
Personal Excellence Quotes

There are 250 quotes

"That is Lan, isn't he? He is one in a million."
"I wanted to be uncommon amongst uncommon people."
"Greatness is... the willingness and the capacity to find your own best qualities and to manifest them in the world."
"Be the best friend, the best neighbor, the best worker, the best teacher, the best parent, the best person you can be."
"We talk about personal excellence being the ultimate rebellion."
"If you want to be a great coach, you've got to be obsessed with learning, you got to be obsessed with you being the best that you can be because when you are at your best, that's going to allow you to serve people at the highest possible level."
"Be the best you can be, and that will rub off on other people."
"It's not about being the best in the world, it's about being the best for the world."
"I'm going to talk to you about you, and how you can be brilliant every single day."
"The reality is, we have to make up in our mind that whatever our definition of excellence is, it's going to get higher, it's going to get broader, it's going to get better."
"They are not in competition with anyone else but themselves. That is the culture of excellence."
"To be excellent, it has to come from your core."
"Dedicating yourself to being excellent and doing the repetitive tasks, you get better at the thing, and then you tend to like the things when you get better at them."
"You have to work your ass off no matter what you do if you're in a media business in the movie business in the acting business if you're an athlete you have to work your ass off." - Arnold Schwarzenegger
"Be so good that they can't live without you."
"Follow your passion to 100 of your ability and you get really really good at that, you're gonna get paid, you're gonna get the girls, you're gonna get everything as a byproduct of you being excellent in that one area."
"A person is at their absolute best when they get beyond themselves."
"From that failure came my resilience, came my ode to excellence."
"I'm gonna keep winning and doing what I do best."
"Being black means I got to be the best, gotta be the best, gotta be best."
"Always do your best, and maintain self-mastery."
"Personal excellence being the ultimate rebellion."
"Personal Excellence being the ultimate Rebellion... if they want us to hate each other, we don't hate each other, we help each other, we love each other."
"Pursuing personal excellence is our god-given right."
"The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential. These are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence."
"Caitlyn Clark is the best player in the country."
"Personal Excellence is awesome and Brilliant."
"At the end of the day like personal Excellence is awesome and Brilliant."
"I'm the best at what I do because I'm the most elusive world champion in history and that's facts ESPN will back that up."
"Excellence and I'm done. The last thing Joseph had, he had endurance, man, I'm telling you."
"The best of you are those who are best to his families, and I am the best of my family."
"I don't care if you have to dig ditches for a life, just be the best ditch digger you can."
"You're the best, okay? The number one best. But they didn't pick you, not because they think you're amazing..."
"What matters is do you have the perseverance, the endurance, the commitment to that thing to truly be great at it."
"Normal isn't what I strive to be. I strive for excellence. I strive for the top one percent."
"To feel a giddy excitement at the idea of doing the hardest possible thing you can when it comes to your art, like that is greatness right there."
"Be your brilliant self, be great today, be brilliant every day."
"Excellence is not a skill set, it is an attitude."
"I did my best every day. I didn't worry about, you know, I get asked a lot of questions probably just like you. What was your mindset? What were you thinking on this? Like, I wasn't [expletive] thinking like that should be obvious."
"It's just like that mama mentality, you know?"
"Prove how amazing you are and live a really happy life."
"Challenge yourself to be better than average. You know that's a pretty good thing to say."
"The man of excellence will stand before kings."
"The world can hate you all they want, but if you're good enough, they can't stop you."
"Stay true to yourself and just remind yourself that you're doing an amazing job."
"If you're not good, nothing that you do or create can be great."
"Your goal should be, no matter what, you should be a ninja in whatever you decide to be good at."
"Daniel was one of those people that was just naturally gifted at everything he did."
"If I performed my very best today, if I performed my very best tomorrow, that goal of world champion will come."
"A person who has virtus applies all their best attributes for the benefit and glory of the Republic."
"You are capable of greatness in your profession and more importantly in your quality of self."
"Be special, be different, not just good at everything."
"These great books, The Works of the West, they're there for us, to teach us how to be excellent at Being Human."
"I'm so good, I can't even put it into words."
"This is what I do, this is my lane, this is your lane, you gotta murder it."
"Nipsey was just on a different level psychologically you know I mean just in so many ways he was a remarkable person in that regard and he deserves a lot of props for that."
"You are not here to be average, you were here to change the world."
"You're gonna have to stand out, you're gonna have to be exceptional."
"Everyone can live in average, everyone can live in mediocrity. Then there's those outliers who consistently push themselves to go to the next level."
"Every single one of us can be the best in the world at something."
"She was better than all the others—she was a natural."
"You now stand at the glorious peak of the Pokémon League."
"I mean, I'm top four in the entire world. That is kind of crazy nuts, right?"
"Do the little things to the best of your ability."
"Playing against top competition was greater than all."
"It's so important that these guys that are going to lead our industry be the best that they can be."
"If you find something you're good at, you're going to do it better than anybody else."
"Excellence defends you from your enemies in your absence."
"Kobe, I mean in terms of like competitiveness, he's at the very, very top."
"He knows he's the best player around at the moment."
"I think this person is going to keep attempting here with you because they see you as the best of the best."
"I'd much rather be a first-rate version of myself..."
"If you want to be the best in the world, nothing else is going to be on your radar."
"My definition of greatness is showing up in every single moment like you're meant to be there."
"There's greatness in small things done right."
"Life is not a standardized test. Excellence is an experiment, excellence is a journey, and journeys take courage."
"When we live and lead with our strengths, we are able to show up in our zone of genius."
"Finish it. If you're gonna do it, do it to try and be the best. Not better than other people, be the best for you."
"Finding your zone of Genius is about unveiling a part of you that allows you to shine in surprising ways."
"If I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it with my best ability."
"No matter what I do, never settle and never stop doing what you love because that's how you become great." - Landon Barker
"You have to push all the time, and this is what separates the good from the great."
"We all have that understanding and that hunger to try and score."
"Normal is not good enough... Normal is average, and average these days is terrible."
"When you step into your greatness, confidently push forward to achieve what you want in life."
"Just be great, be strong, be the best you can be."
"You are celebrated for what you do before anyone else is awake, what you do when no one is looking. That's what you're celebrated for, and nobody else can force you to do that."
"If you're that guy that wants to be the best, then you have to outwork everybody."
"You would be doing yourself a disservice if your goal wasn't to be the best at what you did."
"It doesn't matter how long it takes, just do the very best job you can."
"Be the most valuable person in the world at your thing."
"Your person is really at the top of their game, they're somebody who's in control of their life, they've got a strong vision for their life."
"Be really productive and stand out from the crowd."
"I'm the best there is, the best there was, and the best there is ever going to be."
"The glory of God infuses one with an inspiration that allows one to be the best of who they are."
"Focusing on the one thing you're really good at and becoming great at that one thing."
"The inner standard of a champion sets him apart from the masses."
"Transcended great, not just good. He can be great. Great, great, yeah I am."
"No one could argue that Walter Payton was one of the best to ever play the game."
"You gotta be a bit of everything, you know? And whatever you do, you gotta be good at it."
"There's something respectable about having that as your impulse in a sport to try and be the best you can be."
"Why are you doing anything if you're not giving it your all?"
"Her versatility knows no bounds." - Alica Schmidt
"If you want to be the best ever, all the materialistic things don't matter."
"You have to be a little bit better than the crowd."
"I do what matters, and that's have the best bars and be the best rapper."
"Abu Bakr, the clear number one in that category."
"My definition of greatness is not comparing yourself to others and just being the best to your ability."
"You just all in all turned out to be like an A+ person, like a 10 out of 10 person."
"I am very competitive and I think I'm one of the best in the world."
"We all strive to be the best we can be and have the most satisfaction out of every Arena of Life."
"Mitch Marner is on a different level though, like Mitch is... this is the best hockey he's ever played. Underrated, best hockey zone."
"I am becoming the best version of myself. I am the greatest of all time within my paradigm as are you."
"You the best in the world right now. There's nobody as good as you in the world, you're the best right now. The only reason you're not the best right now is because you don't believe you're the best yet."
"If you want to be great, be great all the time."
"The path to greatness leads through having a powerful mindset."
"Neither Glory nor Legacy come easily for the guys in this room today."
"Stand on your greatness. Don't throw salt on someone else's greatness."
"Caleb is going to have to rise to the occasion and be at his best when his best is needed."
"Being responsible, saving, and making money and really focusing on being really good at the thing that you're doing."
"You could set the intention of making each day exceptional..."
"If you go out with the intention to be the best that you can be, then you're going to have the best returns regardless of the outcome."
"Santi Cazorla was technically outstanding, one of the best I've seen."
"This competition is about being the best in the room, and in order to win, you must first beat your opponents when they were at their best."
"Cristiano Ronaldo is going to prove everybody why he's the best player in the world."
"You have the potential to be the best at whatever you're doing or be the best possible version of yourself."
"I just want to say that you are really great at what you do."
"You don't beg average people to be phenomenal. You just are phenomenal and you will attract phenomenal."
"Always do your best, be impeccable with your word."
"Winners or not, you still have a chance to be awesome."
"Excellence is not an act, it is a habit. Period."
"Supportive of course, you know, just make me feel like I can be the best at it."
"Striving for excellence, even when the odds are against you."
"I have an imagination, I have a way of beating everybody."
"I want there to be no mistake that I am the best in this division."
"Altitude record, speed records, distance records—she was unstoppable."
"Elevate your game and ultimately live your legacy."
"Cesaro is just an ordinary guy who excels at his craft that's better than everybody else."
"How would you behave if you were the best in the world at what you do?"
"Be good at everything that you were doing, whenever you go to your job, you go to your job and you be the best [ __ ] you can be, whenever you're with your wife, be the best [ __ ] you can be, best husband."
"Go after your goals, put in that hard work, don't make excuses, and enjoy life."
"When you're good at something you'll tell everyone. When you're great at something they'll tell you."
"Be the best, do your best, you'll have the best."
"Bauer put up a 1.73 ERA, led the league in WHIP, hits per nine, complete games, and won the NL Cy Young award."
"Competition is good because it keeps you at the tip of your toes, top of your game."
"Everybody's gonna bow down to your greatness."
"You just have to go out and be as great as you can be."
"For us to reach a certain level of excellence, focus is very important."
"If you perceive yourself to be simply the best, guess what? You're gonna be simply the best."
"Be undeniable, be the one... be someone who's awesome and don't become a victim."
"Greatness means you can be a great player and not win a championship."
"Excellence is not having the best of everything, it's doing the best with everything that you have."
"Just do your best, push yourself beyond your best, and look crisp as hell while doing it."
"When you are excellent, you become unforgettable. People remember you, you stand out."
"Jesus Christ wouldn't have been satisfied... the great ones are never satisfied."
"Nobody else is doing that, vast majority of people they're getting some average pieces and they're calling it."
"Bring the best version of yourself in every situation."
"Be your very best and give as much effort as you can to whatever you're creating."
"Your greatness shows in who you are on day five, six, and seven."
"The only thing that we have right now that we're in control of is our own individual commitment to break free of the matrix by becoming personally excellent."
"Stay on your stuff, stay on your A game, you know what I'm saying? The world is changing every single day."
"She's an amazing woman, you're just going to have to be an amazing man."
"Open-mindedness also breeds curiosity. And if we are open-minded and curious, we are generally in a great position to find those lanes inside of which we will excel."
"Keep doing your absolute best at everything you do and quit worrying."
"Prove the statistics wrong. Don't fit in with the mediocre. Don't fit in with everyone that's telling you don't work too hard."
"You are Unstoppable right now, you're doing so good, you are a Powerhouse."
"As a man, you cannot afford the luxury of excuses. You can't afford to say I don't feel like it today. You can't afford to say I didn't want to do it today. You can't afford to not get up today. You have to go out there and make yourself great."
"Habits Define you. Aristotle's insight: 'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit.'"
"If we ever want a chance at fixing this country, we have to become personally excellent, we have to stop hating each other based upon differences that the media tells us we have."
"Attention to detail is what separates himself from anyone else."
"Expect the best. I'm going to demand nothing less than the best."
"He proved himself to be a legend in so many other ways."
"Just focus on being the best in the world at whatever you do, everything else is easy."
"You gotta remember, no one tells us how to be great."
"It's easy to be great, it's hard to be good."
"People can do amazing things with hard work and tenacity."
"My best is better than your best because people say trying your best is enough, but trying your best is only second enough to actually succeeding."
"Excellence is when I create in the earth what I see in heaven."
"We constantly want to raise the bar on ourselves."
"Preparedness: personal excellence is the ultimate rebellion."
"May the best man or may the best woman win right here because you deserve nothing but the best."
"Focus on greatness just for the sake of being great."
"Do what you love and take it to the highest level possible."
"I've always looked at it like if I cannot be the best in the world at something, I am going to leave it alone."
"To be a man means being virtuous and by that I mean the Roman Greek ideal of being excellent in all aspects of your life."
"Each and every week I'm gonna bring it... I look at it like everybody can win so I have to be my best."
"Continue to be great. Don't let anyone tell you anything different."
"That man was hands down, head and shoulders above everybody else in whatever he achieved."
"If you want to be the best, you got to get around the best. Plain and simple. Here to elevate my mindset, my physical ability, and my business. Get with the program."
"You want to be competitive, you want to be at the top of your game."
"They don't have to be Tom Brady, they just have to be the Tom Brady of their life."
"It's not about doing your best, it's about doing your divine best."
"Excellence is the best way to describe my life with one word."
"When you're willing to always do your best, everything can shift."
"Excellence isn't about the things we have; it's about our attitude, our mindset."
"Excellence is found in the details of your life."
"Major has no impact, because in some ways it doesn't really matter what you do, it matters that you do it very well."
"Strive as a man to be exceptional in whatever it is that you do."
"Excellence in spirit, in your attitude, is the key to promotion."
"If you want to excel, find what works for you, not just to show off."