
Probabilities Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"In quantum mechanics, we approach reality differently and see everything as probabilities instead of certainties."
"It's all about probabilities; you want to be the casino, not the gambler."
"It's merely a game of probabilities, so what do I need to do is increase my probabilities by knowing how the game is played."
"We live in a world of probabilities not certainties."
"You really have to go with probabilities at this point."
"There are no certainties in investing or macro or anything in life, but there are definitely probabilities."
"Learning blackjack trained my mind to think in probabilities."
"The chances that you're in a wreck on the way to the amusement park are way higher than something happening to you while you're on one of the rides."
"There's no such thing as certainties. There's only probabilities."
"In life, there's no such thing as certainties. There's only probabilities."
"It's all about probabilities and playing to the probabilities and risk management."
"You gotta operate in probabilities, not possibilities."
"You're trading probabilities, you are not trading emotion."
"The future never is written in stone, there are too many probabilities and possibilities."
"Everything has a possibility and everything has a probability."
"Bernie is a radical he truly is now that doesn't mean can't win I would say right now he has about a 40 percent shot of being President"
"The future is just a set of probabilities like we don't know for sure what's going to happen."
"The chance of Yellowstone erupting in any given year is actually lower than the chance that we'll get hit by a civilization-destroying asteroid."
"If you're not creating what you want, you'll be automatically put into a state of chance probabilities."
"It's unfortunate for the Trump campaign that even in the best model... it's still only a 3 out of 10 chance at victory."
"Life isn't about certainties; it's about probabilities."
"Who doesn't love to know the odds and even better who doesn't love to increase their own odds of success?"
"I guess I probably actually, you know, sometimes there's something to be said about just playing the probabilities right."
"$2,000 per share at 2027 is actually the center of their curve of the distribution of the probabilities."
"Probabilities is the right way to do it because there's so many criteria you cannot predict."
"Our overall goal as traders is to use tools, analysis, and probabilities to find areas in the chart where we have a higher probability of one thing happening over the other."
"At the end of the day, trading is purely a probabilities game, and the fixed R method just helps to put the numbers in your favor."
"Physics made this jump from determinism to another picture... that physics is about probabilities."
"The probabilities are very important. Traders, after a drop, all right? If it's a sharp drop, there can be a buy opportunity there, but you can't expect more than 25% if you want to be consistent and accurate."
"Fundamentally in nature, the sort of probabilities of the way things move around are actually represented by complex numbers."
"I would count the complete future history of the universe as a candidate law of physics. Not a very useful one, but if that were somehow made accessible to me... in practice, we deal with probabilities all the time."
"Winning or losing, it's all about probabilities."
"Trading is about understanding probabilities."
"Quantum Computing can do both of those things at once predict different probabilities at the same time."
"So there's our three probabilities."
"If we measure X, we're going to see different classical states with probabilities determined by this formula right here."
"You don't judge stock trades about probabilities. You have to think over the long term."
"Trading is about probabilities. You can't win all the time, so have a set trading plan and continuously execute on those setups."
"Most people who think about the philosophy of science... think about this in terms of probabilities."
"All of these patterns, they're based on probabilities, they're not an exact science."
"Perfect foresight doesn't require forecasting every event, but knowing all alternative possibilities and their probabilities."
"There is a multiverse of probabilities."
"The forex game is a game of probabilities."
"There are no guarantees, there are only probabilities."
"I see trading as a game of probabilities."
"It's so true in trading, it's rewiring our mind for probabilities."
"A probability mass function is going to assign probabilities to random variables."
"OK, so by now you're all in love with probabilities."
"Trading is a game of probabilities and managing risk."
"You are at least stacking the odds of the probabilities in your favor."
"The world is quantum mechanical; it's not deterministic. We can only predict probabilities."
"The Hidden Markov Model discovers hidden patterns of the data and it quantifies the probabilities of these hidden states."
"Sports betting is a game of probabilities; nothing is 100% sure."
"It's not about particles and waves; it's about information and about how probabilities behave when information is fundamentally inaccessible to observers."
"It's a game of probabilities... you either win or you lose."
"It's not about oh my God I put all my eggs in one basket; it's about understanding probabilities."
"Softmax is a very convenient way of transforming a bunch of numbers into a bunch of positive numbers between 0 and 1 that sum to 1."
"You can interpret the output of softmax as a vector of probabilities over a discrete set of outcomes."
"When I started to take into account the higher time frames, it really unlocked a whole world of probabilities for me and my trading."
"That's the real power of simulation—we're able to see various outcomes and the probabilities associated with each."
"Evidence should reshape my probabilities."
"Logistic regression plus some chosen threshold will give you a classifier; logistic regression by itself just outputs probabilities."
"It's all about playing the probabilities."
"A professional trader is no longer susceptible to these typical trading errors because he's learned to think in probabilities."