
Saudi Arabia Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"Within a single month's notice, the Saudis could hypothetically decide to just flip a switch and unleash the spigots, dumping an entire Brazil's worth of oil production onto the World Market again."
"Saudi Arabia, the leading oil exporter of the world, wields what is by far the largest economy in the Arab world."
"If the Saudis recognized Israel's legitimacy, there's no telling how much further their heavyweight would have carried with influencing even more Arab and Muslim countries around the world to recognize Israel next."
"It's not as though Saudi Arabia has run out of money. People are still buying oil."
"The 2023 Riyadh season has seen the nation host high-profile boxing matches, tennis tournaments, and football super cups."
"Wow, amazing news. The future is bright. Congrats to all my friends and fans in Saudi Arabia on this big announcement."
"Saudi Arabia has suddenly become very moderate; in fact, ever since the new king has come in, they've allowed women to drive, all kinds of things are starting to change over there very rapidly."
"The Line, a 100-mile long, 660-foot wide, 1640-foot tall mirrored city being built in the middle of the Saudi Arabian Desert."
"If we could make peace with Saudi Arabia, this would be a quantum leap."
"Saudi Arabia's central role in the stability of the global order of energy is very important."
"Saudi Arabia has one of the biggest armies of lobbyists of any country in the Western world. They have op-eds, conferences, think-tank sponsorships sponsored by the Saudi government all the time."
"I wanted to clarify my position and also the position of Saudi Arabia... I will not accept anything, not even one iota of having Saudi Arabia being touched with such false rumors and innuendo."
"I stayed all the time there, I was never tortured, actually we were given the best service... by the Saudi government."
"I was born in Saudi Arabia, and I'm gonna die in Saudi Arabia. That's my nation forever."
"What's happening in Saudi Arabia right now is tremendous, unbelievable, incredible."
"He has to be successful because there's no other chance for Saudi Arabia."
"All American businesses and nonprofit organizations should review and reevaluate their relationships with Saudi Arabia in light of the murder, which seemingly could not have been done without knowledge at the highest levels of its government."
"For all the serious and dangerous divisions in America today, there is one thing a majority of Americans see eye to eye on, and it is not trusting Saudi Arabia."
"We must end America's complicity in Saudi Arabia's war on Yemen."
"The United States was Saudi Arabia's partner in this horrific war."
"In Northwestern Saudi Arabia, there is a region known as Al-Ula."
"There's nothing that frightens bin Salman more than English-speaking Muslims talking about Saudi Arabia."
"The Saudi Arabian government has announced that it will invest 500 billion US dollars in the NEOM project."
"There's a whole world out there and now there's Saudi Arabia for boxing."
"Saudi Arabia is not just a desert but in fact a place with a huge archaeological treasure trove still needing to be identified and mapped."
"Women are steering Saudi Arabia towards revolutionary change."
"Amin lived out the remainder of his life in Saudi Arabia without trying to intervene again in Uganda."
"Saudi Arabia remains the world's largest exporter of crude oil, and with Brent crude at over 100 a barrel, money is pouring back into the Saudi coffers."
"He formed an anti-corruption committee, rounded up nearly 400 of Saudi's most powerful people."
"The line: A testament to Saudi Arabia's bold vision and ambition."
"From sand dunes to skyscrapers: The evolution of Saudi Arabia's urban landscape."
"For decades, Saudi Arabia ruled the oil market with 266 billion barrels of low-cost reserves."
"Trump's commitment to Saudi Arabia as a key ally has not wavered this year despite the CIA concluding that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi."
"Lindsey Graham: 'I can never do business with Saudi Arabia again until we get this behind us.'"
"The so called VISION 2030 is Bin Salman’s plan to bring Saudi Arabia into the 21st century… at least, when it comes to economics."
"Ultimately Saudi Arabia in its current form is probably the most artificial and man-made civilization that has ever existed on the face of the Earth."
"From financial uncertainty to modernization, it's been quite the journey for Saudi Arabia."
"Challenges and aspirations: The road to Saudi Vision 2030."
"From concerts to theme parks: Saudi Arabia's entertainment revolution."
"Saudi Arabia is rebuilding itself from top to bottom."
"The city of Neon will be the biggest city in the world built from scratch in the middle of the desert."
"Crazy rock formation: the Al-Naslaa rock formation in Saudi Arabia."
"Saudi Arabia is breaking away from Washington's orbit."
"With the kingdom of Saudi Arabia as the center of gravity for many future regional security endeavors, this is an opportunity," - U.S. defense officials
"Saudi Arabia really has come a long way in terms of reform."
"Birth control in Saudi Arabia... it's a yes and no answer."
"It is going to be an incredible night in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as Riad season continues."
"Saudi Arabia's Finance Minister confirmed publicly that it is considering selling its oil in other currencies rather than the US dollar."
"Saudi Arabia is sending out the right messages; it knows that there was a problem."
"Saudi Arabia got the World Cup in 2034 without a vote, without any formalities."
"Saudi Arabia's unique rise in the footballing world is probably due to its unique position."
"Jeda in Saudi Arabia is the only racing venue that's outside Spain and the region is keen to prove that it's a good fit."
"Saudi Arabia has started a professional team."
"Saudi Arabia is at the center of Muslim religious life."
"Okay, nine billion dollars with the Saudis if they wanted it."
"There seems to be a negative stigma about Saudi Arabia to the Western world. But I arrived here, and it's very different from what the media says. It's clean, it's safe, and it's welcoming, especially for tourists."
"The fact is that Saudi Arabia is rapidly changing, and it's a very exciting time to visit. It seems like everyone's eyes are on this country."
"It's crazy to think that we're visiting Saudi at a time where women just got rights to drive, and you still get the looks."
"The only reason that someone should be coming to Saudi with a tourist visa or a visit Visa is just to explore."
"They don't need Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is using them as a f*cking puppet."
"Ian Bremmer is right. Nothing justifies the outrageous murder of Jamal Khashoggi. But Saudi Arabia does have strategic value to the US as the swing oil producer in a tightening oil market and the only regional Arab power left standing that's willing to counter Iran."
"The fact that so many Americans really hate the Saudis has always struck me as bizarre."
"Secretive Saudi Arabia is putting lots of money into buying sports."
"The behavior in Saudi Arabia changed for two reasons."
"Saudi Arabia: where dreams and ambitions are proven achievable."
"Saudi Arabia is no longer boring; it's certainly exciting and it's certainly unpredictable."
"Sweet, sweet Justice was served tonight in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia."
"The discovery forever changed the physical, human, and political geography of Saudi Arabia."
"MBS's reforms have caused a lot of positive change, allowing women to drive and travel alone in Saudi Arabia."
"His reforms have caused a lot of positive change, allowing women to drive and travel alone in Saudi Arabia."
"Saudi Arabia has embarked on ambitious economic reforms aiming to diversify its economy and reduce its dependence on oil."
"Abdulaziz Ibn Saud laid the foundation for the establishment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia."
"The establishment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia marked a new era for the house of sa as they transitioned from Regional leaders to Global players."
"...an historic day for millions of women and their families here in Saudi Arabia."
"...commercial Cinemas will soon be granted licenses in Saudi Arabia."
"The Project launched with the motto 'New Wonders For The World' will be built in Saudi Arabia."
"One thing about Saudi Arabia most people don't understand is a lot of Saudi Arabia, especially in the coastal cities like Jeddah, they're very Americanized."
"A lot's changed in the whole world, not just in Saudi Arabia."
"King Khalid International Airport serves the capital of which Middle Eastern country?"
"Saudi Arabia and Iran are definitely seeking to continue to ease the friction and to maintain dialogue."
"We're going to Saudi Arabia, first time ever for all of us."
"Come with us on a journey to Saudi Arabia; it's our first time as well."
"We're making history here, this is the first time they host such an event in Saudi Arabia."
"Vision 2030 is an ambitious, complete, and overhauled transformation of nearly everything in Saudi Society."
"I'm invested in Saudi Arabia as long as it takes and as long as I have breath in my chest."
"It's just fantastic to think, you know, I think it was 2018, 6 years ago women weren't even allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia, look how far things have come."
"Modern European legal principles that emerged in Europe and took their modern form in Europe over many centuries have been grafted onto the local legal system in Saudi Arabia."
"The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia affirms its commitment to pursue efforts for the promotion and protection of human rights."
"People always say Saudi is a religious entity, but it's not and it never has been."
"This viral clip single-handedly made Saudi fans out of all of us."
"Saudi Arabia has the second largest reserves out of every country in the world."
"Vision 2030 is a total effort to reform Saudi Arabia and turn it into a country that's basically normal."
"He sees Israel as a potential friend and not as an enemy, which in itself is a pretty wild thing to hear from the presumptive king of Saudi Arabia."
"Saudi Arabia needs oil prices to be at $96.2 per barrel in order to break even."
"It will be fascinating to see what happens with that Vision 2030 project."
"Saudi Arabia, a land known for oil, numerous deserts, and the epicenter of the Islamic faith."
"Saudi Arabia's economy is driven by oil and associated industries."
"The Red Sea is becoming something that is highly important and sensitive to Saudi Arabia because of Vision 2030."
"It's good that hijabs are no longer compulsory in Saudi Arabia."
"Good morning, this is what a Saudi breakfast looks like."
"...if there's ever an opportunity to give kudos to the Saudi authorities, I'm glad that they've done the things that they've done because things could have gotten a lot worse..."
"There are people in Saudi Arabia that are doing incredible things despite what they've inherited in terms of ideology."
"I never thought in a billion years that Saudi Arabia... Saudi Arabia is changing."
"It's very refreshing, it's very good. I totally see why this is the summer vacation spot for Saudi Arabia."
"So much happening in 2024 in Saudi and in years to come as well."
"You can actually explore so many parts of Saudi Arabia."
"If you're Saudi Arabia, do you really want to be tied exclusively to the US?"
"My entire journey through Saudi Arabia has been one of discovery."
"It's absolutely amazing what's happening in Saudi Arabia."
"Little did he know that this single action more so than any other would change Saudi Arabia’s destiny forever."