
Dragon Quotes

There are 319 quotes

"We missed this bit, Jordan. This is where the dragon came out."
"Our town was assaulted by an icy beast. That dragon came out of nowhere."
"During the horror, Krylancelo witnessed Azalie, who suddenly transformed into a giant dragon and tried to escape from the Tower of Fangs."
"We're going to do a prophetic message on the great red dragon and look at the symbolism from a different perspective."
"And that’s especially important for 2024, the year of the dragon, because many people see the dragon as a symbol of China. It is a dragon, but it doesn’t have to be a red dragon."
"Family is a source of strength and blood of the Dragon."
"Excuse me, so we have a little bit of a problem right now, I don't know where the dragon is and it looks pretty empty."
"I always found it funny how out of all the Dragon-type Pokémon, do you really think Goodra looks like a dragon?"
"Free from her frozen curse, Snow Cone shed her icy carapace, revealing the rainbow sprinkle dragon underneath."
"I love the idea of it, I love the style of the dragon itself."
"This shuddering handheld follow of the dragon as he swoops and dives."
"Spyro is a dragon, and that means he has five unique things that make the game work entirely on their own."
"Ah, no fire burns hotter than the flame of a red dragon, especially one as powerful as I."
"Kane battles against a red dragon and strikes it once, defeating it instantly."
"The only thing that could tear down the house of the dragon was the dragon itself."
"The dragon represents the force of raw nature wherever it manifests."
"Deus cyrex Machina I conveniently built this bridge to be the perfect width for a dragon to rest both of its feet across."
"The huge dragon suddenly opened its yellow eyes and began to move."
"One thing you got to know about China is it represents the dragon more than any other country on the planet."
"The Magic Stone formed in the heart of a dragon is said to grant a dragon's power."
"One of the Dragons flew into the Sun and died."
"This dragon is just so amazing, I don't even know where to begin."
"This is in the conversation for one of the best Ninjago dragons of all time."
"What did you draw? A dragon, of course."
"He has already single-handedly defeated a red dragon in the past."
"If I can just defeat a dragon and persuade the pit itself to give up its only residence."
"I made a partial dragon skeleton, this is like the skull."
"...the fastest dragon in all of Westeros who is ridden by the Steely eyed princess rainy Targaryen."
"...caraxes The bloodworm ridden by Damon Targaryen who are obviously the most battle tested of any dragon and rider pairing."
"Dragon is among the strongest characters in One Piece."
"This is the year of the dragon, the year of change; those stars become the dragon."
"He was raised by a dragon named Emil the dragon taught him all he knows today from Reading Writing to Magic and fighting."
"Mushu is a Chinese dragon that controls fire."
"Once a human and a dragon fell in love."
"Sorry Wales, there was no room for a dragon on there."
"She had the courage to tame a dragon of her own at the age of seven."
"Witness my true power. Dragon's got game."
"Despite being the leader's son, Fire Drake is a Silver Dragon who can't breathe fire and dreams of a world where his kind can live freely."
"Whenever he can, the young dragon goes to talk to Slatebeard, a bumbling old dragon who always talks about the rim of Heaven, the dragon's paradise where they can be free and live in peace."
"Wanting his kind to be able to live in peace, Fire Drake remembers the rim of heaven and offers to find the place."
"With so much pressure built up, the Silver Dragon finally manages to break free and unleashes a huge jet of blue flames at the enemy."
"With his goal completed, Fire Drake sits down next to Ben and asks him where he's going now."
"Without further confrontation, the group of dragons follows Fire Drake and Sorrel and thus manages to reach the long rim of heaven."
"The sacred Forest Dragon is the leader of all the forest dragons."
"It's essential that Jace fully bonds with this Dragon, once that happens the dragon will refuse instruction from any other."
"The dragon comes out when you're about to get some good luck, a fortune, and you did get the Wheel of Fortune, alright? So there's something amazing coming your way, Paw One."
"Remember to bring an offering for the dragon, lest it believe you are its lunch."
"Sangoku reveals that Luffy's father is none other than the Revolutionary Dragon."
"Dragon, partly inspired by Suku Tenno, stands for strong ideals and rebellion, similar to the yo-kai's wrath upon the Imperial government."
"She is the last dragon. She felt the fire within her and woke with the taste of ashes in her mouth."
"It would be a wondrous thing to see stone come to life... And to mount a dragon... Dragon wings over Westeros..."
"The ice dragon was really f***ing cool."
"The dragon doesn't do anything wrong, that is, nothing stands out as bad."
"My dragon just wants everyone to get along like you know what I mean they're Coalition Builders."
"The sight of a dragon flying through the city with light emitting from Hy."
"If one were to kill a dragon, they were granted its power."
"Dragon I think it's harder to know but he's like a dragon turtle, he's not exactly a turtle, he's not exactly a dragon."
"I love the way it looks the red dragon just pops perfectly I love the color Aesthetics overall on this set you just got greens purples oranges um Grays like all of it just Blends together so well."
"The arrival of Prince Daron and his Dragon reversed the tide of battle."
"Dragon having the most high bounty in the series right now speaks volume."
"This was a dragon worthy of a queen and Rhaenyra certainly had the blood to be one."
"...a dragon in the skies above the city."
"That time the dragonborn fighter dragon feared a green dragon into running away from us like a little..."
"Golden Dragon grants you immunity to any power hooks. Never again shall you be ruled by the power games of the old Earth."
"According to one legend, a dragon came out of the sea and attacked a village, but a child Shiza statue came to life and was able to defeat the dragon."
"The dragon gave one last hiss and stretched out flat upon his belly."
"The black dragon spread his wings and roared."
"Viserion sniffed the blood leaking from Prendahl's neck, and let loose a gout of flame that took the dead man full in the face."
"The Dragon does not have these limitations and can leverage all of its channels as Dolby or DTS would dictate."
"A hero of zenfest territory said to be capable of defeating a dragon."
"I guess the dragon is freaking cute."
"I do believe that Dragon is one of the most powerful alive in One Piece right now."
"I am on a quest to conquer a dragon to sculpt the best dragon I could ever sculpt and immerse it in a giant resin D20 to make the ultimate Dungeons and Dragons Dice."
"Good luck. I wish you the best, live Dragon, but hey, that's a real Adventure isn't it?"
"When Dragon Air Silent Gods approached me for a sponsored video and I saw this in their marketing material, I immediately pictured a dragon encased in a giant resin D20."
"I personally like the theory that GARP raised Dragon so Monkey D dragon is technically correct like as a sun."
"'Kill the man who killed Balroy,' that is this dragon's long-standing desire," Emilia caught her breath.
"I took a large breath in through my nose, enjoying the discomfort. My dragon surged inside me, wanting out, needing to fly."
"Could it be a dragon? Well, probably not, but people referring to it as a dragon stone is pretty cool."
"I am the dragon Shenron. I shall grant you any wish. Now, speak it. It's all yours."
"The Welsh flag is pretty cool looking. It has that dragon."
"Is it a scary dragon?" "No, Danny. It is a super friendly dragon."
"I was really happy with how it turned out so I hope you all liked the frost winged mountain dragon."
"Maybe slaying a dragon is not very nice. I bet that dragon did not like getting poked until it fell over and couldn't get up again."
"The fact that the one thing they wanted for the ransom was a dragon, respect a dragon was very cool."
"The dragon descended upon him, roaring, and all at once, the poor beast was aflame yet somehow kept on running, screaming with every step."
"Already have the power of the dragon."
"Imagine flying on that Dragon while on mushrooms."
"Tiamat is often depicted as a massive serpent or dragon, a being of the primordial ocean whose very presence signified the untamed and unstructured forces of nature."
"How to complete your dragon? How to create your dragon? How to, uh, what was that movie actually?"
"he just killed a dragon for Christ's sake"
"I'm a hungry dragon, and a dragon knight at that. Did you know that I'm the leader of the Dragon Knights? You should be honored that I'd even want to eat you."
"Don't I look like someone you would like kill a dragon for? It's princess vibes, I just wish it was princess comfort."
"The dragon makes me really happy, honestly. It's just super cute."
"Transforming into a dragon, that's actually pretty cool."
"As Lego dragons go, this is a pretty good one."
"The dragon literally sits in the front. That's insane."
"The dragon laughed and said that he was just kidding and asked the girl not to be so serious."
"The dragon realized that if this girl died prematurely, he would have to wait some more to meet the third reincarnation of Lancer."
"He calls me that because I am a dragon, and immortal which answers your first question."
"...the Stone of Tear will never fall, till the People of the Dragon come."
"The dragon placed the same talon upright in front of Gobber the Belch and flicked him like a spitball."
"Drogon appears, his attention drawn by the blood and screams."
"If you thought the dragon iconography was already overlapping across the world, this is where it gets very juicy and almost intertextually inbred."
And the fact that now Allison and Otto, they're like, "Oh, we have a dragon now." I mean, that plays a lot.
"Shanks and dragon always felt had a similar Vibe with these characters."
"Which mythical creature takes the form of a two-footed winged dragon with a serpent-like barbed tail?"
"I always wanted a dragon for my first tattoo because the year I was born is actually the year Dragon."
"Uranus might be a dragon of some sort."
"This is easily the best ultra dragon in my opinion."
"Now if we take a look as you see we got the dragon on the stage."
"There is any creature more ubiquitous or universal than the dragon."
"I wouldn't be at all surprised to find a dragon in that forest."
"The first great dragon of contemporary fantasy."
"The last great dragon of the old Germanic and Slavic mythologies."
"Smaug, the last of the great dragons."
"It's super cute, it's a little dragon."
"Dragon who brings victory, be with us this night."
"We've got a wonderful looking Dragon there, really nice detail."
"That's so cool looking, that dragon is sweet."
"Wales has the red dragon flag on a green and white field, arguably one of the coolest flags in the world."
"The five-clawed Golden Dragon is the head of the Nine Dragons, also known as the green dragon's eldest brother."
"I can't believe she really just gave up her dragon, bro."
"Fire leapt from the dragon's jaws."
"The dragon swooped once more, lower than ever, and as he turned and dived down, his belly glittered white with sparkling fires of gems in the moon."
"The dragon that has appeared is much more powerful than the dragon they are searching for."
"He killed the last great Dragon of the North and finally ended the threat that Morgoth had unleashed."
"Beowulf dies slaying a giant fire-breathing dragon."
"Nettles is also important because she's one of the only people that we ever see riding a dragon and then being completely horrified by the violence that falls out from it."
"A beautiful illustration of a dragon, to be honest."
"The dragon essentially represents the power of nature, the power itself, and the life force."
"She claimed Vhagar, the largest dragon of all, at age thirteen."
"I am super happy with the way this dragon turned out."
"I'm friends with Valdora, the Storm Dragon."
"The dragon's gonna come back and he could use magic, he'll fix the world."
"He's a gigantic humongous badass dragon."
"The ultimate Ninjago dragon, for what is supposed to be probably the most important dragon story-wise."
"This is easily the most impressive villain dragon we have ever gotten from Ninjago."
"Rodents and birds within one mile of the dragon's lair serve as the dragon's eyes and ears."
"That was so good. The dragon is so much better here than it is in Florida."
"Oh my god, that's a dragon! Oh my, that's 40 inches, dude, that's 45 inches, holy moly, that's a big one!"
"Siegfried grew older, he decided he needed to prove his courage and had resolved to slay an infamous and really hard to kill dragon named Fafnir."
"The Fire dragon's breath burns everything down, a blow with its claw brings the sea to dry out."
"The legendary dragon is a powerful engine of destruction, virtually invincible, very few have faced this awesome creature and lived to tell the tale."
"Viserion, he called. The white one is Viserion."
"I'm the blood of the dragon, and paper cuts cannot kill a dragon."
"You are the blood of the dragon, little one."
"Daenerys is not dead; she was riding that dragon."
"Phoenix has a striking appearance with bright red scales that shimmer like molten gold in the sunlight."
"Phoenix is a confident and ambitious dragon who is always striving to be the best."
"Starcaller is a thoughtful and introspective dragon, often lost in their own thoughts and observations."
"Are you ready to take on the dragon?"
"A dragon whose shadow covered the entire field."
"Channel your inner dragon; it could be friendly, it could be playful, it could be ferocious, it could be protective."
"Year of the Dragon, how cool would it be to be born in the Year of the Dragon?"
"The hero is called the Dragon Reborn."
"Within you lies the power of the Dragon, gentle yet powerful and brimming with confidence."
"As the Lunar New Year dawns, ushering in the spirit of the powerful wooden Dragon, we stand at the threshold of transformation."
"I can fly you home," said the dragon.
"The dragon waits in shadows; his breath will scorch the land."
"The legend of the starry dragon: a holy dragon appears on a beautiful starry night."
"The starry dragon unleashed its might to save humankind."
"The dragon sparkling in the holy night."
"This card's artwork refers to the act of the dragon burning away the evil from the world."
"It's a very cartoony dragon in the best way possible."
"The Frost Dragon roared skyward and then fiercely plunged to the ground. Boom! The ground exploded."
"There really is a dragon in the lake."
"Lanu's arms underwent a remarkable transformation, turning into Dragon scaled arms adorned with shimmering golden scales."
"Supernatural demon or just super rare dragon, either way, it's phenomenal."
"Fatalis is the dragon of human mythology... he is just this absolute apex of fear and terror."
"She is fortunate to have been chosen by such a powerful and influential dragon."
"You're a good dragon, one with a sublime personality."
"This is probably one of the best Ninjago core dragons we've gotten in a long time."
"This is just another phenomenal Dragon set from Ninjago."
"I fought beside the last dragon on that day."
"The dragon howled, a stream of fire shot from its mouth."
"The dragon was cool too; it actually breathes fire."
"The fire dragon aspect styles itself upon the dragon of Eldar myth, the sinuous fire-breathing reptile that represents wanton destruction."
"Great death and destruction ensued as Smaug carved his way, making his home in the great vault of Erebor."
"To protect these people from a dragon that has long since moved on, you make prisoners of hundreds of others."
"The more things a dragon collects, the bigger and greedier he gets."
"The most popular legendary creature of all is the Dragon!"
"Thor Hilder confirms for him that the lair of the dragon is, in fact, in that ruined tower on the side of the mountain."
"Killing the black dragon nidhogger will be her ultimate goal," Alice vowed.
"I can't believe I have a black dragon, folks."
"Once the threshing is over, you are then given a mark by your dragon."
"This mark allows the dragon to channel their power into the person that they have marked, known as your signate ability."
"That's amazing that they made the dragon look so old; you can really tell that it's been through some [__]."
"The greatness of the Dragon: a skill that was capable of producing incorporeal spiritual force and capable of scaring away all living things."
"He had absorbed enough power, and now the soul of the Dragon had successfully awakened in his body."
"This dragon is our guest, its value to us is immeasurable."
"Doing all they could to help their allies escape harm, Lord Azaghâl of Belegost lost his life against Glaurung, but was able to land one last blow before he died, causing the Dragon to flee the battlefield."
"Glaurung, the father of dragons, held great power given to him by his creator and master Morgoth."
"The dragon is such a powerful mystical symbol in numerous cultures."
"To be where we are now, the first crewed flight of Dragon, is just unbelievable."
"A dragon gave him unstoppable power."
"A dragon would not abandon her people in their time of need."
"The battle seems to be going in their favor, but then an ancient five-headed dragon called Destruck appears."
"Mounted upon Vhagar, Aemon arrived in the Stormlands, unsure of his reception, though undoubtedly secure in his ability to impress."
"Queen Alisan lands her dragon Silver Wing at the top of the Hightower one time and fans the flames of the beacon."