
Goal Pursuit Quotes

There are 261 quotes

"Desire and the need to move in order to pursue and reach goals are one in the same process."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Focusing on a goal line allows people to move more effectively toward that goal."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The trick... is how those systems are balanced and regulated so that we kind of most successfully pursue those dreams and hopes and goals."
"Taking the steps that move us towards that world on a daily basis."
"Meaning and fulfillment come from the pursuit of goals that feel meaningful to us."
"In the grips of that difficulty, that suffering that comes along with pursuing a goal you actually care about, you are going to ask yourself, why am I doing this? And if the answer isn't compelling, you're going to quit."
"If God gave you a vision for it, it's because you're anointed for it."
"What will be yours will be yours, and be very intentional about what you're going after, but don't lose yourself."
"Take care of yourself. Invest in your own goals and dreams."
"Go after the things you want the same way you're going after the destruction."
"You're pursuing a goal, but you're also pursuing the goal of transforming yourself at the same time. You're doing both of those at the same time."
"Chase your dreams; stuff is very simple if you stay focused."
"Don't let the dream go. Keep the faith, keep the hope, reclaim it."
"Most people spend their days and their lives pursuing goals, believing that it's going to make them happy."
"Success ain't always what you make, you know, it's what you accomplish from... whatever you're chasing."
"Always believe in yourself and go after your goals in life."
"Have a clear vision where you want to go... and then go after that no matter what it takes."
"The people who chase the end that never get there and it's the people who let go of the end that are the ones that become the giga chats."
"That's right, we have to be steady and give up the thing we want the most."
"Be hopeful, follow through with the work, and then keep on reaching."
"When I know I'm getting close to a goal that I set for myself I'm automatically thinking about that next thing."
"One of those deals where if it's something you want, you save for it, you figure out a way to get the money together."
"I always had the belief and confidence that we could fight for everything."
"Give it your all. Don't settle for anything less. If you have a goal, be willing to fail. If you have a dream, be willing to die."
"It's very important for us to not kind of take our foot off the gas, right?"
"How far would you go to chase after a goal or a dream?"
"Spamton's story is about a simple man with a simple goal to gain freedom."
"Enjoying the process is just as important as the end result."
"The closer I'm getting to my goal, that over time will become a rewarding state such that one will pursue states of reason."
"I'm either going to break my body or I'm going to achieve victory or cross the finish line. That simplifies it so much for me."
"No chabby squirrel is going to stop our boy from getting these apples."
"Instrumental Convergence: any intelligent agent tends to converge toward similar behavior in pursuing goals."
"There's an important message to take away here: there's a right and wrong way to pursue a dream."
"Story is a sequence of events experienced by a hero who is pursuing a very specific goal."
"Just listen to other people's opinions, listen to people's arguments."
"Emotion is passion, correct? So if you push it in a direction towards the things you want, it's fuel, it's rocket fuel, 100."
"Nothing will stop me from doing what needs to be done."
"You gotta take that same motivation, that same fire, and apply it to other endeavors in your life."
"Work towards it. It's hard but it's also like..."
"The importance of having mentors. Surround myself with like-minded people that wanted to push themselves and chase goals and change the world and everything else."
"The ends don't justify the means because you never meet the ends."
"If you really want it, then you want it and you will find a way."
"Practicing mindfulness can have a positive effect on your daily routine. It calms you down, rids your mind of stress, and helps you pursue your goals."
"it's okay how like you run up to the goal and you think freaking hell I'm so sneaky I'm gonna"
"I personally think that the next expression or step in happiness is hopping into some of the things that you really want to do and then figuring out how to make them happen."
"If you really want it, you'll find a way to do it."
"We have to act on faith with the sure knowledge that we are pursuing the right goals and doing the right things."
"If you really want something, you'll go for it and you'll fight for it."
"I'm going to wake up tomorrow morning and I'm going to keep walking up the mountain until I find out or die trying."
"The way you make yourself indispensable is by being indispensable."
"Don't stop too soon. It's amazing that some folks are so close yet they're so far."
"As soon as you establish a goal and move towards it, you feel positive emotion."
"This is about fighting for what you want. Don't just sit back and expect things to come to you."
"Now is the time to charge ahead, go for what you want."
"It's going to be better, let's go and get that one."
"When a man is dead set on accomplishing an impossible task, he will never stop chasing it."
"Change their mind... try and try and try again... everything is betting on this."
"Your 'why' has to be so good because that's what's going to drive you to want to do more."
"If you want it bad and you want it fast you gotta take some risks somewhere"
"Don't sit and wait for it to happen, you take the action toward it, take my advice."
"Take the initiative and go after what you want."
"You're on the right track, not to give up on your goals and dreams."
"Hold this vision very strongly in your mind, because this is what's going to pull you out."
"When you're moving towards a very special goal, you will be challenged."
"Stop staring at the top of that mountain and start walking toward what you want."
"Just move towards what you want. It's not too good for you. So get moving towards whatever you want in your life."
"Anything worth having is worth working towards."
"Get started and you'll get closer to your dreams."
"Some of you finally receiving the tools that you need to build a dream or work towards a goal of some kind."
"I've always pursued my own agenda with fervor." - Self-driven pursuit
"Your goal is to get aggressive with pursuing your financial goals."
"Motivation not as self-destruction, you gotta go go after it."
"The road from where you are and where you want to be is not a straight road."
"Found a track! We're on the right path. Let's keep moving forward, one step at a time."
"We can trust in Allah but still have the ability to work towards what you want."
"If it feels right and it's going to get you to where you want to go, then you gotta put the work in."
"Hope you are doing something to make you happier. Whatever it is, do what makes you happy and go after your goals."
"I'm going to make it to that auction house, damn it."
"Gold stars are just like the chase of chases, you know?"
"As you come to wholeheartedly embrace life and your goals, you'll get better at living with some risk."
"Women actively encouraged to go after what they want."
"Reclaim your power, speak your truth, and go after what you want."
"This is the challenge that I've been craving for myself."
"If you want something, you're going to have to [ _ ]."
"I'm going to keep coming at him until I get what I want."
"You're unstoppable in your passion... your sustained effort will take you to where you want to go."
"Feeling the weight of the world, but working towards a reward."
"This year, whatever you've been praying for, the dream, the call, the purpose, the mate, the right person, the right steps, and it has not lined up yet, don't let it become so frustrating that you decide to give up. But give it one more year."
"Surf towards the dream or the vision that is in front of you."
"No matter how scary or far away your goal seems, you'll never get there if you don't keep moving forward."
"You wouldn't be doing it if you didn't want it. You know you want this."
"Once you've done everything you can to achieve a goal, turn the situation over to the divine."
"You're embracing whatever it is that you want to do."
"They were determined. They were on their own path and nothing was going to stop them."
"If you want something badly enough, you won't stop until you get a yes."
"Sebastian's not operating out by some sort of he has something that he wants and he's gonna do anything to get it."
"Just take that one more step, don't give up."
"The purpose of a goal is not to get it, it's the awareness you develop as you go after it."
"Final push is the hardest and I feel like that's what you're about, you're literally nearly there."
"You will be successful, I would say don't give up on whatever it is you're trying to achieve."
"Sometimes you just have to look straight ahead even if it feels very lonely chasing your dream."
"It's the obliteration of envy and resentment."
"You can't simply give up as soon as it doesn't look right, as otherwise you'll never get anywhere."
"You gotta be fearless, you gotta be relentless, you gotta take your shot."
"Nothing is going to stop me from getting this Corvette."
"Prosperity is there. You're moving towards it and it's always been there."
"Building the picture is as much fun as the actual getting there."
"Don't give up; reflect, change your approach, and keep holding onto your dreams."
"Persistence is key, and that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to persist, and we are going to get a crab in this pot."
"I love this kind of balance of Ed and Al giving so much of themselves in pursuit of this goal, this ambition."
"When she wanted something, she was going to get it. She was going to get it. She had her eyes on it, and she was not going to stop."
"If you're committed enough, you will dedicate the time or you'll make the time for whatever it is that you want to do."
"Every single day is a fresh start to go after something."
"Keep doing what you're doing, just keep going towards it."
"Every day, the dream gets a little bit more real."
"Assert yourself. Go after what it is that you want."
"It's so nice when you find something even if you haven't got it and you've got to go for it."
"Let's get this bread, let's get this chicken."
"The goal post will always be moving, chasing it won't lead to true happiness."
"I don't compromise when I see something, I go get it."
"The details don't matter as much as the striving."
"Are you willing to make those sacrifices and truly go after it with everything you've got?"
"Keep working towards your dreams; the end result will be worth it."
"If you want to be a mountaineer and stand on top of the summit, it's not about enjoying standing on the summit, it's about enjoying the climb."
"You are making more progress than you realize. It's about stamina, endurance, and high energy to meet your goals."
"The journey is so much fun, even if you don't get there."
"If you follow your goals, you can do whatever you want."
"You see clearly now, like the owl spirit, after your moment of clarity; it's time to pursue your dreams."
"Just go for it. If you want to get something, just go for it."
"Stop telling people, just do it, and there's a good chance that for you doing so, talking about the lesson, just acting, that you'll get closer."
"Know thyself, know what you want, then go after it."
"Discipline is not a negative thing, it's a joyful habit of pursuing your dreams."
"Never quit, we're going all the way to the end!"
"Once they make up their mind, they go for it and they don't quit."
"Do not give up on what you truly want Aquarius just because you have not yet figured out how to get it."
"Getting it off your chest is the most important thing."
"You're a maverick, and I feel like you are charging towards your goals and your dreams, and you're actually going to make them happen."
"Don't give up. If you give up, you don't really want it."
"Nothing can stop you from achieving whatever is that you want to achieve."
"I'm coming to get it, I won't leave till I get enough."
"Every action you take, is in the name of elevation."
"Persistence will pay off. Do not give up now. Yes, you need to keep pushing forward."
"If you want something, you have to go for it."
"If we want the bread, we have to go to the seagull."
"The path is clear, we require only the strength to follow."
"Now is the time to stay focused, stay on track, focus your energy."
"Understand whatever your desire is, you go for it. You focus on your goal and you go for that."
"Someone here is going to come in and stop at nothing, they want what they want."
"They want to come back in and go for what they really want."
"The hard work... working 365 days a year... every single weekend for years I worked on my goal."
"Being a master of persistence means embracing both support and challenge in the pursuit of your dreams."
"My advice is to not quit ever period if it's what you want to do and you keep going you know you'll get through."
"No matter what goal you're going for, you never feel like you're alone."
"You're very close, just keep pushing forward."
"Boldly taking action towards something... find my inner confidence."
"Dreamers really do help you to defy the odds. Keep your dream alive no matter what you're going through."
"Sleep has happened so now I need to chase these achievements."
"I'm gonna go after this and there's nothing that's gonna stop me."
"Having goals that you're working on can even suppress feelings of fear and depression."
"Pursue your goals with intensity and never give up."
"...taking the actions that you need to be doing to achieve the thing that you want."
"By creating a healthy balance between work and recreation, you'll find yourself looking forward to those hours when you can devote yourself to pursuing the goal that will make life truly worthwhile for you."
"You do what you can with what you have because what you do right now is how you practice for your dream."
"Take action and move towards your dreams."
Your mentality should always still be, "I deserve to get the ball, I want the ball."
"Through resilience and persistence, a stoic mindset equips individuals with the mental fortitude and disciplined approach necessary for successful goal pursuit."
"I said I was gonna be consistent on Twitch, consistent on YouTube, I told you I was gonna get a PO Box, I'm trying to do everything I'm saying I said I was gonna do."
"If I see something I want, nobody's gonna stand in my way."
"Success is defined as the continuous journey toward the achievement of predetermined worthwhile goals."
"When we're happy, we're drinking in the moment. We are mindful of what's going on, but that doesn't mean that we're not going to pursue our goals."
"Many are stubborn in the pursuit of the path they have chosen few in pursuit of the goal."
"I'm on a mission here tonight, the million-dollar mission."
"You won't just be expending energy. You'll be moving yourself in a direction towards something you really, really want."
"In that process, whether you achieve that goal ultimately or not, you will become a more clear, clean, in-touch, evolved version of yourself because you will have to go through the process of facing yourself and seeing yourself by pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone."
"When you're hungry for something, you can't be concerned with the size of what it is that you're about to conquer."
"It's the chase. You have that moment, you win. What's next?"
"None of these goals are achievable if you're not working towards them every single day."
"Foot on the accelerator all the way to the end."
"You have to assume that you will not be able to do it in order to achieve it."
"If you won't show up to move this thing forward a little bit every day for a year, how could you have the audacity to want this thing to change your life?"
"Detachment does not mean that we have to drop the desire or move on from what we're ultimately trying to manifest."
"Your hero recommits to the goal, but the stakes are much higher now."
"I conquered that Hill, chasing Sunset."
"It's not something I could just wish for; it's something I have to actively try for and work towards."
"I'm coming for that belt someday, and I'm gonna work my way to it."
"What fears or insecurities are preventing you from pursuing your goals?"
"It's the brevity of our life that ultimately gives us agency to pursue our goals and achieve them."
"Mimi urges her granddaughter not to give up and to keep moving towards her goal no matter what."
"When we choose to pursue a goal, it's not just about what we're going to do, but when we're going to do it."
"Wrestling has come a long way... if you want to just truly chase your goals, you can do that."
"Adelphi changed my life and taught me anything is possible and to always pursue your interests."
"Anyone who's achieved any level of success has done so by being unreasonable in their pursuit of the thing that they're doing."
"There's something to say about the training that I've put forth, the people that I've surrounded myself with that help me further chase my goals."
"Let's still enjoy life and enjoy your training and enjoy your racing while you're working towards this goal."
"The more you work in your goal, the more happy you are."
"Productive perseverance is the intelligent pursuit of a goal."
"If you want success, figure out the price, and then pay it."
"Right now, I'm happy, and we're going for our goals."
"Fight for your goals right now, that's what this is all about."