
Panic Quotes

There are 537 quotes

"Of course, you can imagine the kind of panic that begins when you hear gunfire."
"By this point, there would have been massive panic and chaos inside the building and perhaps people were frightened to leave."
"No fear is so ruinous and so uncontrollable as panic fear."
"They were afraid, they were panicked, and it was terrifying."
"Contagious panic on the battlefield can turn the tide of war."
"I can barely remember what I said to the operator. I was in such panic."
"Both boys ran through the yard, ran inside, and locked the door."
"Many of these vigilante clown hunts were causing more harm than good, only spreading the panic further."
"It's amazing and hilarious how panicked they are that they're losing the culture war."
"In the fog of panic, she briefly felt an itch of scientific curiosity."
"Anytime we see this happen most people panic and no good financial decision comes out of fear."
"Absolutely, people are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, and you know it."
"Nobody ever said, 'I sure am glad I panicked.'"
"Undeserved panic does no one any good but neither does ill-informed complacency."
"The song captures the panic of actually having to consider all those huge systemic questions."
"I'm grabbing guitars, grabbing everything that doesn't belong to me because I am freaked out, man."
"Imagine the panic and imagine the feeling that is right."
"Crashes are never slow burns, everyone runs to the door at the same time."
"The Y2K Panic: Many believed the year 2000 was going to initiate the collapse of society."
"Everyone's panicking because they don't know why Bitcoin went down, but we do."
"In total panic, my cousin and I ran faster than I had ever ran in my life."
"Wow, um, this Panic is really stupid, this doesn't make sense... but no, I can't say I didn't see this one coming."
"Panic is always amiss. You need to think rationally."
"Panic was taking over and I started banging on it. I was legitimately terrified. I screamed for my mom and my dad, even my brother, but no one was responding."
"Please stop but the more you go into Panic Zone about it that's again not how you change health behavior you're gonna have to show some kids that have some bad outcomes from it that then they'll change."
"Panic can produce irrational behaviors, particularly when information is scarce or inaccurate."
"It's always the panic like the idiots like zombies man, Home Depot picking up a couple pitchforks to kill zombies, right?"
"Early on in a crisis or in the pre-crisis stage officials tend to imagine that the public is panicking."
"Please do not let panic get the best of you."
"Something happened that made them tear open the tent and they all ran."
"Reject these narratives of panic... the better off we all are."
"The emotion can't be expressed, I think that actually is a driver of the sheer amount of panic that we see."
"Are you developing a little crush? Is that it, huh? Is that it, Catnap? Ah, Cat, I'm not a cat person! Help! Where's my dog? I want my dog! I'm a dog person!"
"The Democrats are now panicking because the Republicans are turning the table on them."
"One well-placed defect could spark a mass panic."
"There was a genuine panic," Tom Drogalis, member of the Schuylkill County Historical Society, said. "Everything closed, schools, hospitals, the only thing left open were drug stores."
"When we are in panic, our emotional response bypasses our thinking brain."
"Does not fully explain the ways in which they seemed to just panic and run."
"I panicked a little bit there I don't know if he."
"Donald Trump absolutely can win in 2024. That's why they're panicking and desperate because if Trump gets in then revenge is on."
"It's a panic time now, okay, just a full wrap-up smear time."
"Think about if a war broke out in the real world and the city had alarm bells ringing the entire time. Let's be honest, all of us would panic."
"I'm freaking out here guys, there's something going on, it's not right."
"We're sowing the seeds of our own demise by Collective panic."
"They won't tell us because it would cause panic."
"The market is in panic mode right now, there's no other way to describe it."
"This was a bad idea, this is bad, oh my God we just survived, holy frick!"
"The worst possible thing that can happen in those situations is to have a complete rupturing of your line, a complete break in which men panic and everybody flees, basically, for themselves."
"Here comes the panic, not from you and me, not from the people who got prepared, but from officials."
"This does feel like a really panicky situation where seconds matter."
"I just think some people are panicked" - Sam Hardwick
"I slammed down the lid of the trunk, she's dying and I panicked."
"Oh my God, and uh, and so my eyes were really big by then because I was starting to kind of panic you know because I can't hold my breath very long."
"When a government says 'don't panic,' it means 'go panic.'"
"What if the US government already knew of these underground extraterrestrials and, in a panic to wipe out the invaders before they could launch an attack on humanity, detonated these nukes?"
"The worst legislation in our history is always a result of panic."
"Yeah, it just adds to like the eeriness and maybe the panic she felt right."
"Oh god, he's coming at me fast! No, no, he's not! Stop! Oh no, I missed! Pepper, bad bird!"
"Panic selling on top of panic sellers, it just it's not a good formula."
"I don't think you can imagine how terrifying it is to not be able to run away from something when every fiber of your being tells you to do just that."
"Oftentimes people think and panic attacks think I'm dying or something's fundamentally wrong with me."
"At first MC panicked, but his heart melted when he saw her smiling."
"If people thought Silicon Valley Bank would be okay and they didn't all try to withdraw their money at the exact same time, it would be okay."
"Panic has a habit of experiencing ebbs and flows."
"Panic is starting to take a hold on Western capitals."
"We see the first few indications, pebbles if you like, of the avalanche of panic that is coming."
"I panicked when I lost Michael for like 10 minutes in a department store."
"I have eight assignments due. Panic. They're all due on September 30th at midnight. Calm. Today is September 30th. Mega panic."
"Heart beating out of my chest, I ran out of there."
"Just remember, if you start to panic, just let go of everything and the drone is going to stop and hover."
"We thought it was an earthquake we sprinted to Brandon's room we're both screaming you shut the door and Asthma and Brandon's room the shaking Stone it was complete silent again."
"There is no panic in heaven; God has no problems, only plans."
"The thought caused another spur of panic to run through me, but then after that, was this weird feeling of peace and acceptance."
"...but I got a flash of the frozen water in my eyes and began to panic, really panic. If I was injured and I ended up in that freezing cold water I was a dead man."
"If he defeats the leader, the rest of the Goblins will scatter in panic."
"I woke up screaming, jumped out of bed, and ran as fast as I could down the hallway."
"They're freaking out, as they should be."
"You want to see true panic, you want to see some change in characteristic."
"I ran through the house with my dog at my heels, crying and shouting for my dad."
"I quickly barreled in through my kitchen door and basically leaped into the kitchen in a panic."
"If you're a real victim of domestic violence, I would assume... you're immediately going to start to shake and panic."
"One of the most widely accepted theories is that the man panicked due to claustrophobia and began to run not knowing what else to do."
"They weren't thinking; they were scrambling."
"By now, I was shaking profusely, I could hardly catch my breath as my body went into shock. I raced back home and flew through the cabin door, knocking like a crazy person before collapsing."
"It's evident that these individuals are in a state of panic."
"He cut off a squadron on Hill 213 and separated the senior leaders from their men, causing near panic amongst the accompanying infantry."
"Oh God, we're screwed," said Jerry as he looked to Dean for an answer to this nightmare.
"Just focus your time and effort and everything on other things that are more meaningful and don't get caught up in this whole panic and this craziness that's going on right now. It's just not worth it."
"Me halfway through a test: 'Okay, panic.'"
"My mouth was open, my heart racing. I looked over to the door she'd closed in the video and felt a special sort of panic."
"Panic is when you begin to feel a number of feelings that you don't want to admit. When panic strikes, rationale vanishes."
"I did something bad. Why here? I took him the food, wanted to set it down in the kitchen. He made a pass at me and I pushed him and he fell. His head, blood went everywhere and I panicked."
"Are you guys insane? It's a shark! They got a panic on their hands on the 4th of July!"
"You yelled shark! We've got to panic on our hands on the fourth of July!"
"There's a real panic on. Somebody's threatened to poison the Gotham reservoir. Calls himself the Joker."
"I kept having these... It was a physical response where I would... Exactly what you describe I pat my pocket I'm feeling panic"
"We were busted, man. So I'm running to the bathroom, trying to get rid of it all. My heart was jumping out my chest."
"What about the absolute panic and horror of going under the knife?"
"she was the one that caused Thanos to panic had him an attack that he couldn't get out of"
"I had the same feeling I was starting to panic a little bit."
"Their boy is born strong and healthy, and when he learns to walk, he goes outside on his own, proving the new generation isn't affected by the Panic."
"In the 70s you had multiple bodies showing up in Los Angeles, there was no question that Southern California was in a state of panic, you have serial serial killers literally all over the city."
"Authoritarian regimes fail across the board at just about everything. But if all of a sudden there's the possibility of a political alternative, they can panic."
"Maybe he was just panicking in fear for his life or in fear for the life of others, that he didn't take into account when he got in the plane."
"Panic surged through me as I realized that someone had broken into the museum and stolen the artifacts right out from under our noses."
"I was panicking and then after I took that volume and I got home, I was so calm."
"She's really panicking, guys, and yeah, it's going to be alright. She's a brave lady."
"The students start to panic because they already have plans for the trip and the typhoon is refusing to disappear."
"The panic isn't going to be the purpose in and of itself. What is Dr. Crane trying to accomplish with this? What is he trying to say?"
"The resilience of our team... there was no panic."
"It's all fun and games until you're really undecided on an item of clothing and then the panic sets in."
"Panic set in as we realized that we were trapped with no way out and no means of Defending ourselves we huddled together praying that whatever was stalking us would pass Us by unnoticed but lock was not on our side"
"I screamed and began to cry and shake and babble incoherently."
"He panics and fears for his life."
"I wrenched myself away and ran as fast as I could five blocks to the bus stop."
"Don't panic if you can't swim, try to float and conserve energy."
"I hope this story can inspire others to not panic in a situation like this, but to get out of it ASAP."
"In panic, I dropped my weight belt shot up to the surface without any sort of waiting period."
"Panic and chaos began to spread as the extremists' reign of terror escalated."
"Suddenly, an alarm blares, flashing red lights fill the room, panic ensues."
"'Just leave me alone.' - A panicked plea during a paranormal encounter."
"For the people who haven't done any research on him, they're panicking right now."
"I jumped to my feet and ran around the side of the car. I heard myself screaming and felt a sudden disruption of air around me."
"Fear began to build deep within me, taking root and spreading throughout my body until it took all that I had not to panic."
"The icy hand of Terror grabbed my heart as I fought off the panic attack, where was my girl? I couldn't lose her too."
"It felt like getting hit by a freight train. I've never felt panic like this."
"They panicked and just kept making one mistake after the other."
"I would be panicking just being in a desert."
"I'm not panicking," said Arthur, "Yes you are," retorted Ford. "All right, so I am panicking. What else is there to do?"
"So not to panic or anything, but Becky's water just broke."
"If you panic, you'll lose balance when braking suddenly."
"Who wouldn't panic once you realize you're meant to meet a horrific end?"
"I just remember feeling so panicked in a way that I'd never felt before because I felt like I was finally losing something that I could make excuses for in the past."
"I could hear the consternation in my expression despite my best attempts to conceal my growing Panic."
"You yell shark at the beach and people just freak out."
"Events like natural disasters and man-made emergencies can be made worse by people panicking."
"I'm about to jump, I'm about to jump! Don't tase me!"
"Once you're in a panic mode, that means that you lose the ability for self-help, you forget about the techniques you've learned, you forget about the knowledge you acquired."
"Evacuate, evacuate. Please stay calm and don't panic."
"Panic ran through me like electricity, but fear gave me strength and quickness."
"...there's an idea that Panic is destructive amongst the populists so you you want to construct a narrative whether it's a lie or not to minimize panic..."
"Alright, drinks. Oh dear god, my skin is gone!"
"Blind panic is one of those things that you feel ashamed of or don't really understand as a watcher, but it was what I experienced up there."
"If a gunshot went off all bets are off for me. I would throw the camera at the ceiling, scream, and just run."
"I felt the same. Oh my God, okay, it's happening. Everybody stay calm, what's the procedure? Everyone, what's the procedure? Calm."
"What we end up doing is that in the middle of all this panic in the middle of all this chaos they basically pick up in a prison where you know a guy's basically trying to orchestrate a prison break by attacking a guard."
"Upon realizing that this is in fact the wild, Alex and Melman begin to panic."
"These babies were born Saturday at like 2:30 and 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Of course, you saw the panic that ensued."
"So I did have a bit of a panic there. A light blue car went off twice and I was panicking."
"Help! I touched my bake I was taking a bath and I accidentally touched my vague it felt good it was an accident is there any way to undo this am I going to hell please help sorry you're going to hell mystery."
"It just felt like a constant panic attack."
"...it's hard not to panic when I just went through this literally three days ago."
"I didn't feel threatened, but right then I was in panic mode."
"It's like when your pants come... It's like this thing where you're trying to get your key in the door when the phone's ringing, it's like that kind of panic, you know what I mean?"
"The panic and eventual realization."
"Live more days marked by peace and diminishing panic."
"I'm trained to think logically and critically. But in an instant, I was brought to a panic level that I have not experienced before or since."
"I decided to sew a doll at 12 years old, and it immediately became a constant fixture in my life. One night, I was struck by panic and ended up ripping them apart."
"In just eight days, hundreds of people saw the creature. Schools were shutting down early. Businesses were closing. People were keeping their children inside."
"First tip, don't panic. You're not going to run out of air. There's a fan. And just in general, there's oxygen. So just relax."
"I panicked bought clothing every time I had to dress for work."
"I just felt the worst Panic dread."
"The balance was restoring, the shortages were healing, which meant it was time to panic about something else."
"The anxiety, the elevated heart rate, the heavy breathing. Even if we've never had a panic attack as it's defined clinically, watching Puss have his is completely recognizable."
"It was wicked as he described and the next thing he knew he was running out of his bedroom in a state of sheer Panic."
"Panic starts to spread throughout the ship but the emergency lights come on almost immediately."
"Chaos breaks out, someone calls out 'Women and Children First' driving the panic to a frenzy."
"Don't panic. The Panic causes more panic."
"I definitely feel like a lot of people tend to panic because this is like surgery, you know what I mean? Like it looks like murder halfway through."
"You have the wrong guy! Get someone to stop this thing!"
"I'm freaking out, Jamie. I'm freaking out, okay, Jamie? Jamie, I'm freaking out!"
"Oh god, he's gonna immediately die, he's gonna take a photo of him, oh god, oh god, oh god, don't say that, you scared me dude."
"Oh, oh [ __ ], oh my God, my anxiety, my anxiety, oh my God, oh my God, don't shoot on a plane."
"People are in a constant state of freaking out and panic about what's going on in the world all the time."
"I felt panicked. I felt like I was gonna lose it. It broke my heart."
"Don't touch it. Don't look at it. Don't look at it. Pull it out. Oh, Jesus Christ!"
"I kind of had a moment of panic and I realized you know what I think real estate will be a great way to supplement whatever I'm putting aside."
"Bombs accurately dropped by F2 fighter jets hit the warships causing significant damage and panic among the ship's crew."
"Those that made it to the edges cowered there, squeezed against each other and transfixed in confusion, while those still in the middle of the street charged madly towards the far end."
"He was obviously panicked, and it took us a while to get him to calm down and tell us what he saw."
"And as I stood there covered in dust and blood, there was no way to fake it. I'm like, 'Oh, you know, I ran into this pack of wild, I was just like, I freaked out. I freaked out and made a mess.'"
"I'm kind of panicking right now because I'm running low."
"I panicked. I freaked out. I thought that I was gonna lose my hair in like six months."
"...this time it wasn't just fear that came over me but full-on panic."
"Know thyself, and be very sure that you won't panic, cut, run, and sell when the market drops."
"If either if you know what this is... I'm gonna [ __ ] [ __ ] my pants."
"I ran in the direction of my van but I fell down my body was too stiff and I was really very frightened."
"I watched, waiting for it to move as well. It didn't. That was the moment I began to panic."
"I'm losing it. I have like a panic."
"No need to be panicking, none whatsoever."
"We decided to head back to my house, and right as we started walking, we heard those footsteps again. Panicking, we ran. Each time we sped up, the footsteps sped up as well, keeping pace with us."
"After that, it seemed like the man panicked and the banging just abruptly stopped."
"He's trying to cover his mouth, he puts his head in his hands at one point, he tries to turn around but dude, there's no wall behind you, there's people behind you, you can't escape."
"You live and learn. At any rate, you live. You also panic."
"The kind of paralyzed terror of a man standing in front of a train as it bore down on him, the kind that leaves a person shrieking like a banshee in sheer panic."
"Avoid panicking when investing. Novice investors always panic and sell off all their shares and move into cash at the first sign of trouble."
"The great danger to us now is we're going to sign away our future in a panic."
"As more people began to panic, he shot frantically, 'Here, I'm an air marshal, everyone please stand back.'"
"I felt a surge of panic... frantically tried to remove the wire from my leg... I looked around desperately to see if there was anyone else nearby who could help."
"Philippa's smile, genuine and innocent, sent him into something of a panic."