
Cats Quotes

There are 646 quotes

"It turns out when playing this music to 47 cats in the study compared to playing two different classical music pieces, the cats did indeed react significantly more positively and pay more attention to the Cat music."
"Cats domesticated themselves: This is a popular theory on how wild cats were domesticated into house pets."
"Scratching allows cats to mark their territory... they are leaving a visual cue by the scratch marks but also a scent cue because they have scent glands on their paws."
"We humans didn't domesticate cats, instead they domesticated themselves."
"Cats are masterful predators capable of spotting prey from meters away in the dead of night."
"If you have a cat or have ever spent much time on the Internet, you know that cats like to sit in boxes."
"Cats actually have some really neat behaviors where if you put a bed around, they'll go and sit on the bed a lot of the time, and if you sleep in a bed, they'll actually come and sit on you and purr."
"Scientists have been conducting experiments on cats to study molecules that could stop HIV/AIDS."
"Socialization is a spectrum. It's not like there's just unsocialized cats and social cats; there's a lot of in-between here."
"I mean a cat you could just bounce around your apartment if you wanted."
"Adult cats deserve and do get homes just like kittens do."
"The ancient Egyptians used to believe cats brought them good fortune."
"Cats were revered in ancient Egypt, often associated with the goddess Bastet, symbolizing home, fertility, and the protector of the Pharaoh."
"Cats that drink plenty of water are healthier, happier, and more active, as well as they are less likely to get bladder and kidney infections."
"Ancient Egyptians believed that cats were magical creatures capable of bringing great luck."
"Rule the world as a cat? No downside, count me in."
"Watch a cat decide to move through a door and see how patiently he waits for his opportunity."
"They're very good with children. They don't display any sort of temper towards children or other people."
"The biggest cat fancier is Princess Michael of Kent."
"There's nothing cuter, nothing more precious or magnificent as a cat."
"Wild kittens: humans have owned pet cats for more than 10,000 years."
"Cats in general are individualistic creatures."
"What I love most about cats is their personality. They're the non-prescription antidepressant."
"I cannot say no to cats, so if I see this in the store you know I'm going to buy it."
"Conclusions: Hey cats can catch COVID-19 and using the precautionary principle we gotta assume the cat's can spread it to humans as well."
"My cat is the greatest creature on this planet."
"Oh, what a cute cat. Look at this guy, just look at him."
"We really enjoy... hanging out with our cats."
"Cats gained muscle in their sleep. Yeah, no idea. Yeah, that's unbelievable. I wish I could sleep that."
"I love house cats. I love cats. I'm a cat lover."
"Cats are probably one of the most cutest things and you ain't gonna have to take them out for a walk or anything you just gotta give them food and then you're good."
"In the end, it's the lone cat that comes out on top."
"That's a cat that knows how to get what it wants."
"Comets are like cats. They both have tails, and they both do precisely what they want to do."
"The important thing to remember about comets is that they're like cats."
"People love cats, like that's like a new thing."
"My cat is an escape artist, absolutely. Like, she is determined that she could live in the wild."
"Cats are so chill, the perfect buddy to hang with, have some catnip and dig into a nice watery can of tuna."
"A lovely gift for anyone that loves cats. Buy it here!"
"My favorite fact about cats is that they're almost actively maintaining their mysteriousness..."
"Life will get better, just control your Johnson."
"Cats are liquid, don't try to change my mind."
"If the Earth was flat cats would have pushed everything off it by now."
"That cat everyone, it met. It just showered with love."
"These little cat trinket dishes are adorable. Those are so sweet."
"Cats are predatory animals and therefore require a healthy amount of protein in their diet."
"Cats are cute, cats are funny, cats are random, and cats are sassy."
"If I fits, I sits; cats love sitting in boxes."
"We live in the age of decadence for cats."
"The oldest known pet cat existed 9,500 years ago."
"Cats developed a special type of meow to communicate with humans."
"...retinal degeneration or blindness in cats is caused by a single molecule deficiency in their diet and that molecule was toring."
"It's a cat! It's amazing! Oh, it's so adorable!"
"I just want someone who I can watch movies with, who has a good sense of humor, and who likes cats."
"...March 3rd is known as 'What if cats and dogs had opposable thumbs day.'"
"I do know the name of Lovecraft's cat, it's called Nick."
"Cats spend 2/3 of their life asleep."
"For the small price of scooping turds out of a litter box, you can live with a creature who occasionally tolerates you. Plus with cats, there's no longer any need to buy expensive furs because everything you wear will now be covered in cat hair."
"Cats are demons, cats are the worst. Oh no, did that cat just fart? No, bulls."
"I love how fluffy and sometimes friendly cats are."
"Nobody, absolutely nobody: Cats at 3 am."
"Women love cats, and men hate them. But look at cats for a second. They act like they paid your rent, right?"
"Cats began traveling the known world on ships."
"This essential wildness may explain in part why cats are not trainable in the way dogs are."
"Cats are brilliant. People really underestimate the brilliance of a cat."
"Since then, they've traveled the world, been feared by popes, and worshipped like gods."
"Seeing a ginger or orange cat today isn't unusual."
"Genetics has confirmed that domestic cats originated in the Fertile Crescent, but it's also revealed something genuinely surprising-- one country had more influence on the genes of modern cats than any other."
"My cat has heterochromia, one blue eye and one gold eye, and in a camera flash he only gets the red-eye effect over his blue iris; the other turns green."
"Here are some more cats meow. They're showing up everywhere."
"His cats are engaging and endearing and more human than many humans."
"Cats suck, sorry if you have cats."
"After waking up one sunny day, A Street cat goes out in search of food."
"Every cat has a unique nose print."
"Everywhere is a cat potential cat heaven."
"There are cats that transcend just making you giggle those are the cats that become philosophers."
"It's a wonderful night for space cats."
"It's already great enough that we're having the vaccine for cats in 2025."
"Cats are arrogant, man. They move like humans."
"This little gr cat is named Nermal."
"Inside every cat lurks the same wild hunter spirit."
"It's so wild. Like, how are all the cats so... have such good manners?"
"This will keep him busy for a treat motivated cat like Casper."
"Cats can actually scratch. My cat is definitely a scratcher and a biter."
"I'm officially a cat mom now, and I've only had my baby for a few months."
"Ragdoll cats are very social and very loving. They love their people so they get along with everyone."
"Cats are like witches," said granny. "They don't fight to kill, but to win. There's a difference."
"If the cat jumps out of your lap, let it be. It'll come back."
"I'm not just answering one question from one person; it actually can help a lot of people. This is Loki, one of our rescue cats. Say hello, Loki, say 'huzzah, huzzah'."
"Here are some actual cute cat things because why are they rare? I swear dogs get all the cute stuff but anyways this little cat tunnel bed is so adorable. My cat loves to sleep in it."
"The newest and best YouTube cat channel is out bye."
"Why do cats nap in the most bizarre places?"
"I knew there were people out there who didn't like cats, and where I come from, we call those people demons."
"In ancient Egypt, cats were the preferred pets of the Pharaohs, considered to be Gods."
"Cats have been mummified in the pyramids, meant to accompany the dead Pharaohs during their final voyage."
"I will be damned if I underrate the capabilities of any cat."
"Cats, they're beloved all over the world."
"And finally, when we get tucked to the belly, that is a petrified cat."
"I'd much rather prefer cute little cats to a problematic man any day."
"Male orange cats tend to be really, really into food."
"Let me make sure you get a place where a cat exists."
"Sometimes I'm sad that I'm allergic to cats, other times I'm grateful they're little demons."
"My cats... they like to nap, they like to uh go nibble at food here and there"
"Cats have diversified and expanded their reach across the world."
"Dogs do actual jobs. You ever seen a cat leading a blind person? Probably not."
"One thing you also have to remember with cats is they can get whisker stress so you want a bowl that's not too deep."
"It's quite interesting to see how different the personalities of the cats are."
"...cats, that sacred animal would be treated as part of the family and their death would lead to mourning among the household and even be mummified..."
"Cats are the most broken animals in nature. Only cats could spin a parasitic infection into a way of living life for you."
"Cats are insane creatures that just have this ability to exist; their survival is beyond anything that I've ever seen from any other animal."
"Cats are just wild; they freaked me out because of what they're capable of and the fact that there are gigantic ones out there in nature. Oh my God, just nightmare fuel."
"The insane plot armor of cats. Are you ready to check this out? Let's go, let's do it."
"Cats are the most athletic group of animals on Earth. Cats are nature's population control, and there isn't anywhere on Earth that doesn't have some kind of cat running it."
"Cats give back as much as they take, which leads to their next flex: healing powers."
"My cats finally started using their squish M beds."
"Cats are considered Guardians of the spiritual realm. So people with cats usually are protected in the spiritual realm."
"Every cat owner knows that song and cat owners I."
"Cats don't find the meaning in their lives from constructing a story about their lives... the secret of feline happiness is that cats don't tell their lives as stories."
"Some cat enthusiasts are willing to spend big money for big kitty."
"Cats' whiskers help them navigate their environment and help them keep oriented so they always land on their feet."
"Cats don't love you, they tease you."
"Cats are something else, yeah. Different vibe, way different from dogs. If you pet one, they'd be hella cool and out of nowhere, they'd ghost you. Yep."
"Eight out of ten cats prefer your neighbor's house. Cats are traitors."
"Honestly, cats might be the most ridiculous creatures on this Earth."
"We can help our cats be healthier both behaviorally and physically by getting them to use food puzzles."
"Cat welfare gives me an enormous sense of well-being."
"I love cats. I've always loved cats."
"I'd like to suggest an explanation for their domestication using occult knowledge instead of standard mainstream science. I think cats habituated themselves to people because cats serve as a repository for the souls of the dead."
"I love cats. I don't really mind being called a crazy cat lady."
"Cats can be wonderful companions."
"He demanded to see videos of real cats performing the exact same motion."
"This is what a good cat looks like."
"Cats can be evil, which I know makes them smarter. I'm half and half, I'll lean in the cats."
"She genuinely amazing, but no, she's so amazing, it's just the fact she's a cat!"
"Cats give back as much as they take."
"Cats are nature's population control."
"I don’t understand why Stormalong citizens hate cats, because usually in nautical settings, they help with hunting mice."
"Anytime I find a cat shirt, I must have the cat. They're on pizza, they are on pizza, they're pizza cats."
"The title of this video is the insane plot armor of cats."
"If cats could talk, we'd see a lot of meteorologists on unemployment."
"I love pottery with cats on it. It's just a thing, I don't know why."
"Don't ever let cats convince you that they're dumb."
"Maybe if you complete your cat chunk chart then I'd be impressed Curious George where you've got to I took every cat that I saw."
"I really think we need a legit Lego variation of a sleeping cat."
"It's time to restore the initial reasons for which the internet was created: cats."
"Relationships are like cats sometimes you want cuddles and sometimes you need space."
"You should follow Gerard on Twitter if you're interested in either economics or cats."
"Cats universally recognize their name, but they choose whether they want to respond."
"A cat's tail contains nearly 10 percent of the bones in its body."
"I don't know what they were but they were cats with big ears they didn't seem scared when I went they just stay there watching me they buy us stuff now"
"Cats have fewer toes on their back paws. Like most four-legged mammals, cats have five toes on their front but the back paws only have four toes."
"Every other cat I've met is an [ __ ]."
"Bastet was a popular deity in ancient Assyrian worshiped as a goddess of cats and a deity of celebration, pleasure, and secrets."
"Hyenas can loaf like house cats. Oh my God!"
"...after starring as the main character in The 2019 film cats the movie received a 2.8 out of 10 star rating on IMDb..."
"I'm taking all the cats, and they will be loved and cared for as they so rightfully deserve."
"Cats are some of the most resilient creatures on Earth."
"I have more interesting conversations with my cat than I do here."
"Reverse whack-a-mole cats. Cats, cats, cats, we can't seem to get enough of their overzealous curiosity."
"Cats literally remind us of babies and even though it's a buff from nature, cats will 100 play into this by figuring out what combination of ear wiggling whisker pointing and eye narrowing gets the best response from people."
"Subscribe or die and most importantly, two four cats."
"Cats are lovely, adorable, and definitely not demons."
"I'm convinced cats were put on Earth by an alien species."
"There is something mysterious about big cats. There's something extra mysterious about a black one."
"Cats think of us as bigger versions of themselves"
"Comparing cat pictures with another cat lover. Oh, there we go."
"...we had two cats, beloved cats, Cupcake and Pounds, and we'd had them for about five years."
"Witness these one-of-a-kind felines."
"These cats are equivalent to human ninjas."
"Maine Coons are one of the largest cat breeds."
"Meet Iris and Abyss, the perfect and inseparable twin cats."
"Japanese bobtails have always been loved by the native people."
"Marbled cats are native to Southeast Asian forests."
"Put all the kitties to bed, it's man hour."
"Cats are so good at that, that they've manipulated us without us even knowing, mind control."
"Cats have whiskers to navigate their environment and help them keep oriented so they always land on their feet."
"Literally the truth if someone who literally doesn't have a leg and you why you don't have a leg why is so normal for some cats to just not have legs I don't think normal."
"Cats just give you their full devotion."
"Wow, okay, that's me when I see a cat."
"I was 19 years old when the musical Cats came to our town. Are we gonna find out why he hates actors?"
"I won't ask him because you know you don't want to disturb a cat's sleep, that's for sure."
"All you have to do with cats you just have to love them and talk to them and it always works out."
"Everything from cat coloring books to philosophy as interpreted by cats."
"The cats help to create a casual, stress free environment for the staff."
"Cats: the beautiful, the unique, and the bizarre."
"I just love cats so much, they're my favorite animal."
"I love that so much as an obsessive cat person."
"I know people don't always like black cats, and there's a lot of people that are watching that have black cats and love black cats, but, you know, there's that stereotype."
"It's hard to describe how much enjoyment the cats really get from being able to go in and out at will to enjoy the outdoors."
"Cats are intrinsically interesting. No matter what they do, they do it with the utmost feline grace."
"Cats are not real. They're so funny. Cats are... I can't believe that they're real. If I didn't own a cat, I would not believe that they're real. They're the funniest creatures on the planet."
"I'm gonna make more cats. I'm gonna make more kittens."
"Snowy slopes and snowboards: the kitty cats didn't want to play something else."
"You know, they say cats are one of the only animals to prefer human interaction to food."
"Cats may be devious at times, but they're honest about it."
"All I'm good for is understanding cats."
"I love cats. I have two cats, Prawn and Apollo. They are just beautiful, and I'm obsessed."
"Bow down to toe beans and treat all felines like royalty."
"Cats in the internet are like peanut butter and jelly."
"Cats might have had... an ancient spiritual significance... in cultures that are now lost to time."