
Police Accountability Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"What it takes to hold police accountable is not just about preserving our rights and civil liberties, but expanding them."
"Police accountability is about the people of this country who care and want better for all of us."
"Citizens have the First Amendment right to openly record the police."
"The incident was unacceptable and preventable, and they urged the police to review their policies to ensure that nothing like it ever happens again."
"If that was you or me...we were watching or even guarding...an officer killing this guy...if you can't control him when he's in handcuffs, you don't belong being a cop."
"In New York City, it takes too long for there to be accountability for officers who do the wrong thing. That is something we can and must change."
"I think you have to get rid of qualified immunity as part of any reform because it's so thoroughly tilts the scales in favor of the police and protects them from accountability." - Tommy Vitor
"Who are they protecting and serving? Why are they breaking the oath that they took to uphold the constitution?"
"If everybody standing on that sidewalk could see that George Floyd was in severe distress, how is it that those other three officers could not see that as well?"
"Cops are more accountable now than ever before... you just can't rock it that way before."
"Think about it, all of this could have been solved if that officer either took his foot off Floyd's neck or was held accountable immediately."
"If they try to let this cop off with anything less than murder, it's going to be riots."
"I'm tired of injustice and these cops not being held accountable."
"All we want is for the cops to be held accountable for what they actually do."
"Unanimity on this: the officers should be charged, they've been laid off, and investigations are underway."
"Is this okay because the defendant was a police officer? Was this an authorized use of force? Was it justified? It was not."
"In America, police killings are far more common than they should be and officers are rarely held accountable. But this time, the evidence is unambiguous, and there is massive public support to see that justice is carried out."
"We're not anti-police, we're anti-bad police who killed our children."
"It's the police without any accountability or rule of law."
"The camera is there to protect you as well as the officer. So if they had that camera on and then they were like, 'Oh no, we shouted, said it loud, she didn't hear us,' you press play, there it is."
"Let's just hold the police accountable, the ones that make the mistakes."
"There's no accountability and that's why the public has such a distrust for police officers."
"They made an assumption about what's going on in the house, and I bet you none of those cops went to jail."
"We will require a national registry for police officers who break the law." - Senator Harris
"This is about simple police accountability. These are things that should be common sense."
"Cops don't like being recorded and they have the power to do something about it."
"Why we make clear our job is not just holding bad cops accountable but examining the system which bolsters them."
"Any example of police overreach is critical to parse regardless of circumstance."
"Holding police accountable is a process that requires us, the people, to work."
"Corruption in Kenya's police: Law enforcement supposed to protect us, but what happens when the police are the ones committing the crimes?"
"If doj could prosecute these types of cases in every jurisdiction, it would serve as a deterrent to police departments and officers who think they can lie their way through the Thin Blue Line and get away with it."
"Law enforcement can be recorded while conducting their duties."
"We need to hold these officers accountable, this won't speak to the future."
"People will be inspired to stand up for themselves in any way they feel necessary... we should use every means available to expose and put these officers on blast when they step over the line."
"If you're pro-life, you're standing there with black folks when their kids are killed by cops."
"There is nothing within that call that should have resulted in the outcome that occurred with Mr. Floyd."
"What Tim Scott did not mention on Fox News is the damn near billion dollars local governments have paid out in police abuse cases."
"The people of a city have to believe and trust that their Police Department is looking after their best interest."
"All people have the presumption of innocence until proven guilty according to the law, but for police officers it's especially so because they are called to a place to help someone or to help something."
"Police accountability is the core of this discussion."
"Show me one incident where white police officers have shot white women, or innocent Asians, or Muslims."
"You shouldn't have a gun and a badge and use deadly force simply because you don't have cooperation from a black man or brown man or woman on the street."
"I want to know more about the why behind police shootings."
"We need a civilian review board to ask questions about police shootings."
"Power without responsibility is tyranny. We can't give the police these weapons and allow them to be able to shoot at you if they feel scared."
"Police officers, I think, need to still be held accountable for their actions. Yes, they have a hard job. Not everyone can do their job. But that doesn't give them an excuse to abuse their power."
"Authorities first claimed the suspect grew violent prompting their vicious takedown but eyewitness accounts telling a different story."
"Every unjustified police shooting of an unarmed civilian is a stomach-churning tragedy."
"None of those things would have come to light if there hadn't been people working for years and years and years constantly being rebuffed by the police."
"The blue wall is so strong that when when Walter Scott gets gunned down and Slager throws that damn taser next to his body."
"Collectively the changes made since the Hillsborough disaster... aimed to ensure the terrible police failures... can never happen again."
"We have the right to film police without transparency."
"Black men only make up 4.1 percent of Toronto's population, yet they were a quarter of the complaints alleging sexual assault by police."
"Police officers are held to a lower standard when it comes to killing us."
"Settlements matter for families who've lost loved ones to police violence."
"This is all so sick. Let me tell you something, the police are clearly lying."
"Nine out of ten Americans want police to have body cams on at all times."
"A system where a police officer can kill three people and be promoted tells you all you need to know."
"We must demand justice for Elijah McClain and all the victims of police brutality. That's the truth, homie, can't you see?"
"The law is according to the Constitution, you have a right to film police officers in the line of duty."
"This is how they treat the public here at the Tustin Police Department."
"So if you come to Tustin PD, please exercise your right to film and expose the tyrants out here."
"When it's the cops doing it, who are you supposed to turn to?"
"Russ brought a civil suit against three police officers."
"The cops have done everything in their power to cover it up... it is incumbent upon the media to find it and show it."
"This is a problem if an experienced police officer can't tell the difference between a taser and a gun."
"Despite Scott being one of the most polite and respectful suspects ever on this channel, he was actually hit with a better sentence than the majority of criminal cops."
"This is a prime example of the horrors of what happens when police do not properly do their job."
"Both groups occasionally kill citizens, the difference is that the police can usually get away with it."
"If we see police officers not doing what they should be doing, we should say something."
"If you abuse the black person, if you harmed a black person in the early 70s, these organizations, brothers would run up in the police station and just start busting."
"If police officers aren't doing anything wrong then they shouldn't have anything to fear."
"I often say the cops are arrogant because even now when the citizen has argued his position and the officer realized that he was wrong, there was still no apology on their part. The police should have the courage to admit their guilt."
"When you have a terrible instance of misconduct like the case of George Floyd when the officer is white and the victim is black, the question of motivation is assumed."
"Remember, guys, always film the police because you never know what they're gonna say, you never know what they're gonna do. At the end of the day, it's your right."
"There should be no reason that body cam footage is not available to us as taxpayers, right? There should be no reason it should be kept quiet unless of course, there's something to hide."
"Put your apologies in the comments section and treat these police officers like you would Breonna Taylor in these other situations."
"George Floyd did not die in Antifa custody, he died in police custody."
"One of the main missions of 'We Own This City' is to point out how damaging it is for the criminal justice system to function without public trust in the police."
"That's basically what's happening here: police officers caught red-handed on video violating the constitutional rights of a citizen are asking to hide their otherwise public record testimony from the public due to their perceived safety concerns."
"We knew that it was their bullet... we decided that we were going to sue the LAPD."
"The settlement obviously does not bring George Floyd's life back, but it's forcing these cities to understand you're gonna have to pay big bucks when your cops do wrong."
"Colorado is now the first state in the country to stop shielding police from nearly all accountability in misconduct and murder cases."
"But the other reform, the idea that there should probably be some checks on police violence, that's like the central demand of Black Lives Matter."
"The lives of black people who have died following contact with police are worth more than any statue."
"For everything there is a process to follow. If the police refused to file an FIR, what stopped them from filing a writ or taking action on the police officer who refused to file an FIR?"
"Even when there's verdicts of unlawful killing, police officers don't go to prison."
"Did you see battery or obstruction there? No, I got more evidence. I got more information."
"If jurisdictions do not want to have the cameras record 24 hours a day while officers are on duty here's the second option: any time that a police officer has a body cam that is not turned on, that case is immediately thrown out of court."
"None of these things are acceptable... We can't have police just shooting unarmed civilians in the back."
"We're calling out the police. That's not safe to have a central leader. It's much safer to have a decentralized system."
"It is his father's efforts that led to the change in the law that took the investigation of an officer-involved shooting out of the hands of the Kenosha police."
"Most police have a significant amount of power, and if they use that power in a way that is excessive or unreasonable, they need to be held to account."
"What if more cops thought about how scary it could be to have a cop point a gun at you?"
"Police who commit crimes or blatantly abuse their authority should always be dealt with and punished."