
Terror Quotes

There are 631 quotes

"The seamless blend between jokes with friends and genuine butt-clenching terror."
"There is a creature that stalks the Nostromo: to some, it is a nightmare, a thing of incalculable terror; to others, it is a work of beauty, a perfect organism unburdened by conscious thoughts or emotions."
"For the terror of feeling oneself lost in this wilderness is nothing short of awful."
"The true Terror of Uzumaki isn't a girl whose eye falls into her spiral face, or a boy whose body is hopping around in a graveyard; the true terror is what is humanity when faced with something that we can never even hope to understand, much less defeat."
"The best political weapon is the weapon of terror."
"Renowned as the vilest evil and most terrifying demon in all existence."
"Beauty is only skin deep but Terror lasts forever."
"A terror so profound that it could be likened to madness."
"A kidnapping can shatter a family, bringing terror and heartache without warning."
"These are not soldiers nor warriors. This enemy is an act of murder-given flesh, and they will not stop until terror is the only thing that lives." - Captain Jeff the Cull
"Kim Jong-Un decided to use terror to subdue the regime's old guard."
"These guys are gonna be pretty terrifying when it comes to the battlefield."
"There are just no words... to see this unfold, to be a part of it is terrifying."
"The reaction can be one of terror or one of just wonder."
"It must have been terrifying to see, as though London were the target for the wrath of God."
"Imagine a world where a single moon brings terror to all."
"Nightmares are a fluid terror... nightmares instead are a fluid terror."
"Supposedly Bill senior's father, Andre Cucha, had connections to the La Costa Nostra families..."
"The absolute terror that Michael Myers can bring out of anybody... it's just pure carnage that we're about to see."
"I remember the look of terror on people's faces around me. I just remember bodies everywhere."
"Valak is a terrifying demon who mostly takes the appearance of a creepy nun."
"His encounter with a skinwalker terrified him."
"Baba Yaga is a terrifying figure in Russian folklore."
"I saw a figure in the corner of my room and my chest wrenched in pure terror."
"Imagine being on any sort of tour and all of a sudden your tour guides just scream 'run!'"
"It was the most terrifying moment of my life."
"We can only imagine the final terrifying moments of Jessica Lynn Keane's life, fatally pursued in a place where the concept of death is all-pervading."
"Panic was taking over and I started banging on it. I was legitimately terrified. I screamed for my mom and my dad, even my brother, but no one was responding."
"The game can be terrifying when it wants to be."
"Stranger Things is easily one of the most terrifying shows."
"Everything that we've discovered so far has been a combination of fascinating and absolutely terrifying."
"The Avis family's experience was nothing short of terrifying."
"What sick, perverted pleasure can you possibly get enjoying looking into somebody's terrified eyes as you strangle the life out of them?"
"The shark itself was terrifying so kudos to the visual effects team."
"Reality is stranger than fiction, and the most terrifying things come from basic life."
"Never in my life have I as a grown man been so terrified."
"The lessons from the lost city of Herculaneum are too terrifying to ignore."
"Coherence couldn't be simpler in its presentation, focusing on the ensemble trying to understand something unfathomable, making it both mesmerizing and terrifying."
"Someone's got to eventually hold them accountable, and they can't wiggle out of it forever, surely."
"The most god-awful scream I had ever heard started out low, but by the time it ended, it was so loud that I could feel it in my chest."
"Thank you, the most terrifying sight I've ever seen."
"It is ice-cold blood-curdling absolute sheer terror and I never ever ever want to experience it again."
"Terror is a highway because whether you go near or far you're going to find something either you can't explain or that absolutely horrifies you."
"Nothing is more terrifying than surveillance footage of an event, especially one that ends human life."
"Zalgo is an ominous creature that appears to be horror itself or an ultimate terror all on its own."
"I have not experienced something more terrifying than when I was 16 at that cabin."
"The terror and the dread that set in upon seeing these massive human-like figures but were still demonic and monstrous in a sense tear apart a village put legitimate fear into our main character and myself while watching this show."
"Our universe is a cold and terrible one, replaced with horror, the very existence of which frazes the boundaries of our minds."
"Word has reached Terra from the fringes of Imperial space of a monstrous and terrifying discovery."
"It was beyond fear, it was a terror so huge that it felt more like despair."
"Hisoka never stops fascinating and enthralling and terrifying me."
"Robert Black spread a plague of terror across the UK. His heinous crimes against defenseless children make him one of the world's most evil killers."
"If you ever experience a tornado, you will know that this was God awfully terrifying."
"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre... it still provokes just as much horror as if it did."
"If you have ever heard of skinwalkers, you know some of the terrifying stories that come with the name."
"It is amazing but also, if you think about it for too long, it's kind of deeply terrifying."
"It's terrifying at the same time extremely joyful. It's surreal."
"Peeling paint, eerily empty stairwells, and long dark corridors make any visit to this sanatorium complex a uniquely terrifying experience."
"I don't scare easily; this stranger, however, terrified me."
"She stood there completely paralyzed, tears pouring down her face just from the sheer terror."
"His complete batshit insane mentality and utter unpredictability makes him the most terrifying villain in Game of Thrones."
"My voice caught in my throat as I tried to scream, but sheer terror propelled me to my feet."
"This follows a woman who is swimming in her pool at night and is terrorized by an evil spirit."
"While this story doesn't involve the paranormal, it is extremely terrifying, a real-life nightmare, if you will."
"The bat swarm is not just a method of escape, it's a message, a signal of his arrival in Gotham."
"Striking terror. Best part of the job."
"The universe is terrifying, that the scariest things are those that are so large and abstract that they're beyond human comprehension."
"We were frozen in terror inside that dugout."
"It will fill you with terror so complex and unfathomable that you will have no choice but to examine yourself introspectively."
"The terror is something that grinds your brain."
"The unknown can be far more terrifying than we ever dare to imagine."
"The jungle holds both beauty and terror in its depths, most terrible of which is man."
"It was the single most terrifying encounter I've ever had."
"I literally felt my blood run cold; I've never been so terrified."
"We don't know if either of those stories are true, but certainly they are terrifying."
"What makes it so terrifying is the build-up towards it."
"the most unique dark out of the box psychologically terrifying creative and day or night amazing looking haunt I've ever been to"
"There is nothing more beautiful and terrifying than innocence."
"I was completely terrified to the point I couldn't blink or even move."
"Far from being a gimmick that reduces the Angel's power and impact, this development makes them all the more terrifying."
"Visually, it's clear that Matt wanted to invoke the same terror and mystery of Seven."
"His fear transcended any conceivable earthly terror."
"It was like they'd Spilled Out of My Head and were now terrorizing other like-minded Skeptics."
"He's legitimately terrifying or at least in this movie."
"This film was a master class of world-building, suspense, terror, and horror."
"It's not the castle and nighttime and shrieking and howling in the night. It's something you can make absolutely terrifying out of something otherwise quite beautiful."
"The nicer you are with that music, the scarer the scene even becomes. Smiles are big in horror. It's that instant visual, visceral, primal contradiction of your terror."
"That's when the feeling of terror consumed him. He realized his hand was already moving to unlock the door."
"It was just an awful scream, like the devil was coming from the ground."
"Sinkholes have long terrified civilizations across the globe."
"...that dangerous prisoner dr. mad with terror perhaps they expected to find no living things certainly no intelligent giving things."
"There is a romance and a terror found within the idea of the afterlife."
"Oh, this is absolutely terrifying."
"This was a plague of unbridled Terror, not of rats and disease, but of men."
"This was the most terrifying experience of my life."
"We literally had an encounter with some type of entity. It was terrifying."
"...over 200 people died at osr guards staff and inmates life at osr was so frightening..."
"I was terrified and I was hurt both physically and emotionally."
"The implications of which still send a wave of Terror down my back at every thought."
"I have never felt so terrified. This was unlike anything I had ever experienced."
"I don't think a day would go by where I found myself in that area without being terrified."
"The vibe he gave off... man, I can't explain the feeling that seeing this guy gave us. It was overwhelming dread, confusion, and terror."
"The world is far stranger, far more mysterious, and far more terrifying than you could ever imagine."
"Terror, Lenin believed, was a vital weapon of war they needed to secure the new neutrality, or apathy of the majority."
"The Joker's ability to turn the concept of a clown into something terrifying is a testament to Heath Ledger's incredible performance."
"The Joker is astoundingly terrifying. He doesn't want money, he just wants to watch the world burn."
"I've realized I don't need to embellish any of this, it's all real and all terrifying."
"Nowadays, most of us shrug off folklore's bedtime stories and boogeyman. However, tonight I'm here to share with you allegedly true stories from real people who claim to have encountered terror straight from folklore."
"Residents could do nothing but witness the terror as an almost catastrophic landslide threatened to engulf their entire town."
"I was absolutely Frozen with fear, my heart pounding like a drum."
"Her living room is the same suffocation blue was the rest of her every surface piled high with her own discarded bloody skin and she has no terror deeper than the thought she might be discovered."
"A chilling incident in a Brooklyn apartment building in June 2020 where a masked man stepped out of his apartment not to spread warmth and light but to ignite fear and terror."
"There was nothing human in the terror that held me prisoner. You can fight evil if it is concrete; this was something that could not be touched or seen, yet something always at my heels."
"'That was the night I came to an end of it. You can take just so much. You can go on hoping things will change, that you will awaken from this monstrous dream of falling through a void of unutterable terror. Then you hit bottom.'"
"Terror equals control equals controlling the money."
"Psycho really terrified audiences."
"The terror lasted forever... I really thought I was dead."
"This was no dream or hallucination. What makes this so terrifying was that the thing at the door looked like my grandmother."
"Zero out of ten. That is the most terrifying color I've ever seen."
"For the first time, real terror smote him, and he knew such fear as few men have ever known."
"Terror is not to terrify the dead; terror is to kill them in such a way that the living die in their minds."
"My God, couldn't love him more, could not be more terrified every day."
"His reign of terror was only beginning."
"Behind every mask is someone who wishes to remain anonymous, and behind that wish is the possibility of fantasies that go beyond terror."
"I felt my body grow weaker, terror setting in my soul alongside a sense of absolute hopelessness."
"For me as a kid, it was legitimately terrifying."
"I love finally realizing the full terror of Beerus the Destroyer."
"There's a moment where she feels truly terrified. She comes back, and you get this fear for her. You're scared for her. You're scared for everybody, because she's been put through literal hell."
"Perhaps death will release me from that abhorrent control, which would urge me down to bottomless underworld warrens of terror for which the saner planets of the solar system can have no analogue."
"It is safe to assume that Michael's crimes would have continued had it not been for his capture. The lens he had already gone to proved he had no limits and knew no bounds, and it is terrifying to think about what could have happened next and to potentially so many more people."
"There's no levity, no holding back, just an unfiltered, violent, and truly terrifying villain that makes your hair stand up."
"Hannibal is a terrifying series, exploring what ideas of good and evil mean to individuals."
"The only thing more terrifying than the last 12 minutes of this film are the first 92."
"Terrifying tales to keep you awake all night."
"What is it that makes Guts so terrifying? Well, we're about to get into some really, really dark fair warning."
"It's like legitimate terror mixed with absurdist humor cranked up to 11."
"This is an evil that might be even more terrifying than Emperor Palpatine."
"People who have used Jesus as a shot swear word will fall down in terror on that awesome day."
"This movie is something else, it is terrifying but it is amazing at the same time."
"Jack Nicholson's face acting, demeanor, everything, terrifying. That man is terrifying."
"This is a James Wan movie which tells me it's going to terrify. He has made some terrifying movies."
"Makima is, honest to God, one of the most terrifying villainous presences I have felt in a while. It's like looking at a devil wearing a human face, and it's terrifying."
"The true story of the Bell Witch inspired one of the most terrifying found footage horror films out there: The Blair Witch Project."
"Myra Hindley: In the annals of True Crime, few names evoke as much Terror and revulsion as Myra Hindley."
"...Robert remains in his case at the Museum, terrifying and fascinating visitors in equal measure."
"Tedium can become Terror from one moment to the next."
"The name Jack the Ripper has come to symbolize terror the world over."
"He should be terrifying. He's supposed to be a monster."
"This is amazing. James Cameron has taken the full-throated terror from the last movie and added this incredible amount of excitement."
"I was convulsed with a paroxysm of the most unaccountable ungovernable Terror."
"I have never experienced a game that was so equally fun as it was terrifying."
"What else could explain his extreme terror?"
"Even if they don't hallucinate, the experience is so frightening that when they finally wake up, sleep paralysis victims often believe that something horrible has happened to them."
"It was absolutely fucking terrifying."
"The wilderness had shown me its face, both beautiful and terrible, and I couldn't unsee it."
"This is the first thing that has scared me for as long as I can remember."
"But one experience stands out above all the others as the most terrifying thing I've ever encountered."
"It was the single most terrifying thing I have ever witnessed."
"The ocean is the vast nothing, yeah, that's terrifying."
"In those moments, the world reduced to the space between heartbeats, I understood the true nature of terror."
"Beauty is the first touch of terror that we can stand."
"It is possible that the Dead may have communication with the living, and it was not that exactly that so terrified me, for such communication as we know it comes voluntarily from them."
"My girlfriend described how terrified she was. It's that sort of scared you get when you realize your life is at risk for the first time."
"Truly a terrifying villain you’d never want to cross paths with."
"The most terrifying thing you'd ever hear in your life."
"...an experience so terrifying that the hair on my back bristled."
"When it finally awakens and rises from the sea, it will bring untold suffering and insanity to every living thing on this planet, and death won't be the end for any of us."
"If you've experienced a glitch in reality, you know just how terrifying it can truly be."
"One thing I do know is that whatever I saw that night it's still out there and that thought terrifies me more than anything else."
"The park, which was once my sanctuary, became a vast mystery holding secrets far more terrifying than I could have ever imagined."
"She was literally scared to death."
"The kind of paralyzed terror of a man standing in front of a train as it bore down on him, the kind that leaves a person shrieking like a banshee in sheer panic."
"It is the idea that, as all of this doom continues to escalate, as all of these terrible, unbelievable things keep happening, eventually, we will just think that it's normal. And that is the real terror."
"Cooper comes to terrorize the community terrorize this area of outstanding natural beauty but then he goes even further not content simply with robbery now he wants to indulge himself he turns to serial killing double murders it is Indescribable and terrifying to the community."
"Boredom is fine when the alternative is bombs, snipers, and gas attacks. But months at a time sitting in a waterlogged hole in the ground... well, it has a quiet terror all its own."
"By far the most interesting thing that's ever happened to me at Yosemite occurred last summer, and it wasn't just interesting, it was utterly terrifying."
"She was scared out of her wits, something had terrified her beyond her reason."
"You don't like absolutely irreversible surprises; those are horrible, those, that's Terror, right?"
"Fear will hold you hostage. Terrorizing fear wants you to be paralyzed."
"Or perhaps there is something else out there more terrifying than any of us want to admit."
"Beauty is equal to Terror, and whatever we call beautiful, we quiver before it."
"A reminder of the terror that was set upon the world by the events that took place in Ottawa."
"Short-term safety within the illusion of this realm but long-term Dreadful Terror iation of consciousness."
"in a moment of Terror and a moment of Madness in a moment of survival at least that's my take did what she had to do."
"Far beyond the extreme ego destruction was the sheer terror involved in this trip."
"The ideal is terrifying to behold, lost as it is in the depths, small, isolated, almost imperceptible, shining, but surrounded by all those great black menaces monstrously masked about it."
"That's disgusting! That's terrifying!"
"The Beast is not just something of legend but was actually a real creature that terrorized the town."
"I will teach them the fear of the darkness in which they dwell and to dread the Shadows they believe their allies for there is no greater Terror hunting the stygian void than the lion of caliban."
"The opening was legitimately terrifying, made worse by the fact that it follows the rule of less is more."
"The great Terror arrives, and hell yeah, that's a 60-foot tall Goose."
"He is more terrifying to ordinary monsters than my angry mom is to me and my siblings."
"H.P. Lovecraft once said that the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. I would have to disagree with him though because I'm not scared of the unknown. I'm terrified of the beyond."
"99% of the time you're bored, the other perc of the time is sheer Terror. But it's something you learn to live with."
"It's an unbelievably beautiful yet simultaneously terrifying idea."
"It's a terrific and terrifying establishment of the brutality of Pennywise."
"What Bundy wants is not death, everything stops at death. What Bundy wants is dying, dying and knowing it, being terrified."
"It's terrifying though, isn't it, that people believe in this ideology so much that they're willing to die for it?"
"Poor Sean. I'm assuming, yeah, there's no saving him. That was just absolutely terrifying."
"A tale of terror of a weird surgical operation performed in France and a ghastly horror that stalked by night."