
Tattooing Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"The main way I'm gonna show adaptability is by how the letters actually adapt well to the design part of it to make one solid smooth piece."
"Precision's everything when it comes to knuckle tattoos."
"A good new school tattoo simply cannot be made without good artistry behind it."
"No one has ever tattooed head to head live on national television before."
"I knew I could tattoo, I just didn't know if I could draw it."
"It kicks your ass, man, tattooing is really hard... emotionally, mentally, physically, every way."
"Prison tattooing: where artistry meets ingenuity behind bars."
"Prison style tattooing could give him a lucrative career on the outside."
"Prison tattoos forged in adversity, these marks of identity can have a dark side."
"Their hair was well groomed and their faces and perhaps bodies well Shone and plucked and even tattooed with complex designs."
"Every centimeter of this tattoo shows that struggle."
"I wanted to show that you can do a tattoo one shot, one kill, just tattooing."
"I started tattooing when I was 14 years old, and then I just knew it in my heart. I'm like, this is what I want to do."
"You're doing a tattoo on another human being. They gotta live with it emotionally forever."
"Just because you can doesn't mean you should with these tattoo machines."
"You pulled off a really slick illustrative tattoo."
"If I'm doing black and gray on portrait day, kiss your ass goodbye, Kevin."
"The line work is as crisp as it gets. There's no thick or thinner lines to cover up. It's solid tattooing."
"It's very important for me as a tattooer that I impart some sense of knowledge to the client."
"Don't chase money or fame, just do good tattoos."
"This is my chance to show everyone that I'm an amazing tattoo artist."
"I think it's very important for me as a tattooer that I impart some sense of knowledge to the client."
"I've never given someone an infection, but I have given them shitty work."
"If tattoos were rebellion, now that so many people had them, the true way to rebel was to rebel to their permanence itself."
"The kids man, the kids would be like Mommy Daddy look at the tattoo man... so that's when I knew that uh at least there's a future in tattooing because if the kids love it when they're adults they're gonna of it you know."
"Would we have tattooing today if it wasn't for people tattooing themselves?"
"Again hey, if you want to learn how to tattoo what better way to do so than with a 2-star tattoo kit and a pumpkin."
"Precision is important in tattooing because you're working with a needle, and every single time you touch skin, it's gonna make a permanent mark."
"I deserve to be the first female Ink Master."
"Everybody underestimated me because I've only been tattooing for five years."
"I practiced a lot on myself because I didn't want to mess somebody else up. I was okay, I was willing to have something messed up on myself, I could deal with that because that was part of the learning process."
"You did the smoothest, cleanest, biggest, baddest tattoo of the day."
"Brace yourself. You're getting an easy spot tattooed, shut the (beeping tone) up and let me do what I do."
"Tattooing has been practiced by many cultures across the world since the Neolithic times."
"The linework is super key when it comes to that."
"The evolution of tattooing in New Zealand, especially within the jails, has taken on more of a Maori element."
"Any reason is a good reason to get tattooed... as long as you're sure about it, you've thought about it for a hot second, then it's all good."
"Tattooing is very, very, very tightly connected to spirituality."
"You captured some very nice shading in this tattoo and it looks realistic."
"I don't consider myself a tattoo artist, I consider myself a tattooist."
"Spread wrist, pivot, it's a finishing move."
"These are the fundamentals of tattooing: straight lines and solid color."
"This is why traditional tattoos are so important."
"Brian's work shows you that you don't have to be overly complicated to make a solid tattoo."
"I recommend an apprenticeship, there's a lot of things I've learned both personally and tattoo wise that I am going to carry forward with me for a very long time."
"Having a good posture when I'm tattooing, being able to stabilize my hand in ways that are comfortable for me."
"Tattooing might be a good career choice for you if you like the idea of being your own boss and just be an individual rather than being a cog in the machine."
"Tattooing might be a really great career choice for you if you want to be unapologetically yourself and be authentic and not have to wear a mask when you go to work."
"Tattooing is not easy to get into, and it's not easy to continue doing it. You have to practice a lot, you have to draw a lot, you have to work on a multitude of skills."
"If you really care about tattooing and art in general, then you're probably going to succeed."
"You gotta include that you're not just teaching them to tattoo, you're teaching them how to make a living as a tattoo artist."
"I'm 28 right now. I see myself tattooing for another solid 10 to 15 years."
"I've put a tiny little coat of hustle butter over the leg just so I feel like sometimes it really locks in the stencil."
"I don't think I could find anything that I like more than tattooing, yeah."
"Understanding perfect needle depth hand speed voltage is a ton of different things that you need to have come together perfectly to create a great tattoo."
"Every person's hand speed is completely different so this isn't a one-size-fits-all information when it comes to becoming a tattoo artist."
"I promise getting used to putting in Black where it needs to go is going to be 100% Game Changer in your tattooing and also for your portfolio."
"Knowing those two things will help you better understand how to tattoo and what to look for in the future."
"Touch-ups are like a little bit of insurance just to make sure that you're getting what you pay for."
"Even a good tattoo can need a touch-up."
"So whenever you are approaching shading you can do it in two different techniques so this is something you want to understand the style that you're going to do before actually doing the tattoo."
"The biggest takeaways are going to be the hand motions that you're using in order to make your Blends and also the tight ovals when you're packing your color and keeping your hand speed consistent."
"Needle depth is how far the needle is going into the skin and it's basically where the needle is depositing the ink."
"When we align our hand speed and voltage, we're going to get clean consistent lines."
"I do hope that you can take some information with you to immediately apply to your tattooing journey."
"Every tattoo I do, I should be able to get it on myself, you know? Because why am I doing it then, right?"
"Tattoo artists don't want larger deposits; it's about liability and avoiding disputes."
"Tattoo artists prefer to tattoo; they'd rather not waste time designing for a no-show."
"I think consistency is the biggest thing in tattooing right now. Yeah, if you can be consistent then eventually they'll catch on. So, once you start doing good tattoos, every tattoo you have to do from that point on has to be as good if not better."
"If you don't learn the foundation of tattooing, if you just go into some crazy style without ever learning how to outline, without learning the basics, then you're not gonna excel."
"...it's a very humbling craft you know especially when you're learning it and I think anybody that doesn't have a stitch of humility in tattooing is just kind of swimming against the stream."
"Tattooing to me is Magic because I've never engaged with anything in my lifetime that would cross all boundaries."
"...I learned that Brandon Feldman, in addition to tattooing and building machines, is an actual engineer."
"You have to put a sufficient amount of pigment in the skin according to the color and according to the client's skin conditions so that your client has a beautiful healed result once the tattoo is fully healed."
"Tattooing has always been like my own thing. It's literally just for me and I enjoy it so much."
"I've tatted a lot of people in different places, bro."
"These last tattoos should be the best of the bunch. There shouldn't be any misfires. This is the most important tattoo they can do."
"If you're tattooing a tattooer under two years, you give them a [ __ ] bag tattoo."
"You never stopped growing. Some people wake up and they're like I know everything about tattooing now, but you don't."
"I think tattooers are spoiled by their customers. I think tattooers, no matter how good or how shitty they are, their customers tell them they're great."
"It's not in any way intended to teach anyone how to tattoo, it's not in any way intended to show someone how to do this from scratch, it's really more so just so you guys can pick up some tips and tricks."
"You know, if someone's showing a creative outlet at such a young age... I think being a tattooist, you already have that kind of brain for it, I guess."
"But after... you start working more on the actual tattoo and less on your stress, you know? Yeah, that's it."
"The thought of tattooing between my shoulder blades again made me want to cry"
"It's all experimentation, so you can try holding your machine one way through half of a tattoo and then switch it up."
"I'm so thrilled to see the level to which tattooing has advanced arisen, it's unbelievable."
"You want to demonstrate that you can come up with ideas quickly and that you can also create small things because let's face it, that's what you're going to be tattooing for the majority of your beginning time."
"I really want people to see that you know a tattoo machine is just a tool and you know there's so much more that can be done with it in terms of looking at it as an art form."
"A lot of people in this competition would try to avoid the chest. It is a pretty difficult area to tattoo."
"It's one of the most pain in the ass styles of tattooing to do."
"All right judges, time to determine who had the best tattoo of the day. Immediately, obviously Jimmy is a strong contender for the best color pop and color saturation and vibrant. I'm going with Jimmy."
"It's important for me to show the judges what a Jeremy Brown tattoo really looks like."
"there's not just one path to go down with tattooing and if you don't get it right the first time it's not the end of the world."
"A skilled tattoo artist must be able to accurately place every drop of ink in any skin."
"This video is raising awareness on what to feel for and what to listen for upon putting the ink into the skin."
"For the longevity of any tattoo career, really learn the technical aspect, learn the do's and don'ts so that way you were able to make appropriate choices along the way."
"The execution of the eyelid tattoos require one major thing, that is accuracy."
"Your ability to draw is the ceiling of your ability to tattoo, and I 100% agree with that."
"I got a chance to go learn how to tattoo."
"Tattooing's like having like a moment where it's like very fashionable."
"I got the opportunity to sit down in southern Illinois in the backwoods with in my mind the Godfather of modern tattooing the guy who really changed what I thought tattooing was in the late nineties mr. guy Aitchison."
"Variation in value is everything in tattooing. It's a good excuse to stay away from white."
"Make sure you're open to your tattoo artist's suggestions as far as how the tattoo should look how it should fit etc the reason why is because there's a lot of limitations within tattooing as far as what's possible what's not possible."
"The approach to tattooing should be the same. If you're going to be doing a tattoo, especially if you're an all-around tattoo artist, you do line work, lettering, color, black and gray."
"In tattooing, it's a technical thing. Any kind of surgeons, they don't have one scalpel, they have several."
"If you can draw it, you can tattoo."
"I feel like I'm only gonna get tattoos where I know I can eat it like your name is, yeah, you're not gonna see me with a tattoo I'm like, 'I don't know about this one.'"
"I fell in love with tattooing right then and there and I wouldn't stop, and here I am 43 years later and I'm in the tattoo business."
"...so anytime I have a client come in for a super small tattoo and they want to get it done I recommend that you know through time it expands underneath the skin."
"You're lucky to make art you're lucky to live the life we've lived with tattooing."
"Setting up your coil machine is key, it's kind of like building a house on solid ground rather than building it on sand."
"There has to be a better way to practice tattoos beside fruit and just people."
"I'm busy being a human canvas, so walking my artists through the rest of this tattoo is pretty much (beep) impossible."
"It's no longer just about teaching people how to tattoo dark skin. It's about allowing black people, but especially dark-skinned black people, the access to tattooers who look like them."
"I learned to make needles learned to you know what I mean like thin out my blacks and just stupid little things enough to where I was actually doing real normal tattoos that were staying right you know."
"The best way to learn how to tattoo is to get tattooed I would get tattooed by them and I'd learn a new trick and a new trick I think that's when I really started to fall in love with it."
"Create your own unique voice in tattooing."
"Some of you are capable of drawing and painting and ballpoint penning better than you're able to tattoo and it's very frustrating I know it is it's frustrating to be able to draw better than you can tattoo it's why we tell people it's the most difficult uh profession."
"...not only do I get to do the thing that I love but I make better money and I don't have to work for like big corporations making logos I can make gorgeous tattoos for people to enjoy all over the world..."
"...I have this philosophy that everyone needs at least one cartoon reference tattoo and I really really wanted to get a Simpsons tattoo..."
"There's a new movement going on around the tattooing community where they're offering free appointments to cover up any racist tattoos that someone might have on them."
"Tattooing has been seen in numerous cultures around the world."
"Every step of the way, as I'm tattooing, this configuration allows me to get super precise."
"You'll never do a tattoo that you're 100% happy with, and that's a good thing."
"Don't look at the tattoo as a whole image, break it down into small sections."
"Every tattoo is a walking advertisement for your shop or you as a person."
"Make sure you go heavy with black, you know, with old school you want to go heavier with your black shading."
"I try to stay humble. I'm gonna keep learning until I'm done tattooing, which I hope isn't for another 20 years."
"I absolutely love how consistent it is, I love the feel of it when you're tattooing with it."
"Coil machines will last you probably the lifetime of your tattoo career."
"Looking at this much tattooing, it's definitely impressive at the amount of coverage that you got and the proficiency that you have doing what you do. Really a nice job."
"I like tattooing a lady head, an eagle, a rose, a skull; those are my favorite things to tattoo."
"Tattooing is a lot about finding your groove; you don't just pick up a tattoo machine and start perfecting work straight away."
"The speed, duty, and the throw of these machines will adjust the marks you get while you're tattooing."
"Negative space is purposely leaving something untattooed."
"They have such a cool unique style of illustration and tattooing that I think is just really awesome."
"Safe, sanitary, professional - you all get a great tattoo out of it."
"Tattooing is an experience; it's about the atmosphere and human connection."
"Tattooing is not a new concept; ancient man has been tattooing themselves for a long, long time."
"These are the foundational skills that you need to set yourself up for a good tattoo career."
"I'm really blessed to get to tattoo and do my artwork on people that want tattoos."
"It supports disposable grips as well, which is a really cool bonus."
"Overall, I love this machine; it was a great experience."
"As long as you learn something from every tattoo, that's the only way that you're going to grow."
"By the end of this video, you should be able to better pick your needles when you're approaching a tattoo."
"I want you to be able to think practically upon approaching needles."
"There's an artistic approach, a creative flow that comes to mind when using these needles."
"It's also long enough so that when I have all this ink on it, I don't have to worry about burning my hands."
"I'm not looking to get rich off anything. I make my money by tattooing... It's always just to try to give back."
"Her line work is so crisp and clean, and her saturation is so good."
"Being a tattoo artist is a privilege."
"This is just like the classic tattooing, this is why I'll stand by the traditional tattoo style because it's just a timeless classic."
"Watching a tattoo evolve from the stencil process to a completed piece by layering is mind-blowing."
"Make sure you eat a decent meal beforehand because you want to keep your blood sugar levels up."
"It was the best tattoo we'd ever done."
"The better the stencil, the better the tattoo."
"The desire to learn was there; I wanted to learn how to tattoo."