
Economic Relief Quotes

There are 236 quotes

"This new change will help rush relief to over 6.5 million small businesses."
"Inflation reduction act... caps the cost of prescription drugs for seniors so they don't have to choose between buying medicine and buying groceries."
"The president's plan would fulfill his pledge to finish getting $2,000 checks to hard-hit Americans."
"What would be a great gift this year? To take away inflation for someone."
"Our government will keep doing everything we can to make sure workers are getting paid and companies are supported."
"We're working to get the pandemic under control, provide economic relief to the American public."
"I fully understand that a gas tax holiday alone is not going to fix the problem, but it will provide families some immediate relief."
"We will ax the carbon tax to lower your food, gas, and heating bills. We will lower income tax so hard work pays off again."
"Do you think those people would be out there risking COVID if they just received their second $2,000 check?"
"I think that, for me, I'll just speak for my personal situation, okay, that pause was way more valuable for my debt than the ten thousand they were giving."
"The blame game continues, but the great news is, one, you're gonna get a similar check."
"The American Rescue Plan helped working people and left no one behind."
"President Biden...put the pandemic to an end with mass vaccine deployment and putting money in people's pockets."
"I want to give middle-class families and folks who are striving to get into the middle-class some relief." - OBAMA
"We're working quickly to pass additional legislation that will provide massive relief to small businesses and affected industries and give direct payments to our great workers and hard-working American families."
"The package was not designed with the number $1.9 trillion as a starting point. It was designed with the components that were necessary to give people the relief they needed."
"I think this is absolutely a time with 100% clear, people are hurting like never before, they deserve a rent freeze."
"If you put $1200 or $1700 into our hands in April, that money's not going to last that long and we're gonna be in the same boat in May."
"We're speeding urgent economic relief to the American worker and families."
"The money is flowing with the 1400 stimulus checks."
"I don't imagine it is a big deal. I imagine people will be very happy to get a big fat beautiful check with my name on it."
"Are you listening, Mr. President? Send out the stimulus checks."
"For the average family of four, that'll be $3,400 in direct financial support."
"Life wouldn't be as expensive, so it'd be easier to get by."
"We're getting historic things done to lower prescription drug costs."
"This is an immediate solution they're trying to come up with right now to get that money to people who are already hurting because of this."
"The U.S. Senate unanimously passed a bill to improve oversight of ocean shipping, a step supporters say will help ease backlogs."
"Ossoff and Warnock hammered COVID relief throughout the campaign, especially at the end when McConnell blocked the $2,000 checks."
"We will finish the job of getting a total of $2,000 in cash relief to people who need it the most."
"One is you have rent and debt forgiveness so that people don't default."
"Congratulations tonight, the cows are not gonna be... well, they'll be churning out that 12 dollar ice cream and Chili won't be going hungry."
"Your stimulus checks are finally coming out this weekend... I hope that this brings just a little bit of good news to you and your family."
"Millions of Americans understood that you need relief. You are owed a stimulus check."
"The fourth stimulus check is very much alive and well."
"The fourth stimulus check is still very much alive and well."
"They could pass $1,875 stimulus checks every month until the pandemic is over."
"Let me get right to it if you've not gotten your first stimulus check the white house is now considering retroactive checks boy i mean this is totally incredible what happened today."
"We're showering money on Americans, that's kind of amazing."
"How do I feed my kids? How do I not get evicted? So what we have got to do is just demand that McConnell bring forth a clean house bill."
"There still are people struggling, not everyone who may have received the third stimulus check."
"Finally, we will get some relief to kind of help us through these times."
"Mitch McConnell's proposal leaves out massive things: eviction protections, rental relief, stimulus checks, state and local government funding." - Analysis
"The Paycheck Protection Program is providing much-needed relief to millions of American small businesses."
"We cancel $50,000 worth of student loan debt, and what that will mean is that 85% of those who are struggling with student loan debt right now, about 40 million people, will see their student loan debt completely wiped out at the stroke of a pen."
"Inflation cooled last month, slowing its pace in more than two years, giving Americans relief from a painful period of rising prices."
"We need to send bigger checks to the people most devastated by COVID-19 and its economic effects."
"Through the historic relief package, we saved over 50 million American jobs."
"When I did that one thing of making sure that you're going to be able to have insulin for 35 bucks instead of 400 bucks a month."
"More direct stimulus checks to individuals and families."
"I don't think we're bailing out bad businesses when we give them a bridge during the pandemic."
"We're sending direct cash payments to millions of Americans and rushing aid to the hardest-hit industries."
"We need a monthly stimulus check, we need it for several months."
"Trump of course has been insisting Congress write checks of two thousand dollars."
"Democrats immediately joined Mr. Trump's call for two thousand dollars."
"We might have a fourth round of stimulus checks."
"Real quick before we sign off here, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin says he expects direct deposits of $2400 for a family of four to begin arriving as soon as next week."
"People are going to see this money at the beginning of next week. It'll be very fast."
"We passed a massive tax cut for working families and doubled the child tax credit."
"Most Americans want stimulus checks and they reject the GOP's red line on liability protections."
"Joe Biden demands relief for individuals, unemployed, small businesses, and renters."
"The most important thing that Congress can do is to send direct assistance checks to every working family who needs them. Twelve hundred dollars for individuals, twenty-four hundred dollars for couples, and five hundred bucks for every kid."
"Get off your asses, pass this, pass stimulus checks now!"
"There's going to be a second stimulus check... that is confirmed."
"We passed massive tax cuts for working families."
"As far as the second round of stimulus payments go... if you receive the first round of stimulus payments then you would also receive the second stimulus check as well."
"Stimulus checks apparently going out before the end of April is over."
"For a lot of people who need the stimulus check money, it's mainly to pay past bills, overdue bills, past rent, utility or just to get food on the table."
"They should have cut government spending is what they should have done, they should have eased the burden of government on the economy realizing that the economy was dealing with the burden of the pandemic so it needed less government."
"Two thousand dollar stimulus checks now until the end of this pandemic."
"Representative Ilhan Omar: 'We can choose to lift the burden of millions of people.'"
"It's going to happen... there's going to be a stimulus check."
"A stimulus check of fourteen hundred dollars doesn't cut it." - Chuck
"3,000 dollars a month isn't enough with that variant floating around."
"He wants to make sure that we give Americans a little bit more breathing room."
"You're saving money and your dick is saluting the flag again."
"We're doing all of that without raising taxes at all on anybody making less than four hundred thousand dollars a year."
"The payments will start in September which is next month."
"We're rich blooded, you know what I mean? So giving us a thousand dollars, three thousand dollars, five thousand dollars, that's the experiment during the pandemic. What they gave us during the pandemic wasn't enough for us, right? It's not enough."
"We're fighting to ensure that working families have access to paid family leave, reducing the cost of childcare."
"Liz Truss set to unveil a hundred billion pounds cost of living rescue package."
"Right now, European governments are trying to alleviate the pressures on households and small businesses of the cost-of-living crisis."
"Stimulus money going out... very good news for you guys."
"Two thousand dollars would not only give people enough money to provide for themselves today but they also have a little bit left over."
"Letting workers in is the easy win; it solves a bunch of problems because we have a labor shortage and inflation."
"There's a big push to add $1400 to $2000 stimulus checks in the next stimulus package."
"It's all about unity, yeah, so let's work together."
"We just passed a 1.9 trillion dollar rescue plan that's going to make a massive difference in the lives of people."
"Hopefully it takes a lot of pressure off Working Families where every dollar counts and you know I think that's a testament to all the work that has been done and it's important to acknowledge it and I love seeing also on another note."
"Stimulus checks and additional unemployment benefits helped lift over a million Americans out of poverty in January."
"The original intention of bitcoin was to help people who were affected by the economic crisis of 2009."
"I would forgive a significant proportion of this 1.5 trillion in student loan debt because our young people should be starting families, buying homes, starting businesses, and moving our country forward."
"For those that aren't gonna get PPP or don't have a big payroll, it's not gonna help you much and ERC is gonna be a better bet."
"Ever grand or ever grande? China steps in, markets breathe a sigh of relief."
"Universal basic income gets the boot off of people's throats."
"Let's help everybody's business out and give them a reduction in their rent."
"Senate Democrats passed the 1.9 trillion dollar COVID relief package."
"Nancy Pelosi says the fourth stimulus check package could be unveiled as early as this week."
"$1,200 check going out to some Americans... people do need money."
"Indiana started sending $125 dollar payments to all residents regardless of income."
"By the end of this video, you should know exactly how to get this forgivable PPP loan and a massive amount of effective stimulus from it."
"It will save American families as much as three thousand dollars on these devices."
"Put money back in Pennsylvanians' Pockets right now when they need it most."
"If you own a business, the past few years have been a very bumpy ride. You could probably use a break." - Advertiser
"The cost of living for people on moderate wages will be significantly reduced."
"I really think that president is going to do everything he can to get a stimulus package and a similar checkout before the election."
"We need stimulus checks and enhanced unemployment benefits."
"We have to ensure that the relief that is handed down to families and communities across this country is sufficient."
"The good news is that there's over 80 different lawmakers... that want a fourth stimulus check."
"If you cancel their debts not only are they then able to breathe a bit better in this incredibly stressful time but everyone benefits because that money is then circulating in the economy..."
"It's time for Congress to lift up our communities by simply putting money back into people's pockets." - Representative Omar
"The silver lining during the '19 has been the federal government and local governments are recognizing the urgency and efficiency in delivering direct resources to struggling Americans." - Representative Omar
"What's different about this moment... having so-called public servants more concerned with enriching themselves during a crisis than delivering basic economic relief for ordinary people is totally unacceptable."
"The President's focus is on delivering necessary relief to the American public."
"There's an urgency to delivering relief to the American people."
"The president's number one focus remains getting the American rescue plan through."
"The good news is Republicans have not bagged on the idea of a $1,200 stimulus check... we haven't heard any indications of Republicans saying no way not happening..."
"Democrats have also some Democrats have also suggested this idea about a $2,000 per month stimulus plan or maybe even giving people money retroactively Lee for the last few months - how as a way to sort of help stimulate the economy..."
"We need an infusion of cash into the American people right now."
"Stimulus checks are the instrument that gets you caught up on those past due bills."
"Will this prime minister finally show some compassion and make food cheaper for Canadians by passing Bill 234 in its original for?"
"No action is needed by most people to obtain this round of economic impact payments."
"Wow it is great news as that incredible recon gets passed this week in the house of representatives!"
"Honey really came in clutch for me the last couple of months."
"An increase in the birth rate would potentially ease the burden on the pension system."
"There is no excuse America just cut checks for millions of Americans that are white black Hispanic Asian red yellow business entities and all kinds of other people places and things."
"Six stimulus is absolutely happening, has to happen."
"Stimulus checks are on the way, scoreboard baby!"
"3.5 trillion dollars of checks are coming to you and the American people."
"Build Back Better will cut premiums for more than nine million Americans by an average of six hundred dollars per person."
"My plan would cut the cost of childcare in half."
"The Biden plan has a lifeline grant of fifty thousand dollars per person, this is a fifty thousand dollar stimulus check, you would get insane."
"We have over 2.2 million signatures saying yes, we want them to include a 2,000 per month stimulus payment..." - Brian
"Best news ever you guys, our lawmakers have finally earned their paychecks for the American people and have finally confirmed agreement on the second largest stimulus check in American history."
"It is packed with targeted policies that help struggling Americans who have already waited entirely too long."
"It's probably not going to be everything that progressives would want, but I suspect we're actually going to, particularly if this initial relief package delivers big results."
"The prices have come down by a couple hundred dollars, which is awesome."
"We're putting money back in the pockets of Canadians with rebates."
"He signed the Emergency Relief and Construction Act, which set aside $2 billion for public works."
"Move forward on an effort in Congress to lower costs for the American people, pay for it, make sure we're easing the burden that families have across the country."
"So, starting off with Colorado, the state is sending anywhere between $750 up to $1,500 checks to residents."
"Immediate relief for a lot of people who are displaced by the economic effects of the COVID-19 virus."
"3.5 trillion dollars of checks are confirmed, signed, sealed, and delivered under the force timmy's recon passed on Tuesday."
"This is really great news... a second stimulus check will be approved."
"And we need to get relief out to families asap."
"Senate leader Mitch McConnell came out and said that he is prepared to support federal unemployment benefits back at $600 per week."
"What the hell's one check? What the hell's one check and one $1200 check? Who the hell you think you are..."
"The American Rescue Plan is a solution that comes to the moment and is a solution that helps deal with the crises we face in this country right now."
"We need to rush direct financial relief to families and businesses."
"President Biden has already kicked off the fourth round of stimulus with one billion dollars of student loan forgiveness."
"We are going to be cutting taxes further, especially middle-income taxes."
"Why aren't they giving us two thousand dollar checks? No other country in the world is handling it like that."
"Now is the time to bolster social security's time-tested earned benefits so millions of people in need can afford the essentials." - Senator Wyden
"Relief package expands food benefits giving further aid to millions of Americans who are facing financial difficulty."
"One of the things you did, Andrew, and I think this country owes you debt for, is normalizing cash relief."
"Pass two thousand dollar stimulus checks, get rid of this crappy bill."
"My administration is also working to get relief to American workers and businesses."
"I'm ready to start sending out your stimulus checks."
"If the progressive caucus hadn't said they're not going to vote for this if it didn't include the survival checks, we wouldn't even have the paltry kind of offensive and insulting level of checks that we do."
"Imagine what we could do with another stimulus... help a lot of people dig out of payments and back rent."
"We need at least one more check... pressure mounting for President Biden to get this additional stimulus checks out to people."
"The very health of our nation is at stake. Our rescue plan also includes immediate relief to Americans hardest hit and most in need."
"The president is committed to urgently deliver relief to the American people."
"Both political parties have said they want to send Americans more stimulus checks and there's good news because they agree upon $1200."
"Democrats want to do a standalone bill for the check. All you gotta do is get enough Democrats in the House to approve it."
"One of the good things that we could talk about is the fourth stimulus check."
"Giving people money reduces poverty. That's what we found out and now 74 percent of Americans are for cash relief during this pandemic in 2020."
"Let's at least do a standalone PPP bill." - Senator Marco Rubio
"I think there's gonna be a relief bill of some kind certainly in the new year."
"There's an unprecedented two trillion dollar corporate bailout."
"The only way to see immediate relief would be to provide direct assistance... aka stimulus checks."
"One very interesting thing that you're starting to see is that it as inflation starts to go down um and prices start to go down that is kind of like a stimulus because it helps families do more with what they have."
"I cut her taxes single mothers like mine average income around forty thousand dollars by 731"
"As you start to see these things happen, you're going to start to see relief in little areas."
"Fuel prices have gone down... it's getting a little bit better, that's good news."
"I understand they are struggling... the best thing that I can do for them is to try and get inflation back down so that they don't have to worry about the prices of their everyday things continuing to go up."
"The fact that the government decided to help Canadians as we did, well, that was the best way of minimizing the consequences and the costs of these measures for years and decades to come."
"This next stimulus package, the third stimulus check package, will save millions and millions of people from coming out of poverty."
"Energy and food prices have come down faster than expected from their war-induced peaks."
"72 percent of Americans support the rescue plans, including more than four in 10 Republicans."
"The child tax credit is going to be increased from two thousand dollars to three thousand six hundred dollars for children under the age of six."
"1200 stimulus checks are back on the menu, boys."
"Every working class adult in this country receives another 1200 direct payment plus 500 for their kids."
"We need money for the people and these other 400 things that you want to include in the stimulus package are really not what's important."
"It's great for the lower and working in lower middle class; they're getting the bulk of the relief."
"The furlough scheme came in very quickly, very boldly, and made an enormous difference."
"If McConnell doesn't agree to an up or down vote to provide the working people of our country a $2,000 direct payment, Congress will not be going home for New Year's Eve. Let's do our job."
"This report shows just how incredibly important it is to immediately issue a two thousand dollar fourth stimulus check focused on low-income individuals."
"You're going to see flatness in rent, some relief for renters."
"If the unemployment rate goes above ten percent, everybody automatically gets $2,000 a month as a stimulus check until the unemployment rate goes below ten percent."
"Our legislation means a tax cut for every taxpayer and a bigger tax cut for more workers to help with the cost of living."
"Putting a two thousand dollar check into the hands of working families is not socialism for the rich."
"The government's massive bailout plan provides the most significant boost to help homeowners since the Great Depression."
"The stimulus checks and the Paycheck Protection Program have been tremendously successful in bringing much-needed relief to hard-hit American families."
"The tax on new cars is abolished from midnight."
"This includes a stimulus check of up to $6,000, student loan forgiveness, no rent and no mortgage payments, increased pay to frontline workers, and several other really important things."
"The President proposed the $1,400 checks to make to cut plus $600 is of course $2,000 because he felt it was important and vital to get that direct relief to as many Americans as possible."
"The changes announced today will roll back restrictions that disproportionately impacted entrepreneurs of color from receiving relief."
"We can finish the job and get $2,000 into the pockets of working families."