
Success And Failure Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"What we believe about anything will determine our attitudes about it, create our feelings, direct our actions, and in each instance help us to succeed or fail."
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."
"The one who purifies their soul succeeds, and the one who corrupts it fails."
"In a society that seems to value winning above all else, it's a tough pill to swallow that losing is as undesirable as it is universal."
"You can experience mourning in a time of victory, depression in a place of provision, and what feels like failure in a season of success."
"Everyone wants to win, but in order to know how to win, you got to know how to lose because you're going to lose more than you're going to win."
"I feel like the sky's the limit and the ground is the limit as well, so I could succeed as much as possible or also fail as much as possible. So yeah, a little bit of internal crisis going on right now."
"I lose, man, I lose. But I have enough big wins that I'm okay."
"That's the beauty of America. We are free to succeed or we are free to fail. It's free to do whatever you want."
"Success breeds success and failure breeds failure."
"I have had a lot of success. I have had a lot of failure. I've looked good and I've looked bad. I've been praised and I've been criticized. But my mistakes have been necessary."
"I want to live a life that I'm able to do 100% of what I want in terms of the art direction. If I fail, I fail; if I succeed, well, cool."
"Comfort zones: there are two times you need to be on guard, after you win and after you lose."
"Ignore everything those guys said, we were getting asked the same questions before Limbo was released."
"Trust means being okay with whether or not you succeed or fail."
"You never know what's going to happen... you can never say never."
"Success hugs you in private, failure slaps you in public. That's called life."
"Only have the player roll the dice if you are willing to accept both success and failure."
"We took a huge risk and we failed on many levels, but we also succeeded."
"Real bosses have winnings and they have failures, and you need to be able to accept both of them."
"You learn just as much from your successes as your failures."
"Freedom means not only the freedom to work or not work... it also means the freedom to fail or succeed."
"It's a really rewarding feeling when you get it right, obviously pretty damaging when you're done."
"The secret of success is to have God in the center of your life. The secret of failure is to remove God from your life."
"Sometimes you have a lot, sometimes you just fail."
"It has to make sense and empirically speaking there are a lot more failures than successes."
"Doing and not doing is the difference between success and failure."
"For every success story, you know, there's people that have gone through some shit."
"You see the sum of my failures and my successes."
"For every success I've had, there's been a bunch of failures."
"Not afraid of success and not afraid of failure."
"Your ego is always afraid of something because your ego operates in the realm of success and failure."
"Life honestly should just be a series of failures and successes, both. That's life."
"If you're gonna bear the brunt of success, you should bear the risk of failure."
"Disney hits so big when they hit so big, billions of dollars. But when they miss, they miss big."
"Sometimes we succeed, and when we do, it's usually big. Sometimes we fail, and when we do, it's usually big."
"Winning is a habit, unfortunately so is losing."
"Success is something we can control, and therefore failure is something we can control."
"Opportunities come and opportunities go and sometimes you hit the ball out the park and other times you swing and you miss and that's just life."
"Genuinely excited to see... all the success but also all the failures that DeFi is going to bring."
"You gotta take W's and sometimes you gotta take L's."
"Every single day, you could wake up, try something and win the world, or wake up, try something and fail."
"It's about seeing the things that they're wrestling with and learning from either their success or failure in that battle about the kind of person that we want to be."
"The reality is that Elon is a smart successful guy with a lot of good ideas and a lot of bad ideas."
"Everyone succeeds and everyone fails, but the true question is, are you going to get back up and try harder?"
"I've been the hero and I've been the zero."
"There's a lot of urban legends, biblical roots, folklore, perceived reality, crushing defeats, and Olympian successes."
"It's a story of success, failure, and everything in between."
"You cannot have success without failure."
"As we analyze our formula further, we can see the parts representing the probability of success as well as the probability of failure."
"She treated success and failure as both impostors."
"Congratulations, you passed. Sorry, you failed."
"You can have success or failure... local companies really have to be managed."
"This is the business of being right sometimes and being wrong at other times."
"We need to learn from both success and failure stories and create processes so that people don't repeat the same mistakes."
"Learn what those who came before have done, where they succeeded, where they had difficulties."
"We're gonna show you everything, our wins and our losses."
"I must be taken as I have been made. The success is not mine, the failure is not mine, but the two together make me."
"We're able to get a success case, we're able to get a failure case, that's perfect."
"Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail, much like in life."
"No matter how experienced a businessman is, some businesses succeed and others fail."
"People love the weird thrill of success and failure. That's what people like, the feeling of 'Oh my days, if we don't win today, we could get relegated'."