
Divine Gift Quotes

There are 501 quotes

"The greatest gift you will ever get from Allah is forgiveness."
"Archangel Sandalphon: We angels bring you gifts from your creator. Open your arms to receive."
"If you knew the gift of God... you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water."
"Children are a gift and a blessing from the Lord."
"God Himself gave us one of the greatest gifts we have, the freedom to believe and the freedom to disbelieve."
"There are several promises of peace that are found in the Bible. Peace is a gift, a gift that is freely given to us."
"God, spirit, however you see the divine, the universe, hands you a gift just for you."
"I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart; so that there was none like thee before thee."
"The ability to talk to him, whether it's out loud or in your head, is the coolest thing about what God has given all of us."
"By grace, you are saved through faith...it is the gift of God."
"What of the Lord is the most precious thing that God have ever given men."
"For Egyptians, the sky is where the gods were... a meteorite falling on Earth with iron in it, and piece of it looked like a dagger, symbolically, that piece of iron was a gift from the gods."
"You were picked. You didn't deserve it. It was a gift from Allah."
"God is going to give you a gift out of this very difficult season."
"Every day you wake up is a gift and a bonus from the most high god."
"God's single greatest gift to humanity was the gift of free will."
"We're all given talents, gifts, and abilities by God."
"The Amish believe their community is a gift from God."
"Obedience does bring blessing, but your ability to obey is preceded by my gift of Mercy."
"God gave such a beautiful gift to a young man that longed for it for years and years and years."
"Peace is more than a word, an idea, a feeling. It's an awesome gift of God."
"The Holy Ghost is Earth Wind and Fire, and he wants to give you a new song to sing."
"He was not God's proof that you're doing it wrong, he was God's gift."
"There's a gift of faith, and I feel like the Lord is saying He's giving it to people right now."
"God is going to give you the treasures of darkness."
"Intimacy is a gift from God…all kinds of intimacy."
"God so spirit however you see the divine in the universe is handing you a gift of prosperity of wealth of beauty of healing."
"This talent that you have is from Allah, no one made his own voice."
"God gave it to you. You gotta be willing to be impregnated with something the world has not seen."
"The gift of sexuality is a beautiful gift from God."
"My success firstly is a gift from God I absolutely think it's a miracle what I'm here."
"The gift of the Son of God as our Savior, Lord, Master and the hope and the promise of Heaven forever and ever and ever."
"Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom."
"Living wisely is the best life. Wisdom is a gift from God. Living unwisely is a very expensive lifestyle to every aspect of our life."
"The best gift we could ask for is the Holy Spirit."
"In life, there is a giant with your name on it... only if you tap into the 'it' that God gave you."
"I believe we've been given the gift of the Holy Spirit... it comes without strings attached."
"His superpower granted by Allah is that he can understand things that other people can't understand."
"The Bible speaks plain, it is given unto you."
"Reject the false, know the truth, and receive the gift of understanding now, in Jesus' name."
"Embrace each new day with a heart full of gratitude, recognizing it as a divine gift, an opportunity for renewal, and a call to live out our God-given purpose."
"The gift of eternal marriage and family, is a gift that all faithful will receive, either in this life or the next. And what greater gift could there be?"
"Salvation isn't our achievement, it's God's gift to us."
"It is his pleasure to give you the mysteries of the kingdom."
"Even though doing evil might lead to death, God offers a free gift, eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
"Each new day is a precious gift from God, a blank canvas upon which we can paint the story of Our Lives."
"Be filled, my friends, ask him to give you what he has, which is power."
"This is the greatest gift that God could ever give me."
"Ministry is a gift, something that belongs to God that he is giving to us to operate in."
"Expect a great gift from heaven. Believe in the impossible."
"We receive the gift God Himself is when we receive Holy Communion."
"The divine's like, I am giving you the ace of cups to you, not to anyone else that you're dating or seeing."
"That's a gift from God that only God can make happen."
"Salvation is God's free gift to the believer given to him for Christ's sake."
"Therefore, your desire is the gift of God, the realization of your desires, your savior."
"Just receive. God is saying you did not work for my salvation. I'm giving you salvation, take it. It's free."
"He is the Dovahkiin and with his gift from the divine, The Outsider plans to channel his power."
"A lot more of our people out there sharing truth."
"God graciously gifted us with these plants, and they promote healing and nourishment."
"They feel like you are a gift from the heavens."
"The most precious gift God gives us is life."
"Our lives are gifts from God meant to be lived fully and faithfully."
"Jesus gives a peace that the world cannot give."
"The greatest gift that God gave humanity, besides Jesus Christ, is the right to choose."
"You're being offered a gift that is beyond your understanding. This gift is from the hand of the divine beloved and offering to you that will lift you beyond what you have known into the next opening of your inner eye of your heart of your soul."
"God saved you by His grace when you believed. You can't take credit for this, it's a gift from God."
"Life is god's gift to me and how I live my life is my gift to god."
"My father has given me everything, and I've given everything to you."
"What God gives can never run out, cannot be outspent; it was created to keep giving."
"The T is for talent, which God gave to every single person."
"Faith is a gift; it's a seed that was given to you by God."
"The God promised to give the boy some abilities so that he could live a long life."
"That's the fortune of love that you receive; that's the gift that we all get from God."
"A real, true, genuine friend is a gift of God's mercy to every one of us."
"Self-control is available for all of us. It's a gift from God that you can acquire, that you can ask for."
"Music is this amazing, stunning gift from the Lord to us."
"God gave you the gift of speaking in tongues."
"She's been all over the place because of this remarkable, unbelievable talent that God has given her."
"God's peace is a gift, a gift for us to open and embrace."
"It just shows the Beauty and the creativeness that the Lord has really gifted his children."
"Recovery magic is a gift from God and it should be used to save people."
"Numbness, it's a gift that God gives."
"Communication is one of the greatest tools that God has blessed mankind with."
"Father God, I receive your gift of peace, the gift of your presence."
"God is about to give you something that people need that they can't get no way they can try to be you dress like you but they'll never be you cuz God has given you something that's not from here."
"I died that there would always be enough he just ripped a piece of his flesh out of his side and his flesh was broken like his body was bruised and broken he just ripped it out and he handed it to me."
"It is mercy with no regard for morality. It is mercy with no regard for religion. It is just mercy. It is just grace. It is the gift of God."
"Marriage is awesome. It is a gift from God. God wants you to look at your marriage and say, 'This is amazing.'"
"What a blessing, what a gift of God Prophetess Leslie has been."
"99.9% was already the gift that God gave us... we did a little work."
"God gave you your agency, and He made you free."
"A child is born of a human being, a son is given by God."
"The stone is sought by kings but is found only by those to whom it is given of God."
"The greatest miracle you can ever receive it's not a healing it's the gift of the Holy Ghost it's the Spirit of God coming inside of you."
"Grace is God's gift to us, but grace is also God's work in us."
"It's a gift of God. Not by works."
"God has equipped you with a unique ability to capture people's attention."
"Don't throw that talent away that God has put inside of you."
"Every child is special, a gift from God."
"That's a gift from God that he gives you the strength you need when you need it."
"To each one of us, grace is given. Grace is that empowering presence that enables us."
"This is the record that God hath given to us eternal life."
"The faith that saves is a gift of God."
"You have a cloak, a shield, a protection, a gift from the creator."
"Grace is what God gives that we don't deserve."
"As long as you have this gift that God has blessed you with, walk in it. Walk in it. Because you are here to do exactly what you're gifted in doing."
"God has no need of our praise, but our desire to praise him is his gift to us."
"You are going to operate in your divine gift beyond your ability."
"Thou shalt be saved from the power of thine evil habits and thou shalt begin again like a child newborn with a new and true life which God shall give thee."
"Stress-free living is a gift, it's a blessing, it's a blessing, it's a blessing that comes from God."
"Realize that you have been given a sound mind."
"Faith is a gift of God, and we need to find out more about it."
"God has given woman the ability to influence. Along with that privilege comes a responsibility to use it well and to use it for God's glory."
"Kashi was the dear land of bhagan Vishnu and he gave it to bhagan shiv because he liked it."
"Something phenomenal happens when natural gift is empowered by Holy Spirit to become spiritual gift."
"God opens His hand and gives bountifully all things to enjoy."
"God has given the Spirit once and for all."
"Boy, God dropped the good within my lap, boy, and I tell you, I was like, thank you, thank you."
"Allah will give you something that you want that will benefit you."
"Breath is something that comes from God."
"There is no one who asks Allah for anything sincerely except that Allah gives it to him, as long as it's something that is good. Allah responds to his Dua, but in ways that maybe you don't understand."
"You are God's gift sent to me, a divine image with a unique personality and skills and faculties."
"If you want the Holy Ghost, you must seek the Lord so you can receive the gift."
"The Holy Spirit descended into disciples of the Messiah and gave the power to speak in different tongues as the books of Acts explain, not speaking in gibberish."
"God's created the Sabbath for us... It's actually for our benefit... It's something that God's created for us as well for us to acknowledge that's how we're created."
"Sexual desires came from God. Sex in marriage is a gift from God."
"Blessed are you Adonai, gracious giver of wisdom."
"Blessed are you, Adonai our God, king of the universe, who gave us his Torah."
"I didn't ask for this gift, I didn't ask for grace, I didn't ask for this favor; God in his goodness just gave it to me."
"Water is critical; it's just from heaven."
"God has given us the greatest gift we could ever have."
"God put Adam into the most spectacular Paradise the world has ever seen."
"It is a gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast."
"My identity is given to me by God and it's far better than I could have even constructed for myself."
"Keep using your creativity and your gift. This is a gift that God gave you."
"The heavens are the Lord's heavens, but the earth He has given to human beings."
"I truly believe Shera is a gift from God."
"God so loved us that he gave a son we didn't ask for."
"God gave these four young men unusual aptitude for understanding every aspect of literature and wisdom."
"The peace I give is a gift the world cannot give."
"For God hath not given the spirit by measure unto him."
"God gave me you, and he only gave you me."
"The truth is not yours; it's a gift from God working through you."
"God has come to give you new life, a new life more abundant."
"If one of them reaches old age in your lifetime, that's the greatest gift that Allah can give you."
"If there is a God who has given us the gift of human life and he's given us innate value, then I don't care how uncoordinated you are... you're still a human being created in the image of God."
"Heaven is a gracious gift of God. We don't have an obligation; we can't obligate God. We don't have a right to these things."
"Now is the time to accept God's gift of rest, so let your head sink softly into your pillow; you are a child of God."
"Within the gift of living in the Divine will is all love, invincible joy, perfect peace, perfect happiness."
"Let faith arise in this room, Lord; it's your gift, Lord, it's a gift of faith."
"Because He gave you His Son, His Son Jesus."
"God wants to gift you with real confidence today."
"The vocation to religious life is probably the greatest gift that God could give us."
"He that receiveth of God, let him account it of God and let him rejoice that he is accounted of God worthy to receive."
"We should be very happy that God gave us this life that is beautiful, and when it ends, we can have another one that is even better."
"Having a baby is really God-given; it's not up to you because it's God who gives life."
"When the true God gives a man riches and material possessions along with the ability to enjoy them, he should take his reward and rejoice in his hard work. This is the gift of God."
"Do not yield to fear, Mary, for the Lord has found delight in you and has chosen to surprise you with a wonderful gift."
"And the Lord says with your bowl of yogurt I give you wisdom, wisdom of the ages of the finest men and women who ever lived."
"I give you my son; what more can I give you to make you happy?"
"The presence of God is a gift not because you are perfect, it's a gift that makes you perfect."
"The wealth of talent that is in one family, you know that it's God."
"He asked life from you, and you gave it to him—length of days forever and ever."
"O King, the Most High God gave Nebuchadnezzar your father kingship and greatness and glory and majesty."
"We are His witnesses of these things, and so is also the Holy Ghost whom God hath given to them that obey Him."
"Allah gives you this beautiful life so you can make use of it."
"'My peace I give to you, not the kind of peace the world gives.'"
"God is waking you up every single morning, giving you breath in your body."
"And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost."
"Our potential is God's gift to us and what we do with that potential is our gift back to Him."
"I know I need the power of the Holy Spirit. I know I need the gift of God. I know I need the knowledge of God."
"Inward joy and satisfaction is actually a gift from God and cannot be produced simply from succeeding at one's work."
"If you demand that God give us all a perfect translation, you are turning up your nose at the wonderful gift that he did give us."
"These are the best tools that God ever gave you to mix stuff up with."
"Creation is God's playground for you and I to enjoy."
"To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt to the Great River, the river Euphrates."
"The technology in general, I would say, is the good gift of God in order to enhance human flourishing and to improve the common good."
"The cracks of your life are not your imperfections, but the way that God releases what's in you as a gift to the world."
"God, you decided to give it to us anyway."
"The feast day emphasizes that we can do nothing to earn grace; it is generously given by God to all of us to fulfill His will."
"When you lack self-confidence, you lack what God has given you in the way that God has made you."
"Through a father's eyes, children are truly a gift from God and among the best and most perfect creations God can make."
"We're saved by grace through faith; it's a gift of God."
"Allah has extracted you from the wombs of your mothers not knowing a thing, and he made for you hearing, vision, and intellect."
"He that giveth thee power to get wealth."
"Peace be to you, fear not: your God, and the God of your father, hath given you treasure in your sacks."
"Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and hath given him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labour; this is the gift of God."
"What can we say, our marriage is a gift from the Lord."
"Behold I and the children whom God has given me."
"God's not selling grace, He's giving it."
"God has not given us a spirit of fear, but the spirit of love."
"The Quran defends the sanctity of the family and sees children as gifts entrusted To Us by God."
"The Splendor I had given you made your beauty perfect declares The Sovereign Lord."
"Honoring and cherishing our spouse is a gift from God."
"Wisdom comes with age, but God give wisdom to everybody who's open himself and available to it."
"We give to each other because God has given us the greatest gift of all."
"God gives us His stimulus, 'cause His life has seeded us."
"These healing principles are available to each and every one of us; they're a gift from God to man."
"Blessed be the Most High God, who gave thee this wit and knowledge."
"The power was in his hair because he had let his hair grow; that's why God bestowed him with his strength."