
Societal Opinions Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"The biggest obstacle here is other people's opinions or this perception of what other people will think."
"I think it's really funny sometimes how much time we spend trying to build our reputation with people whose opinions don't ultimately matter."
"There's some contempt right away about these public assumptions."
"The court is now in session for the trial of Truth or Square versus the public opinion."
"I genuinely don't care what anyone thinks of me, and that's not a faking that's like real."
"Life is too short to worry about what other people are eating or wearing or whatever."
"Living life with a bunch of other people's thoughts about you in mind is a really limited life."
"Instead of overwhelming yourself with this huge goal, just eat 1500 calories a day."
"Stop worrying about their opinions, stop worrying about what they think and what they're doing."
"I wish I knew 10 years ago that other people's opinions don't matter."
"People don't understand, people don't take it seriously, people take it very seriously like there's a little bit of everything."
"Lord set me free from the opinions of people."
"Don't nobody want to get my broke ass opinion still shut the [__] up. I ain't never seen billionaires before but let me tell you why it concerned me."
"This is genuinely the best we can fucking do. Have you considered the government isn't this perfect little thing because everyone has disagreeing opinions on what the government should even be?"
"When you don't care what people think anymore, you're free."
"Your happiness matters more than anyone else's opinion."
"Life is too short to be worrying about anyone else's opinions."
"Build a car that you love personally and don't care about what other people say."
"Your life is too short and far too special to be spending our lives worrying about other people's opinions."
"Some people might get mad, some people might point out they think it's societal rot, but in the end, I think the average person's gonna be like, let's move forward with our life."
"If you are concerned with what Allah thinks of you, then you won't care what other people think of you, and that will drive you."
"Most reasonable people have the opinion that same-sex marriage is a good thing, but churches should not be forced to marry gay couples."
"The day you stop caring about what other people think is the day your life begins."
"This is like the ultimate thing I feel that I can do for myself just to be in nature it's kind of like an amazing reset."
"We cannot unilaterally disarm and think we're going to build an economy of the future."
"I think it's really... there are some people who... think it's evil... and they're often very angry."
"Why do people care so much? Why do people gotta insert their opinions where their opinions are not needed?"
"Who cares what people think about you, right? You need to have fun, you have to live your own life."
"Your mental health and the mental health of your children, it's more than what other people say about yours."
"I finally found a lot of peace in the fact that I don't longer give a shit when people think about me."
"Life is in the moment, who cares what they say about you afterwards?"
"That's the best way to say it because life is in the moment and who cares what they say about you afterwards."
"You have to care more about you than what other people think."
"Life's short man, forget what people got to say about you."
"If you like what you see when you look in the mirror, if you like who you are as a person, then you shouldn't care what other people say or think about you."
"You can't move through the world based on anybody's opinions."
"If you worry about what other people think, soon enough you will be on the sidelines of your life."
"You cannot please everyone. It doesn't matter what people think."
"Confidence skyrockets when you realize others' opinions are none of your business."
"People hated me but I will say this, people have changed."
"Do not live your life for anyone else but you thank you you are indifferent of the opinions of other people."
"Everybody's a medical expert, everybody's a doctor. It's amazing how we could have a million people die over a two and a half year period and people get so crazy in their feelings about somebody else wearing a mask on an airplane."
"Change it for Allah, not for other people's comments."
"I do wish the blue states would leave the red states well enough alone."
"What other people think of me is none of my damn business."
"No one really cares that much about what other people think about what they love."
"You should not be worried about what the world thinks about you; you should worry about what God thinks about you."