
Meta Quotes

There are 243 quotes

"The bartender turns to them, takes one look and says, 'What is this, some kind of joke?'"
"Meta's vision...is to enable fully immersive augmented reality."
"Holy hell, it's gonna be a grenade launcher meta, fellas."
"I see what you did there. It's like when someone in a movie says the movie title."
"The condition of meta-ness can exist in a tweet that takes a dig at Twitter, a song that references its own song-iness - and anything in between."
"You never know what's going to be meta... nothing feels better than having something in your Vault that turns out to be meta."
"I love this quote, 'Anything you can do, I can do meta.'"
"Meta has been plateauing, having posted their first ever quarterly revenue decline."
"Meta's proven their ability... to push major engagement and usage."
"Things are not going great at meta and they just announced they're laying off around 10 000 people."
"Honestly, the meta is pretty solid right now, it's pretty open, it's pretty diverse."
"Meta was born from the idea of creating the metaverse."
"This was a group of Russian superstars who were so far ahead of the meta that the rest of the world's top players were just dumbfounded."
"A lot of past meta teams are still meta and the existence of dendro doesn't take that away it just opens up even more opportunities for team building."
"I think laners are really sad if the meta is rexi style Champions."
"Fiora and Jax are definitely the most broken in this category."
"Darius, Camille, Riven... three Fighters that are amazing to main."
"Talon is currently in the best spot for solo queue."
"Tristana is an incredibly strong mid lane ADC right now."
"Renekton, Pantheon, and Jace are three of the best mid lane Fighters."
"Meta's AI Cicero achieved something terrifying: winning at diplomacy better than humans."
"Tracer's an A tier... especially now, I think they finally found that spot damage-wise they want with Tracer."
"Gotta love when the meta changes mid-season, baby."
"You gotta love when the meta changes mid-season."
"We're entering a Fade meta as well and Astra is making a big comeback in a huge way."
"But even in real life, like this conversation,"
"Definitely gonna change the meta quite a bit."
"The tank has everything it needs to have to reliably work in the meta."
"BB overall is just pretty balanced in this meta."
"Which players do you think are the most meta players in each position?"
"The Caitlyn was the start and into what we're seeing today every day is an individual meta."
"Most videos on YouTube are about making YouTube videos."
"We've stooped to that level, are we asking to subscribe as well?"
"There's something more meta going on in this game and it's driving me crazy."
"Max was easily one of the best brawlers in the game with the last meta."
"Astra has the main smoke role unlocked right now in the meta."
"Finina is going to take a lot of units that were phased out of the meta and bring them back in."
"Meta is reportedly working on a Llama 3, which will be about as powerful as GPT-4."
"I think Agra decks could be healthy for your meta, balance things out a little bit."
"Tomorrow has big competition right now in PVE from fusion rifles because of course they do but even with that competition witch queen will likely bring a new meta and rocket launchers could very easily be back on top of the mountain."
"We're really close to the most diverse meta we've ever had."
"One big thing about this game is that the meta shifts. You have to change your style, you can't always be your style."
"Yes, that's correct, right now you're watching a YouTuber covering another YouTuber. We have reached peak meta."
"Peel has pulled off this insane meta thing where he's made a blockbuster deconstruction of what it means to make a blockbuster."
"Meta had a nice comeback as a result of its results."
"New champions are always potentially going to shake up the meta."
"The combination of Nimbus Cloak and Chilling Smite gives the jungle so much power that we don't think it's going to disappear in the meta next patch."
"With this massive set of changes, the meta would see change in how powerful certain decks remain."
"The necromancer is still technically the speed meta for builds."
"For wardens to become popular in the meta again, they have to bring something that matches or supersedes crowd control."
"It's very fresh to see how they approach the game they have their own understanding and their own meta and it's amazing."
"Honestly, how could you cast Winkler in a meta comedy and resist a gag like this?"
"I'm actually really excited to see how these meta games go."
"Excited for the patch: anticipating shifts in the meta and gameplay dynamics."
"The golem is another one of the easier win conditions to pick up and play because the recent meta makes it much more acceptable to make eight elixir commitments without punishment."
"That character looked pretty solid here. Definitely don't think Puff is a low tier anymore."
"The tank meta is such a real thing right now there's real no good counters to Rosa."
"Of course he has a special place in my heart. I'm glad to see that he's part of the meta."
"Outbreak Perfected became embedded in the meta for many years to come."
"The objective of meta design is diversity plain and simple."
"It's really meta because it's aware that it's a kids movie or a kids book or kids story, and it's making fun of that fact."
"Meta has actually done more good for the computing world than say Apple."
"That's some meta stuff right there."
"Scream always gets a pass because scream is aware of like, you know, it's a deconstruction of that genre."
"This was a lot of fun, man. It was just so meta."
"I didn't know what this movie was really going to be, but it's already so meta and so funny."
"...it's like entertainment inside of entertainment."
"Meta's headset does actually have a bigger field of view but when I'm engaged with something it hits me with the same level of immersion."
"Vision truly excels; the menus, apps, and the 3D objects seamlessly blend with the space around them, casting shadows and reflecting lights from outside."
"It's clear that Vision is just superior; you can't really see this on compressed video, but its pass through is sharp, has low latency responses, and quickly adapts to changing light sources."
"The speakers of Vision are crisp, adapt and match your sound to your space, are AR traced, and deliver a substantial amount of bass."
"For basic work tasks and in-person VR meetups, the Quest does an okay job; but for anything beyond that, the Vision, alongside its advanced window management, resolution, and processing power, is a beast of a work machine."
"And there you have it; that's my comparison of these two unique headsets, and as you can see, they're both amazing in their own way."
"This question is asked a lot at meta in particular, especially in what they call their product design interview."
"To put it into perspective, Meta has about 50% of the entire global market share of VR."
"Meta stock is down over 60 percent this year Facebook's growth has flatlined and their CEO Mark Zuckerberg has doubled down on this commitment to the whole metaverse thing"
"Okay, I'm out of meta by the way. Sorry, go ahead."
"So, Meta brought these glasses out this year, they've been out about 6 weeks or two months and as soon as I saw that they were launching them I was like these are perfect I need to get a set for me."
"What do people like more in the world than being meta, right?"
"What if what I'm doing right now isn't just a bit to introduce the storylines of Atop The Fourth Wall?"
"That's some meta [__] right here."
"That's pretty meta of you to say."
"Welcome to the fourth wall with Bad Comics."
"sometimes I think these movies have gotten sentient and are now talking directly to me"
"Gumball is like the most meta show in the universe."
"The movie is surprisingly meta and it's not in an obnoxious way."
"When Meta releases their model, they're releasing a digital brain."
"The whole self-aware postmodern meta [ __ ] sick of fork in 96 already."
"There's only one meta and it's meta World Peace."
"When the characters of Scream 4 would watch a marathon of all the Halloween movies, they would see the events of their own lives depicted on the screen."
"What if fiction was aware that it was, in fact, fictional?"
"This film is almost very meta in quite a few places, fourth wall breaking, yeah, so much so that it would actually influence Kevin Williamson to go and write Scream many years later."
"This is probably one of the earliest horror films I could think of that broke the fourth wall, went meta or self-referential to other horror movies."
"It's not a convention, it's a meta convention, but there are so many smaller events, gatherings, meetups, projects, that it's become a group of other smaller conferences."
"...this film actually has meta doubling because it's doubling vertigo with the death of the antagonist and the agoraphobia and with uh the voyeurism of uh rear window."
"This movie may never be made, but the movie about the movie has to get made."
"Deadpool did a fourth wall break inside a fourth wall break."
"Breaking the fourth wall, are we? Interesting."
"The professionals know that amateurs do not is that you cannot outsmart meta."
"It's a great piece of meta text that throws the audience off their game."
"Seriously was so good, almost too meta, but it wasn't."
"I thought it was mixed overall. I did like it. It's kind of this meta cyberpunk novel that is a commentary on other foregoing cyberpunk novels and genre conventions."
"Just breaks the fourth wall and there's like a little smile like yeah I got away."
"Meta doesn't easily turn into ill will, jealousy, or disappointment."
"When we feel gratitude, when we can open to that feeling, whether it's to particular people or just to life itself, when there's that feeling of gratitude, meta flows completely naturally. It doesn't take any effort at all."
"I think comedy will probably get kind of meta."
"Scream is totally self-aware of what it's doing."
"I feel like we've massively underestimated the extent to which AI has totally transformed Meta's business."
"Snap is sort of a cute little version of Meta at this point."
"Most of these jokes aren’t too meta, but when you’ve got a town called Bikini Bottom, and a character named Sandy Cheeks...you can’t expect us not to fill in the blanks."
"This is something that Meta can already do really, really well."
"I really connect with the mission of meta, bringing the world closer together and creating more connections."
"It does seem like they're really building up hype towards this Meta Connect event."
"The meta problem is why we puzzle about so much."
"It's a pinball video game that knows it's a video game."
"Meta is able to make these big plays by playing this game differently."
"This fight was so dope, especially when he looked at the screen breaking the fourth wall."
"Meta has an unparalleled reach when it comes to targeted advertising, making it a cash cow for the company."
"Springtrap emag not an improvement and possibly our most meta story yet."
"...cards have gone from outright unplayable to genuine meta threats."
"Funny Games is a movie that knows it's a movie and it talks to you directly making you part of its story."
"This is getting really meta right now."
"I mean, in all meta, could this be one of the best post-credit scenes in a long time?"
"Make sure you use the fourth wall, obviously."
"It's such a meta joke. He's not even talking to Magnus, he's talking to the freaking audience and I actually love it for that."
"This horror series presents the June archive in a meta fashion."
"Fourth wall break inside a fourth wall break."
"...congrats on your new job at meta."
"It's perhaps Lego's very first meta theme. Like, it exists beyond the fourth wall, and I think that's just so much fun. It's such a great idea."
"There's a movie to be made about the making of this movie."
"It was beyond meta and I was enjoying it."
"The shifting dreamscape of the funhouse allows Bray to break the fourth wall of wrestling."
"The best algorithm on Earth is the conversion algorithm from meta like getting people to purchase [__] but the content algorithm sucks."
"It's fiction that thinks about fiction."
"This is the story inside the story."
"The hobbits, they can't see the cameraman. No, all of this is actually a TV show. Oh, it's not real life, and that they're camouflaged because they're little and they're hiding."
"I think Jackson's rap is going to change the meta."
"My character serves as a bit of a meta thing for her. It is in character to say the dumbest and first plan that comes to her mind."
"Ah, there you go, finally get the title drop."
"And now it's really extra funny because I'm explaining my explanation of my explanation."
"It feels like you know, it's fourth-wall breaking, you know, the movie is talking to me."
"Where is the fourth wall? The fourth wall is gone from the show."
"Zuckerberg's meta blowing everyone else out of the water."
"Deadpool's ability to break the fourth wall tells us a lot more about the MCU than you might think."
"The ability to break the fourth wall is what really set Deadpool apart."
"Deadpool isn't the only character in Marvel's roster who can break the fourth wall."
"Characters like Deadpool breaking the fourth wall could be them seeing the different layers of the simulation."
"I think meta could have a year where the stock goes up 20% - 30%, which would be a phenomenal return. Absolutely, I do believe meta could do that."
"This begs a lot of questions. Does Courtney know that she is also a doll? Is Courtney in another universe where she won't be an American Girl doll? Do all the other dolls know that they are dolls and their story subsequently ends at the end?"
"A Disney reference in a Disney post. We have achieved a post-Singularity event."
"The Joker's super sanity: he's breaking the fourth wall."
"I thought it was really ripped from the headlines with what's going on right now, very meta, very clever, but also very aggressive."
"I love it when they name-drop the movies in the movie."
"a kind of meta because it's not me here but it's us connected together"
"You can have meta or you know love and kindness in your heart which includes in a generalized sense all beings without excusing people's behavior and that's a really really key distinction."
"Cory's usage of out-of-game info."
"That's creative, that is like meta, I'm very meta, very meta T."
"Meta sold over 10 million Quest 2s in about a year since launch, almost as many as PlayStation 5s. They spent over 10 billion dollars last year on all these hardware initiatives. So I think their execution on Facebook is fantastic."
"Deadpool somehow possesses a unique awareness of whatever medium he's in."
"Literally taking you through the eras of scream and having that be sort of the metaness of it."
"I'm a sucker for movies about movies and I thought that was kind of a fun way to be meta with being on the nose and also meta."
"That's a fourth wall break, there's no person there."
"Rick has known that he's a fictional character inside a television show since season one."
"Select the business manager of meta."
"I loved how meta it was with Jennifer Tilly's character."
"...an awesome example of meta being done right."
"...these two are two of the most iconic stick figures on the internet both are known for breaking the fourth wall and being willy meta and both are seen crossing over and using other weapons from different series..."
"Meta has massive distribution and is 0% afraid of using it."
"It's a very interesting one. Basically, it's a meta horror movie about found footage, a found footage film that someone finds, but then they make a movie about the person who finds it, and it turns into this crazy meta story."
"This movie became a lot more meta than it was ever meant to be."
"This movie commenting on itself was the only time I was like, 'Well, don't remind us of all the things that you did, just let it be ridiculous.'"
"Randy’s acknowledgment of the patterns and tropes of horror movies are so spot on because the killers are ALSO aware of the rules and following them."
"This is literally an Easter egg on Easter eggs, yeah."
"This is the most meta thing that they could possibly do."
"This is the first Disney film that's actually about the making of a Disney film."
"What civilization is, is a meta problem solver."
"It's quite meta in that way, and feels very real to the point where I had to double check it wasn't real."
"I'm gonna record you recording me recording you, it's like fourth wall break."
"The Godot game engine editor is actually a Godot game."
"Meta is the parent company of Facebook and Instagram."
"Meta, or loving-kindness, comes from universal conscious awareness; it's unconditioned and spontaneous."
"Dividend investors can finally consider meta for the first time ever."
"I'm often impressed with their ability to weave meta commentary into an unrelated narrative."
"This battle is so meta, it's so good, dude."
"The characters actually know they're in a show and have been acting the whole time."
"I love the meta horror in this movie; it's so smart."
"This feels so meta that I was able to deduce so closely what's going on without actually knowing."
"There's nothing quite like seeing video games within other video games."
"These new forces, although silly, are right up my alley as someone who gets a kick out of multiversal meta concepts."
"These meta moments provide a richness to emotion."
"Meta programming is the ability to treat programs as data and the ability to read, generate, analyze, or transform other programs, and even modify itself while running."
"It's very meta, it's very creative."
"Star Wars is the story of Star Wars."
"Practicing meta means we focus our energy on sending out waves of kindness."
"Look at me looking at me; that's so very meta."
"Every year, Facebook, now Meta, holds a conference called F8."
"I guess Connect 2022 and Connect in general is Meta's main virtual conference now."
"Imagine a dreamlike sitcom that's aware that it's a YouTube series."
"Meta's market capitalization passes up Google; do not be surprised at all."
"Facebook, formerly known as Facebook Inc, is now Meta and it's generated over 114 billion US dollars in revenue."