
Spiritual Revival Quotes

There are 211 quotes

"Let this be the launching pad of the greatest revival that America has ever seen. But we cannot revive the world while the church walks in darkness."
"What the world needs today is a spiritual revival of the heart."
"Miracle, a heartbreak is healed. Revive, holy cow!"
"Revival spreading: 'Is America on the threshold of a spiritual Great Awakening?' There's certainly a hunger for it."
"Revival is a bringing back to life of God's people."
"We are not praying for revival, we are living in the middle of one right now."
"I believe we are on the verge of a great revival."
"Humanity will not make any true progress without a spiritual and religious revival of our values."
"The church has an opportunity if it but should take advantage of it."
"Revival is coming to Free Chapel and to the body of Christ."
"We desperately need the dry bones of the church to become alive again, vibrant again, potent again."
"There has never been a time since the Great Awakening that even begins to compare with the spiritual impact that God brought upon the people living in this land."
"Let's engage our world and lead the greatest revival."
"This awakening is coming, nothing can stop it. You're healing our land, you're going to save millions, you're going to deliver millions, you're going to transform people and nations."
"The only hope for this nation is a spiritual revival among God's people."
"We are about to see the greatest revival on earth."
"God is beginning to pour out his greater glory which will result in a tsunami wave of miracles like you and the entire planet have never seen before."
"The greatest revival and spiritual awakening that has ever hit planet Earth is being released now."
"But nobody be naive, there will be a revival, there will be a move the spirit of God but there will be a definite backlash."
"Biblical meditation must be restored. I believe it's the most essential ingredient for this season."
"It's just a complete revival, Jesus, it's like a second chance summon for everybody."
"A revival is going to be preceded by a revival in our lives in walking with God in prayer."
"There will be a Revival amongst the young who will be given a supernatural impartation of my spirit so that even children shall preach."
"He is willing he's touching you in a powerful way he's touching your nation your nation is going to receive Freedom Revolution Revival breakthrough transformation," says the father.
"If we begin, as women, to come into agreement with our identity in Christ, we will see a revival."
"God wants to bring a Revival to America again."
"I thank you Father God for showing us Your Glory. Show us your glory Lord, we thank you for this revival that you're giving to us worldwide."
"A revived person will be an Evangelistic person."
"Passages such as Ezekiel 37:1-14 depict God breathing life into a valley filled with dry bones signifying the Revival and reunification of the scattered Israelites."
"It truly is a spiritual revival in this country."
"Revival tents and outdoor meetings on a radical scale are coming."
"The church will arise with power and love, our cities will know the glory of God."
"I'm bringing the joy of revival back to my church. Joy comes when you know where you stand with God."
"When we see Nations being shaken the next thing on his agenda is filling his house with Glory."
"Whole nations will come back to the church, and the face of the earth will be renewed."
"The greatest harvest of souls in American history is happening right now."
"The spirit of God and of revival and of awakening is moving across America."
"There's nothing but confusion in light of this last year passed. All the dynamic. How do you explain the most bizarre year ever? And yet, all around the world, record numbers of people coming to Christ."
"A true move of the Spirit will bring in souls in Mass... This is not the time to back down."
"Praise Jesus for what He's doing through you. Thank you so much for all you're doing. Revival for me, baby!"
"Revival takes place when revived people take action."
"We're getting ready to see a revival of the name of Jesus like we've never seen."
"Revival is marked by three things: people coming into the awareness that Jesus is everything."
"Now is the time for revival, now is the time for awakening."
"Revival outpourings and awakenings are on the horizon."
"There's a healing move coming to the United States and to the world."
"Mass Revival is coming back to Pensacola and it's a different level that's happening."
"God is our deliverer, pray for justice, pray for revival, Great Awakening."
"God wants to revive his children because there are those who need an Awakening and those who need Revival."
"We're in the throes of a great revival and spiritual awakening."
"Revival and momentum and the movement has to happen."
"Revival is the change of culture, not the change of worship services."
"Girl, get up until the rocks cry out, girl, get up until anointing springs forth, girl, get up until your children are saved."
"May that not be our portion as we desire that God would send such a shaking to the nations that we would see genuine revival."
"I've seen the end time move of God, I've seen the end time revival."
"The revival is not on the way, it's already here. The awakening is already here."
"Revival really across the seven mountains of society... a third great awakening hit America."
"Do I think there will be a Catholic revival? Yes."
"The revival is coming, continue getting ready and getting prepared because revival is coming."
"It's time that we understand who we are and take our position back in this world and we start by putting God first."
"If you feel your fire is dying, what are you giving Him to burn?"
"It's time to catch the fire of repentance Revival as we prepare for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
"We believe that God's agenda is revival. It starts in the home."
"We pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, be with these people who are gathered in their homes around the country in the world."
"It's been a great shaking, a great awakening, it's time to stand up, it's time to get a serious prayer life, it's time to fast, it's time to seek God like never before."
"A sovereign move of God always begins in a few warm hearts."
"During all my long ministry, nearly every work of grace had a similar beginning."
"Send revival to your church, send revival to those that desire you more today."
"We're living in a really exciting time where revival fire is gonna spread."
"Revival is birthed in the womb of humility and Brokenness."
"We're about to witness the greatest Revival in human history."
"The greatest Revival in human history is about to begin."
"Revival is essential. Revival is a must. Repentance is essential. Repentance is a must."
"God is moving right now, He's waking people up, encountering people, and there's a real revival happening right now as I speak."
"For where the casting out of devils has been shut down by the spirit of religion, God says I'm now releasing a generation who are going to resurrect my kingdom with power and authority and will make Deliverance normal."
"I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, 'Over your life and over the many people in this audience for I am bringing not only a Great Awakening, I'm bringing a turnover.'"
"God is about to pour out his Spirit which is going to be a time of change."
"This time it's not just going to be one place... something has started but this time it's not just going to be one place."
"Revival by definition bringing something back to life... it starts with the church and then spills out into the world."
"God wants to send Revival, He wants to send and fill hungry hearts and thirsty souls."
"Revival is when we have a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ resulting in a radical change in our commitment, our character, and our conduct."
"We need revival, not just a church revival of the past, but lasting personal revival that starts with you and me, which leads to unity in the church to direct the lost to Jesus Christ."
"Only revival, when the Holy Spirit comes, can deal with the issues of racism and hatred that's in the world today."
"Revival is the only way forward. Without repentance, there can be no revival."
"Deliverance, salvations, restorations, marriages restored... that's what Revival has."
"We need one and I think the very backdrop of our culture reminds us of that and it might be the perfect moment for it to happen again."
"I believe that this is going to be a breaking moment, that there is going to be a great revival going on there."
"Could it be that God is doing another Great Awakening?"
"I declare a revival, awakening, the strength, the new zeal, the new passion for the presence of God."
"Now that you need me, I am about to raise up your Lazarus."
"Ukraine is one of the most spiritually revived places in Europe."
"He said, 'I see the greatest revival the world has ever seen.'"
"The holy fear of God is coming back to the house of God."
"Christianity is not about making bad people good, it's about making dead people live."
"We need Revival in America; we need the resurrection power of God in this nation."
"The promise of revival is not bigger crowds but more deliverance of god's people."
"Father, we pray God that you would release an outpouring of your spirit into this earth like we have never seen before..."
"Revival is coming... people repenting of their sins, absolutely transformed by the power of the Holy Ghost."
"Revival is here, the greatest spiritual outpouring."
"The American dream is over, it's time for the God dream of revival and glory."
"Worship is the atmosphere where dead things come alive!"
"Revival is one of the greatest needs that we have today."
"When the spirit of revival comes upon you, you will do for love what you would have never done for duty."
"It is time for your spiritual life to be set on fire again."
"Sometimes I feel discouraged, but then the Holy Spirit revives my soul again."
"Why don't we get together and pray for the Holy Spirit? Why don't we pray for the outpouring of the latter rain?"
"I believe that one of the Hallmarks of the next great move of God's spirit will be an explosion of family reconciliation true spiritual fathering and a restoration of God's identity in the hearts of those who feel left behind."
"You just got to go to Fiji for revival, right?"
"God getting ready to revive the church again."
"We just wanted to be the fuse on the front of an explosion of God's spirit that touched an entire generation."
"This is what it was, it was revival, Lord."
"If we could get more of you making intercession for these preachers, you're going to hear better preaching, you're going to see a greater demonstration of the power of God, you're going to see greater revival and greater services."
"we're going to fight this out and we're going to have Revival"
"Those who endure, those who get it again, those who read the Bible and the Holy Spirit comes and they're alive again."
"Revival happens in the church and when the church is revived, Awakening happens in the world."
"The Revival is individuals getting on fire with the Holy Spirit. God's wanting His people to be carriers of His glory."
"Neighbor, no longer are we dancing with Ichabod, telling the glory of God has returned."
"Revival is here and those who are willing to say yes."
"Revival is truly now. The same Jesus who moved in power in the gospels, who moved through the apostles in the book of Acts, that same Jesus is alive today. He wants to move in power and release healing and freedom miracles to you today because he loves you."
"I declare health, abundance of health to your family, protection and this anointing to come touch them for them to encounter God and revival to spread in your family throughout China in Jesus' name."
"My goal is to take as many people with us... if I can encourage one person to go back and see what history shows us about revival, it sparks a fire and that brings a revival."
"Revival happens where there is an honest desire to seek and find God and His will."
"Stop throwing up your hands in defeat and saying, 'Okay Lord, get me out of here.' He put you here that revival might come."
"The greatest revival is yet to come."
"Revival will come, but Revival is not coming to a proud Church."
"This is revival, a man couldn't do anything like this, this is the Holy Spirit."
"Prayer is what brought revival. Prayer is what sustains revival."
"Revival would break out before next Sunday; it's time to start speaking blessings out of our mouth."
"The revival fire of God swept through the communities, cleansing everything in its path."
"Revival and Reformation will come only in answer to prayer."
"We need a move of God in the nation, but it must begin in us."
"Revival is to renew or bring back to life that which was previously dead in the spirit."
"The great awakening of God has already begun."
"It's not a strategy that brings revival; it's not a system that brings revival, but it's a person who brings revival, and His name is the Holy Spirit."
"We must show them, we must introduce them to love, to Jesus. This is true revival."
"If you can demonstrate the supernatural power of God, you'll have all the revival you could handle."
"True revival is that divine moment when God bursts upon the scene and displays His glory."
"Fasting is the key to get your passion back for God. Fasting is the key to get your fire back for God."
"The church needs fire again, not passivity. We need burning ones."
"The lion is roaring and there's a sound coming beyond the mountains of time."
"The only thing that's going to shake America is the fire of the word of God that's going to come and it must come out of the hearts of individuals that God has immersed."
"Revival will come through people who spend time with God."
"When there's revival, prayer comes naturally."
"I'm going to claim it until my dying days; I'm gonna have revival."
"Dry bones, hear the voice of the Lord: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life."
"Thank you for revival, thank you for breakthrough."
"Revival is the actual spiritual act of being revived, where people are lacking life and life is brought back to them."
"Bring revival to what's dead in this heart, bring revival to this church, bring revival to what's dead in this community, bring revival to this world."
"We need revival, we need reanimation, we need reclamation."
"We need revival, we need rekindling, we need resurrection."
"Revival is born in tears because someone somewhere hears and cares enough to cry."
"Wake up, sleeper, arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."
"There's something more important happening right now, and there is a revival happening."
"You know you are having a revival when you are hungry for God's Word."
"The gospel did not come to make bad men good; it came to let dead men live."
"A revival of holiness, the fear of the Lord, and the conviction of the spirit comes."
"If New England is ever going to see the kind of movements of God that it has seen in the past... we're not trusting that we pray, we're trusting in you, Lord."
"Pray, pray, pray. I think often about that Irish revival, four men would gather around a stove... and they prayed until revival came."
"It takes God to send the revival."
"Revival is now; He came in power."
"Revival where people from all over the world can come and be touched by God."
"Here at the river churches, you're going to catch revival, you're going to catch the presence of God, you're going to catch the fire of God."
"God is pouring out his spirit again, stop running from the fire, start running to the fire."
"Visit us, Father, with your Holy Spirit; revive us."
"We need revival, and revival will change things like that, and it's the only thing that will."
"If we give each other the moment of time that we're in right now and we're fully present, there's no telling what God will do in this next Revival."
"We truly live in amazing times where thousands are coming back to the Most High with a zeal that hasn't been seen in centuries."
"A Revival is for God's people primarily."
"Revival is now; your kingdom is here, let your glory be revealed."
"This is so powerful, this is Revival, amen."
"Lord, send a revival, and let it start with me."
"Thank you, Lord, for hearing us whenever we do cry out, and for reviving us when we are spiritually parched."
"Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the resurrection and the life; because I believe in him, though my prayer life was dead, yet shall it live."
"There's a revival happening, and you don't want it to skip you."
"Maybe revival is not people getting the revelation of how filthy they are; it's people getting the revelation that regardless of how filthy you are, the father kisses you anyway."
"Dare we cry out for a greater miracle in a church, a greater miracle than healings and miracles, the miracle of a beating heart that falls in love with her savior once again."
"We have come into that season of revival, the outpouring of the Spirit upon our flesh."
"Dreams, visions, and prophecy - that's the way revival comes."
"There's a revival coming, and I fear many will miss it because the revival coming for many, it will happen in your home."
"Revival fire, Revival is here, hallelujah."
"The Quran is able to bring a dead heart back to life."
"Let's join together for a Great Awakening."
"I finally managed to revive my spiritual body."
"Every prophet spiritually revives the people."
"The dead are spiritually revived."
"Seeking God's guidance and approval first led to spiritual revival and peace."
"We anticipate a great spiritual awakening in the days ahead, beginning in your house and with your people."
"I think this is the time that revival is going to start in the hearts of men."