
Personal Mastery Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"Get yourself disciplined, not so you're a slave, but so that you could be a master."
"I am in possession of myself. No one has access to my control. I am mastering my emotions, relationships, sexuality, spirituality, and financial choices."
"Greatness is when your personal mastery becomes so highly optimized that you grow into a level that almost no other people have ever done, which then inspires the masses to try to emulate you and be the best version of themselves."
"Money is important because it is a symbol of your mastery and comprehension of life's great journey."
"Life becomes really shitty when you don't develop mastery of the game."
"When the voice and the vision on the inside become more profound, more clear and loud than the opinions on the outside, you've mastered your life."
"Master those deeper things and it'll unfold in every aspect of your life."
"You are your own hero. You are your own leader, you are your own master."
"The richest people are those who control their emotions."
"You are the master of your judgments, your decisions, and your actions."
"Martial arts is not about winning fights, but conquering yourself and your weakness."
"Goku has attained mastery of self and is now a master of the martial arts."
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained. You need to take a chance and become your own Master now."
"In order to conquer the world, you have to conquer yourself."
"Manipulation is a skill that I feel like I had mastered."
"A powerful martial artist at the level of six or maybe a martial arts Grandmaster."
"The most Chad thing you can do as a man is be desirable but also simultaneously be in full control of your impulses."
"I am not a victim of my genetics, I am a master of my genetics."
"My body and my mind should take instructions from me, only then it's a useful instrument. If it's start doing its own things, then it's a nuisance."
"Your communication is something that you are going to be able to master by the middle to the end of the month."
"Your success has all been down to you, Scorpio. You're the master of your own dreams."
"You're coming into a place of appreciation. Mastery attracts abundance."
"A man who is a master of himself can end a sorrow as quickly as he can invent a pleasure."
"To turn your dreams into reality, you have to master the psychology of winning."
"Always believe, commit to mastery, do not dabble, commit to mastery in your life."
"You're the master of your own reality, the painter of your own masterpiece."
"The most heroic thing you can do is personal mastery."
"He never breaks, he never has a facial expression or an attitude that he should not have if the moment that he is in at that current time was actually happening."
"There's some things that you are in the middle in that you're supposed to master."
"You can become a victim of your circumstances or you become a master of your destiny."
"This is mastery, the mastery to know your own destiny."
"In mastery, it's not about not projecting at others but owning it."
"Conquer your mind, and you can conquer the world."
"His hidden genius is his mental resilience and the fact that he's sharpened his mind so well that it's like a weapon."
"A meek man is a man in complete control of his moods and his moods are the highest, for he knows he must keep a high mood if he would walk with the highest."
"How to do it with excellence to become one of the best at it."
"The unplugged alpha has full control of their life."
"One of the most powerful and repeated themes of the show is the idea that it is you who is the ultimate master of your fate and that with enough courage and hard work, you can make anything happen. You can forge your own destiny."
"We're good at disciplines because we're disassociated from our feelings."
"Stoicism was popular... teaching of self-control and self-mastery."
"You gotta create that new norm that has to be your lifestyle you are the master of your own mind create that masterpiece."
"You are very much the master of your own destiny."
"I'm going to go get a band and write it on my hand every day until I master it."
"When you can look at a victory and a loss the same way, that's when you've conquered life a little bit."
"Own the day, own your life. Let's just focus on doing one day awesomely."
"Be bold and resourceful. You are on a spiritual journey right now. You are coming into some mastery here."
"You are the master of your own fate and the master of your own domain."
"Women admire a man who has mastery of the environment and the world around him."
"You know, you can become really good at your own video game and then nobody else can play it because you've practiced in practice in practice for months."
"We're actually masters, but we have to know that we have to really come from an understanding that we are creating our lives."
"The great master key to riches is nothing more or less than the self-discipline necessary to help you take full and complete possession of your own mind."
"Focusing on the one thing you're really good at and becoming great at that one thing."
"Through meditation, we can master our emotion and overcome being a victim of our own emotions."
"Fear never goes away. It's just that you refuse to let it drive the car but it's always a passenger."
"Wisdom hands you three things: avoidance, navigation, and acceleration."
"Before you become master of relationships, you have to become master of being single."
"Saturn transits in general are about Mastery."
"Mastering the art of creating your reality is really about learning how to discipline your awareness in a new direction and relax."
"As somebody that really has found themselves and has mastered their own kind of uh their own life their own creativity their own spirit and it's really flowing through you."
"You are more than what you think you are. Mastery is your destiny. Rise with dignity."
"Your thought life is in your mind, this is the control tower of your life."
"If you can't control something, you don't truly understand it."
"I use memories but I don't allow memories to use me."
"Mastery of discipline to direct your power and energy into worthwhile pursuits."
"You're meant to actually learn anything that you don't know that you're wanting to master."
"Willpower is the greatest thing you can develop in life because with will you can truly accomplish anything that you want."
"Zen is just an absolute genius when it comes to the game."
"So now, the five moves that I apply in every aspect of my life... it doesn't matter what I'm doing... first, have fun with the five areas you gotta master."
"Your head can be a beautiful servant or it could be a horrific master."
"Perseverance and happiness lead you to become the master of playful living."
"He had become an artist in the purest sense."
"This screams you're on the right track. Keep on doing what you do. You are strong, you are your own master, your own boss, your own guru."
"If you feel really insecure, you still need to communicate."
"Any compulsive behavior or make you a slave to life any conscious behavior will make your master over life."
"Live life powerfully as a master of our life from the inside out."
"You're someone who has mastery over your lower passions."
"Your mind should stay calm under all circumstances. That's the ultimate prize in life."
"You have to depend on yourself, you have to cultivate it yourself, not just by dependence on Buddha to bless you. You are the master, you have to find Buddha within you."
"It was in the back of my mind like man I've really become an expert at running 100 mile races."
"Mastering the balance between ambition and curiosity."
"No one should ever be afraid of their government, either because of tyranny or incompetence. That's why you must master over it or it will master over you."
"Conscious control of thoughts and feelings is your highest achievement."
"When you become a master of your energy, you become a master of your feminine power."
"Hand sewing isn't it incredible when you do it like they do it."
"Have big goals, have huge dreams. Don't let anybody say you're not capable of mastery."
"Sharpen your saw: constantly hone your craft."
"Reign Over Your Life conquer the unconquerable."
"Control is not in terms of control but in terms of managing my own self."
"Until you've got control of this physiology, anybody can make you look like an idiot."
"All true leaders, all true change agents, all true masters are people who have become comfortable with their discomfort."
"Control events rather than letting them control you; avoid negative emotions like anger and jealousy." - The joy of calmness stems from mastering your own reactions.
"Heart grow and expand with ever broadening love until freed from all hatred and passion."
"Master what you can do with your head, your hands, and your heart."
"Allow money to be your servant, not your master."
"Mastery is your destiny. Rise within dignity."
"You have dominion over everything in this earth."
"Your wisdom is your ability to have dominion over time."
"Be the master of your own financial destiny."
"Wrestling is now easy for me, it's like I've tapped into the matrix."
"Your emotions and thoughts are so powerful, you are a master manifestor."
"Stand guard continually at the door of your mind and let in no thoughts or feelings that you do not want to out manifest."
"If you can conquer yourself, you can conquer anyone."
"Control your emotions, control your reality."
"Make up your mind that you're gonna dominate."
"One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery over oneself."
"Stone sharpening is a skill to be proud of as well so being able do stone sharpen is a pretty cool thing to be able to do."
"To be great at whatever it is, you have to have an intensity but you also have to have a calmness."
"Knowing ourselves is something that has to be taken into a level of mastery."
"It is very much a science to be able to know who you are, to grow your awareness, and to ultimately become the master of your own destiny."
"focus on perfecting that one movement"
"I refuse to be Mastered by anything. I will not live my life longing for likes and the whole time I'm longing for more love."
"Personal Mastery at such an early age... Master their time energy and their entire existence through understanding themselves."
"Self-mastery at the point where a man can master just his fleshly desires in general, that truly is what I would define as self-mastery."
"You never remove emotions; you just get better at managing stress, managing those emotions."
"I really want to encourage everyone... make up that little practice board and work with this until you've got it, until it's yours."
"The biggest benefit to me with intermittent fasting is not body composition changes, it's the element of Mastery that comes with it."
"I am the master of my life, not the victim of my life."
"Whoever can come in and disrupt your peace, has become your master."
"It takes light to be able to break out of that environment and to master that particular environment."
"Ultimately you cannot cure with a pill that which belongs essentially to the mastery of our own disposition by conscious effort."
"Man being in control of his higher self over his lower self."
"So say if you out there asserting yourself, being the best version of yourself, trying to master yourself in all aspects."
"If you can't control yourself, if you can't control your emotions, you can't control anything."
"Being able to control yourself is everything; it all starts and ends right there."
"You are the operant power, you are master of manifesting, whether you like it or not."
"Weak is the man who permits his emotions and thoughts to control his actions; strong is he who forces his actions to control his emotions and thoughts."
"Living is an art, a technique, a skill, but you got to learn it and practice it."
"We're motivated by a sense of mastery. We're motivated by a sense of purpose."
"Through self-mastery is how you're going to achieve success."