
Spiritual Message Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"If this message has touched you...all I'm trying to do is to preach the gospel so that we can finally answer Jesus' prayer that we might be one, even as He and the Father are also one."
"Father in heaven, thank you so much that you have not left this world without a message to prepare it for your return."
"It's a message of hope and consolation because our Lady did not say the end of the world was coming."
"I am projecting my consciousness to you. I'm broadcasting into the matrix from my soul, which is outside the matrix."
"If you guys are here, it is not by coincidence. I do truly believe that you have been sent here by your guides, by something higher, to hear such a powerful and potent message."
"In the midst of this pandemic, God have made this message such a light in a day like today."
"Truth of God is the message that God placed in the Earth not only to reprimand the human family but to fix what is broken in our life."
"God sent me from Dallas to tell you, you're wine."
"Every Valley shall be exalted, every mountain and hill made low; the crooked places straight, and the rough places plain."
"Jesus gave us this message so we can face it with confidence and hope, though the circumstances around us may seem dire and our future dim."
"The purpose of all this is not to fight and quibble, but that all the world may know that you're the Lord."
"The kingdom of God is the most beautiful message in the world."
"God spoke to me last fall 2023 and said 2024 I'm going to begin the process of birthing something in the earth realm."
"The fact that people have loved the show and supported these characters and enjoyed the work and fallen in love with it the way that we did, it's unbelievable."
"You are you know your direction and hold fast on that persevere and just trust and listen with but listen with all that you are namaste and so so much love to you guys."
"This person is coming. Exclusive. Spirit wants you to know that."
"God bless your family and have a wonderful weekend."
"You have eternity. Is there a more joyful message than that?"
"Turn to Jesus Christ. He can forgive you of anything and make you new."
"Believers need to hear this message right now."
"It addresses everything and you can take comfort in knowing that the one who sent that message he is the one..."
"God is setting you free that you may set free other people God is gonna empower you."
"Let the Lord use you to speak the message of truth to somebody else."
"This isn't a message of condemnation, it's a message of love."
"God reveals to heal... get your life back, get your joy back."
"I hear the lord say that i have heard you and i heard you from the first day you called but your praise is causing me to stand up your praise is causing me to start walking."
"Let's emphasize the blood. Let's tell people that they're saved by the blood of Christ."
"God has one last message to the world: 'Behold, I stand at the door and knock.'"
"He wasn't calling me with his wrath, he was calling me with his love."
"Love is the most important thing of all. Love is what we have to get rid of fear."
"There was a man who took this same position for you 2,000 years ago. He saw your dysfunction and He stretched out on a cross so that everything that your family has tied to you to be cut off and you could be released."
"He didn't come to condemn the world but to help us."
"A prophetic message awaits; find peace to receive it."
"I think it's a message that's universal to all religions."
"Rejoice, so highly favored! The Lord is with you."
"If you're watching this right now live or on playback God said this today is the day of salvation."
"The hand of God is on this material, this message, and it is going worldwide."
"The gospel is a message of salvation from God."
"He died for us, but he was raised by God. If Christ is alive, there is hope in the world."
"Love your neighbors as yourself... and we'll get back together next week. God bless you everybody."
"We need that imminent message all the time. We should be ready for his appearing at any time."
"Pray for peace in the world, make everyone safe, saved, and not suffering."
"Fear not, for I come to give you good tidings."
"God said to tell you, 'Get ready for the unschedulable blessing.'"
"Tonight is one of those rhema words... gonna give us an inside perspective on how to unlock the miraculous."
"That's a clear sign from the ancestors saying, 'Hey, this shit gotta go.'"
"Very simple message. Here's what Jesus did, here's what we'll do."
"God sent me with this message to bring this revelatory experience over your life."
"God loves the world, but most important of all, God loves you."
"People need to hear the kind of word that they've heard today."
"There may be a message waiting for you from spirit."
"It's a fun time to be alive and if you're in this, you're already way ahead of the game. Bit Squad, I love you, have a good day. It's all God, be blessed."
"And what I wanna do is I wanna tell you that God is drawing you right now."
"A wonderful new idea. Don't allow bumps in the road to hinder your progress."
"God loves you so much that He sent His only Son."
"Our Lady of Fatima says pray the rosary every day."
"May the Lord bless you and keep you and you have yourself wonderful day."
"The father is waiting for some folk to come home, please don't miss this, don't miss this, don't miss this."
"Abundance, love, standing in your power - that's the message for the soul tribe."
"We send you our infinite love, infinite gratitude, infinite compassion."
"I feel very strongly in my spirit right now to encourage everybody... your testimony is nothing to be shameful for."
"That's the news of the gospel that he cares about what others don't care about and in the midst of all the haters in the midst of all the chatter God is saying I have hope for you somebody say hope."
"Thanks, Isaiah, I love the healing message power in the name of Jesus." - Jason Gabroski
"Jesus loves you so much, he's forgiven everything."
"Your life is a positive prophetic word right now."
"This Oracle brings a message of a breakthrough and healing of a significant lightening up of your life and the end of a deeply challenging cycle in your life."
"Oneness, the central message of Adi Shankara and Advaita."
"I thank God for being able to stand up here before you this morning and bring the message that God put on my heart."
"This is a message from spirit about a very special sacred relationship in union."
"The Gospel is good news... it's good news for you, it's good news for me."
"Jesus loves you, God loves you, we love you."
"Any opportunity to spread the gospel a little bit more to people, the better."
"Forgiveness is for you. Forgiveness is for you and I."
"May the peace and truth of Almighty God and Jesus Christ be with you all."
"He doesn't just love us, but He died on the cross."
"Peace is the only way to live. Your life in peace is why Jesus came."
"The Angels’ second message for the Solar Eclipse is about the Rise of the Rebel."
"The Angels’ first message for the solar eclipse cycle is all about Life Changing Healing."
"Love one another. Love is the only thing that can save us."
"I'm making this video to let you know... Now's the time to lock in with God."
"Do it for the gospel, do it for Jesus, do it for the expansion of His kingdom." Wow, what a great message!
"The most important part of church is not the choir, testimony service, or money. It's the message."
"Those of you that are suicidal through this quarantine, you've been thoughts of taking your life. God is saying, 'Do not give up, now is your moment, now is your time.'"
"This is the word of the Lord from the Potter's house to your house."
"Something huge is coming huge huge yes it's going to change your life and it's going to rock your world and I know what wrongs yes."
"Spirit really does not want you to stress. Okay, so I don't know who needed to hear that message but that literally came through."
"All the things that the enemy did for evil towards me, God gave it back and he doubled it and he told me, 'You're going to spread this message of forgiveness.'"
"God told me exactly what to say... if you don't tell him what I told you then you rejected the truth for him."
"I hope that this blessed you and we will see you guys in our next video."
"You may be in the choir, or you may just be somebody that wandered in, but God is speaking to you."
"May the Lord father God protect me at all costs while I deliver these messages, amen."
"He gave us a positive message, and as we internalize and live according to that message, our old selves die and new selves arise in this place."
"Most importantly go out and love God and love others because truly above all else that will change the world peace I love you guys so much and I'll see you next time."
"I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him."
"James, my son, this is not yet your time. Go back and tell your brothers and sisters of the wonders we have shown you."
"You can look but don't stay long because he is not here in this dead place. He is not here; he is risen."
"Hope in Christ... that's what our ministry is all about."
"I am allowed to have my opinion, I'm allowed to do my nails, and I'm allowed to do my hair. I'll do what I want."
"This is God's gift to the Negro: evidence and proof of life after death."
"It's confusing, but anyway, I'm just talking the same thing over and over. Shalom, friends and world of angels, there is no peace. Only the peace is Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ of Nazareth."
"The prophetic message is what I have to give anyway for this hour. In many ways, it's going to be a trumpet call for this time, the days of trumpets."
"Jesus Christ Himself is in this room and he has told me clearly to tell the people tonight that he's working on your case."
"He wants you to know tonight that he loves you."
"You can't gain the whole world and lose his soul."
"A shut door is just as much of a blessing as an open door."
"Blessings coming into your 3D world; it's harvest time."
"It's not a people-dependent message; it is a God-dependent message."
"Jesus has been giving us the gospel of Love, Hallelujah."
"That's my prayer. Thanks so much for watching."
"The hour is coming that the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and live." - John 5:25
"What saved the world was not preaching, not healing, but suffering."
"Jesus speaks the word of grace and salvation to us. He speaks from the heart of God."
"Humanism includes not only human beings but all living things."
"The gospel. That's the good news and that's the only message you really need to hear."
"This oracle brings good news for healing and resolution."
"Justice is here for you divine feminine, something is being brought to balance."
"The overarching message: believe, have faith."
"In this Jubilee year, the Virgin of Lourdes reminds all men of the truth that no reform can bear fruit without a conversion and cleansing of heart."
"This promise that I've just described to you—it's for you, for your children, for your children's children, and for all whom the Lord Our God will call."
"The gospel is not only a message about the love of God, it is that but it's not only that."
"Help spread this message and we love you out so much in Jesus Christ name bless today."
"God is saying, 'This is the season that I'm trying to birth you.'"
"This is the Gospel message at its core: that the cross of Jesus Christ is provided for your redemption, for your salvation, for your restoration."
"The gospel is not good advice to be obeyed, it's good news to be believed."
"He causes this one little simple message to be divided several thousand different ways so that every single one of us under the sound of my voice hears a direct personal word straight from the mouth of God."
"Miracles are a verifier, certifier, and credentialer of a message that needs to be heard."
"There's a ministry in your mouth, touch somebody on your way down, say there's a ministry in your mouth."
"Listen man, stay tuned to this message is over because I'm about to reveal to you what God is trying to get you to understand and what he wants you to know."
"Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation."
"If you see this reading, it is meant for you."
"The real hope that can come out of these stories is in Christ and what He has done."
"Our gospel is love. We oppose what is wrong."
"God said that I need to talk to Amber because she's going to commit suicide."
"You are Heaven Sent. Something special is coming in for you."
"God's mercy is shown through the message of holiness."
"We thank you for our extended family... for the hearts that's being pricked... thus hearing the message of holiness."
"Forget the former things... see, I'm doing a new thing."
"The very person who spit on you gonna save the people who look like trees by hanging on a tree."
"Christ is alive, and I'm not preaching to you a dead Christ hanging on a cross. I'm preaching to you a living Christ, and He is the one that can come into your heart."
"Jesus came to give us the good news that God loves us."
"God wants you, and the Lord wants to use your mess and turn it into a message."
"The importance of love over and over they repeat this message."
"What does the word gospel mean? Good news."
"This deck does deliver that beautiful nudge, that beautiful message from Spirit."
"The first thing I heard was open your heart, okay? Open your heart to it."
"He may come into your heart and life and say, 'I want a clean house.'"
"Martha, Martha. As we've said before, the Lord calls your name twice like that, just go ahead, start kneeling down because it's time to repent, right?"
"If you have taken his message of forgiveness and unifying yourself and taking all the different parts of yourself and making them into a Unity if you have taken that message in by bringing the play into yourself then you're you become a creative person"
"Thank you so much for joining us for this week's message. We're so honored and excited to be a part of all that God is doing in and through your life."
"Proclaim to the whole world that they should fear God."
"The gospel in the air: the pushing back of darkness and the establishing of order."
"The message God gave her was indeed a perfect gospel, a complete gospel for body, for soul, for spirit, and for eternity."
"So, um, what happened was, September of 2021, um, you know, it's our sixth anniversary of the church. Have a dear friend that comes to speak, her name is Charlotte Gamble. End of message, she calls me and my wife Juliet up to the front and she gives us this word."
"We realize that we're living in very momentous times, times when prophecy is being fulfilled everywhere we look and the seals have a special message for this day."
"I had this powerful dream... and there was this message that came over me that said 'Grace'."
"This message is about your love, it's not about food at all, it's all about your love and the salvation that you brought to us."
"He loves you, He loves all of His children, every single person here tonight."
"We're going to see people's lives turned upside down with the message, the love, and the hope of Jesus Christ."
"I believe today what God is going to speak to you can bring healing to your body, salvation to your life, freedom to your soul."
"We pray that God uses this message to strengthen your faith."
"I think Jesus just wants to tell you who you are."
"The crux of my love doesn't hinge on the resurrection; to me, the story of Jesus is about love."
"I don't want to be anything spectacular; I just want to when you leave my page, I want you to know that I love Jesus and that Jesus loves you."
"I'm so excited for you to hear this week's message."
"When I am lifted up, I will draw all people to myself."
"Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Give them the news of an incredible forgiveness, a huge forgiveness."
"The central message of Advaita Vedanta."
"Our Gospel did not come to you with word alone, but also in power and with the Holy Spirit."
"The gospel is a personal message."
"We have not sent you except as a cosmic mercy for all realms of existence."
"It's time for the empaths to shine their light and to bring their message forward."
"Just remember, we are love and we are the light."
"The gospel has two parts: it has bad news and it has good news."
"The Gospel is not good advice; the Gospel is good news."
"You're very successful or this is spirit saying you will be successful."
"Repentance is going to be the message of the spirit of Elijah in every time that he's made manifest before the coming of Messiah."
"The miracle and the message wasn't just simply meant to be enjoyed by you and remembered by you but for you to pass it on."
"I cannot wait for you to get it in your hands and dive into this message of following Jesus in a social media obsessed world."
"God is telling you today, I am bringing you back home."
"Spirit put this message on me as soon as I woke up this morning."
"He stops time to give us time to redeem the time."
"Jesus Christ is the message, Jesus Christ is the gospel, Jesus Christ is the theme of the message of God."
"The message of the renewing power of God's grace will be carried to every country and clime, until the truth shall belt the world."
"You are the son He loves, and it is giving you to be the means through which His voice is heard around the world."
"God says I have not sent you except to be the mercy for the whole of the world."
"God loves you, God loves you, whoever this word is for, God loves you, God loves you."
"I love you guys and Jesus loves you more."
"I love each and every one of y'all, bro. God bless, stay blessed."
"Most of the times when I do that, that's like the Holy Spirit comes through with a very deep message."
"All I can hear is war, and God sent me today to remind you we're living in a time of spiritual war."
"The lord is coming with more love than rebuke."
"This is a message for whoever needs to hear it, so if you're drawn here by the title, you're in the right place."
"For I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God."
"Blessings are coming in; they just showed me this in my mind."
"To live in Praise is Guru Nanak's message."
"Whenever you come across this video, if it's resonating, that's the universe's and spirit's way of bringing you the message when you are meant to hear it."
"Spirit know who need to get a message."
"This is a really clear message that spirit is wanting the collective to hear right now."