
Common Goals Quotes

There are 197 quotes

"Encouraging someone, making them feel good, and sharing common goals and laughs are what make a relationship truly special."
"Give them a communal goal or a communal hatred or a communal inconvenience; that's all it takes to create a group of people."
"Peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom are common values of humanity."
"I have this fundamental idea that I'm almost positive is true that like 99% of like all of humanity is pretty shared on what we want for humanity."
"How do we bring together diverse perspectives and help people identify common goals?"
"What's best is what we all want in our partnerships."
"The capitalist class, and that our struggles seek common goals based on our common humanity: dignity, freedom, and a livable planet."
"For the first time in my memory, leaders of the nations of the world... are looking at one another as humans with a common goal."
"Senator Sanders and I may disagree on tactics, but we share a common vision for the need to provide affordable healthcare for all Americans."
"We're all just people, and we all just want to work together for something better."
"We're all Americans, we all want the same thing fundamentally."
"We really all just want health and prosperity and freedom, we're all after the same objectives and the ones that are trying to to pitch you against each other they're the enemies realize that they're the dividers."
"Let's establish unity to accomplish similar goals."
"We have more in common working together... because they're after all of us."
"Everybody's kind of working with a common goal."
"There's no conspiracy or politics. We want the same thing."
"The American people are never greater than when working toward a common goal."
"Protocol-owned liquidity aligns incentives towards common goals."
"At the end of the day, we're all in this for the same goal."
"Everyone's just trying to do the same thing, take care of themselves and their family."
"We share a common goal, and that is to protect our planet and life on it."
"It became an issue of politics. It shouldn't be. Should be considered a common enemy we could all get behind and unite against."
"We gotta click tight because we're on the same journey, the same path."
"We're all driving around with a map but we're still trying to get to the same place."
"We all want the same damn thing... at the end of the day we all want the same thing."
"Nothing unites us like the common enemy, and I feel really strongly that we all wanna be on the winning side of history and you've played a major part of it and that in all of our lives."
"What most Americans want is to be able to make sure that they don't actually have to go bankrupt because they get sick. I think that's what people across the political spectrum want." - Joseph Pinion
"We hold common hopes, we all want to move in the same direction."
"Stating that common goal, that common ground, is going to be really important."
"I worry about our ability to come together and continue to see common ideals as a nation."
"I love being a part of a team that's working towards the common goal."
"We're all mate, we're all working together to a common goal, and that's yeah, that's the main thing."
"There's a reason why we were making music. There's a reason there was a commonality."
"Our job is to use this common ground we have."
"There's something to be said about how these three unique characters from vastly different backgrounds are all chasing the same thing."
"We all want the same things: end the wars, healthcare that doesn't bankrupt us, freedom of speech, and a living wage."
"The world sees Republicans and Democrats standing together on one issue."
"For Unity to happen everybody has to come together and say bro we're going to all lose we're all in the same boat."
"It's pretty powerful to be in a group of young men and feel like you're oriented towards a common objective and a common goal."
"We have to come together like we have to overcome our differences we have to work together because we share a common threat."
"I guarantee you if we had an honest heart-to-heart conversation with them, they actually want most of the things that we want."
"They feared God more and they feared being out of his alignment, out of his timing, walking away from who he's chosen more than they feared Adonijah and his band of very men."
"We all fly to the same destination, so what can we do to stand out?"
"There is a great middle ground where you can have voluntary activity by individuals who cooperate with one another for common purposes."
"Focus on the shared goals, the shared aims, the similarities, not the slight differences between us."
"We both wanted the same exact thing and it was so frustrating."
"Common vision produces unity, focus, strength, and intensity."
"We need to work together with a common purpose."
"I think a strong relationship isn't built on what you have in common, it's built on what you have in purpose."
"You have to have a unified front on where you're going with this. It's the only way it's gonna work for you."
"Leadership is the ability to direct individuals based on a common goal."
"Unity is what is needed now. We're not going to agree about everything, but there are some common things that we need."
"Valor is so addicting because everyone is chasing the same goal."
"We dream the same dream, so I always try these days when I'm thinking about differing opinions is that we dream the same dream."
"We're all after the same thing: wanting to know what the truth was."
"Now that we have an actual common threat and a goal, our survivability is under threat. People all of a sudden now start reigniting a desire to have kids."
"A determination to succeed, united with a common purpose."
"Having a friend to remind you that you're striving for the same goal is always super helpful."
"These are people from all over the political spectrum willing to come together for the things that they agree on."
"When you actually talk to people who disagree with you in real life you can figure out that a lot of you actually do want the same thing."
"The only resolution strategy that works is to appeal to common goals and common ground... morality argument needs to rest on something more concrete than the what if we don't agree appeal to emotion."
"The ultimate goal that everybody has is just to make it better."
"Getting everyone committed to achieving a common goal isn't easy."
"We're all working on progress, progress is always the goal."
"I think I'd like to be rich, I think that's like pretty much everyone but a lofty goal."
"We need a common organization and we need a common will."
"We are gonna coalesce around a common enemy."
"Everything is connected from the glaciers in Greenland to the sea level in Kiribati. There is nothing like a common enemy to unite people."
"The best way to unite [ __ ] is to find a common enemy."
"A lot of us actually want the same things, maybe we just think about different ways to accomplish those same goals."
"What is really our strength is that when we find ways to take the diverse skill sets we have... and find common purpose..."
"The need for people of differing backgrounds to work together to fight for the common good."
"We need to come together and find our commonality."
"It's about humanity coming together for a common cause."
"But that's exactly how it happened, you know, 800 years ago when Jayanika wrote the Prabandha Chintamani, it's a great poem and it's also history."
"Black people, brown people, people of all colors want to get to the same place."
"Working Class People who are socialist, Communists, Trumpers, and Boogaloo boys, they all have common interests."
"Whether you agree or disagree... remember that at the end of the day, we all want the better game."
"We really need to unify... realize we have a common enemy."
"Let's set a goal... come together as a global community."
"Patriots are united in their pursuit of common goals."
"Most people are good and want pretty much the same things that you do."
"We're all on the same side here, the friendship side."
"We're all after the same thing, whether you're Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative."
"It's good to find something to bring people together."
"Can we come together, can we get on the same page?"
"Putting differences aside to address a greater evil."
"Two girls on opposite sides of war discover they're fighting for a common purpose and falling for each other."
"Peace is what liberals and conservatives desire; we want justice."
"Digitalization is not a an end, it's a means to achieve something to achieve common goals like social justice or environmental sustainability."
"Hostility gives way when groups pull together to achieve overriding goals that are real and compelling to all concerned."
"Horses and humans share certain goals."
"We all want the same thing at the end of the day."
"The truth is you have a common enemy."
"We both striving for the same entity at the end of the day: peace, Harmony, a change in our people."
"We can disagree politically ideologically, but we all want the same thing: Liberation for our people."
"I can't help but compare them to Akatsuki. They behave like rational adults united by common goals while still having their differences."
"We share a common future and we are here to find common ground."
"We all want the same things; we just might disagree on the best way to get there."
"I think in our core, we all really want the same thing. We want safe schools, we want healthy kids, we want them to have the opportunities to be able to flourish."
"You're not your enemy. We want the same [__] things."
"Everyone's coming from a different place, but we all want to go to that better place."
"The more dangerous the country becomes because everyone realizes we all kind of want the same thing. We just want to have a whiffle ball game in the yard."
"I'm not here to crush everybody's dreams, it's more like I know that everybody out there is working hard and wants the same thing that I do."
"This company is only allowed to exist because we identify the strengths and weaknesses of other people around us and we use those to create a common goal that's literally bigger than what we could have done ourselves."
"They both wanted the same thing but saw two very different paths."
"Acting on the Common Agenda Vision 2021 of the U.N. Secretary General should become the major objective of this time."
"We are sort of in this together and that there may be common solutions and common ideas that can help solve and address some of these problems."
"We're on a common goal, common mission."
"Police and journalists both want the truth."
"It shouldn't be us against each other; it should be us against the world."
"I'm trying to create the kind of space where people who don't always agree with each other can come together and work on some common goals or common problems."
"How important it is to put their differences aside sometimes in order to fight a common enemy."
"When people bind together, come together in pursuit of a common goal, we can change outcomes."
"We help each other because we all want the same thing: love."
"Do an intensive language immersion... it was really cool to make friends who had a common goal because we'd all practice together."
"Everyone working together really made me feel optimistic about people's ability to work together toward a common goal."
"We're all on the same page about what we care about."
"Remember your apparent differences and distinction from people on other sides of the culture war or political arguments is not as significant as your fundamental shared goal to create a space in which all of us can express ourselves."
"You need to be as collaborative as possible with the client; you're both fundamentally working towards the same goal."
"Financial success gives you the freedom to take your family and retire if you want to, even at an early age, we all agree with that, right?"
"I think most people want the same things; we want the world to be better, we want people to be happier, we want to prosper."
"Finding the common ground, trying to add value for everyone... listening hard to figure out other people's goals and your own goals."
"Avalonia UI loves Maui. We share a common goal which is to improve the lives of .NET developers building cross-platform apps."
"We should be on the same side here, looking to grow this industry."
"I think that we are moving toward the same things."
"Solidarity means different kinds of social relations, the first consisted in individuals cooperating with one another in pursuit of a common goal."
"You just have to be on the same side."
"We all want the same thing, and it's encouraging to see that this morning."
"The way you get people of different backgrounds to become friendly and overcome their initial suspicion is by having them work towards a common goal on equal footing."
"When people look at us, they see opposites, it's funny how we want the same things."
"As soon as we manage to work in a framework of friendship and cooperation, working towards common goals through equality and based on law, we can move forward."
"Once you have a common goal and a mission statement, and you're both fighting for the same why."
"What's the best way to structure something that gets the result that we presumably all want?"
"Despite the obvious differences between the boomer generation and its millennial counterpart, we're all involved in a common enterprise."
"Real friendship for us is not going to be us looking at each other... it's both facing the same direction, running after the same thing."
"The best community is created when there's a common purpose."
"It's important that we do have a common ground but also set realistic expectations to make sure that we reach those goals and that we are successful."
"We're both there for the right reasons."
"There's no better way to get to people that are at odds together than to have a common enemy."
"Fighting with me isn't fighting at me; it's fighting alongside of me towards a common goal together."
"We are and you are us and we have the same interest."
"You all work part of a team towards the common goal."
"Generally, people are good, you just want to get to where you're going and be safe."
"You're all working really hard towards one goal."
"We both want the same things in life."
"Kai tells Minji that they have no grudge against each other; in fact, they want the same thing: to bring Zhu down."
"We're all trying to get to the same place."
"Everybody has a common goal or common interests, so it's really easy to kind of make friends."
"We all want the same thing for our country."
"The war is over, what I've come to realize is that the communists and us want the same things."
"There's a really strong sense of working towards a common goal and finding friends along the way."
"Your interests and actions are aligned."
"We have the same goals, right? We're not so different, you and I."
"An organization is a coordinated social unit that has multiple people in it and works together on a continuous basis to achieve a common goal."
"We share a common enemy, so now we're friends."
"When you strip it all back, we both want the same things, right?"
"I think at your best you're very effective at bringing people together on a common message."
"It's about family, it's about friends, and about the common goal of something greater."
"Find like-minded peers to study with, find a group of two to three people that have the same goals and passion that you do."
"We're all going for the same result, in case you'd forgotten that."
"Equally yoked is a phrase that speaks to the yolking of two oxen together so that they work together in a field or farm."
"Now both the groups agree on their goals because they want to take care of all the demons that have been invading the city recently."
"All users have the same core needs because they're all trying to meet the same goal."
"There's a lot more respect and common goals, everybody's independent now."
"We're all on the same team; we're all working towards the same goal."
"The majority of people that are setting a New Year's resolution all want the exact same thing: they just want to lose a little weight and be healthier."
"We all have different things that we're going through, but we all have the same goal."
"We're both trying to save things that we love."
"We're working together; generally, we want the same thing."
"We all have one common goal and the common goal that we all share is being the best that we can be ourselves and raising good humans."
"He warns them to desist from attacking and killing other players as ghosts are their common enemy."
"It's about two people who want the same thing; you're both searching for the same thing."
"We're all trying to reach common goals and we're all trying to make our machines the best we can."
"We all have the same goal: grow good green beans or orchids or tomatoes or medicinal plants and have a good time."
"We're all in the same country, we want the same things for our country."
"We're all united, right, with the same kind of objectives and the same purpose."
"The good news is that internationally we all share a great deal of commonality in our approaches."