
Constitutionality Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"I believe that Anyone who puts themselves over the Constitution should never be president of the United States and anyone who asks someone else to put them over the Constitution should never be president of the United States again."
"The Supreme Court often tries to uphold the Constitution, and they like striking down unconstitutional laws."
"The average length of a constitution in the history of the world is 17 years; this year, we're 232 years under the same Constitution. So we are unique; we're the exception, not the rule."
"It's unconstitutional and we're here making some noise because it's unacceptable."
"I beat the health department in court. I proved that these mandates were, in fact, unconstitutional."
"Essentially an unconstitutional abortion ban."
"I think it's clear from the case law there is no constitutional right to bail and a bond can contain special conditions as long as they're reasonable under the circumstances."
"The federal court decided that banning plastic straws was unconstitutional."
"I think his point of view is that it's necessary and constitutionally correct."
"Even if this bill did pass, it wouldn't hold constitutional water anyway."
"The court finally for the first time in my lifetime as we can actually treat itself as a court that interprets the text of the constitution."
"We need to keep pushing on bureaucratic transparency. An executive order that defies the U.S Constitution should be challenged."
"They were removed and we had people that were executing the elections and collecting ballots that were not under the Constitution."
"The FBI had been engaging in massive unconstitutional surveillance."
"This is a protest against an unconstitutional and a black law."
"If we just followed the constitution, the government would be very much smaller."
"It is dangerous for the court to weigh in hamfisted into constitutionally protected activity, but it is equally dangerous to turn a blind eye to allegations of discrimination or other forms of misconduct."
"Patently retaliatory, patently anti-business, and patently unconstitutional."
"Rights are god-given and recognized by the government, not granted by the government. It's unconstitutional for the government to infringe those rights on a lifetime basis."
"Our job right now under the Constitution is to continue to do oversight, continue to get the facts, continue to get the evidence."
"The supreme court left in place lower court rulings that found the policy unconstitutional."
"They don't care about the moral consequence, they don't care about what's right and wrong, they don't care about the constitutionality of what they're trying to put through. All they care about is infringement."
"The Constitution was meant to be a living document."
"Any law that's repugnant to the Constitution is absolutely null and void."
"This is blatantly unconstitutional. They can't just monitor every bank account in America."
"Affirmative action tried to level the playing field but was ruled unconstitutional."
"Any law passed by the federal government that is blatantly unconstitutional can with good conscience be nullified by the states."
"Our case will prove this censorship as unlawful, it's unconstitutional, and it's completely un-American." - Trump
"It's become very apparent to me that so many of these government decisions are almost wholly politically motivated and unconstitutionally."
"It is fundamentally unamerican to discriminate against students or separate students, segregate students, treat them differently on the basis of race. It's un-american and it's also unconstitutional."
"Under long-standing Department policy, a President cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional."
"It's very very clear that this is unconstitutional."
"How long are we going to continue to let these people who are making their ideologies turn into policies persecute people for following the constitution?"
"He does not have that power. There is no such power. It is in fact unconstitutional."
"The First Amendment's pretty clear and it's very strong."
"It would be unconstitutional to imprison Trump because of a speech that had literally nothing to do with the criminal activity."
"The courts will intervene if the law is unconstitutional."
"It challenges the foundations of our constitution but most importantly it is unconstitutional."
"Racial segregation of public schools is unconstitutional."
"We decree that America's executive branch of government will honor God and defend the constitution."
"You cannot turn a constitutionally protected activity into a crime."
"Zoning ordinances are constitutional as long as they're not arbitrary or unreasonable."
"In the light of these pressures, especially if in the days of our own day as in the days of Augustus back in the Roman Empire the things were brought in the changes were brought in while seeming to keep the outward forms of constitutionality."
"If the government is attempting to abridge the speech rights of a third party, that has to be unconstitutional."
"The relief we would request, Justice Wynn, is a declaratory judgment that this resolution is unconstitutional and an injunction ordering San Francisco to take it down off their website and not publish it any further."
"Under this court's well-established jurisprudence, the court looks to the three prong test articulated in Lemon Vs Kurtzman to assess the constitutionality of a given government action."
"That's the big picture idea of kind of how the supreme court is determining what level of scrutiny or what standard of review to apply to determine the constitutionality of a law."
"These resolutions stated that states had the right to nullify federal laws they deem unconstitutional."
"If appropriate, we could file suit challenging the constitutionality of the law."
"...the Constitution is clear. You can't just squint really hard and see what you want to see."
"Despite what these Battle Creek cops would have you believe, the Constitution is permanent, not a suggestion."
"The Constitution is not to be suspended in a time of crisis."
"The federal bank therefore is constitutional."
"Congress may provide for and support a navy. Would it make any sense to say just because the word steamboat is not contained in the Constitution that therefore the use of steamboats by the nation's Navy is unconstitutional?"
"The Supreme Court can determine the constitutionality of laws."
"Lincoln really did try and be a law-abiding president at all times and keep within what he thought were the parameters of the Constitution."
"The government action was patently retaliatory, patently anti-business, and patently unconstitutional."
"I felt that measures otherwise unconstitutional might become lawful by becoming indispensable to the preservation of the Constitution through preservation of the nation."
"The Constitution applies in good times and in bad."
"The Constitution is the Constitution, and nobody yet has laid a glove on the Constitution."
"Any law that violates the Constitution even on a local level is not law; it's void and it's criminal."
"The court can rule on apportionment issues because it is a constitutional issue, not a political issue."
"A codified constitution would also give clarity on what was and wasn't constitutional."
"The Constitution is not suspended in times of Crisis."
"Policies cannot trump the Constitution."
"The Supreme Court... can use their power of judicial review to decide if a law is constitutional or not."
"The Supreme Court can check the laws of Congress by deeming any law that they pass to be unconstitutional."
"A unconstitutional act is not a law; it is in legal contemplation as inoperative as though it had never been passed."
"A tremendous victory for the American people and for our Constitution."
"People who didn't scream about democracy and the constitution, and instead lived in a democracy and followed the constitution."
"This is an issue that's neither Republican nor Democrat; it's neither liberal nor conservative. This is a constitutional issue. This is a moral issue."
"The state may not, in the name of local control over local laws and practice, give state courts the power to violate the supreme law of the land."
"The original meaning of the Constitution is binding now."
"Sentences of life imprisonment without parole imposed on children convicted of non-homicide crimes is cruel and unusual punishment and constitutionally impermissible."
"The Constitution is the highest law and our job as courts is to enforce it."