
Political Achievements Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"In just three years, Biden's administration has managed to relieve $138 billion in student loans for 3.9 million people."
"Any time you can lift up the issue of healthcare and paint the obviously the positive accomplishments and what's happening in the Biden Administration."
"Black voters are carrying this ball across the goal line."
"We got American Rescue plan done, we got bipartisan infrastructure done when people didn't think we would do."
"Trump just made history. I think this is historic."
"Trump did more for black America than Obama did."
"We do have a track record of bipartisan accomplishment."
"The most important accomplishment of the Trump administration so far has been destroying the credibility of the media."
"Minnesota Democrats just passed guaranteed paid family and medical leave after winning full control of government."
"Criminal justice reform, prison reform, historically black colleges and universities, I got them funded."
"We've gotten everything we wanted and we've also gotten a great economy."
"We had the best numbers in recorded history."
"I think people will look back on his time in office and be like geez that guy got so much done."
"We passed the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history."
"Achievements that would make the emperor proud they include ending white minority rule in southern African nations helping to create a new nation in South Sudan and promoting stability in Somalia."
"The reality is he's still gotten things done I mean he's gotten us MCA done he renegotiated NAFTA for the American worker I mean he got a trade deal done with China you know despite you know being sort of under the gun in impeachment."
"Nobody's done what I've done... a rebuilding of our military."
"I'm proud to have delivered on 100% of my promises and I will not stop now."
"He's actually fulfilled more promises than he made and I have."
"We've created over 6.7 million new jobs since the election."
"I am thrilled by some of the enormous achievements that the left has made in the United States over the last few years."
"Nobody's done more in two and a half years than what we've done, not even close."
"We passed VA Choice, a big deal, and VA accountability, a big deal."
"No president or administration has done more in the first three and a half years than the Trump administration."
"When he was in power you know he helped fight poverty he helped expand social programs health care education very important things that these countries have all lacked."
"Since the election, seven million brand-new beautiful jobs have been added."
"We've been killing terrorists, creating jobs, raising wages, enacting fair trade, securing our border."
"He doubled the number of people who had quality education, he shrunk poverty in half, he reduced the murder rate in half."
"Democrats have some real accomplishments that they can now show for and talk about."
"What Donald Trump did in 2016 will go down as one of the most legendary accomplishments."
"He was the first president to pass an endangered species act."
"We made a very fair deal on trade. We had the worst deal ever right... you know that we had the worst deal ever and it replaced that."
"Former President Obama said the other day... Democrats have accomplished more than they're getting across."
"He did a lot of things both Republicans and Democrats would have loved to do."
"Only President Biden has gotten it done, and it will make a real difference for millions of Americans."
"A big achievement at this point in time... Showing their spine in Tamil Nadu."
"If Trump succeeds in North Korea, he will go down as one of the greater presidents."
"Governor Cuomo has completed $65 billion in construction more than any state in the nation."
"Yeah, let's talk about some of the good things like Congress pass the chip sack and then Biden also did made his executive order that's very limited."
"The successes of the Soviet Union expand beyond the time and space of Russia and the other republics. They've become a historical phenomenon of incredible importance."
"Since my election, over 219,000 new jobs have been created right here in North Carolina."
"Mr. President. Barack Obama made American history."
"Nobody has ever rebuilt the military, cut taxes the most in our history, created the greatest economy we've ever had, cut regulations at a level that nobody has ever."
"Real median household income is now at the highest level ever recorded since my election."
"He has done more for black Americans in four years than Joe Biden has done in 50."
"Pence has demonstrated the ability to maintain economic stability."
"In my first three years, we increased family income over six thousand dollars more than five times the gains in all eight years."
"Real action that's we've taken, real promises that we've kept and real results that we delivered."
"This was one of the crown jewels in President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society program."
"These achievements are real... Bush says mission accomplished sneer go on sneer." - Christopher Hitchens
"Trump's list of first-term accomplishments has been truly impressive."
"We conservatives are the people who brought you the end of the Cold War, the rollback of the 70s and 80s crime wave, the prosperity of the 80s through 90s, and the surge that ended the Iraq war."
"Since my election, America has gained seven million brand-new jobs."
"Let's start with all the things that the Biden Harris Administration has accomplished for young people."
"We've actually passed infrastructure, we've expanded healthcare, we've cut child poverty in half."