
Dream Pursuit Quotes

There are 404 quotes

"Sometimes you have to let other people's dreams for your life die for yours to live."
"The dream of becoming a Hollywood star is often shut down by the people around you."
"The bigger the dream, the more fear you're going to have."
"Following your dreams is freaking underrated."
"If you have a dream and you're going about it properly, do whatever it takes to meet those goals, those dreams, those hopes."
"The Virgin Galactic crew are an inspiration to be bold, to be audacious, and to never give up in the pursuit of even your wildest dreams."
"People used to make fun of us, people used to call us out and say your videos are boring. But follow your dreams, don't worry about what people say."
"This is what life is about, it's about chasing your dreams, following your goals, fulfilling your passion."
"See, I've learned you can talk yourself out of your dreams or you can talk yourself into your dreams."
"Never let anyone tell you you're undersized. If you have that dream and you work hard for it, you're going to be able to make it come true."
"The ones who change the world are always the ones who pursue their dreams."
"Your support is helping me chase this dream of doing what I love to do."
"The impossible is always possible, and don't ever let anybody take away your dreams."
"If it is your dream, you can never go for it. If it is a group dream, you can go further."
"Your dream, you are the only one who can stop your dream."
"This is your personal legend; it's your hero journey."
"You can live your dream even if you are poor. You can find a way, live simply, and still achieve your dreams."
"If you want to make money doing what you love, first get a job and build up your dream on the side."
"Don't be afraid to invest in yourself and into your dreams."
"She came in Atlanta to chase her dreams and so imagine coming to Atlanta to chase your dreams and in a three-month span you in the studio with Rihanna."
"Your new life begins today, Christopher. You can dream the impossible."
"Protect your inspiration or your intuition and your dream."
"Plant the dream seed and commit to nurturing it each day."
"Living the life of your dreams is about discovering genuine happiness, contentment, and meaning."
"Don't ask if your dreams are crazy, ask if they're crazy enough."
"Just having a dream and just going for it and not ever letting anyone tell you what your dream can be."
"It's your dream nobody's gonna feel it like you feel it it's your dream nobody is going to be as dedicated to it as you are."
"It's a good thing to be proven wrong because you've found truth in being proven wrong."
"Capitalism gives people the agency to be generous, to follow their dreams, to create charities, to help those who are underprivileged."
"This is not a story about simply achieving your dreams; this is a story about earning your dreams."
"There's an important message to take away here: there's a right and wrong way to pursue a dream."
"Shine your light bright, pursue your dreams boldly. Leave the past behind and embrace your destiny."
"You live and you learn and I hope my story could help somebody else that's trying to follow their dreams."
"California, full of gold and magic and dreams, fueled by people who weren't totally grounded in reality but rather in dreams of something bigger, something different, something that may or may not truly exist."
"Sometimes on a way to a dream you get lost and find a bigger one."
"We moved to Atlanta to continue chasing our dreams."
"Advance confidently in the direction of your own dreams."
"It's time to replenish because there's some dreams that need to unfold for cancer."
"You're no longer supporting them in their dream, you're supporting yourself."
"It takes nothing less than sheer nerve to keep the dream alive after so many setbacks."
"Got a dream? Chase it! You'll have difficulties and challenges but overcome them and keep persevering."
"Chase your dreams but make concrete steps to achieve that dream too."
"The fear of judgment is the biggest killer of dreams."
"The moral of the story is that there are people who want to achieve their dreams so much badly that they are ready to give up on anything."
"Move towards whatever your inner calling is... make those dreams a reality."
"You're a dreamer who pursues your dreams and creates your own happiness."
"Only those who do not give up on their dreams are worthy."
"If you can't stop thinking about it, don't stop working on it."
"Make a decision here to do something that will free you from what you're trying to leave behind. Nurture your ideas, nurture your dreams here so that you can receive what you're asking for basically."
"Believe in your dreams, believe and trust and know that things happen and unfold in the most perfect of ways."
"In life, you have two choices: follow your dreams or let others define what your dreams should be."
"You're very committed to your goals and your dreams."
"Be the dreamer today and allow yourself to move past a limiting thought."
"Self-care is so important especially when you're going through it like I'm not going through it right now I'm just living like literally my dreams."
"You inspire them to believe in themselves and to follow their dreams."
"Size doesn't matter. Break free from The Matrix, embrace chaos, and don't let anyone take away your dreams."
"This is my dream bike it is what I've been like it's the only motorcycle I've honestly wanted."
"You are the architect of your dreams, and things are becoming tangible."
"Age was just a number, and they simply wouldn't give up on their dream."
"The fear of failure kills more dreams than failure itself."
"She wasn't making a ton of money and I wouldn't even really call this the start of her fashion career but this was her way of keeping the dream alive and that's all that really mattered."
"I'm here to bless and help you get closer to your dreams."
"Less than 1% of people ever turn a profit in these, and that's very scary."
"Encouraged with going to the next level and whatever it is you're doing, you're not losing faith in one of your dreams."
"Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will."
"Having a dream, having a good idea and refusing to stop doing the hard work until I got everything that I wanted."
"Live your dream, go towards the future, the life that you have imagined for yourself."
"Just to fulfill their own dreams... to follow whatever dream it is that you have as best you can."
"Never ever give up on yourself, or on your dreams."
"Whatever your number one dream is, I mean if you're a believer in God pray upon it. I'm telling you he'll give it to you."
"It just goes to show that amazing things can happen when you follow your dreams and seize the right chances."
"The freedom to dream and to follow that dream."
"Every long lost dream led me to where you are."
"You got to let your personal dreams move at a higher level."
"Trust yourself and have faith in your dreams."
"You have to be willing to lose sleep to go after this dream."
"A new adventure awaits you. Embrace it and live your dreams passionately."
"Most people are unwilling to make any sacrifices, and that unwillingness keeps them from ultimately enjoying their dream life."
"He quite literally embodies the phrase follow your dreams."
"You always have to dream big, okay? And in the course of that, these things will come up that if you are dreaming big, then you have to work hard towards your dream."
"No dream is too big. If you believe it is possible and all it takes is one person to believe and that person is you."
"Don't give up... don't let your discouragement be the death knell on your dream."
"I'm gonna do what I do anyway, I'm gonna go towards my dreams whether motherfuckers like it or not."
"Unexpected opportunities await those who follow their dreams."
"You feel like there's this responsibility to try and live your dreams."
"Now like I'm living the dreams oh yeah you at your best when you were dreaming as opposed to living the dream."
"Fear is the single biggest thief of people's dreams."
"It's not about chasing the American dream, it's about chasing your family being the dream."
"If you got a dream, go after it with all costs."
"Don't be that person that never followed your dreams."
"This is a big dream of mine that was worth leaving it for."
"Don't give up on the dream that God gave you."
"I'm setting an example for other kids out there who are chasing wild dreams to not just stutter in the face of adversity."
"Lena upon hearing the opportunity to finally pursue her dream burst out in joy."
"You are the one who actually goes after their dreams, doesn't just sit and talk about them."
"You are just one decision away from the path that leads to the life of your dreams."
"The bigger the dream, the bigger the risk, the bigger the payoff."
"The bigger your dream is, the earlier you will have to get up, the longer you gonna have to stay up, the bigger your dream, the more effort you will have to put in."
"Achieving your dreams is a journey worth taking, one step at a time."
"The positive energy that you put out into the universe is working exponentially."
"The purpose for following a dream isn't that we might get everything we want, but it's rather we will get to become a superior version of ourselves in spite of the failures that happen along the way."
"What are you waiting for? Your dream life is waiting for you."
"Never ever be in a position where somebody can say no to your dream and it goes nowhere."
"If you think you're gonna crush my dreams with one word, think again. I'm back. I'm not giving up. My middle name is determined."
"Trust in yourself, trust in the process, trust in this dream that you have."
"You don't have to be the fastest, you don't have to jump the highest, if you work hard enough, if you don't give up, if you believe and you have a dream and you chase and work for that dream you can be the best too."
"True courage is refreshing your dreams even when everyone else says it's impossible."
"The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams."
"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it."
"Don't stop believing, don't give up on your hopes, don't give up on your dreams."
"Take the step towards your dream... it's still a step in the right direction."
"Stay curious and keep striving for your dreams."
"No matter how crazy the world gets, you shouldn't give up on your dreams."
"What price are you willing to pay to make the dream a reality?"
"Nothing's too extreme if you have a dream, especially if you've been receiving signs and synchronicities."
"Never give up on your dream. If you focus, if you don't give up, you can make things happen."
"But you know what's exceptional? Making a commitment to our dreams."
"Don't give up on your dreams, sometimes you're actually not dreaming big enough."
"I think it's more important for me is working on my dream issue and my passion projects rather than the role and the label that's on them."
"I just got to be true to myself and follow my dreams."
"Life is too short and I need to pursue my dreams."
"Don't let anybody stop you. Don't let anybody step on your dreams."
"Some of you may be returning to better times and to keeping your dreams alive."
"The worst thing you could ever do is if you're pursuing the wrong dream or if your dream changes and you don't change with it."
"Don't give up on your dreams... you will have major success."
"Everyone is beautiful, and you shouldn't ever put yourself down for wanting to pursue your dreams."
"You have everything you need to take action and make your dreams a reality."
"Chase your dreams no matter what, if you can do it, make sure you do."
"Procrastination is a death of dreams. Start today."
"Don't let fear or critics stop you from pursuing your dreams."
"Don't deviate from moving towards your dream no matter how big it is."
"Your dreams are supposed to feel liberating, not suffocating."
"Never allow people who gave up on their dreams to convince you to give up on yours."
"To make your dream a reality, you have to keep your gaze fixed on it no matter what."
"He reminded us all that if you have a dream follow it work your backside off and follow the dream."
"Your dreams are worth having; they are going to grow into something real, something very beautiful."
"Don't give up on yourself... Have faith in your dreams."
"I urge all of you to enjoy your life, the precious moments you have, to be enthusiastic every day, to keep your dreams alive."
"Don't be afraid to chase your dreams and go after your goals in life."
"You cannot pursue the American dream if someone can take it from you consequence free."
"Do those funny videos, believe in your dreams, do the thing."
"You absolutely have the power to create the life of your dreams."
"Dreams can take flight no matter the obstacles."
"Don't put your dreams in another person's hands."
"Your dream is worthy of weaving today is a day to choose one small step toward your dream."
"Fight for your dreams and your dreams will fight for you."
"Literally time flies by so quick, make sure you pursue that dream."
"Focus your energy towards your goals and dreams."
"How would the person you want to become spend their time? I think you gotta have a dream."
"We are launching a brand new show for them... starting over completely from scratch for a much bigger dream."
"Don't let a single video discourage you from pursuing your dream."
"Following your dreams doesn't happen every day."
"Have faith in your dreams... you are doing something that at some level has never been done before."
"Believe in your dreams doesn't matter who tells you you can't do it you want to do it give the courage you're going to work hard you do it you can't do it."
"Each person has their own right to advance confidently in the direction of their own dreams."
"Nurture your dreams in this lifetime. Go after your dreams as you want to act."
"You have to sell yourself on your own dreams because the problem is you're being sold on all the other stuff."
"If that's your dream, do it, but before you do, have a plan."
"Your hard work and dedication to your dreams will provide you with great peace and contentment."
"Life changes when you decide to act on your dreams."
"Winning MasterChef is about achieving my dream."
"Live Your Dream, but don't turn it into a nightmare."
"There's risk no matter what. You tend to think, 'Well, if I pursue my dream, whatever dream you have now, it's incredibly risky. But guess what? If you don't pursue it, it's risky too.'"
"Best piece of advice: follow your dreams. Worst piece of advice: follow your dreams."
"If you have a dream, don't just sit there, make something happen."
"Being at the center of a tragedy would be an average person's worst nightmare but for dany it's the dream."
"It's gonna bring you to a place that's really unexpected of dreams for you."
"We build memories we'll bring till we die but you've got to live your dreams."
"Believe in yourself. Be true to yourself. Go after your dreams and don't let nothing stop you. Don't make any excuses."
"If my dream is truly to live off my content, the best chance I have of doing so is by investing all of my efforts into it."
"Your dreams are becoming real, it's like as you're going towards your dreams, you're detaching more and more."
"Our dreams are ours. Go out there, make them happen, and get up every morning and fight for your dreams."
"Many would call this dream impossible or even childish, but in this big wide world we live in can anyone honestly say that it couldn't be realized someday?"
"Be assertive about your dreams, even if others don't understand; it's your journey, your intuition."
"The fool is innocent to himself and his dreams."
"Follow your dreams and trust your intuition."
"There's something about keeping a promise to yourself there's something about chasing a dream."
"Stop being pushed around by your problems. Be led by your dreams."
"You gotta stay focused on your dreams, never let them die."
"I don't want Melissa to go but I also don't want to be the reason he doesn't Chase his dreams."
"I believe self-doubt is the killer of all dreams."
"Don't give up on your dream, no matter what."
"Your inner child is saying it's time to bring it back out, it's time to embrace joy, and it's time to believe that your dreams are possible."
"This is your dream, and you're getting better every day."
"People should still chase their dreams 100%."
"Believe in yourself, believe in your dreams, believe in your manifestations."
"Dreams do come true, and never stop pursuing your dreams."
"You're moving towards the direction of your dreams."
"You owe it to yourself to start living your dreams."
"Follow your dreams, embrace the path you choose."
"Walk towards your dreams, go towards what you're trying to achieve and it will gravitate towards you."
"Dream big, big dreams are better dreams right now."
"That was the hardest day of our lives losing our mom was really hard for our dad but we all really just encouraged him to make his dream a reality."
"Neptune illusion disillusionment. You guys are really chasing your dreams."
"Trust and continue to follow your dreams, you are eternally blessed."
"Keep chasing your dreams regardless, exactly. Keep chasing them regardless."
"You cannot give up on your dreams because when you give up your dreams, you give up on a part of yourself."
"Follow your dreams no matter what it is the absolutely persistent believe in yourself."
"Dude, you can feel stuff and not give up on your dreams."
"Life is about more than just living comfortably; it's about chasing dreams, no matter where you come from."