
Gender Stereotypes Quotes

There are 565 quotes

"There are many seemingly universal truths that societies clung to over time about the inherent differences between men and women, some of which, of course, we now know are a load of crap."
"The idea that because men are being raised by women that they're weaker is completely false. Our generation is not more sensitive; we're more aware."
"Please stop putting down men in this way. There are plenty of men out there who do have great personalities, who you can have interesting conversations with."
"Why do you consider a woman a tease if she doesn't sleep with you after three dates, but a slut if she sleeps with you on the first date?"
"Patriarchy tells men they shouldn't be vulnerable or show emotions, labeling those things as feminine, so when men get vulnerable or emotional, they're criticized, made fun of, told to 'be a man, not to act like a woman.'"
"Gillette's campaign urges men to challenge the stereotype and provide a better example for the next generation."
"I don't know if I agree with the argument, intrinsically, that men are less emotional than women."
"You think of women being the nicer gender and so open and inclusive, and it's, she discovered already just by joining this men's bowling league that it was men who are more welcoming."
"Not all men are pigs, just like not all girls are objects with just legs and shoulders. We deserve to be heard, and seen, and respected."
"Our culture is extremely reluctant to speak about female competitiveness because it goes against the myth that we have that men are these uncivilized competitive brutes and women are these angelic angels that are just above all that."
"There's actually a lot of misinformation about eating disorders, one of the biggest being that it's just a chick thing."
"Obviously the reputation women had for being inferior and less skilled was false."
"We're gonna talk about how when we only think of men as sexual aggressors, it leaves a lot of other men with the room to act in nefarious ways under the guise of being nice."
"The age-old incorrect assumption that there's some invisible barrier preventing women from being good at eSports is trotted out every time young boys win cash in this video game."
"It's sad... that when you have a little boy who likes dolls and a little girl who likes trucks, it is assumed that they must belong to the opposite gender category rather than just being a child who happens to like the things that they like."
"Anytime a man has standards of a woman, it's considered toxic, insecure."
"They said, Wally, you're a girl, you can't do that. I said, guess what, it doesn't matter what you are, you can still do it if you want to do it."
"The idea of women being weak or victimized or unable to compete with men has always been just a weird thing for me."
"Usually when we hear about a woman who commits murder, it's in the context of an abusive relationship."
"What if the best surgeon in the world was a woman, but it was also true that on average, most of the best surgeons were male?"
"But Mary Sue characters are not exclusively female, and not all female heroes are Mary Sues."
"Little boys on the playground who are bossy are called leaders. Girls who are in charge are called bossy."
"When I am assertive, I'm a bitch. When a man is assertive, he's a boss."
"I think it's really stupid that it's considered a man's game because it's literally a completely non-gendered game."
"Men hate romantic comedies for the same reason you hate video games with over-sexualized female characters."
"Men are sexual beings and therefore automate with multiple women throughout their lives because that is truly what men want."
"Seriously Sydney, men deserve to be berated in public?"
"There is no such thing as eating like a man or eating like a lady."
"Those who say women are the weaker sex simply haven't met Donna Moore."
"Men are supposed to be strong, be able to emotionally handle anything."
"It's no wonder why women can't retain a man long-term or just hop from dude to dude. It's simply disgusting in reality. The logic is simple."
"Men's minds are like waffles... Women's Brains are like a pile of spaghetti noodles."
"It's easier to understand gender essentialism than to consider everyone is different."
"Because she looks more likely to submit to your will. That is what you like about it, and that is a massive, massive example of the fetishization and sexualization of femininity."
"Men aren't really complicated, Anna honey. They're very simple, literal creatures."
"because they tend to reinforce the widespread, regressive notion that women in vulnerable, passive or subordinate positions are somehow desirable because of their powerlessness."
"I do wonder sometimes if the reason why we get such insanely strong female characters is because people are scared to show that women can fail like men can fail."
"The worst comments that I read are like 'women aren't funny' and I'm like 'ow, okay, well how do you immediately just invalidate whatever you're gonna say, say that sentence first?'"
"Men today are a joke, and there's a one in ten chance your husband's going to commit infidelity."
"I think that being a girl is a weakness... it was pounded into us at a very early age."
"So the idea that somehow women are always nurturing and caring and men are always sadistic and brutal, these are caricatures of gender."
"Women we don't watch true crime, we study it."
"The man flu is way way worse than the woman flu ever is."
"Girls couldn't do Ocean's Eleven because two of them would break off to gossip."
"We must let go of this notion of masculinity as inherently toxic."
"Just because she's a woman and younger doesn't mean she's not capable."
"The trope robs women in peril from the opportunity of being the architects of their own escape."
"If men aren't that way you know aren't violent oppressive coercive dominating and abusive toward women at least no more so than women are toward men then all of a sudden it's no longer justifiable to hate men is it."
"But do the same rules apply when the killer is a woman..."
"Sometimes it can be valid, like maybe you've had really awful male figures in your life that have just done awful things to you but like that doesn't mean that you have to take that and like spew that wrath on everyone around you."
"The issue isn't whether there are men or women recast, it's that people like you will never find them."
"Women played an important role in the military, with some serving in units which shattered gender stereotypes."
"Terms like 'boys will be boys' should not be used as a dismissal."
"Bridget believes that there are a lot of assumptions about weight training, such as it being a male-dominated sport that females can't be a part of."
"Just don't hit me with a woman card though. Women, I love y'all, I love y'all, I love y'all, but stop acting like everybody who says something bad about I don't like women."
"The big Hollywood Machine is behind the times they keep touting the same phrase strong female character but then give hollow lifeless characters who think that being stoic and unrelatable make them strong."
"Girls are being trained in dressing Barbie dolls. And boys are being trained in technology. This has to change."
"Men do not care about the career accomplishments of women when we're trying to choose our girlfriend or a wife."
"Men only interact, deal, and talk to you for sexual reasons. There's no such thing as a platonic relationship between men and women."
"Learn from your mistakes, you're going to make a lot of mistakes and things are not going to come easy to you but in the end everything is going to work out."
"There's no stereotype on what a man should be or what a woman should be."
"Did you realize it? The first emoji said a woman can either be a princess or a bride?"
"The modern perception of women as less than men or under the care of men has its origins in sexual violence and slavery."
"What a pathetic excuse for a man. I mean it's no wonder he supports castration. This is a castrated man himself."
"Tomboys are usually low maintenance and not fake plastic gold diggers."
"Vaginas stretch out with use? It's a deeply rooted myth in the patriarchy."
"Men always struggle with pornography. For women, the pornography is romantic comedy and The Bachelor."
"They are absolutely, positively sure to remove anything remotely considered traditional feminine. None of them are motherly."
"No one will have a greater wrath or vengeance than a woman when she has been wronged. Most men find out the hard way that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."
"Men love mentioning how long it's been since they cried. Dude, I don't even remember the last time I cried."
"If women have to always be hard, tough, and troubled to be strong and we aren't free to be multi-dimensional or celebrate an icon of women everywhere because she is attractive and loving then we haven't come very far, have we?"
"Men don't have very many needs. They really, genuinely don't."
"Stop insulting the male audience. You're not going to insult your way to box-office success."
"The less time you spend with a girl, the less of a headache she is."
"Men don't want women that have slept with multiple people."
"Nice guys are always the type of guys that always put the woman's interests first, he puts her on a pedestal, he kisses her butt, treats her like the queen."
"Get a life... why is it gross if a girl has leg hair or armpit hair or face hair?"
"We're not as empathetic to boys and men complaining or expressing their hurt, their pain, their feelings, their fears."
"The damsel trope typically makes men the subject of narratives while relegating women to the role of object."
"The whole masculinity and tough-guy thing is very dated."
"This idea that men are somehow smarter is not true."
"Intellectually dishonest... trying to take the minority relationships and say all women are not more emotionally mature than men."
"That's what they're teaching these men, and it's sickening."
"Sometimes women act like children, and men don't."
"Friendship between men is stronger than blood. A woman could never understand."
"What's really sexy about women is to have a strong degree of femininity... why does someone being strong negate her femininity? I think you could be strong in your femininity."
"I've known a lot of women who dumped guys and I've never had one tell me... he was just too vulnerable."
"Women rarely if ever hear that guys like... 'oh no please stay with me please I love you so much.'"
"Telling me to be ladylike makes me turn that crap way down."
"You teach boys that their desires are evil or at least that they need to be suppressed and then you paint women as temptations instead of human beings."
"Typical man and woman approximate one sane person."
"Do you think men are bigger babies than women? Absolutely."
"It's what makes her ironically enough a strong independent woman."
"Showing emotions is a sign of strength. Men do live shorter lives due to repression of emotions."
"Ultimately, the best fate for the 'tomboy' trope is to fade completely out of existence, outdated by a world in which this label doesn’t need to exist and doesn’t even make sense."
"That's what happened I didn't have to say much if you say anything like hey man sometimes women do some crazy stuff dudes will give the comments like women ain't [ __ ]."
"The objective of the film seems to be to convince women that they are lesser than men and that they need extra help to succeed."
"Blue stuff for boys, pink stuff for girls. They call a purse for men a merse, or sandals for men mandals."
"The only group that gendered marketing works on is men because we all have caveman brains."
"Y'all niggas deal with emotions like bitches."
"There's a natural hesitancy to want a woman who's the 'town bicycle.'"
"Victimhood mentality actually disempowers women."
"Women fighting men in a battle warfare scenario would lose 100% of the time? No, all right, that's wrong."
"It's like, oh dude, you know, that is not what it means to be a man."
"By emphasizing the vulnerability of woman, he makes use of women as prostitutes and by underestimating them he ultimately is unable to overpower the female, and it's not due to any deceptive power."
"This idea that a woman not having a job just supporting her man is like below you is complete garbage."
"As unfair as it is men gain Advantage as they age and women lose it and nothing nothing they do will solve it"
"It feels like every man says they want a strong, confident woman until they get one."
"Women tend to fare better because women again this is based on stereotypes but stereotypes exist because they're true."
"The idea of eating meat being masculine comes from a very insecure and fragile place."
"Let's not raise boys into thinking that they're pretty much invincible at the hands of a woman."
"All men are misogynistic, right? Oh man, and do this, no exceptions."
"Mustang is just for our females? I don't think a lot of people are gonna like you."
"Strong women versus acting masculine because they're strong."
"I know in a conversation I could run circles around a man about sports, so at the end of the day, like, you gotta pick what you give your energy to, and most times, I'm just here for the laughs."
"Men are saying, 'Yeah, I'll sleep with you, but you're too easy. I'd never date you long term.'"
"Men in general don't care, we could teach you all the things that you need to know."
"Men are conquerors, we're highly competitive."
"It's objectively true that women care about how much money you make."
"If my boyfriend just suddenly said I have a girl best mate and like I'm going to go for dinner with her, excuse me, you cannot be friends with the opposite sex, alright?"
"Women can handle the truth, yes. We have to stop with this 'Dad wouldn't hurt her feelings' like, shh, we can handle it. We can have... We are designed to have something tear through our bodies with no anesthesia."
"Girls can track it, they're like detectives."
"Real men are kind, real men are gentle, they're so strong they don't have to show you."
"Women in activism usually get what she calls a default eye roll."
"I think that this has been a narrative that's been not really pushed enough I think that it's just it's taken in a position that makes it makes men look like they're always the abusers."
"The idea of certain characteristics being inherent to a gender doesn't make you a better woman or man."
"Fantasy worlds can represent an opportunity to show a world without gendered stereotypes and stigmas."
"I'm devastated that he made me sound crazy and twisted so many things out of context in his most recent video to the point of literally painting me into the loud crazy over stereotype that people try to use on young women especially Latina women."
"Literally this man just put it in I would assume it's a man there's no anyway a lady would be like oh my god I love when in roaring that was no way like this this straight dude all the way."
"We're Men, we're disgusting, we're vile animals..."
"Girls are made of sugar, spice, and everything nice."
"Don't write a strong woman, write a good character."
"Just because Melanie is a girl, it doesn't mean that she can't assault another girl."
"As a woman I get taken way less seriously, people assume that I'm with the band not in it."
"Trash-talking athletes everywhere will say it right: you can be a little but you're not a girl."
"Men shouldn't be emotional because if you're emotional, it's used against you."
"Girls fall in love with what they hear, and men fall in love with what they see. That's why women wear makeup and it's why men lie."
"Women have an innate need for magical thinking."
"Men have a 'nothing box' in their brain that they love to be in."
"Men are logical, women are emotional, nope, research does not support that."
"Being open and receptive is a feminine quality that men love."
"Boys will not be boys, everybody needs to be held accountable."
"Show them what it really means to play like a girl."
"Behind every great man is a great woman" - well, it also applies to men who are the exact opposite of great.
"Jimmy voice the seductive devil girl is a destructive trope we must discard it it shames women's sexuality and is harmful stop it."
"You have to pay attention to gendered stereotypes when you're conducting these evaluations."
"Having masculinity lumped in with misogyny is a huge issue."
"We don't expect everybody to look that way, and there wasn't a secret meeting behind women's back where we said, hey, you know, we don't even like boobs and butts, we're just gonna throw this out there."
"We pledge to actively challenge the stereotypes and expectations of what it means to be a man."
"Ain't no woman hips or breasts or legs should dictate what come from up there."
"Men with ambition and drive are always a weak spot for most women."
"Girls rule, boys drool - strike three, you're out."
"Sugar, spice, and everything nice is much closer to what a woman is than two x chromosomes."
"Women are terrified of life-altering events, while men are scared of a little joke."
"Men will literally rather risk all of existence instead of going to therapy."
"Therapy gets a big stigmatism because people think that if you go to therapy you're weak, especially amongst men."
"Oh my god it's just like bro like let off you have to wonder what sort of like dense individuals are actually thinking that females don't like enjoy anime in video games and stuff like that"
"Honestly guys, I don't even know why I need to make these videos because these six pieces of common sense should make it so blatantly obvious that women care about looks way more than men."
"Competition is good. If they're better, then you have to get better, and that's part of the masculine stereotype."
"Most girls wouldn't be caught dead paying a bill for a guy on a Thursday or if they do they'll never see that guy again."
"Can't carry your own stuff 'cause that's not manly?"
"Society sets us up to believe that certain jobs are only for certain genders."
"Who's more likely to go public with a relationship: men or women? Women lies, lies, women, yo all day."
"Men in general have a hard time fully expressing their feelings."
"Far too many of you ladies walk around acting like you are the prize."
"Just because a female movie character has a special skill doesn't mean that moviemakers are saying all women have those skills."
"It's too easy really to just say well dudes are bad or something that's ridiculous that's half of all of us."
"Stop eating females; if you eat too many females, you start to become a female."
"The color pink doesn't determine if you're a girl or a boy."
"Women are not some mystical group that needs to be lured in via clever marketing techniques revolving around hot men."
"Women never want to settle, they never want to lower their price to match what they are."
"This commentator expects to hear how women are too emotional to be president which is something I cannot believe we're still expected to believe after the last four years."
"No female fantasy ends with 'we just became friends.'"
"You can't be a proud straight heterosexual man now in Hollywood or anywhere really and be revered you're looked at as the enemy."
"There is nothing more powerful than a feminine alpha."
"I have a big b in my bonnet over a female comedian making sex jokes or joke talking about sex is like oh that's cheap or that's easy it's like bitch nothing is fucking easy as a female."
"Just because something is associated with femininity doesn't make it superficial, vapid, basic, stupid, and so on."
"When a woman is fired up, passionate, or critical, it's bad. But when a man is, she must accept it."
"To demonize men, to demonize women, to suggest that they are intrinsically flawed is a satanic project." - Nancy Randal piery
"It's high time the entertainment industry caught up and stopped trying to automatically divide viewership into male versus female."
"Gender stereotypes influence the ways in which males and females are perceived."
"Just because I'm a woman doesn't inherently make anything sexual."
"Women aren't encouraged to go into fields like construction."
"Don't cut your red pill friend off. Show them unconditional love and support that doesn't hinge on them being the right type of men."
"The entire concept like imagining sex is something that women are doing purely for the sake of like a man's desire so feeling a man's desires is unironically a misogynist [__] perspective."
"It is stupid to assume that every single man is [__] violent and therefore shut yourself off from 50% of the population."
"I definitely think a feminine woman is more likely to get their dream man."
"Gender is the sexual stereotypes that have been used for centuries to oppress women."
"Get over yourself, there are many more examples of women in power doing terrible things."
"The one great I'd say spectacular strength of men is their logic and ability to calmly and rationally evaluate circumstances in life well enough to make sound wholesome decisions."
"We do not have a bunch of independent boss chicks. You do not have a career, you have just a job."
"Fit, feminine, friendly. That's what men typically want."
"Girls can use tools too! Girls are strong you don't need a boy to do all your tool stuff."
"Male energy is focused and female energy is creative and random."
"Male energy is linear, analytical, strategic, and practical."
"Men would rather fix a lawnmower than go to therapy. The male proclivity to deny physical or mental pathologies is profound and disconcerting."
"There's no freaking way that man has mistreated a woman... I am telling the truth."
"She still won't admit that women can be abusers."
"I think one thing is clear: the narrative around male victims has been in desperate need of change for far too long."
"Nobody wants to see women fight? This place is jam-packed."