
Compression Quotes

There are 193 quotes

"mp3 is probably the most popular one that you may know. And this is a lossy compression format."
"So, by combining these three methods, pruning, weight sharing, and also Huffman Coding, we can compress the neural networks, state-of-the-art neural networks, ranging from 10x to 49x without hurting the prediction accuracy."
"For any lossless compression method, the fundamental lower bound on the average length per symbol is the entropy of the source distribution."
"Shannon-Fano coding was the best scheme people had to perform lossless compression and it produced optimal codes for a variety of distributions."
"The question of how much we can compress a message fundamentally is also asking about how much information is contained in that message."
"All things being equal, more compression means more power."
"This curve allows us to set multiple different thresholds and lots of different ratios to give us very complex compression and limiting curves."
"Compression adds a tremendous amount of power to the combustion of the fuel-air mixture, and that's why it's so important to an engine."
"This is really going to be a light, even everything out compression."
"Just imagine if you can compress 250 years of progress in chemistry and Material Science into the next 25 years."
"A compressor is a plug-in or a piece of Hardware that squashes the dynamic range, it brings the loudest parts of a signal and the quietest parts of the signal and it makes them closer together."
"One of the techniques that I use all the time I briefly mentioned it earlier is stacking compressors using more than one compressor on a vocal."
"The smartest smugglers are the ones who still haven't been caught."
"Sidechain compression is a very popular technique in electronic music. When a compressor is set to sidechain, it takes an external signal as an input, and then it is this external signal that will trigger the compressor."
"The different geometry of the Liquid Piston engine means that it does not have a compression ratio limit."
"Compression really is a bottomless pit because that's really what intelligence is, being able to compress information."
"These have quite a bit of compression, so these are going to be great for running."
"I love compressing time and space."
"...a bin that once filled... can apparently compress the trash inside such that you can just carry on dumping stuff inside of it."
"What Annie did, it's new, and it's quite often with compression, as well, for me, many of them can just accentuate the high end too much, that doesn't do that, it just gives you enough."
"It's got compression that's good it's really good"
"Understanding when they want to get that compression or when they don't want to get that compression is one of the biggest differences I see between new and amateur photographers and professional photographers."
"So, with compression, we won't often want to see what is in the background."
"Quench is a lifesaver with lower compression ratios."
"Pooling layer shrinks it down a little bit."
"Let's take all the serious story lines from the comics and just put them in the show and just cram them down their throat in one season."
"I just want you to know that compression is very important and you should without question be using it and researching how it works in your tracks."
"...the Woodshed compressor and the graphic EQ just bumping a little bit so like without the graphic and then with it more importantly and it's just a little bump."
"Large language models are essentially extremely compressed versions of the entire internet, books, articles..."
"Spinal stenosis is a disease of millimeters - one millimeter more of compression and significant symptoms exist."
"She can compress the air to make it heat up to six times hotter than the surface of the sun."
"Compressed sand is like God's gift to the weary."
"Everything you need to know about compression."
"Parallel compression allows you to blend the punch of the compressor with the body and tone of the dry signal."
"Concrete is big on compression, short on tension."
"Compression is about finding the sweet spot."
"Compression is about making it pop through the mix."
"The basic thesis is it's nice to compress. It's a nice compelling notion that we can reduce the task of creating an intelligent system, a general intelligence system, into the task of compression."
"it's kind of the squished version of what you see here"
"She was literally squeezed to death."
"This is a whole other universe of very mu compression."
"The main reasons why I use compression on snare is the dynamic control of the transient peak."
"...getting your vocals to really be present throughout the whole entire mix... without sounding unnatural and too squashed."
"It's very compressed, I mean I like it."
"The model is compressed through this filter."
"One way to think about intelligence is as compression."
"If you can compress something and retain most of the value, you probably understood it really well."
"Squeeze tight, feel that compression. It's good for the internal organs, it's also just very calming and comforting."
"Think of your compression as almost like a stink bug prevention device."
"Compression is just one of the things that is a must-have, must-do thing in almost every situation."
"Compression is a very, very, very useful thing."
"So, for compression, you kind of gotta have to know what you're doing, but I mean you gotta start somewhere."
"The fourth way I like to use multi-band compression in a mix is to add air."
"The final way that I like to use a multi-band compressor is to use it as a de-esser."
"It felt as though two or three hours had been compressed into a five-minute stretch."
"Often you'll notice that when your audio is taken down to a lower bit rate through one of the many codecs you can use, the high end will lose a little clarity—perhaps become a little washy."
"...if you need to over compress so you can hear what compression sounds like and then back it off a bit until you don't hear that over compressed effect."
"Compression can get complicated pretty quick, but I use this incredibly simple method that I think sounds great."
"Generation and noise can also be the ultimate form of network compression."
"If you can understand how the compressor is working and how it's affecting different parts of that sound, you're going to have a far better understanding of how to use one and how to apply those settings yourself."
"My next video is going to be on compression and compression is going to allow us to take those really loud words and bring those dynamics down."
"There is no compression algorithm for experience."
"Yeah, sounds like it's got plenty of compression."
"ZFS is default compression algorithm lz4 is very good at detecting when data is compressible and when it's not."
"Rsync does have the option to compress data while transferring."
"When you operate a compressor at higher pressures, you'll get more mass flow and generally speaking more capacity for every kilowatt that you put into that compressor."
"Most of us are compressing everything as hard as we can until it sounds bad, then backing off."
"Using a side chain as part of your mix bus compressor is often a good approach."
"Lower ratios are usually used when it comes to mix bus compression."
"But there are people working out there today who get great sounding mixes who use way more compression than you're supposed to on your mix bus."
"The exciting interesting stuff is how do we compress drums more without making them sound terrible?"
"I like compression, I like the sound of it. Sounds powerful and punchy."
"At its heart, mastering is simple: EQ, compression, and limiting."
"...using multi-band compression and dynamic EQ properly allows you to target in your compression so you're only applying compression where you need it..."
"...using these compression and dynamic range manipulation tools so you can be more subtle with your EQ moves and more subtle with your compression..."
"...compression examples that I play you where you can really hear a significant before and after like night and day difference often those are going to be examples of probably too much compression for mastering..."
"Transparent parallel compression: It's a great way to add loudness to softer sections transparently."
"Colorful parallel compression: Two different ways to play with parallel compression for a fuller sound."
"Down compresses much tighter than synthetic."
"That compression from that is just flipping heavily."
"What's really important about compression is that it doesn't take the top end and smoosh it. I want the sustain, I want that like bubbliness, I wanted to take the dynamics and enhance them."
"Compression is one of the most important effects in modern music production."
"There's something beautiful about how the distressor just squeezes everything together."
"I can have 10 instances of this guy in a session rather than just the one on the mix bus super great for parallel drum compression too even room compression as well."
"Multiband compression built into it, which may be gibberish to a lot of you, but to those of you who know what that is, it's cool."
"Column-oriented storage is very compressible."
"Compression has a ton of evidence to support it with decreasing swelling."
"Everything is compressions and rarefactions."
"We're not going to be able to compress everything down to being something smaller."
"Don't be afraid to overdo it, over-compress, so you can hear what compression sounds like."
"Compressors are at least as much about shaping the tone as they are about controlling dynamics."
"Good quality saturation, it's almost a way to kind of like I'm going to use less compression, I'm going to use less EQ."
"To achieve this, WebP uses an algorithm called Huffman coding."
"Compression is the easiest way to distinguish a professional mix from a matcher one."
"Parallel compression is over-compressing your sound a lot, so very high ratio, very low threshold, and blend it with the dry unprocessed signal."
"Threshold and ratio are two most important knobs of course in a compressor."
"Compression is a really powerful tool that we can use to change the drummer's performance in a way that suits the song either in a subtly or a more aggressive full on way."
"You're not alone, man. The whole world is compressing right now."
"The degree of clipping is proportional to the input voltage, therefore it works like a compressor limiter."
"Now, whether you compress or expand an image depends on the same fractal principles, and Barnes's theories have now become a commercial reality."
"Data compression, the ability to squeeze images and send them, and then expand them again on the ground, is of enormous importance."
"The compressor's job, once it starts up, is to pressurize the system and move that refrigerant."
"He traced the pure compression shape... to understand the equilibrium under any loading case."
"Essentially, compression ratios just mean taking a larger volume of the air-fuel mixture and squeezing it into a smaller combustion space."
"It's kind of amazing what you can do with the options to decompress something or to compress it down to like a whole scene in one panel."
"Every time that you wish that the volume differences were smaller, that's when you should think compression."
"That's what compression is fundamentally."
"Hopefully you learned at least one thing about compression that you didn't know just like that before."
"Compressing data server responses with Brotli or gzip can significantly improve website performance."
"You can get some pretty wacky style compression out of this pedal."
"A truly intelligent system should think through the world in a very compressed representation of the world."
"Compression is a cool way of thinking about how we should best model our data."
"To turn Earth into a black hole, you'd have to squeeze it until it was the size of a marble."
"It's a high compression six, the first of its kind, quite an innovation then."
"First design small and compact neural nets like SqueezeNet, and then prune, quantize, compress these small neural nets."
"The anterior-posterior compression... will lead to external rotation of the Hemi pelvis."
"Lateral compression... leads to internal rotation of the Hemi pelvis."
"We're arguing in JPEG that we can get rid of some of the higher frequency signals and the general gist of the image will still be there."
"We calculate our DCT coefficients, we quantize them to remove the high frequency ones, and then we huffman encoding to compress that into a manageable small stream that we put into our JPEG file."
"If you listen to this, this sounds over compressed definitely, so you don't want to go that route."
"When you kind of grasp it or understand basically the way that it works, it's a really incredibly powerful compressor."
"Reduce the peaks in the sound and to glue our drums together."
"The most repetitive song in the history of the Billboard Hot 100... gets reduced in size by an astonishing 98 percent by the compression algorithm."
"I'm going to add a bit of attack, a bit of punch to the base with compression."
"Soft clipping is like soft knee compression, right? A soft Clipper or a hard Clipper is very much the same, except instead of compression being introduced, distortion's being introduced."
"This is the kind of response I expected to find... even when squashing a signal really hard, it doesn't seem to fight the musical intention."
"By the end of the day today, you'll be able to understand, for example, image compression using Fourier transform."
"Let me know if you like this style because we're trying to compress everything tighter."
"Mathematicians and computer scientists have found many clever and sophisticated ways to compress video data down to a fraction of its original size."
"Lossy compression means some of the information might be lost. Lossless means the result will look identical to the original."
"Compression is needed when transmitting files, storing a very large number of files, or storing large files."
"With lossless compression, the exact uncompressed data can be recovered."
"You can compress years or decades of experience into a few months."
"We'll get better compression because all the values within a column will be very similar to each other."
"It gives it that kind of professional vibe of having a more compressed sound without being too grating on your ears or being so overly compressed that it just hurts."
"Lossless compression analyzes data for statistically redundant information that can be represented in a compressed state without losing any of its original information."
"We've covered the basics of what a compressor does; this really just scratches the surface."
"The G Series bus compressor... it's been used on so many records."
"The first two plugins that you need to learn how to use to create professional music is EQ and compression."
"The goal of compression on the master track is glue; we're just trying to gel the tracks together a little bit."
"The GR Limit lets you manually restrict the maximum gain reduction."
"The NIV button, when you enable it, means the compressor is going to react more to the lower frequencies."
"ProRes is a super high quality video format because it significantly limits the amount of visual data lost due to compression."
"The thing about the 90 that I like to get is the way that it compresses whenever you're taking these kind of tighter portrait shots."
"If you have some information and you try to learn a compressed representation of that information that allows you to reconstruct it, then presumably, you've done something useful."
"Lossless compression reduces file size in such a way that no data is lost and the original file can be regenerated exactly."
"An ounce of gold, if you collected all those particles and compressed it into a cube, it'd be the size of a sugar cube."
"Compression matters so much more than resolution."
"You're going to want to see something around 120 or higher to let you know that you have decent compression in your cylinder."
"So wetsuits are made out of neoprene, which means that when we're going down and we got the pressure of the water surrounding it, it's actually gonna compress the wetsuit a little bit."
"This is the Teletronix LA2, one of my absolute favorite compressors to use on bass."
"The effects rack is where you can add different types of compression."
"In the Laplacian pyramid, most of the pixels are zero, and it can be used for image compression."
"The material in a white dwarf is carbon and oxygen, so the carbon is compressed far harder than diamonds on the earth."
"Sedimentary rock forms when sediment builds up over time and is compressed into layers, forming rocks."
"Legacy six-inch shorts, no front seam, perfect length for me, still have some room in the thighs while still having enough compression down there where it's going to hold on to them."
"A program that losslessly compresses any file is impossible; it violates the fundamental rules of mathematics."
"A vertical stretch if A is greater than one, and a vertical compression if A is between zero and one."
"If K is greater than one, then you have a horizontal compression by one over K."
"It's like energy is all getting compressed here."
"Mastering our music is a little bit of compression to control dynamics, a tad of saturation to lift up the sound a little bit, and then we're going to add a little bit of brightness."
"This is the Shure SM7B being routed via my Universal Audio interface with compression turned on."
"Short columns usually fail by compression or shear failure, whereas long columns fail mainly by buckling under the compression force."
"The biggest change of this what-if was that it was two sagas compressed into one: the Cell saga and Buu saga."
"MP3... the file format that made it possible to compress audio to a point that the file size was small enough to fit more than 20 songs onto one device."
"There's really no silver bullet for compression."
"Hopefully, that compression will give rise to features that are useful for other tasks."
"The allowable stress of concrete in compression is 0.45 fc prime."
"When you use Brotli and Gzip, it takes each of the like terms or common phrases or code and it puts an index of where it was and how it was used so that way the total package size ends up being smaller."
"I'm trying to save this as a video and I need to apply some kind of compression codec so that you can actually watch it and share it."
"The compressed package size of that merged file will end up still being smaller than the individual files."
"You get better compression ratios with Brotli and Gzip when you have very large files."
"If you are getting a positive value after calculation, it means the member is in tension; if you are getting a negative value, then the member is in compression."
"ZFS is able to very much compress this because well, there's a lot of just dead space inside of here."
"Logarithmic transformation basically compresses the dynamic range of the input image."
"Concrete is very strong in compression, which is one of the reasons why it is so widely used in construction industries."
"Amplify is super snug compression, high performance kind of leggings."
"In case of concentrically loaded in compression, the design strength may be evaluated as per clause 7.1.2 of IS 800:2007."
"These leggings make me feel super held in, super supportive, and just compressed."
"All of the energy that makes up the universe now was compressed into a very small area."