
Proactive Living Quotes

There are 482 quotes

"Living your life in intention, intelligence, in direction, not in reaction."
"It's a time in history where it's not enough to know, it's a time to know how."
"This is empowering because we can actually do something about it."
"The only way to become what you want to be is to just be it. You can't just wait and expect for it to happen."
"Be more mindful of your default and live proactively versus reactively, distractedly, and escapingly."
"Don't let life happen to you, but let life happen for you."
"Don't just consume your way to preparedness; it's important that you're actually getting out there and learning the skills."
"I turned 'someday' into today, and I'm much more deliberate with the decisions I make today because I realize it impacts not just myself and others but the future self and others as well."
"You don't have to wait for a crisis to start changing your life; you can really do it anytime."
"Don't wait for something bad to happen before you start living the life you want to live."
"You can take charge; you can do some things that will make a difference for yourself."
"We want to be able to figure out how to use all the tools in our disposal to win this battle, which is called our life."
"The reality is, you can wait for fun moments to come your way, or you can be the person that makes them happen."
"I am a create-my-future type of person, not a wait-around-on-the-future-to-happen-to-me type of person."
"If you want the best life possible, start living the best life possible right now."
"Focus on what you can do, and then get very busy doing it."
"We don't have to look for success and expect it to happen by default; instead, we can define and we can design our future."
"Happiness doesn't grow on trees; you got to get out there and pursue your life and find your happiness."
"Many of our prayers are praying for miracles that could be prevented if we actually took our lives seriously."
"Life is now. Let's start working on where we want to be so that we can live our best lives."
"We are not sent to be acted upon; we are sent to act."
"Every bloody time you're offered an opportunity, take it and develop your skills."
"Do not become a statistic. Become seriously intentional about how you spend the time that you have."
"The pursuit of happiness... an active phrase."
"We decided that we're going to go for it. We just have to start living."
"Being prepared is not something you do for tomorrow, being prepared is a lifestyle that you live."
"It's time to act on that calling, to let go of anything that's been holding you back."
"The more you put yourself out there, the more likely it's going to happen."
"Choose a value system you give a fuck about."
"Trusting in yourself is the key. Don't wait for everything to line up, do something that expands your world."
"The best way to predict the future is to create it, yes."
"We can look at them as cautionary tales in order to make a difference in how we go about living our lives."
"What are you dying to do? Don't wait till someday to answer that question."
"Life is gonna be hard whether you choose to actively engage or not. So if there's something you need to do, do it."
"Being prepared today costs nothing. Lack of preparedness today costs everything tomorrow."
"You can live your dream even if you are poor. You can find a way, live simply, and still achieve your dreams."
"Age doesn't matter when pursuing your dreams. Take action now, no matter how old you are."
"Take your passion, live life to the fullest, and find a way to make it happen."
"We're going to reap what we sow, we are the sowers and we are the reapers, we're not helpless victims here."
"Our biggest regrets in the long run are not our failures, they're our failures to try."
"I don't want to look back on my life and go, I wish I would have done this."
"Walk fearlessly into your future, creating the reality that you want."
"Make a decision and move forward. Don't be fearful, don't be on the fence. Don't be procrastinating."
"Life happens for you, it doesn't happen to you."
"Nothing is ever promised so even though I knew that anyway it took that for me to be like, 'All right I need to do this, I need to do that.'"
"Tomorrow is not promised, create the opportunity."
"Instead of starving, we thought we need to start making upgrades... so that's what we did."
"You gotta get to living... sitting around and moping is not gonna get you where you want to be."
"Life can happen to you or life can happen from you."
"I'd rather regret the things I did than the things I never tried."
"People who want to live free are going to have to take on more and more responsibility."
"Cultivate good things for yourself. Don't do good things for yourself, cultivate good things for yourself."
"Our projects have always been focused on raising awareness, challenging individuals to think for themselves, and inspiring a more proactive lifestyle."
"Get out right now and build the person you want to be so you can have the life you want to have."
"Stop thinking about what people say you can't do. What are you deciding in your heart to go do now?"
"If we want to live in new earth which is already here that's the thing it's already here we just have to start living it we just have to start it's already here we just have to start living it and embracing it."
"And until then, I have to make the life that I do live as happy as I can."
"We've got control over what happens to us. I think that's incredibly exciting."
"It's important that you don't just sit here and listen to bad news all day; you actually go out and you learn your skills."
"Action is required. Be brief, to the point, concise, and active in your actions, thoughts, and words."
"Life is about taking things and taking them by the horns."
"When you focus on safety, when you focus on the good in your life, you start to take action from that place."
"Let's not become passive spectators of our own life, hoping that things come our way. Let's be purposeful about making it get better."
"Design your life proactively and say what you want."
"You gotta make your own way the world doesn't happen to you you create your own world."
"Start early, otherwise you might regret it later." - Speaker
"When it comes to what's gonna make a difference in your life, it's gonna be what you do."
"It's not just about having faith, it's about taking agency."
"Remember, being prepared doesn't mean giving in to fear; it means taking charge of your future and ensuring the well-being of your family."
"Success requires intention and failure only requires neglect."
"Time waits for no man, so don't waste too much time sitting on your ass feeling sorry for yourself."
"If there's a moment or an opportunity coming along for you that you feel intuitively instinctively that it's meant for you, grab it with both hands."
"Living reactively versus living intentionally."
"You want your life to count strongly, impacting people's lives? Then get busy doing the one thing that you know can absolutely impact a person's life as much as anything else you can do, and that's talking to God."
"Life goes quick, life's gonna move on you and so you need to start young and prepare for that so when you get to my age you're on easy street."
"Know who you are, know what you want, and take action."
"You got to learn to live life in goal mode and not response mode."
"Whatever you do in life, you cannot reverse time, so take advantage of every moment."
"You need to jump towards something that you desire in your life."
"Emphasize that work on that act on that don't fall into the trap don't fall into the game."
"You have to act as opposed to react in life."
"We are all here with a glorious possibility of learning something, becoming better, and facing our problems intelligently."
"Let's take charge of our health and our life."
"Don't put off whatever it is you're meant to do until the situation is optimal."
"Action is the ultimate form of prayer. Granting ourselves permission is not merely about envisioning a better future, it's about actively participating in the creation of that future."
"Don't just think about what you're trying to do before you retire. Think about what you can do right now for your unborn grandchildren."
"Take action, speak your truth, stand your ground. It's either now or never."
"Stop waiting for a sign, the universe responds to your beliefs."
"Follow the things you want to do and go actually do them."
"Choose your divine path, follow your calling, do."
"Life is changing every single day. It's a good question. I'm someone that believes in doing everything."
"Live today so you don't have regrets tomorrow."
"Manifest your own reality, no more sitting on the sidelines."
"Creating your purpose is the opposite of depression."
"Healthy people can be honest with themselves and take action."
"Start today planting some seeds to get going, so by the time you're 30, you can do whatever the hell you want."
"It's okay to take risks... but you still need to put yourself out there."
"Stop waiting, thinking, or talking about it and take action now."
"We're building the world we want to live in."
"Waiting around on them to fix your life is dumb... Your life is your job... Take responsibility for your crap."
"If you want to create health, you have to learn how to do it outside of that system most of the time."
"I'm not reacting to life, I'm not reacting to what everyone else has planned for me, I'm creating the life that I want."
"Stop waiting for things to happen, go and make them happen."
"You don't have to go through life with life just happening to you."
"I have faith that the power of God will find its active expression in everything that I do."
"This is a time to be sober, a time to be alert, a time to turn."
"Being switched on is a daily decision, a moment-by-moment choice, a constant awareness and mindset. It is a code of armor that protects you from all types of threats in all aspects of life."
"Food is absolutely on that list, so start growing today."
"Waiting isn't an excuse. We all have to wake up."
"Write out your goals. Do not feel your way through life."
"We are not passive witnesses to history; we are the authors of history."
"You're not waiting anymore, you're reaching up for your happiness."
"One thing that you could definitely do to help that is surround yourself with things that future you would have."
"The best time to do something is today. The sooner you do it, the sooner you get to enjoy the benefits of having it done."
"Take action towards new adventures, say yes to change."
"A successful person lives their life with intention. You will not be successful by accident."
"Start working towards the things that you want."
"Start saving a life today by enjoying the one you have."
"Choose to say, 'I'm no longer willing to be a passenger in my life. I'm going to be The Driver.'"
"Take action. If you want your life to change, you've got to change something."
"If you don't take your chances, it makes it hard."
"Your future kind of doesn't exist yet, you're creating it right now."
"How do you make the decision to get out of your own way, to move still despite and through fear?"
"Life is like 70-80% what happens to you and 20% what you do. Those actions you take can greatly impact your life."
"But running away isn't enough, we can't just run away from the bad, we also need to run towards the good."
"Avoidance really interferes with our ability to live the life that we want to live."
"If you invested as much time in trying to make yourselves healthy as we do in worrying or talking or bullshitting about COVID, we'd all be much better off."
"Once you begin to live in this statement, you begin to have it because you're going to have one."
"Luck is something you can create for yourself if you know the rules and follow them."
"You've got to work, make connections, and be active, not just sit on the sidelines."
"It's not just the turning away from what you don't want, it is literally creating what you do." - Pam Gregory
"The earlier you start this stuff, the easier it's gonna be later on."
"Make it count, play it straight, don't look back, don't hesitate."
"Stop wishing about all those things, and actually start doing."
"Life is not a spectator sport. You've got to be in it to win it."
"Make smart choices now; you can speed up the timeline if you want to."
"Don't be sitting at the bottom of the hill regretting!"
"Proactivity is key in surviving boredom and tedium."
"Nobody's coming to save you. You can't rely on government programs. It's unrealistic to expect anybody to come better our situation as a community. This is why we have to do it ourselves."
"Life happens for you, not to you. You are a participant and co-creator, not someone that's receiving energy that you don't want."
"While we're alive, we gotta hit licks. You can't sit still. You gotta hit licks in life, man."
"And don't wait 'til someday 'cause that day may never come. You could die at any point. How would you feel? 'I wish I had more time to,' what do you mean, 'You wish you had more time to,' do it. Do not wait."
"Stop being lazy, stop just waiting for something to happen one day and start taking back control of my own day."
"Be a thermostat, not a thermometer; set goals and make things happen."
"Live your life, understand the risks, keep your hands washed, don't shut down your plans or your holidays."
"Allowing your life to unfold or better yet allowing God to reveal your path to you, how is that not being lazy?"
"Seize the day, take advantage of opportunities."
"I want to go upstream and give people the tools so they can live a more abundant life."
"One of the best ways is to simply get out there and do it, don't wait for anyone."
"By right thinking and right doing now, we not only ameliorate conditions in this life but we also create a future that will be more harmonious and freer than anything we have experienced hitherto."
"Do it now, this is one of the lessons. It's about being present and not focusing on the future."
"No more waiting. There will never be a good enough time. Time is now. The time is now."
"It's misleading to suggest sitting back and doing nothing. We must take action."
"Act upon an opportunity, an idea; make the most of each moment."
"Take decisive action, this year is for you, center stage."
"Every single moment is an opportunity to get it popping or squash something."
"Cast off the energy that no longer serves you and create new strategies. Finalize your ideas, get moving, there is no time to waste."
"Don't wait for the right moment. Sometimes the moment is just forced upon you and you have no choice but to go with it and make it work."
"Make use of your life, don't just let your days pass by."
"How you plan your day is what makes it or breaks it... be a doer."
"Accept change... embrace change and be the change if you don't want change to happen to you."
"We are designed to be architects of the future, not its victims."
"Start now, don't wait until you have everything you want."
"You can explore everything you want to do... just choose what you want to do and go for it."
"If you get the chance to let go of all of it before you're forced to, then you can experience this life in a way that very few people ever do."
"I decree and declare with you all things are possible. I shall not procrastinate. I act now."
"Anarchism is about acting as if you're already free."
"You are now co-creating your life, living life on purpose, not waiting for things to happen."
"You can make it as simple as 'I want a special partner so I'm going to go out and try and find this person' rather than feeling like destiny has to bring it to me."
"Write it into your life instead of waiting for it to be written in for you."
"You're someone who's bold and daring, you're not afraid to actually go out there and make change."
"You're not here to let life happen to you; you make life happen for you."
"It's time to stop waiting... and start to focus."
"Just move towards what you want. It's not too good for you. So get moving towards whatever you want in your life."
"Try to always be moving as much as you can...so you don't get caught by surprise."
"The end times are not happening to me, I'm happening to the end times."
"Don't wait for miraculous things to come, start now."
"Life waits for no one, so don't wait on anybody for anything."
"Most importantly, take action and follow every opportunity that arises. Say yes more often, trust your intuition, and manifest your desires into being."
"Life is happening for you, not to you, and through you."
"We don't have to be doomed to the same destiny."
"I suggest you become obsessed about the things you want otherwise you're going to spend a lifetime being obsessed with making up excuses as to why you didn't get the life you wanted."
"Handle your business, your life is priceless."
"The only security we have in life is for us to be able to take responsibility for ourselves because the system's broken no one is coming to save you."
"Ashley maximized all of the gifts that God had given her and had already made plans for her future."
"Everybody deserves to fight for their happiness instead of watching it go by."
"Life is shaped out and you can't stop it but what you can do is utilize it, harness it and make it work for you."
"It's time to put to use what you have been preparing for or manifesting or to be more outward in the world."
"If you believe and you obey, trust and Obey, you never have to worry about taking the mark of the beast."
"Stop talking about what you're gonna do one day and start talking about what you're gonna do today."
"Live as if there is no tomorrow in the sense of having an urgency to see God's will done."
"The future's not set, the future is not certain, the future is for us to create."
"I'm prepping my life, I'm setting myself up for what I want to be."
"If you don't control your environment, someone else will."
"Don't live with regrets. You regret what you didn't do."
"Each step we take to become better prepared makes a real difference."
"We all can create our heaven and earth through our words and our thoughts and our actions it is a mindset."
"If you don't want it to, you need to sort of keep steering your existential vehicle in order for it to stay on the road to where you want to go, in order to avoid being in trouble and avoid perhaps some pain."
"Life is too short to be regretting stuff or being angry or looking over your shoulder."
"But most days, do take it upon yourself, have the personal responsibility, and be a curious person."