
Societal Responsibility Quotes

There are 226 quotes

"This is a society-wide problem; we can't just rely on law enforcement to fix for us."
"The first duty of government is to uphold the law. If it tries to bob and weave and duck around that duty when it's inconvenient, then so will the governed."
"We are all human beings, and we all deserve the right to live free from any form of abuse and harm in society."
"Everyone carries a part of society on his shoulders; no one is relieved of his or her responsibilities by others."
"Because we live in a society where we have the choice to do something else, that something else being reducing suffering, then morally speaking, that's the preferable choice to make."
"Protecting children from online sexual abuse is not just an issue of law enforcement; it's a societal imperative."
"In a free nation, it is your obligation to come up with the reason why something should be prohibited."
"It's up to all of us to obey the guidance and to urge everybody in this country to obey the guidance."
"Reopening our schools is also critical to ensuring that parents can go to work and provide for their families."
"We're not investing in the well-being and the development of the brains of our children and that's sinful."
"The importance of this pursuit cannot be overstated; the fate of nearly half of America's children depends on it."
"Really good people can do really, really bad things and it's on us as a public and as a society to prevent that from happening."
"As a society, we're going to claim we need to vaccinate children to use them as shields for adults. That is a complete break in the moral contract that we have as human beings to our children."
"We [__] up. We, we allowed... and you know, I don't think there's more I could have done, no, but I still feel the responsibility for a society that has allowed."
"Erica's memory will always serve as a beacon, reminding us of the need to protect the most vulnerable in our society: children."
"The kids are our future and we have to pay attention to our kids, not trying to be their friends."
"Perhaps it's now time to talk about governmental responsibility, organizational and corporate responsibility."
"Society needs to police itself. It's not the job of the government to do that."
"If you were drafted, you'd certainly have some responsibility to this country and it would force civic engagement."
"There is a responsibility that our society shares in protecting our children."
"Democracy doesn't happen by accident. We have to defend it, fight for it, strengthen it, renew it."
"Our elder fellow citizens deserve our support and our protection."
"People like you, people like me have a strange disproportionate burden and indeed duty to keep speaking."
"What we're doing to the next generation is unconscionable. They have to figure out how to make it in the most expensive economic times of all time."
"We have to take some societal responsibility."
"You have to remember we're all in this together and we have to take some societal responsibility."
"When I talk about reparations I am talking about America as a country as a state as a society I am NOT talking about white people."
"We're all responsible for our society, our history, our destiny. When you say America is nothing but a racist imperialist exploiter of the weak, it's such a blatant untruth. And you say that so you can get into power and cause tyranny and anarchy."
"Can I grow up to be better off than my parents? If not, what are you going to do about it?"
"There's a very broad consensus that there is a role for vaccine requirements."
"The question we need to ask ourselves is, are we willing to protect one another?"
"My morality is that society should try and diminish and mitigate the suffering of other people."
"Whatever affects one directly, affects us all indirectly."
"This is a response; it's a reaction. We have historically put so much onus on the black community."
"The bodies, minds, and lives of children are being permanently damaged, and everyone has a duty to approach this issue with the seriousness it demands."
"Humans must work hard to avoid destroying our civilization like some of the other advanced civilizations in our history."
"A nation of victims: We need to bring back the concept of civic duty."
"This work is so important because not only was this damaging for the kids who were on screen but also the kids that were watching."
"I hope we have helped make it clear that there is a broader kind of accountability, accountability to all the American people."
"I think it's actually irresponsible for schools not to teach this kind of information..."
"Unless we as a society begin to exercise a kind of sharper digital discipline, the things we rely on most remain gateways by which pure torture can be unleashed."
"I still have this hope that folks are going to do the right thing."
"So, if people wake up enough and they say I can make this small sacrifice now, great. If they don't though..."
"I don't know why we don't do our best to protect children, it's our duty as humankind."
"America's kids need the best we have to offer."
"I don't want them to have a chance to hurt an elderly person, a young person, a middle-aged person, a human being."
"All lives do matter and that black lives have got to be lifted up then you should be out you should be the first one out on the street Step Up and take action."
"No more excuses for silence." - Jessica Denson
"It is on us first and on everybody else secondly as it relates to engaging in what's best for our community by picking our leaders and not letting them pick them for us."
"Following the science and stepping up to protect each other is the best way to continue to ensure our freedoms our rights our values as a country."
"This virus will not be stopped without the cooperation of the government, the whole society, and the citizens. This is everybody's business and I repeat this is everybody's responsibility."
"We should absolutely try to rehabilitate everyone we can. We have to try, we have to."
"When we're gone, there's just nobody that's going to take care of you when you're in the hospital, and that should scare everyone."
"Education is now a national civic duty. It is not a privilege it is a civic duty."
"Every single member of government, every single business leader, every single media organization... needs to be held accountable." - Josh Phillips
"It's not about us, it's about our children and their future."
"Nearly 40 percent of Californians are living at or near poverty, and as a humane society, this is something we just shouldn't tolerate."
"These children are not disposable, they're so valuable, they're so precious, they're so important."
"I have done 1645 days without missing a day of headspace."
"All it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing."
"Do we rely on the benevolence of a few to guide our children's future?"
"It depends upon having a virtuous citizenry that is willing to shoulder the burdens of maintaining a self-governmental structure."
"We're gonna have to live with what we've created."
"Children are the future, and whatever they are doing to the children, they are doing to my future, your future, and they're doing to I don't, I say a lot, but whatever you perceive the greatest force in the universe to be."
"Great bodies of people are never responsible for what they do."
"If you genuinely believe these people are a danger towards children, then you really would have gone to the police by now."
"Making less people kill themselves is probably the right thing to do."
"Her candid statements struck a chord with a wide audience, igniting a broader conversation on the responsibility of public figures to speak out against injustices."
"Wayne was one of the guys that I heard was like, 'oh [ __ ], I might need to rethink this, you know what I mean?'"
"I care a lot more about whether or not we are going to be able to bequeath the democracy."
"We cannot live in a world that's built on fear. We have to do what we can to make sure that we provide the greatest safety measures we can for our kids."
"If we don't educate our children, all of them, then this is still going to be our country."
"A society must put the health and safety of our children first."
"It's incumbent on us to be a little bit more accepting too."
"The biggest threat to our democracy... it's us not doing what we're supposed to do."
"A nation that cannot take care of its People's Health is a nation that's in trouble."
"Everyone should be able to step in and try to be helpful when it comes to being a good adult figure in these children's lives."
"We need to do a better job at Society to teach people and equip them with knowledge."
"No one knows what's happening, I'm pretty sure I'm certain that is actually just whales trying to push the prices back down."
"Jews received reparations for the Holocaust and are still receiving them, and in my mind, that's what should happen."
"We need to do everything we can to keep our kids safe."
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and indifference to this notion is the means by which the people have and will secure their own oppression."
"We are living history and we need to take responsibility for that."
"You cannot be just pro-life up until the moment of birth and then lose interest in the child and the mother after that."
"Remember the only thing necessary for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing."
"It's not a mystery as to why, when you have so many people being vaccinated, it's because the people who are not vaccinated don't care."
"All that is needed for evil to prevail is for good people to remain silent."
"Screw your freedom? You don't have the freedom to go out there and become a danger to others."
"Children are some of the most vulnerable people in our society, and I feel like increasingly we, in the name of tolerance or acceptance, are not willing to do what it takes to protect them."
"Democracy allows people to have different views, and democracy makes it also -- makes us also responsible for negotiating an answer for those views."
"We allow ourselves to create a paradigm in which we think that an individual should have as much discretion with how to operate hundreds of billions of wealth as an entire society."
"We have to radically reform our education system in this country because it is failing kids and students."
"It is America's original sin and absolutely it must be responded to."
"That's a real problem and guess what the problem is not the 100 men the problem is the eight billion people we're the ones that created this entire situation by our silence and our collusion with their egregious acts against human beings."
"It's the fulfillment of our duties as a citizen that allows us to be free both as individuals and as a people."
"I believe a child going without an education is tantamount to a crime."
"A lot of people are very, very happy to make an awful lot of money and have no responsibility towards society."
"If we don't figure out a way to make our lives better, we are going to destroy each other and we're going to destroy this planet."
"All it takes for evil to prevail is for the good men out there to do nothing."
"Evil needs to be stopped no matter what others think."
"It is our responsibility to share the word of Allah with humanity."
"It's not so much the nut cases, it's the good people standing by doing nothing."
"We all have a responsibility to turn this type 2 diabetes epidemic around."
"The obesity crisis is a moral challenge for us as a society. What kind of society do we owe all of our children?"
"Your words have impact and import and exhortation."
"If you're going to have responsible government and a self-governing Society then it is important for individuals to be governed by prudence which means to think with reason."
"So, we as a community, as a society around the world, just need to be aware of that, just to always keep our eyes open, so."
"This is not a governmental failure, not a failure of our military."
"The society that refuses to protect its children is a society that soon will not be able to protect anybody."
"Responsible people need to stand up and fight for safety and decency in our society."
"When the good men do not stand up, the world turns into chaos."
"We command that all children be protected and supported to flourish to their highest potential from this moment onward."
"There's no one coming to save us, it's only us."
"Let's get these mandates and passports up and running ASAP. We are seeing children die daily from selfishness, pregnant women at risk."
"Who's going to feed them? Who's going to take care of them? No institution will."
"Our generation will be marked by its ability to hold others accountable."
"But given the stakes, the risks are still unnervingly high: nuclear war and dangerous pandemics threatened the amazing global civilization we have built."
"There is in one sense an abdication of responsibility by the elites during the Great Plague."
"If you're not going to actually allow yourself to take advantage of being a free country then you may as well not have freedom."
"We should all be taking care of each other in one way or another."
"There was a general sense that lots of people let this poor child down."
"Who should the justice system prioritize: the woman who got beat half to death or the guy who did the beating? I mean, it's not even a question."
"We need a season of moral repair, it's a moral issue that you feed your children."
"We've got to make sure that the media is held accountable."
"If our leaders are afraid or unwilling to fight back against things that they know are wrong, maybe they are not leaders."
"Abuse isn't something that you get to sweep under the rug and ignore, take accountability for it and apologize."
"Reparation is not this generation paying for slavery or pain for the past."
"If we don't give people an opportunity for growth what are we doing? We're just giving the next generation the same pain."
"Enough, enough, enough. It's time for each of us to do our part. It's time to act."
"I worry about censorship... these people are incredibly irresponsible and it's dangerous... this war on truth is destroying this country."
"Responsibility to yourself and to Society to try not to be the worst person ever."
"Just because you're not out there actually raping women it doesn't mean you can't do your bit to help women feel safe and secure and protected."
"The government has 100% responsibility to stop this drug business."
"A disturbing example of unchecked child abuse, failures in the foster care and adoption system, and a society that doesn't value children enough to intervene on their behalf."
"When anyone has more resources and can help, why not? We should always be in service."
"Children are very vulnerable right that's why we have laws in place to protect children."
"I know it sounds like, 'Oh, Stephanie, you're blaming everybody, it's just the parents' fault, um, it's, you know, Maya Jones's fault,' absolutely, 100 million percent agree with you, but there is more that people can do."
"It's all painful for the public that we serve."
"Providing food is great, but what about food for their souls?"
"If it's a constitutional violation or civil rights violation, we're obligated as Americans to redress it, to fix it."
"We must do the right thing by the people in Nigeria protesting for their own human rights."
"Turning of a blind eye to certain things and worse still a failure to act when people's safety is at risk and that's really the thing I want to highlight."
"The health and safety of others isn't something that these individuals seem to care too much about."
"Protecting children is not just a moral obligation, it's a righteous one."
"Give them what they're owed, don't worry about what they got."
"We have a responsibility to believe people when they disclose sexual abuse."
"Public health is a group project, and wait, there are weak links."
"This is our first task as a society, keeping our children safe."
"It did seem to light up a discussion about women needing to be more safe in our society."
"Ignorance is no longer an excuse for any of us."
"This country needs its safety nets. It needs to take care of its elderly people."
"Everyone needs to be held accountable...now we're in that spot."
"Society should protect children whilst they are children."
"Society is the way it is because people make it that way... Until humanity becomes extinct, terrible things are just gonna keep happening."
"White racism is our problem we have to carry this responsibility on our shoulders and leave black people their hell alone."
"A society that does not see to the needs and rights of all its members is not a society, it is a crime."
"No 17-year-old should go to a homeless young person's hostel. No one. It shouldn't happen."
"We all have a responsibility in what's occurring around us."
"Let's keep elderly and the most compromised amongst us out of the hospital and not dead so that we can all go back and live our lives."
"Shame on us if we don't offer women support."
"Ultimately, we need to look out for each other."
"People need to get upset and hold their government officials and corporations accountable."
"There is nothing patriotic about making children suffer."
"We face existential near-term threats, it's up to us to decide our futures."
"I think it's important to remember that Social Security and Medicare are a promise that we make to our families."
"They ran away but you know that's all again it's all our fault right that no no no attempt at all to defend their own people in their own country no attempt zero attempt and that's our fault okay sure."
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
"As long as kids are still being used in this way, and it's not being called out, then it's not being confronted as a society, then kids are still at risk."
"Our kids, those who lying Us in the prisons of America are waiting for us to change the system."
"You're systemically destroying your own people and systemically making it worse for the next couple of generations. So, in no way, shape, or form is this a viable way to get people to sympathize with you."
"So it's more than just doing it for yourself. It's doing it for your neighbor."
"We've got to grow up, we've got to do what's in the best interest of our kids."
"Gen Alpha is influenced by today's beauty standards. Moving forward, we need to consider how we navigate these influences and take responsibility collectively."
"We have to protect kids. They're the most innocent, wonderful amongst us. They're the future, and I think that that's the most important thing we can do."
"I think that a lot is going to hinge on the behavior of our population."
"If the parents don't care and the businesses don't care, shouldn't somebody care?"
"This should not be allowed, just because it's not happening to your kids specifically."
"Yeah, cut the check, but no one can be held responsible today for what happened many hundreds years ago."
"Calling out fake mental illness and addressing the negative side of social media isn't just necessary, it's something we should have done a long time ago."
"As a citizen of a society, what is your civic duty? One has a civic duty to get a vaccine."
"Souls are dying, brothers and sisters, where is your compassion?"
"So many people failed this baby, everybody did - the teachers, the social workers, the police department."
"We're always gonna err on the side of public health and public safety."
"Children are the least likely to be able to defend themselves or to speak up when there is something dangerous or bad happening to them."
"We have a responsibility to act in a moral way."
"The value Gap isn't sustained by loud races, the value Gap is sustained by all of us."
"...stop being that consumer and think more about becoming a citizen."
"Rather than waiting for governments to wade in and say okay this is bad this is allowed, consumers are taking it upon themselves."
"Living in a free Democratic Society with lots of privilege, enormous incomparable freedoms, and the government carries out the violent, brutal acts, are you responsible for it? Yeah, a lot more responsible because there's a lot you can do about it."
"...the problem with climate change however...is that climate change is a political issue...we created the problem and we as a society are going to have to solve it."
"It's got to be everyone's problem. We've got to want a society that is representative and supports people from different backgrounds."
"Public health is what we as a society do collectively to assure the conditions within which people can be healthy."
"...don't think that you can wait and bide your time before you start helping others in society."
"These children are our future, what are we doing? Why aren't we making that the number one priority?"
"We need to start thinking about how we affect the governance of those companies because they govern the spaces in which we live."
"The burden of civilization rests upon them."
"Nina Simone said that she believes the artist's responsibility is to reflect the times."
"We all have a responsibility to protect our citizens."
"We need an incredible array of institutions now and existing institutions now need to peer into objects which they didn't before."