
Parliament Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"Elections saw record numbers of women, religious and ethnic minority groups, and young people running for seats in Parliament."
"All this pantomime in Parliament is just this political coup to which we've been treated without so much as a bag you're leaving."
"The government draws power from Parliament, but the government may at any time be removed by the tried and tested motion of a confidence debate."
"If Parliament tries to challenge the people, this stretches the elastic of our Constitution near to breaking point."
"Parliament is two things: holding the government to account and the central means of government."
"Extraordinary events in the House of Commons today."
"Australians will be rightly appalled by what they're witnessing in their nation's Parliament today and in the course of this week."
"I think the best opportunity for that would be during the Queen's speech once we've got a new session of Parliament."
"Whoever succeeds me will have to find consensus in Parliament, where I have not. Such a consensus can only be reached if those on all sides of the debate are willing to compromise."
"John Major paraded parliament for even longer time before the 1997 general election."
"We should not be afraid as members of parliament to speak clearly and forthrightly."
"Life will change more in the next Parliament or the next two parliaments than in the previous 10 or 15 parliaments."
"England was now in effect ruled by an oligarchy through Parliament."
"All members of parliament are used to the typical anonymous correspondent, but what surprised and alarmed me was the high proportion of ordinary decent sensible people writing irrational and often well-educated letters."
"According to a website called nursery rhymes mg.com this nursery rhyme dates back to 18th century England and is said to be a reference to the English Parliament portrayed as an old woman."
"Parliament is just part of the machinery for giving effect to their choice."
"There is nothing at all odd, unusual, or normatively dangerous, let alone normatively revolutionary, in the court through the common law based upon the rule of law developing and creating the tools of judicial review with Parliament having the last word as it always does."
"Having Muslim representation, even if they are flawed within Parliament and the like, is beneficial."
"It's vital for a democracy to assert the powers of parliament... sovereignty."
"When the meaningful vote is before this house, members will have the appropriate analysis in order to inform them in terming to their decision."
"He banished the Parliament and then still tried to go to war against Scotland again after getting beaten and then was beaten again."
"...someone's been gaining access to parliament basically and lobbying for arms deals that he has nothing to do with and they tried to report all that people went yeah and then in the middleweight they just went and they might be doing it with each other."
"Contributed to the continuing role and importance of Parliament."
"The Isle of Man has the oldest continuous parliament in the world. It's called Tynwald."
"If we can get 10,000 signatures, the Parliament of the UK has to talk about it. And if we get a hundred thousand, they have to debate it. I don't know, I feel like this won't really go anywhere, but at least I can say I've tried."
"The more Liberal Democrat MPs there are in the next parliament, the greater the chance of stopping Brexit."
"That's my kind of debate, that's the kind of thing I want to see in Parliament."
"This is the best view of the Houses of Parliament."
"The British Cabinet met... and both houses of Parliament were summoned for six o'clock this evening."
"Sir David had served this house for over 40 years with dedication and tireless devotion."
"This is the mother of parliament, not a sixth form debating society."
"It is appropriate that we are reminded of the significant contribution made to this house by female MPs."
"Being a member of parliament is one of the best jobs in the world."
"The judgement I've made is about the importance of upholding a very long-standing and overwhelmingly observed convention of this house."
"I have tried to do the right thing by Parliament."
"The parliament is valued at three point four billion dollars, making it the most expensive administrative building in the world."
"Parliament has always been sovereign."
"They also have their own Constitution Day on the 6th of February and their own parliaments."
"The Bundestag meets in the Reichstag and is the Parliament of Germany."
"Ireland finds its roots of the very things that makes it a republic today within the Irish Parliament."
"We are reducing the power of the Prime Minister by transferring it more to the Parliament."
"We will help him in parliament as opposition, objectively."
"It is incumbent on members to be accurate in what they say in this house."
"Members should be heard courteously, whatever their views."
"This central lobby is the area that connects the House of Commons and the House of Lords."
"Iceland has the oldest parliament in the world, established in the year 930."
"There shall be a Scottish Parliament."
"The formidable procedure of privilege is the power and glory of the House of Commons."
"It is the oldest continuous parliament in the world."
"The Cavalier Parliament's makeup of MPs were decisively royalist and Anglican."
"I'm not a Tory, but reading some of the debates in Parliament, it was really instructive to see the level of intellectual rigor that some of those debates had."
"...they fundamentally reject the authority of Parliament."
"It is the heart of Parliament and the heart of democracy for this country and it's a great example to the world."
"The Chamber is really the heart of our Parliament."
"My role as Speaker, is not to take sides. Not to be on one side or the other. Not, in other words, to be a player. It is to serve as the referee of the match."
"But it all comes back down to one place in reality; that is the Chamber, that is where decisions are made."
"The story of the modern Irish banking hall begins in 1731 in the Irish Houses of Parliament on College Green in Dublin."
"I have neither eyes to see nor tongue to speak in this place but as this house is pleased to direct me."
"The Binnenhof also holds the record as being the oldest parliament building in the world that's still in use."
"It falls to the houses of Parliament to inform the nation of defects in administration and even of teaching the nation, altering it for the better."
"Freedom of speech in Parliament does matter."
"The fair also had the world's first parliament of the world religions, which ran from September 11th to September 27th, marking the first formal gathering of representatives of eastern and western spiritual traditions from around the world."
"I'd rather have a bad Parliament than a good king."
"The eyes to the right, 311; the noes to the left, 310. So the eyes have it, the eyes for the vote of no confidence."
"Guy Fawkes is famous in English history for being the only man to have entered Parliament with honest, Noble intentions."
"Congratulations, it looks like you'll be back in the parliament where you should be all along."
"I'm so pleased there are so many parliaments around the world that's based on this democracy."
"If we get PR, then we will have a parliament with many oppositions and far more life and vivacity in it than we have now."
"If Parliament is to survive, it must be a workshop and not a museum."
"People could be sovereign, could rule, if a parliament was."
"Parliament that could represent, literally to re-present - the nation."
"Somalia actually outperforms many other African countries in terms of women's representation at least in the federal Parliament."
"Parliament gained considerable power in these times."
"Henry determined it best to accommodate this change and worked with Parliament to navigate the violent waters of the early 15th century."
"Being a member of parliament must be a full-time commitment; the public deserves nothing less."
"It's appropriate today in this House of Commons to remember all those who died, those who survived, and the families who still mourn them."
"The Pan-African Parliament must be in the forefront of the resolution of conflicts."
"The castle survived the attack and went on to host kings, members of the English elite, and even the entire English Parliament for a time."
"It would not be officially dissolved until March of 1660, which is why we call this parliament the Long Parliament."
"My dream was that we would have a parliament that was more evenly distributed and therefore we would get a parliament acting like it was meant to."
"Parliament is just being Parliament, which is, you know, either agreeing or disagreeing with the government of the day or fighting for changes to law. That is Parliament's job."
"That's the sovereignty of Parliament, which I think is a rather exciting thing, and sometimes things will go against you, and sometimes they will go for you."
"Parliamentary sovereignty means the Parliament can make and unmake its own laws."
"To shut down Parliament for so long a period at this stage of the Brexit process is extraordinary."
"These are not trivial documents; these are critically important documents and they ought to be put before Parliament."
"We are investing at least 6.4 billion in Yorkshire and northern Lincolnshire in this Parliament."
"You can have a strong Scottish Parliament but then you also have a democratic structure for those shared interests."
"I am immensely honored to be standing here before you as part of the 47th parliament of Australia as a senator for the Northern Territory."
"The sovereignty of Parliament... many countries have constitutional sovereignty; in Britain, however, we have parliamentary sovereignty."
"...the new centre of power no longer remained the court of an autocrat where a voice of one man reigned supreme over all other voices; now the sight of true power became the Parliament where members conversed as equals."
"The clear division of the parliament of the middle ages into three groups reflects the sharp divisions that there were between the three great classes of the nation: the nobles, the clergy, the people."
"The great thing about Parliament, partly because of its history, is it commanded not really respect but the affection of the British people."
"On behalf of all my colleagues in the Parliament, can I offer you and Mrs. Higgins a very warm welcome here to the Scottish Parliament today."
"It is such a great honor to address the parliament of our close neighbors and dear friends, the parliament of Scotland."
"I just want to do a good job as an MP, I want to talk about policies in Parliament."
"I think every member of parliament has a primary obligation to represent his constituents."
"Let's give Indigenous Australians a greater say over their futures, let's give them a voice to Parliament."
"Cromwell generally governed without parliament."
"Parliamentary sovereignty is the heart of the British constitution."
"Parliament used to be a great cauldron of debate."
"We put limits on the power of politicians so that we have a stronger parliament in the face of government."
"If you're going to be in Parliament making decisions on what laws we have, you should be elected."
"The public have as much power and leverage in Parliament as possible."
"The parliament looked beautiful during the day, but at night it looked magnificent as we went for a floodlit cruise."