
Social Validation Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Social validation increases the levels of dopamine and serotonin in the brain, allowing us to let go of emotional fixations and become self-aware more easily."
"You can engage with your audience in a more meaningful way. Aren't you tired of having to be perpetually correct to make your validation gang happy?"
"Learn to like yourself first, so that every other like, on or offline, will just be extra."
"Validate, boost confidence - that is so huge."
"Men love to scream from the top of their lungs that they're straight, but at the same time, seeking male validation."
"Don't you worry, we will have our day in court. It ain't over yet."
"If you're constantly trying to sell your friends and family on how wonderful your partner is, they're probably not that wonderful."
"I love it when people say stuff... it's an encouragement to me because it makes me feel validated for what we do."
"I hope this allows you folks that have taken ridicule your whole life over this thing to finally say, yeah, somebody else believes what you're saying."
"If your broke friends are making fun of your financial plan means you're right on track."
"What's the negative to validating somebody if that's what they need to be happy in society?"
"Swag comes from reclaiming energy and being unfazed by validation."
"I felt validated when everybody else got on the clubhouse and was like, 'You did this, you did that.' It made me feel like, 'Word, I'm not the only one that this happened to.'"
"The attention and validation have literally always been there."
"Passing can make trans people feel good, and validated, and loved because it means other people are seeing them how they see themself."
"These conversations almost force us to beg to be validated as our actual sex."
"Being recognized by your community is a massive deal."
"If your daughter and son both tell you you're the [__], you don't have to go to Reddit to confirm."
"You gotta earn that, somebody gotta be able to vouch for you."
"It just galvanizes them. It gives us validation. It's our own tribe, you know?"
"We hear you, we see you. That's what people want, to be heard."
"How many people need to have similar stories before we start taking them seriously?"
"Why do we want validation from specific groups?" - Tyrese
"Look at this handsome man finally siding with us. He understands."
"31 still means that thousands of people liked you."
"A bunch of Internet strangers telling you you are or aren't the idiot isn't gonna fix this."
"Just because less people like it does not mean that it's less than you know likes do not define your worth."
"We're posting to prove who we are. We're posting to prove to each other and to ourselves this is the type of person that I think I am."
"I think he's a Gateway... that gives a lot of people permission and validates that like 'hey we have a voice too.'"
"It just screams pick me, choose me, validate me because I don't love myself."
"Everybody came to see me scan. Beautiful! We're confirmed."
"But like, that [] just showed me just who with me and who ain't. And like, nobody around me believed that []. They like, 'I like you.' You see weird people like [__]."
"Come on guys, what if for everything that you wanted to do in life you just had to wait for validation on TikTok first?"
"The guy to say I saw the same thing... it kind of validated what you saw a little bit was very cool."
"You must be happy, you hear this kind of response, people must be treating you totally different now."
"Individuals with NPD, they want to do things or say things or act in a way that other people are like, 'Wow, that's cool.'"
"Happy's first Mother's Day. It's the most loving, caring, wonderful mom person. What are no comments like, are people like buying it?"
"...social validation is everything to her essentially."
"The whole thing about trying to be popular and have all these friends and stuff like that is completely pointless and completely meaningless."
"People are looking for affirmation from the public."
"How much of your life... are going to things where you're getting validation from people?"
"How far would you go to outside of who you think you are to get compliments just to be affirmed by others?"
"We are in an internet-ass world driven by anonymous validation."
"I felt a little bit of pride getting that acknowledgment from my friends."
"All human beings are trying to do is they're trying to be affiliated and validated by people."
"As puberty hit and as I aged, a lot of peers and interactions from people kind of gave me that confidence."
"Likes and subs are attention and acceptance and an ego boost."
"At the end of the day, they want that validation."
"Being vouched for by other people, especially within a dating context, is massively helpful."
"Social media is our number one source of validation from our peers."
"Any attention is better than none."