
Lesson Quotes

There are 1148 quotes

"The greatest lesson on humility is in John 13."
"Have faith in yourself. It is the greatest lesson you have learned."
"I think the lesson I would want everyone to take from the story of the First World War is that human life is not cheap."
"The third lesson that we can draw from Piltdown Man...is that science works."
"There's a lesson in it; it wasn't meant to be. There is something that is better for you."
"I think that the main lesson that we've learnt is that tolerance is the one essential ingredient of any happy marriage."
"The biggest lesson for me would be, it's important to make sure that what you've got is working before you add something new."
"This has been a brief positive history of Rhodesia. What have we learned? Don't do a settler colonialism or if you're gonna do it, don't let your colony have an army."
"We're not gonna live in quarantine from here on out, but I think humanity just learned a very serious lesson."
"Let that be a lesson to all you WiiWare developers out there."
"The lesson really is you have to understand the only way you can really help sometimes is to let go."
"You have to understand the only way you can really help sometimes is to let go."
"Thank you for teaching us the error of our ways."
"Velasquez victory over Lesnar hammered home a lesson a comprehensive fight game beats Brute Force any day of the week."
"The lesson for me was a simple one: be humble and act with humility, never being too sure that you were right."
"Hopefully with that jail time it taught them a lesson."
"I'm not gonna kill you, I'm gonna let you go. Why? This is a learning experience just for you."
"In a game of broom vs. knife, broom always wins. Lessons from Texas Chainsaw Massacre."
"A valuable lesson concerning what a guild is truly meant to be."
"Peace, let that be a lesson, Western Empire scum."
"All she wanted to do was teach him a lesson."
"The final lesson of Death Note isn't that crime doesn't pay or that killing is evil. Death Note is a testament to the moldability of human morality."
"Use me as a learning lesson not to do that to anybody. I make mistakes so other people don't have to."
"Unless you continually work, evolve, and innovate... you'll learn a quick and painful lesson."
"It's a useful lesson of just how fragile the Earth's own biosphere can be."
"Ranking of kings is a classic example of the famous saying to never judge a book by its cover."
"Attack on Titan teaches a crucial lesson about war."
"The art of interacting with another human being is the most valuable lesson."
"The purpose of the third act is to teach old Barry."
"Maybe the other lesson is ignorance is bliss."
"I think this was a beautiful film with a great heart and a great lesson."
"Donald Trump learned a valuable lesson: don't mess with America unless you want to get the benefit."
"Guys, we've all learned a valuable lesson here."
"The crash of flights 255 taught him a valuable lesson."
"Do what you feel is right; an important lesson is unfolding."
"It's like a really good lesson about like, it's a case study."
"That was a valuable lesson I learned for sure."
"The success of seasonal releases: a lesson learned from JJK."
"They've learned this lesson, they've had this shift in perspective."
"It's a good lesson in sticking to things and not quitting."
"Hopefully we can be wiser in commenting on social media and can take lessons from this film."
"I'm only doing this as a lesson for you"
"The moral of the story: if she cheats on you, walk away and never look back."
"The key takeaways from today's lesson are keeping it more on plane."
"See girls, that's why it's always good to appreciate what you have."
"It was one of our greatest fears going into this lifestyle, and it happened a little sooner than we anticipated, but it was a great lesson learned."
"The near crash of flight 1722 is a lesson in how quickly things can go wrong in an aircraft even with all of the modern safeguards against accidents."
"Whether we were clued up or not, we all vividly remember those times when we got beserked and took the bait, hook, line, and sinker."
"An inexperienced diver ignored safety rules and paid for it with his life."
"And a life lesson was learned, we knew this long time ago: stop buying junk."
"They really forgot the one lesson being taught to them this whole episode, and that's to have fun with it."
"The moral that can be learned from this movie is never to have greed in our heart because greed will only cause suffering in our life."
"You were supposed to learn some sort of lesson beyond being rejected."
"What that picture looks like teaches us some broader lessons in maths."
"You can do anything you set your mind to, just another lesson for today."
"I've learned that one of the greatest gifts that I can give my son is respect."
"You can either see it as losing money or paying for the lesson. So I see it as paying for the lesson."
"Justice prevailed, teaching Glenn a valuable lesson: never mess with a farmer on his own turf."
"Nobody's perfect, she don't have to be perfect, but it looks like to me someone learned a lesson."
"It's a lesson that the humans have taught us, and one that we must carry with us always, no matter how dark the path ahead may seem."
"I feel like if we've learned anything from today's video, it's that even the best of brands sometimes just release flops."
"There's an important lesson to be learned in this episode, honestly more than one."
"Another lesson, a teachable moment."
"We learned we can't take plays off."
"The lesson that I have taken away from this incident... is to always trust my gut."
"Learn the lesson always pay attention when people do and not what they say because they're not always going to match up."
"I really learned my lesson, never did anything like that again."
"You've taught yourself something very important after a hard lesson."
"Just think of the takeaway to this madness."
"Someone is learning a lesson that you can't be replaced."
"My wife taught me an important lesson about statistics I went into the bathroom and there was this much paper in there and I took it out to her and I said dear wife what's the deal with this paper and she gave me the look."
"Learning how to lose is the single most important thing in this game."
"Let this be a lesson to everyone: I wish I didn't stop."
"I look, I know you don't believe in the bond, but what hurts you may also protect you. That's a good lesson."
"What is this situation teaching me?"
"It's a very good lesson all the way around."
"You could know this person that you're meant to be with, there could be multiple energies here but I do feel like there was some sort of lesson learned here and that's what your angels are trying to communicate to you."
"If I didn't learn anything else from the military, it was to keep important documents safe."
"Sometimes heartbreak is your heart screaming: I did not want this to be a lesson; I wanted this to be love."
"In every art form, there is a lesson, an Alchemy, a transmutation, a way to describe things, a way to tell a story that also teaches a lesson."
"The most important lesson is to be learned from countries like Sweden that followed a much more moderate path."
"The moral that can be learned from this movie is that everyone has limitations and deficiencies, however, we can overcome all that if we can focus on our strengths and try to achieve our dreams by working hard."
"I am your student. That's right, I he taught me a lesson. That's what I've been trying to teach you folks since 1986, just stand up to me."
"Defeat sometimes is an important lesson..."
"I hope this mistake is enough of a lesson for him to communicate next time."
"I saw someone hitchhiking the other-- hitchhiking. It's so dangerous. I came this close to pulling over and murdering him myself--just to teach him a lesson."
"If history's taught us anything, it's said you can kill anyone."
"Trudy's lesson from the movie: 'Doing one crazy thing probably does make you crazy, but it can also make you happy!'"
"Moral of the story: don't try to steal the pets of other people."
"The efficacy of force, a lesson he had never forgotten."
"Lesson learned; don't trust those who left you out in the cold."
"How about we all take a little lesson from these frogmen?"
"I don't think any other people have ever taught that in a primary lesson again."
"The purpose of whatever you're going through right now is definitely not to punish you."
"You're meant to learn a harsh lesson."
"'When the universe really wants you to learn a lesson, it always seems to send someone who we are attracted to.'"
"That lesson was lifelong. I was like, 'Why never again?'"
"This person learned a big, big, big lesson here with you, pal two."
"Katara may not be the protagonist of the story like Ang but that doesn't mean she can't teach a valuable lesson."
"It's called emergency swimming lessons."
"Christianity is bad or good one of those two and dinosaurs rule and yeah that's the lesson dinosaurs rule dinosaur rules number one dinosaurs rule"
"You might be down the road three years or so and think oh man I wish I remembered that fat over lean lesson that tier did with that bunny oh that was so good."
"Boromir teaches Aragorn and the rest of the fellowship what it's like to be human."
"I definitely see the lesson here: don't judge a book by its cover."
"I think that's one of the biggest lessons that you can learn doing any kind of sport."
"That's what y'all get. Y'all have the scare of your life."
"We're on our way to teach Casey Chad's brother a lesson."
"Guys, I think I learned a really good lesson today. I hope you did."
"A mistake only becomes a failure if one allows it; moving past it by working hard not to repeat it is what makes the failure a lesson."
"That's another thing that religious stories are trying to tell you. When things fall apart, what do you do?"
"But again this is just going to be another fascinating chapter in EV history and an important lesson I hope for all EV startups."
"I think one of the most important lesson I have learned is that you need to follow your passion."
"At least this movie teaches people a valuable lesson, which is that if you want your wife's money, make sure you kill her before she turns into a radioactive giant."
"The moral of the story is brands don't mean everything."
"It'll teach people not to just Dole around."
"That huge lesson I learned about that one."
"The lesson we learned today: do not catfish."
"My parents taught me a very different lesson: life only makes sense if you force it to."
"It's great Halloween family entertainment that teaches kids a hard lesson about never talk to strangers."
"If there's one thing you could learn from this movie, make time for your friends, guys."
"As kind of straightforward as the fight with Xiao is, just taunting him until he accidentally destroys his own ships, I still like it. It conveys an important point."
"I love this movie I love the series after all isn't that the lesson that this movie was trying to teach us all along."
"What should be a lesson that just because you've gotten away with stuff so many times doesn't mean it can't totally turn around and bite you in the ass."
"Just another lesson of don't judge a book by its cover."
"Amfrog is a great lesson on why not to judge a book by its cover."
"The test is the lesson. You're in a test right now. Not a test 'Do you know enough?' Not a test 'Do you have enough?' Not a test 'Are you good enough?' But 'Do you know where to get it from?'"
"Indeed, in all those stories there are lessons for those with sound intellect. We are revealing to you the best of stories. If you look at Yusuf alaihissalam's story, Allah says, 'We are going to raise you above them. Be patient. Time is very important.'"
"There has to be a lesson in this, sometimes you do your best, you practice, you put everything into it, and then you just fail spectacularly."
"This is such a tragedy and a big lesson to all of us."
"It's a warning and a cautionary tale."
"Look for the lesson and the blessings in a situation."
"Your lesson in this situation is not to give up. A lot of you give up very quickly."
"Sure, your nose may hurt a little bit, but the only thing that got bruised was your ego."
"A cat that sits on a hot stove lid will never sit on a hot stove lid again but neither will it sit on a cold one."
"Having learned this as a harsh lesson, EV decided the key to success was going to be media attention."
"...so moral of the story don't judge a book by its cover"
"My mom told me, 'Boy, you don't own this street.'"
"That's a lesson, everybody out there: never give up hope."
"Patience was an important one of our lessons today."
"I've learned a valuable lesson: never judge something or someone by how it or he or she looks."
"Relationships are worth that much more, man. Yeah. That's what if you take anything from this quiz."
"If you could take one thing away from this story, it is that you should never taunt something that you don't understand."
"Crime doesn't pay, kids, okay? Did you all learn your lesson? Good. Now here's the finale where crime totally pays."
"... the moral of the story is persistence pays off."
"If you forget this thing, I promise you, you will also only forget it once."
"The lesson is a call to live a life not defined by the possessions one accumulates but by the moments one collects along the way."
"Responding rather than reacting is a key lesson from Cipus."
"The lesson that honesty pays off extends beyond the mere disclosure of facts."
"Seek the valuable lesson in every setback or difficulty."
"After years of being a fat guy, I've learned one thing: don't burn your tongue."
"There are no failures, a failure is a lesson, a lesson is a blessing."
"The moral lesson from this series is if need money fast just start a fake blind sibling service and hope for the best maybe you'll ended up getting the money and the girl."
"The biggest lesson is knowing your value and not settling for anything that's not what you want."
"The lesson isn't like 'Don't die, Batman.' The lesson is, you know, 'Don't be such a dick.'"
"Nacho beating up Dom Mingo did seem to teach him about how he should be acting towards nacho in their current positions, regardless of their personal friendship."
"While I am personally disappointed that I lost money, I am glad that you got to see me fail because I don't want you to have unrealistic expectations going into any type of trading."
"It's a great first lesson if your kids are four or five years old they will love it."
"Love yourself. That's the greatest lesson. Love yourself."
"What's the greatest lesson you learned? Love yourself. That's the greatest lesson. Love yourself."
"One thing's for sure that's better to figure out you forgot the heat shrink before you solder than after."
"Your healing is a lesson, a big lesson."
"Take it as a lesson and then just move on from it and ensure that it doesn't happen again."
"You're not unlucky, you just needed to learn a lesson with money."
"You're able to get out of a situation now that you have learned the lesson."
"Daenerys learned this same lesson in book one from Mirri Maz Duur."
"It's just a small lesson about what really matters, about what really makes someone family."
"Every date is either love or a lesson."
"Let my struggle today be a lesson to you."
"And let that be a lesson to both of you: never do a friend a favor unless he's paying for it."
"I realized what a good lesson it was for me. For weeks I've been feeling so terrible about what I did, about how badly I've hurt you."
"The lesson in all of this: buy good renters insurance."
"But the lesson that you taught me without even saying it was that you took the photo that was meant to be that you intended to shoot that I was ready without even knowing to shoot."
"The moral of the story: if you are going to grow a big crystal from something small, then maybe have enough solution to cover the eventual size that you want."
"It just goes to show, it never would have worked."
"This story should serve as a cautionary tale."
"Yeah, that was a really great lesson, one that was uncomfortable to live through."
"The greatest lesson that any one of us could ever have is to know that who you spend time with is where you become."
"Any story where a character learns a lesson has a theme."
"The moral lesson from this film is, 'If you like someone, just annoy them, cause in the end, they will like you.'"
"And so that's an example of metaphorical truth as opposed to like sort of objective truth and that is it teaches a lesson."
"The message that what's on the inside is what counts and people are gonna be jerks no matter what is a good lesson for kids."
"Mark falling off the roof has taught us not to take things for granted, to live each day as it comes."
"Wow, one unbelievable lesson to learn so young. This is really awesome."
"The lesson I learned was confidence in my conviction."
"Moral of the story, never swim alone."
"It's like an example that sends you a lesson in life in a moment that you say."
"...the tortoise was as fast as the hair all along and never took a nap."
"God is a strange teacher. He gives the test first and then gives the lesson."
"The lesson is bigger than me. If I don't say no, then I'm hindering your blessing, I'm setting you up for failure."
"Their strong will gives a lesson to us all in this age."
"I lived with that cautionary tale of what not to do or better yet who to never become."
"The bully's plan had backfired horribly, and all while Whitney was having the time of her life."
"Well, whoever they are, I reckon those bullies will never forget their homecoming celebration or the lesson it taught them."
"Isn't that a lesson for all of us in our times of need?"
"It's a great lesson for guys who are fighting someone who's leaning away."
"Lesson learned though, right? Just stay calm, the way you have been."
"There's a lesson to be drawn: one of the greatest enemies of justice is impatience."
"If there's one lesson I took from this film when I went to have children, it was never take your eyes off them. Ever."
"Namaste. Anyway, I'm busy. That's the lesson."
"However, the lesson I learned is don't rush a project like this because we ran into some issues."