
Allah Quotes

There are 290 quotes

"One of the most fundamental relationships we have with Allah is that of asking Him things we need. His help in our matters of religion, our guidance, staying away from evil, getting forgiveness, but we need His help for everything else in life too."
"Many of you are stuck in impossible situations that nobody else understands. The only one who understands is you and Allah."
"What greater regret can there be in life than failing to impress the King, Allah Almighty?"
"The greatest blessing of all is Allah's pleasure."
"Allah boasts to the angels and he says, o my angels look at my servants... who have come to me with Tatty hair and Dusty clothes to shelter me, look at them."
"The Quran came down as an act of Allah's love."
"The impression we have given people about Allah... is not actually the way Allah presents Himself."
"Nobody will give you better advice than Allah."
"Indeed, my prayer, my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are all for Allah, the Lord of the worlds."
"Our greatest fear is that Allah would be displeased with us."
"Allah is extremely merciful. Mercy and forgiveness come up so much."
"Allah chooses his martyrs because only Allah chooses when and how we will die."
"You can plan, but Allah is the best of planners."
"At the end of the day, you can plan, but Allah is the best planner."
"Allah will most certainly ascertain those who spoke the truth and those who lied."
"Allah does not leave the world the way it is; it always calibrates every century."
"If you trust in Allah, He's enough for you."
"No one will protect me from any temptation, obvious or subtle, except Allah."
"The fact that he believes, it's enough for you to love him for the sake of Allah alone."
"Your connection with Allah is direct."
"Don't despair from the mercy of Allah."
"But for those of you who are worshiping Allah understand Allah isa is eternal and doesn't die."
"Allah says they did not kill Jesus nor did they crucify Jesus."
"Yeah, Allah, it is you and you alone that we worship."
"Allah has offered you a trade: improve yourself, do your salah, connect with Allah, do good, give charity, and stay away from evil."
"May Allah protect you, guide you, and guard you."
"Allah has not burdened you with anything except your own potential."
"Allah has 99 Names, if they are memorized and safeguarded by anyone, that person will go straight to paradise."
"There are things in life that don't have a solution whatsoever. Their only solution is Allah."
"...make it your mission to do one small good deed today for the sake of Allah, and don't doubt the power of that deed..."
"Allah has 99 names, and so many of them describe His infinite mercy and love. Allah is not the one who only punishes."
"Allah and his messenger are more beloved to me than freedom."
"I would love to pray to Allah, 'Ya Allah, send another Prophet so that we can be with him.' But there is no room for another Prophet except Isa."
"The foundation of everything good is for you to know that whatever Allah Wills will happen and whatever Allah did not will will not happen."
"...find your role model and say Allah make me like her."
"...provision comes from Allah. You make your Dua, but you don't know how it's actually going to work out."
"...Allah is capable of everything and anything."
"Allah will make the impossible possible."
"And verily, Allah is with those who act with excellence."
"Allah says, 'We know exactly what their insides whispers to them, your thoughts, the good and the bad, and we are closer to them than their own jugular vein.'"
"Allah is trying to tell you and teach you how to think in a profound way."
"Use whatever Allah gave you Uniquely Yours to enter Jannah."
"Tawbah is literally from turning, so you are a sinner and you turn your back on the sin and towards Allah. That's Tawbah right there."
"Allah never fails in his promises."
"Allah never fails in his promises so this is not a guess this is Allah's knowledge subhanahu wa ta'ala being shared with us about what will happen in the future."
"It's all about how you see Allah it's all about like I come to realize more and more and more it's all about how Allah is in your head."
"You find your best self when you get closer to Allah."
"Everything knows how to be because Allah gave it that guidance."
"May Allah make this a year that is the most special year of our lives in coming closer to Allah's word."
"Allah rewards our intentions, Allah rewards our efforts."
"Allah gives them the ability to do good deeds."
"Allah gives them the ability to figure out the next step."
"Gratefulness starts with confession and admitting that the blessing came from Allah, and loving Allah for that blessing in the heart."
"Declare yourself to be completely free of any ability to change anything or do anything without the help of Allah, and trust that Allah will bring for you what will benefit you and keep away from what will harm you."
"Choose to buy that which will bring you near to Allah, and this is part of maintaining reliance in all your affairs alongside striving to earn the pleasure of Allah."
"You worship Allah knowing that Allah sees you and hears you and knows everything that you do."
"Allah doesn't just own 20 guns, Allah owns Hellfire."
"The name of Allah settles down a community that fell into chaos and panic."
"...Oh my people worship Allah alone without associating partners for indeed there is no diety worthy of worship no one none worthy of worship besides Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala."
"Allah will correct your deeds, including those things that happen in a marriage that you didn't intend."
"If we never meet, may Allah allow us to see each other in Jannah."
"...that's how the story of humanity started... by seeking Allah's forgiveness."
"Allah is so merciful and so kind that his forgiveness and mercy is open to you."
"Allah loves those who are at least trying to live by that principle of taqwa."
"Allah has forgiven all of your sins. Every sin that you've committed, knowingly or unknowingly, he has forgiven them for you."
"Love for the sake of Allah means you love the person for the qualities which Allah loves in them."
"You will feel his love daily and you will feel it increasing, it is impossible for you to love Allah and you don't feel his love."
"Allah has declared that you are innocent."
"Death is not even the end. Allah tells us even what you left behind because that's your work."
"Every single day you need to learn something about Allah and hold yourself to account and ask yourself, what did you learn today about Allah that brings you closer to him?"
"The essence of our religion is humbling oneself in front of Allah."
"Allah tells us about a specific moment of Maryam: 'Every time Zakaria entered upon Maryam, he found with her a special provision.'"
"They will sit in the presence of Allah and never blink."
"The believer primarily turns to Allah before everything."
"The difference between a believer and one who does not believe is that the believer primarily turns to Allah before everything."
"During trying times, a true believer lays his or her trust solely and only in Allah to begin with."
"Allah alone is in absolute control, nothing happens except by the will of Allah."
"...there's no upper limit on gratitude, especially with Allah."
"Allah hears your supplications, your pain, your fear—He is always watching over you."
"We ask Allah in this evening to make our biggest shaffir the grand intercessor Prophet Muhammad."
"Nobody knows, and if anyone gives you ever a timeline of this, forget it, that's not going to be the case because Allah hasn't given us actual dates."
"If Allah's power is there, then that's the mightiest thing that we believe in."
"If Allah tells me he's forgiven me, it's all good. Anything else beyond that, I don't care. What part of Jenna he puts me in, I don't care if I sleep on the streets in paradise, it won't matter. I made it."
"The Quran is the straight path of Allah."
"Allah is so balanced in the picture that he paints."
"The brain Allah gave the human being can be such a beautiful thing when used to its fullest extent."
"If you truly trust Allah, Allah will not let you down."
"And it is enough to realize Allah's beauty, when we know that every internal and external beauty in this life and the next are created by him."
"The real book of giving is about giving for the sake of Allah, and when you give for the sake of Allah, there is no big and small. There's just what is it that will help you."
"The opportunity of knowing Allah, it will backfill many of the gaps that are left in your life."
"When you give up something for the sake of Allah, He decides a part."
"We ask Allah to count us among those who witness and to get the full reward for the last 10 nights of the month of Ramadan and the entire month of Ramadan."
"What if that's the deed that got them to Jannah? What if they come to Allah and that's the moment Allah is going to put you in Jannah because you just went and did that?"
"Remember Allah and Allah will remember you."
"Allah loves the ones who excel, who exceed expectations."
"...if this Dunya is beloved to you, then what mean Allah and his Messengers and Jihad in the way of Allah, then await."
"All of it is within Allah's pre-measurement, all of it."
"The word 'Allah' is an internal word. It only comes in the singular form. You cannot make a plural of it, which implies the oneness of Allah."
"My hope is that Allah will complete it for me, and for anyone who reads it or hears it."
"Allah is with those who have sabr."
"Allah is incapable of doing any immoral act."
"Allah is teaching us the importance of time just by taking an oath by Allah."
"All praise is indeed due to Allah."
"Allah loves those who worship Him."
"Allah loves those who are patient."
"Allah loves those who are good doers."
"Allah loves those who are in constant repentance."
"Love of Allah is pure, bright, obvious, constant, and protected."
"The love of Allah is the pure feeling that moves the heart."
"Look at Allah with your heart, actions, and words."
"Allah will make Believers firm by way of the firm word. By using the firm word, Allah will give firmness to those who believe."
"Allah said, 'Push the little tree down, and then the fruits will come down for you. Everything you want in life, you need to work for it.'"
"Allah loves for his servants to pardon and forgive one another."
"One of the beauties of following the prophetic way is that through it you gain the love of Allah. If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you."
"Allah speaks about himself in the Quran: 'I am the merciful, I am the compassionate, I am the forgiving.'"
"Allah has promised to preserve the Quran, and one way is through memorization."
"Allah's fitna doesn't just happen to people that are bad or people who do wrong. Fitna happens to everybody."
"Allah does everything for a reason."
"Allah does a lot of things that from the parent might seem like it's bad for you but in reality, it's good for you."
"All the praise is for Allah, who is the author of all existence and the most generous to his creation."
"May Allah Almighty help us improve ourselves."
"Your day should just be this beautiful day full of good deeds and full of your work. Make intention for every single job that you're doing, everything you're doing that it's for Allah."
"Answer what Allah calls you to in every aspect of Islam."
"Subhanallah, and then when you come to the house of Allah, I don't know if you don't know, people tell you and you get offended."
"Allah wants you to ask Him things, He wants you to, 'Hey, I want to bless you, like I have so much, I want to give it to you, to reward the believers, right?'"
"In prison, I turned back to Allah, got onto the Deen."
"Don't doubt the forgiveness of Allah."
"Allah never judges a group of people by their numbers he judges them by their quality their substance"
"It's the people who remember Allah, who are connected to Allah, who believe in Allah, fear Allah, and love Allah."
"Allah loves those who rely upon Him."
"Real suffering comes only when you put something else in the heart other than Allah."
"...praise and glorify Allah because he has guided you and so that you may show your thanks to Allah."
"These are the real gatherings Allah loves these are the real gatherings."
"Allah loves you. Allah wants to hear your voice. According to Rasulullah, 100 times a day minimum, make Tawbah towards Allah."
"Allah gives all of us an example: Please, this is for all of you."
"Either these three szelzons are directly from Allah as acts of God, or these three szelzons are permission by Allah for humans to cause."
"The remembrance of Allah is the only thing that you can have as much as you want in your life."
"Allah will say, 'As of this day forward, I promise you that from this day forward, I will never ever be displeased with you ever again.'"
"Allah will say, 'As of this moment, I will remove the veil and you will see me with your very eyes.'"
"When you humble yourself to Allah, Allah will elevate you."
"Gratitude makes the whole, you know? Allah says if you are grateful, I will give you more."
"For the mercy of Allah, which shows that a manifestation of God's mercy is that people are gentle with one another."
"Is there anything like Allah in comparison? There's nothing like Allah in comparison because he is absolute in his attributes."
"When you look for it, you glorify Allah."
"Be a book that teaches you especially about Allah and get close to Allah."
"Allah has obligated mercy upon himself."
"The worst Among Us is the one who's given up of the mercy of Allah."
"Anyone who does an evil deed out of ignorance... is ignorant about the greatness of Allah."
"I fear Allah, the master of the Day of Judgment"
"The most beloved deeds to Allah are continuous actions, even if they are little."
"Say good or stay quiet. That pleases Allah without lying, without sugar coating."
"I don't trust a man who doesn't fear Allah. I once tweeted it: if you don't fear Allah, I don't trust that man."
"Allah is the ever living, the caretaker, the maintainer of everything."
"Allah gives health, wealth, peace of land, and safety to those whom He loves."
"Allah does not want people to suffer, but part of the universal will is that things have to happen."
"The one who has found Allah, what happens to them? It's very simple for them. The one who has found Allah, their Salah is for Allah, their sacrifice is for Allah, their life and their death is now for Allah."
"Place your trust in Allah, not in His creation."
"Allah is merciful. He loves without reason, and He's always kind to us."
"Every 100 years Allah sends forth someone who's going to revive this ummah."
"Allah will always send a reviver to renew and to call the people back to that which was known during the time of Rasulillah."
"Close the door to evil eye by invoking Allah's blessings upon others."
"Life is sacred. Allah is the one who gives life and he's the one who takes life."
"Sometimes this is permitted but it's certainly not ideal, and we trust Allah with his wisdom and with his plan as a whole."
"Allah Spandil Allah honored you right from the beginning. Right from the point when He said, 'Be.' Because this is how Allah creates. He says, 'Be.'"
"Allah is asking so little out of our income that it should be considered that's the attitude of the sahaba."
"If you gave someone a gift, would you like them to return it back to you? No. So when Allah has given you a gift, how could you return it back to Allah?"
"Allah is the most merciful, the most kind, the most generous, the most loving."
"If your intention is to please Allah in everything you do, then that'll be best for you in this world and the next."
"...true righteousness...is to fulfill the rights of Allah and the rights of his creation."
"Allah says you are born from a n, which comes out. Same thing said in the Quran. But he doesn't want the Quran. That's why he threw it behind his back."
"Whatever Allah says we should do is morally good, and what Allah prohibits is morally bad."
"If it's about Allah, it's about having that particular vision."
"I believe in the power of Allah and I believe in the transformative message of Islam."
"The ultimate Authority, the king of all Kings, is Allah."
"What role does Allah have in this discussion? He is the ultimate Authority, the king of all Kings."
"Allah is the one who released two waters, one fresh, one salty, and put a gap between them, a barrier, a barzakh."
"No conversation with Allah is a conversation to be had."
"Whoever truly sacrifices for Allah, Allah grants something better than it."
"When the name of Allah is not known on the earth, that's the end of the world."
"If Allah is with you, you need nothing else and no one else."
"You should not ask what Allah asks, why you want to go to hellfire."
"Love of Allah must outweigh love for anything else."
"Everyone knows that, right? Why isn't Jesus called KH? Because Jesus is not the friend of Allah."
"Oh Allah, you love to pardon, so pardon me."
"Allah says they didn't give Allah the right level, the right status, the right respect."
"Worshipping Allah is anything that Allah loves and is pleased with, both in words and deeds, both open and hidden."
"Allah wants us to go to Jannah, but we are the ones who refuse."
"Your actions are the creation of Allah."
"For me, with my simple brain, I know that Allah is all-knowing, Allah is all-wise. He knows everything that's going to happen, knows me better than I know myself."
"Even if we don't see the outcome we desire in this life, our efforts are rewarded by Allah."
"And all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds."
"The core reason Allah made us is to know Him."
"Keep knocking on the door of Allah, soon enough the door will open."
"... Allah has a plan for all of us, Allah's timing is better than any of our timing."
"Remember, Allah appreciates, even if nobody is seeing you."
"Allah knows the right time, He knows when to test you, He knows what test will break you and what test will make you."
"Anything that Allah made har in his comes back to protecting these five: your religion, your life, your sanity, your wealth, and your honor."
"To Allah we belong and without any doubt it is to Allah that we will all return."
"I realized something about the surah... Every single ayah has the word Allah in it. Amazing, isn't it? Allah, Allah, Allah. Why? Because Allah. Allah says in the same surah... The Shaytan overcame them and made them forget the remembrance of Allah."
"If Allah supports you and gives you victory, no one can defeat you."