
Speedrunning Quotes

There are 342 quotes

"Proud of how far you've become as a speedrunner and as a person, best of luck."
"Anyone can just speedrun a game; you have someone here who has taken complete control of this game, moving through the dark, manipulating RNG."
"I'm sure many of you already know what a speedrun is, but it's a race to the Finish Line. You are allowed to use all kinds of glitches and bugs to finish a game as soon as possible."
"I don't play this game casually anymore. Anyone that speedruns a game probably doesn't play it casually."
"Speedrunning's earliest beginnings can be traced back to Activision's 1980 Atari 2600 game, Dragster."
"Speedrun community is so amazing and all those charities speedruns, that's a great thing."
"People always underestimate the autistic power of speedrunners."
"And, yet, somehow, the experience of taking part in or even watching someone try to speedrun a game is exhilarating and amazing and just fun."
"Speedrunning is really fun to watch and stories about speedrunning are consistently fascinating and I really want to talk about why."
"Watching someone blast through them is just plain fun."
"Bikini Bottom has one of the most interesting speedrun histories of any game ever."
"The first 105 in Battle for Bikini Bottom 80% was achieved at last."
"I love this, the wider speedrunning community focuses a lot on indirect competition, pushing the boundaries of what is possible."
"This is the legendary account of Steam speedrun."
"We're actually speed running, I know, bro!" - Sunny
"But the beauty of speedrunning is that feeling of self-improvement."
"It's pretty amazing, really an amazing speedrun."
"Pretty amazing, my second untied world record in my career."
"Cold War has a lot of really unique Tech and I think it makes it a really fun one to speedrun."
"This run was called one of the greatest speed runs ever performed."
"Speedrunning is fan-driven gradual mastery of a game, done by replaying it over and over, aiming for goals the developers may never have thought possible."
"We're actually just speed running this game."
"It's definitely rewarding, very rewarding to speedrun."
"Thank you so much speedrunners for that amazing strat."
"Speedrunning is obsessed with not wasting time."
"Neon White is one of the best introductions to speedrunning."
"Streets 112: A basic initiation into goldeneye speedrunning."
"Should these cheats be allowed in single level speedrunning?"
"Welcome to one of the best runs there will ever be."
"The truly inspiring story of these two titans is something that I think any speedrunning community can look up to and admire."
"Speedrunning is a great way to celebrate video games."
"Speedrunning has an image problem... people hate what they don't understand."
"Speedrunning is just plain fun no matter what level you are at."
"There is a section of the speedrunning community that contains some of the smartest people you will ever meet."
"Super Mario World's credits warp is honestly a technical marvel within speedrunning."
"Speedrunning is a nihilistic activity by definition; it's time-wasting, unproductive, yet the triumphs are very real."
"Narcisa made it feel this decade that speedrunning mattered, and that, my friends, is truly irreplaceable and will never be forgotten."
"His achievements in the game would peak on september 3rd 2013 when he beat white heiress's seemingly unbeatable 16 star record with his own time of 15 minutes and 22 seconds."
"Speedrunning at its core is a test of virtue built on a system of honor and trust."
"To say that glitchless is pointless would be the same as saying any additional categories that aren't any percent or 100% are also pointless."
"The fact that it can be beaten in under three minutes is quite wild."
"The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time in 1:16:59 by Pokey Pummel."
"A truly legendary moment in speedrun history."
"You sometimes just have to let a run speak for itself."
"Choice is the key ingredient that truly defines speedrunning."
"Live events are the future of speedrunning and they are the path that leads to speedrunnings legitimacy being cemented in gaming culture."
"Speedrunning content on YouTube is now receiving millions of views every single day and two new people are always becoming aware of just how fascinating it can be."
"The popularity of SDA helped give a voice to speedruns of games that were previously neglected or unknown by the wider gaming community."
"Dark Souls 3 has been a massive part of the speedrunning community since it came out."
"The boom hilda makes the speedrun so much more interesting. I just can't believe it."
"The ender eye trade: a balanced change for speedruns."
"Anyways, just know that speedrunning at its core isn’t about getting some kind of attention or respect for your accomplishments; the most genuine, fulfilling moments come when you set a goal for yourself and you do whatever it takes to achieve it."
"This is the story of maybe the most insane strategy we've ever seen in a Minecraft world record and of the fastest speedruns ever pulled off by a human in Minecraft."
"This is what Breath of the Wild speedruns are gonna start looking like."
"The story of this game is undoubtedly one of the best tales in speedrunning history."
"He became the first person to finish the game in under an hour."
"This being a speedrun, we sort of skip most of the investigation part and go straight to the knocking off of the Visionaries."
"This was an Any% speedrun of DEATHLOOP, I’ve been tomatoanus, and I hope you have an above average day."
"The speed run finishes in four minutes, a staggering eight minutes ahead of the casual."
"The speedrun makes heavy use of Franklin's power driving this heavy car back to whip it around corners without losing speed."
"The speed run chooses the subtle heist option and the runs and I'll explain why by doing a comparison of a theoretical speed run doing the obvious types option."
"The speedrun did blitz play in only five minutes, one-third faster than the casual—a pretty big difference for a shorter mission."
"The speedrun jumps into Lester's house and brings up the cell phone at the same time, skipping the initial dialogue."
"Actual world record, no new game plus, one hour 37 minutes."
"B-minus is like my favorite grade, man. Dude, I am speed running this game, let's be honest."
"A real speedrunner doesn't need to do such a thing."
"And this is what we like to call a speedrunner strat, actually, yes, this is actually a world record pace."
"Speedrunning was entirely revolutionized with the 1.16 update."
"Time does not wait for Hades. Hades does not one does not simply one does not simply defeat Hades in six minutes unless you're a super mega awesome speed runner."
"Marathon speedrunning is where instead of just running through one game you speed run through multiple games in one sitting."
"Easily one of my most enjoyable speedrun projects to date and probably my most impressive speedrun ever in terms of execution."
"This run ended with 29 minutes and 15 seconds making it the first ever sub 30 minute speedrun for the game."
"What a game. This is going to be like my most viewed speedrun video file."
"I find that four percent movement speed is nice and all, but you'd only do it in maybe an Act 10 world record."
"This is proof that we can 100 finish the community center in a speed run."
"The most amazing trick I've ever seen, I think, is Yoshi's Island 100% 5-4 skip."
"It's the trick that I still say got me into speedrunning, and here I am."
"Learn to slide hop correctly for maximum speed."
"Removing a random element in the speedgame can revitalize interest and increase competition."
"Speedrunning in a nutshell is basically playing the game as if you just bought it."
"Another runner named Brongle actually found a way to skip the walking segment that we’re currently doing."
"Believe it or not, in the month of February 2021, a stunning six speedrunners achieved 36 untied world records on one single stage in Perfect Dark."
"Is that not one of the most insane things you've ever heard in all of speedrun history? Indeed, truly remarkable."
"Optimizing the speedrun truly does come down to optimizing your walking."
"If I lose a game in the speed run, I won't restart. That's my goal."
"The probability of Fire Rim's 5 hour 58 Ascension 100 speedrun came out to be..."
"Not about beating the game as fast as possible, it's about being as wholesome as possible as quick as possible."
"The rap god is getting ready because we are going to do a majority of all of the tricks that we do throughout the run just in the tutorial here."
"There's nothing terribly complicated about speedrunning it's literally just playing the game normally but fast."
"Love watching games done quick, always a good time."
"They've given the game A Renewed boost of popularity years after its heyday and over the course of a decade, this is how they've lowered its world record."
"That one tip will save you hours if you decide to speed run this game."
"Forest starts out where it's leisurely, I'll say, but it's not to say that the speed run won't be as challenging."
"It's seriously the amount of work that it takes to speed around this game is incredible."
"The puns so far have been almost as awesome as this run."
"Speedrunning has made a really positive impact."
"The speedrun record progression for Zelda games over the years is genuinely fascinating."
"Shout out to the Pokemon speedrunning community."
"Photo skip making it the biggest skip in the game with 18 minutes of content being eliminated."
"And what is likely the greatest Final Fantasy 7 Speed Run of all time."
"That's survival horror speedrunning in a nutshell. Cut them corners, find those frames, skip those fade-ins."
"The run should take about 15 to 16 minutes due to this glitch."
"You really gotta love when the devs support their speedrun scene because those are like the dudes that are playing your game the most."
"Thank you for all your hard work and tremendous love for the speedrun. This game and the Boob Troop community have brought so much happiness and joy into my life. I'm thankful for you all. Thank you so much."
"Jason going for some nice damage boosts because we're speedrunners, we want to go fast."
"This skip saves over 10 minutes in the speedrun."
"My goal all along was always just to get sub 57."
"This once impossible trick is now just another one of the many strats performed by speedrunners every day."
"If you've ever been interested in speedrunning, just give it a shot."
"Speedrunners spend hours mastering techniques for the quickest completion."
"Categories like any percent and any percent glitchless offer diverse challenges."
"Of all of the untied world records I've set in both GoldenEye and Perfect Dark, only a single one remains that has yet to be matched by another player."
"When Carl or someone else does get 52, it's going to be a very special moment."
"This category we're actually going to fight all of the game's intended bosses and essentially play the game as intended but just in as fast a way as possible."
"This is the story of someone who completely recontextualized the way we speedrun Devil May Cry 3 forever."
"I really love this run; it's my favorite speed run."
"Back-to-back world records and the most energetic speedrun I've seen in GDQ."
"I think this game is a very, very nice speed game there's a lot of cool tricks and stuff and I want more people to be able to see it and appreciate it."
"We speedrun, we do not stop, we do not slow down, we keep going."
"The fastest speed run of the game was done in under 30 minutes."
"An incredibly short speed run filled top to bottom with ridiculously precise tricks."
"I hope that this video gives you a bit of insight into how speedrunners search for ways to break games, and in-part answers the question of how speedrun glitches are found."
"If anyone tries to complain, I'm just going to say I'm speedrunning."
"I think one of my favorite parts of this speedrun is that little turnaround right there, just to go like slightly faster."
"Some tricks might actually be faster, but sometimes tricks end up being deemed too risky to actually be used."
"There's this theoretical trick that potentially would save time and become the new speed running strat."
"Speedrun Science: to help newcomers and veterans alike through the full process of investigating routing and performing speedruns."
"The music composed by Koji Kondo was just awesome."
"It's been a blue fiesta, let's start speedrunning this."
"We can beat Pokemon Yellow at an in-game timer of zero, for doing absolutely nothing."
"My flows are way too catchy, and you keep 'em on rewind, just like all your speed runs."
"Who says that speedrunners don't have a life?"
"But with that being said it is worth mentioning that there are unpatched speedruns of this game from over 5 years ago that have times under the 4 hour mark."
"This run was so ahead of its time that he not only skipped 3:02, But nearly skipped 3:01 in the process."
"Getting all 120 shine sprites in a single-segment speedrun was just a pipe dream."
"I'm five minutes off the world record and only one minute off the person who mainly inspired me in the first place. Just as soon as I thought my journey was over, it had truly just begun."
"Empathy has brought the world record down to 20 minutes and 27 seconds which is where it still stands today."
"The fastest anyone has completed the game in the conventional way without any crazy images is 48 minutes and 46 seconds."
"The main weapon the speedrunners have is the hero glitch."
"I think it's one of the best communities in speedrunning."
"All the runners are simply the best constantly impressing with their skill and dedication."
"So now my speedrun starts. The next stage is pretty much where the game cranks up the difficulty."
"By the skin of his teeth, Aki had pulled out a 14:59, the world's first sub 15."
"Holding a record in it is one of gaming's toughest accomplishments, ridiculous glitches and insane movements both requirements for a world record."
"Slide jumping through here, basically. What that is, we can hit a sloped surface and jump off of it, get a nice little boost."
"Slide jumps are going to save a very significant amount of time throughout the course of the entire run."
"For our own unique dilemma, this solution is not only justifiable but arguably the ideal way of speedrunning our game with true integrity."
"Speedrunning is about more than just getting the top times... it's about enjoying the journey."
"That was a very clean and good Yhorm fight I struggle with Yhorm for a long time in the speedruns."
"Speed running is a really cool kind of I guess eSport if you will where people compete to try and finish different video games in the quickest amount of times possible."
"Discoveries like this are why it's so interesting to take a look at other categories and old speedruns."
"With enough scrap, you can unlock anything you could ever want in Rust."
"Anyways, we abuse the tech tree to get the speed-run record on the highest pop vanilla server."
"The curious case of Cody Miller, the halo speedrunner."
"I'd love to watch a speedrunner have at this because the framework the developers have created here combining these abilities with this level design would make for a fantastic spectator sport..."
"Foxy and Boxxy and Rocky literally study how to speedrun games and they hold the world record on some games."
"Even to this day GoldenEye still features heavily in the speedrunning Community."
"You can just speedrun the game. This is insane, guys. Mommy Longlegs would be so mad."
"We're going through this pretty quickly, this really does feel like a speedrun."
"Until then, I’m James A. Janisse and this has been the Universal Monsters Kill Count Speedrun."
"I want the fun of having made a 0.33 speed run work."
"Wow, right now Magazine, sane watch out speedrunners of the world!"
"A run or two of Super Mario 64 is legitimately only like an hour and 10 minutes."
"I hope you enjoyed this brief look into the absolutely early but extremely already broken Tears of the Kingdom speedrunning world."
"Every speedrunner is amazing people. Speedrunners, guys, people are cool."
"Yeah, the beginning is the best part of the running, so let's save those frames."
"Usually the first moon you getting in Night Metro, so kind of interesting seeing it in daytime. It's not something that happens very often in speedruns."
"I'm a professional speedrunner, and I'm hot on your tail. Activate super speed."
"Now the Solid Cartographer, this is the most legendary Halo level ever, of course, speedrunning it, honestly, I think so many tricks."
"If the people at the top that are supposed to securely protect your data are getting hacked this hard what [ __ ] option and choice do you have?"
"It's by far the best speedrunning community I've ever been a part of."
"That's third place on the speedrun leaderboards, alright!"
"We go fast, we speedrunners, we don't care about the story."
"One of the most insane speed runs in Minecraft history."
"We found it pretty cool... we weren't even thinking about speedrunning at the time."
"The speedrun, they get such momentum, it's unbelievable."
"Every single video game in existence does indeed have a hard limit on how fast it can be completed."
"Battle for Bikini Bottom was evolving from a linear brisk walk into a sequence broken speed run."
"Speed running is about a combination of skill and knowledge, and who knows it better than the guy who made it?"
"Speedrun strats everyone, four minutes and six seconds."
"What a good speed run, eight minutes and 20 seconds."
"Video games are great, and speedrunners literally know the most out of any human beings about video games."
"I didn't think a game like this could be this broken. It's insane that this game was so speedrunnable."
"Doing speed runs of this would be really cool."
"It's honestly probably one of the best speed games to get into."
"Infinite resources of just about every single kind... It's majestic, it's powerful, and most importantly, it's probably going to give speedrunners a very good and easy run as an entire galactic world conquest."
"We're on to the final four, so yeah, we're almost done with this speed run."
"If you're looking to get into a game for speedrunning and you want something easy, there are very accessible options."
"Yo, nice barely slipping through, getting all those cycles, not taking time to kill any enemies because that's slow."
"And nice, once again, as Nils brought up earlier, bringing in that second player and it actually makes the respawn animation off the death."
"What will we get here on the final invasion level? Once upon a time, I'll give you one hint: it has to be under 40 seconds."
"Innovations and improvements in speedrunning are always amazing to see."
"Games Done Quick is the reason I started speedrunning. Best of luck to all runners."
"That secret drone skip was awesome! Who needs the Force when you have speed running? Halo hype and good luck with the run, Covert Muffin!"
"Some people are saying that this is the best speed run ever and that actually the no hunger look around aimlessly for a horse for 10 minutes strategy is the one to use."
"A monumental speed run and one that places Liam in the history books of speedrunning forever."
"I've been watching GDQ since five years and can't get enough what an awesome TAS segment especially with Celeste."
"Legend of Zelda speedruns are the most beautiful art."
"I think one thing that sometimes we forget as speedrunners is that all frames actually are perfect."
"Speed running is its own beast in terms of learning what skills you need and practicing those skills."