
Attitudes Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"What we believe about anything will determine our attitudes about it, create our feelings, direct our actions, and in each instance help us to succeed or fail."
"Although there are some observable differences in political and social attitudes among Millennials in comparison to the previous two living generations, it seems that there is a consternation, not necessarily with what Millennials think, but primarily with the behaviors and attitudes and activities they engage in."
"I'm kind of confident that our generation is going to be the last in America that gives a [care] if you drink or not."
"I've never walked away from a conversation saying, 'I don't like that guy's tone.'"
"If you're not having fun, you're doing something wrong."
"I think it's important to humanize pretty much every type of attitude."
"But it does illustrate how unpredictably attitudes can change."
"Winners win and whiners whine. If you're whining, you're losing."
"Maturity point the other theory is that he doesn't care to be rich or that he already is rich now there's a few things that suggest against both of these the."
"Maybe we will be able to do just some little good to eliminate judgmental paternalistic exclusionary attitudes and policies."
"You ain't worth my love if you only love to hate me."
"The more people that have that attitude, the less the cancel culture people will fade into the background."
"In a world where everyone else online is always walking on eggshells... adp 445's brash attitude was somewhat refreshing."
"Liking things is a lot more fun than hating things. You should try it sometime."
"You can censor people and shut people up, but does that really change their attitudes and what they think in their head?"
"I don't think a man will ever care about your status like we don't care if you're Oprah or if we come across you working at McDonald's what we do care about is your attitudes let's keep it funky."
"I wouldn't want to live so defensive and worried about stuff that's outside of my control."
"Life's too short to be sticks in the mud, you know?"
"That's why I'm having fun, everybody else mad."
"It deserves to be tossed up in the air and not be thought of as, 'Oh no, it just doesn't exist.'"
"That whole like customers are always right, that needs to [ __ ] go."
"There should be a difference between confidently incorrect and arrogantly incorrect."
"Negativity produces more negativity in my eyes."
"There's a difference between being skeptical and being cynical."
"I don't care. Sometimes I just want to get blown up after cheating, you know?"
"Reshaping the attitude towards people is key."
"Whether you love me or you hate me, I'm still living rent-free in your head."
"When you complain, that means you're not satisfied."
"It's like a kind of 'we don't negotiate with terrorists' kind of attitude about Putin."
"Women are so much more forgiving about your looks and where you are in your life... as long as you have that attitude."
"We should oppose a punitive fascist attitude."
"Well, well, well, you just thought you could do anything you wanted, didn't you? You just thought you were so smart."
"I'm probably one of the most positive people. I don't even like being around negative."
"I ain't gonna lie, I ain't [ __ ] no what y'all gonna say."
"We have to change the way we think and act towards women."
"As is often the case with sexism, contemporary attitudes towards sex aren't great for men either."
"You're changing that attitude of 'yeah other people's opinions shouldn't penetrate me but I should also be aware of myself.'"
"Bullying is obviously wrong... but when we were kids... it was 'who gives a [__] what they say.'"
"Nothing is cringier than thinking things are cringe."
"If people finally stop hating us, so we just hate better than love."
"Revenge was the worst attitude to have towards anything."
"At the end of the day, who cares about that? That's their problem, not mine."
"Sometimes the world changes, but people's attitudes don't."
"Success in love isn't about looks, it's about attitude."
"Most of these guys behind the scenes wouldn't mind."
"Nobody wants to work anymore nobody wants to work anymore nobody does any work anymore especially if you have a really good job."
"People say one thing but their response and their attitudes really reveal what they value, right?"
"Their ideas about love and sex are as conservative as most of their other ideas."
"Developing habits and determining attitudes that augment critical thinking."
"I feel like at this age I'm supposed to be reluctant to the idea of it and I don't think I am."
"The way it shows two different attitudes, Sunny's and Michael's, is insane."
"One way out is to write a kind of provisional drama where you can explore all sorts of attitudes and voices."
"Men 75% are like no, I'm good, I got this thing, whereas 25% of men say yeah, that'd be great even more so than women."
"Actions and attitudes determine your state of happiness and your state of success."
"When you make value claims, you're expressing your desires or attitudes."
"The attitudes are so much better than I thought would be here."
"The Roman Empire lasted over a thousand years and it spanned a huge portion of the globe so the idea that their attitudes towards gay [ __ ] could be summed up at all much less over the span of a fairly brief article on the Internet is pretty insane."
"Solving our girls' education crisis is definitely about resources, but it is also about attitudes and beliefs."
"These numbers, D(1), D(2), D(3), D(4), they reflect people's attitudes towards the future."
"Stigmatizing attitudes held toward people experiencing problem gambling include thinking that they're impulsive irrational irresponsible untrustworthy unproductive greedy antisocial."
"Even controlling for all of those other variables, it makes you about 20 points more likely to be a white Christian as you turn up the volume on holding racist attitudes."
"People with more information tend to have more sophisticated, better thought-out attitudes."
"...ranging everywhere from cautious optimism to bitter disdain."
"most buyers are actually pretty chill people"
"It's pride, isn't it? Some masculine 'I'm the breadwinner' sort of attitude."
"The filling is then the Spirit moving through us to produce the right attitudes and the right actions, the right attitudes and the right actions."
"There's a huge difference between traditional and misogynistic thoughts and behavior."
"We need to move to a state where the words 'sexist' and 'misogynist' are no longer used about the attitude of the NHS towards women."
"There's two types of people in the world: people who run away from it and people who run towards it."
"The programming drives your beliefs, which drives your attitudes, which drives your emotions, which drives your behaviors."
"Times have changed, and I really don't think there's any need for this kind of attitude."
"Empiricism should instead be thought of as a stance, involving a cluster of attitudes, commitments, and goals."
"That's more of the vibe with this generation."
"Implicit attitudes might provide us with more insight when we're dealing with sensitive topics."
"Introversion and extraversion are attitudes developed by Jung."
"Let's talk about five powerful attitudes to master for success and love."
"If racism is to be overcome, attitudes must be changed dramatically."
"Diversity isn't just about having a different skin color; it's about having different attitudes too."
"We're certainly in the era of negativity and positivity being everywhere."
"American Jewish attitudes have changed substantially."
"The problem is the entire attitude we have towards big bodies in general, not just in media but just as a whole."
"The world is governed by attitudes, convictions, beliefs, opinions, and various research projects, and these most of them originate in the mind."
"Explicit attitudes reflect your beliefs, perhaps also your intentions."
"The ruling state of mind is made up of various mental attitudes which the individual adopts towards things, events, and life in general."
"A truth was revealed and in being revealed attitudes were altered."
"We need to learn about people's beliefs, attitudes, and life experiences."
"Beliefs govern your attitudes and drive your actions."
"That would change and harden British attitudes to Europe for a generation."
"Resentment is one way we can start thinking about racial attitudes and racial thinking that's not always about attacking the person for who they are."
"Behavioral intentions are a function of attitudes and subjective norms."
"The association between attitudes and intention is more positive and it is positive in nature and statistically significant."
"The effect of attitude on behavior via intention."
"Proper decision-making is all about understanding our attitudes and taking control of the judgments that we make."
"Attitudes don't change unless experience changes."
"It is not our circumstances that define us, but our actions and our attitudes."
"Everyone carries around a set of attitudes, part of his upbringing, part of his experience, and maybe a lot of it's wrong, but at least recognizing bias."
"Prayer purges my soul of attitudes and opinions and grudges."
"Be attitudes... these are attitudes you should be."
"When we talk about attitudes, changing attitudes, and changing the subjective norm, the theory of reasoned action can be an effective campaign strategy."
"It's about Black Culture and attitudes and behaviors being conducive to socioeconomic success."
"If you develop right positive attitudes, caring, sharing, kindness, your mind will naturally remain happy."
"People's attitudes have been shown to be related to important organizational outcomes such as turnover, performance, and many other outcomes that we truly care about."
"More than my appearance or my action, my mind and my attitudes give me identity."
"Money really changes people's attitudes."
"Likert scales are often used to measure attitudes and opinions with a greater degree of nuance than a simple yes or no question."
"Emotional sharing is just basically how people show their attitudes in a genuine way within the organization."
"Each element should help support and contribute to people's better behavior and attitudes."
"People in the UK love to see people fail, but Americans always wish for your success."
"The culture is the sum of everybody's behavior and attitudes."
"By cultivating attitudes of friendliness toward the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous, and disregard toward the wicked, the mind-stuff retains its undisturbed calmness."
"Some of us wanted to undo certain attitudes of the past; we wanted to actively negate them."
"All of a sudden, people who weren't really into cannabis became very pro cannabis."
"The more frequently respondents or teachers have positive attitudes towards homework, the more likely that they will assign more homework."
"The best way to change a person's attitudes and mindsets is to change their behavior."
"It's easy to forget that in the ancient world there are often the whole range of attitudes towards people towards ideas towards things like imperialism and conquest."
"I think there is an issue about people being snobbish about jobs."
"If you want to be challenged, if you want to dust off some of your old attitudes."
"It's important for us to learn about because it says a lot about their attitudes towards the subject on a much wider level."
"The social attitudes have changed all over the world."
"It is better to be envied than pitied."