street sign that they have here and look at the view."
"The city Chambers is a massive structure that was sitting right above us today, it covers Mary Kings and several other concealed buildings and alleyways."
"Times Square was another exciting place I visited."
"Just walking up and down the street makes my heart happy."
"This has been my first time really getting to know the city and boy do I love it."
"We enjoyed urban exploration, breaking into abandoned buildings."
"It's just a joy to skate on the streets here, just come Cincinnati, come skate Cincinnati, skating is amazing, the people are amazing, the food was really good, the drinking was good, and it was a great trip."
"This is the first time I've been here; it appears to be a dead mall."
"As you can see, this mall is dead, and as you can see in that video, it would get a lot of views."
"This is what I adore about urban exploration."
"People say you can't walk in LA; it's a beautiful city to walk in."
"I became fascinated with Hashima Island, this crazy very urban looking ghost town."