
Traits Quotes

There are 665 quotes

"The shiny chao will have a brighter, sparkling coating."
"It's a little bit different than like the trait system that we're used to in The Sims."
"Francis Galton... started studying excellence... his conception wasn't so much cognitive capacity as more differentiated sorts of things like conscientiousness, creativity, intelligence."
"Masculinity is a set of traits or attributes that are regarded as characteristic of men."
"Personality is a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to a person's behavior."
"Psychological mechanisms are like traits, except that they are the processes of personality."
"Having a mix/synthesis of both skills and traits would be interesting, for example, having a few scales for universal aspects of personality... then a few more choices from a bank of traits possibly themselves having adjustable intensity."
"Charisma is the perfect blend of being likable and powerful."
"Fire and immortality are the traits most commonly assigned to the mythological birds."
"When you adopt a shelter pet, you discover their unique mix of all kinds of traits."
"The three most common traits of elite performers: a crippling sense of insufficiency, a superiority complex, and maniacal focus."
"Individuals that inherit successful traits are more likely to survive and reproduce."
"There are six essential traits that every true entrepreneur has: they are Visionary, passionate, Problem Solver, driven, risk-taker, and responsible."
"All of us get some personality traits from our parents, whether we like to admit it or not: the good, the bad, the ugly, everything."
"Find one specific trait from these kids, and dig deep into what draws YOU into them MOST."
"The mark of an intelligent person is the ability to be flexible."
"Traits add extra character to your character, giving you a benefit with a trade-off."
"Confidence is a very alluring character trait."
"There's going to be a variety of location-based traits like neon Street rat."
"Each one has a unique reward trait that will kind of follow you into adulthood and help you through the rest of your teen life as well as your adult life."
"She's full of attitude, you know, that's what we love about her."
"Masculinity represents dominance, leadership, and power."
"What we can already learn from Patreon’s story is that while every entrepreneur has a different backstory, many develop these common traits over time: self-reliance, perseverance, and versatility."
"Kindness is the trait most people are looking for in a partner."
"They have all the great qualities and characteristics to be a leader."
"Most people want a good balance of masculine and feminine traits."
"There's no better camouflage for someone who's truly dark than compassion."
"Consistency, optimism, and hard work are going to be attractive to other people."
"Self-esteem is the greatest trait of a human being."
"One of the great American traits is perseverance."
"Big Mom's absolute refusal to wait even one more day to eat the sweets she wants right now makes her incredibly strong."
"Your greatness is not in your talent, it's in your traits."
"Two personalities that it actually does them very, very well."
"Rottweiler... confident, calm, and brave with an imposing presence."
"That level of patience and determination is like a really amazing gift."
"I've never met a successful person in my life who isn't either neurotic or obsessive or extremely dominant and aggressive as [ __ ]."
"Embed the traits that you want to embrace in your life by creating a list of questions."
"If you have a masculine man but he's capable of exhibiting feminine traits at times I think that that guy's attractive level is a billion times higher than anybody else."
"Your person is enthusiastic and adventurous."
"The sooner we understand what these traits are, the sooner we are going to be able to protect ourselves from having this happen to us again or at all, right?"
"It's almost become a trait that's valued as much as talent."
"A high value woman embraces her femininity - intuitive, nurturing, creative, and empathetic."
"Women tend to be attracted to strong, tough, confident, masculine men."
"I just want an unknown and I want someone who has Swagger."
"Wanting to be the best is such an underrated characteristic."
"Personality is a tradeoff. All of our traits have pluses and minuses."
"Thanks for being those dependable and committed people, even if you're rigid. Bye-bye and take care!"
"Somebody who's funny without trying to be funny."
"An alpha can’t be an alpha without being a leader."
"I like it when villains have something unique about them."
"Being forgiving, having empathy, being kind, others find that commodity very valuable."
"A guy like Jason Statham, if I think of a masculine man. Jason Statham like balls, beard, masculine roughness."
"I think that was shared with Alec. Maybe because I brought those qualities to Alec."
"Confident, committed, composed, fluent, proactive."
"Overweening ambition is not a commendable quality."
"She is all of those things and it's super obvious."
"The Hall Heeler: a mix between a wild dingo and sheepdog."
"The Boerboel: guarding South African farms and mines."
"The Caucasian Ovtcharka: guarding farms, prisons, and even the Berlin Wall."
"Enormous self-confidence, reckless audacity, insane egotism."
"Athleticism, Confidence, and Intensity in Competition."
"Jupiter in Taurus talks about generosity and sharing."
"Lauren was loving, caring, giving, hard working, smart, fine, fashionable, and loyal."
"This person may have Gemini in their chart and Leo, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn."
"They wanted loyalty, they wanted someone that would be unselfish with them, they wanted tenacity, they wanted a companion."
"Certain traits in your personality that this person was really actively looking for in a partner, and they see it within you."
"I wanted to have something that went past you and I, that had both of the traits that we have come to love in each other."
"Discipline is a strong trait of all successful people."
"The concept of power and how it's used within oneself to be who they are with these three traits of body, mind, and spirit that makes a human who they really are."
"Feminine energy is very attractive; it's graceful, charming, beautiful, loving, creative, and artistic."
"You're very independent, very dynamic, very enigmatic, very confident, very kind, very intuitive, and very original."
"Extraverted Sensing gives enjoyment of life, a zest for life, very charming."
"White is associated with things like law, order, peace, fairness, and equality."
"He has a clear personality, he is goofy, clumsy, he talks too much, and he's a good person."
"He's generally portrayed as immature, cowardly, naive, dumb, and overall just kind of obnoxious."
"You can add glows to the outside of your character, maybe in bright yellow, and just crank that up so you can see it."
"Nines are peacemakers... motivated by peace, harmony, tranquility, and comfort."
"Perseverance, innovation, humility, self-sacrifice - these are the traits that define a great leader."
"Virgos tend to be perfectionists and they tend to like to do things really well."
"The Big Five personality factors are these, and what this means is when we talk about each other and use adjectives, the claim is we could do so in thousands of different ways, but deep down we're talking about one of these five dimensions."
"The differences between people in the population and how tall they are is due in large part, not entirely, but in large part to their genes."
"The psychopath and the hero have more in common than we often think."
"What we find so bewildering and so difficult to deal with psychopathy is that we see this configuration of two very different traits."
"The difference between English and field-bred Labradors is more than just appearance."
"The fifth zodiac sign, Leo, is about self-expression, passion, creativity, romance."
"Capricorns have a way of keeping you stuck based on the past."
"Men rank this trait ahead of others like refinement, being a good cook, and having similar religious backgrounds."
"Everybody bought this [ __ ] award and they all got traits bred into them already."
"A high value woman is fit, feminine, friendly, and faithful."
"What makes a great quarterback? It's toughness, intelligence, the ability to think fast, accuracy, the ability to move."
"Nacho is a smart, patient, and calculated criminal who only speaks when he needs to."
"She's funny, determined, fierce, and speaks her mind without fear."
"If your birth number is one, you're determined, confident, and love being in the spotlight."
"Number two people are sensitive, emotional, and work well in teams; they crave emotional support."
"Number three people are ambitious, generous, and make good advisors; they expect respect and compliance."
"Number five people are constantly changing, high-energy, and adapt well to any situation."
"The frustrating part about number five people is their tendency to get bored easily and lack stability."
"Double-digit number fives may have slight obsessions with themselves or a tendency to change frequently."
"You skip over his value system, you don't know the traits to look for."
"The most common aspects that I see for the most successful artists is their work ethic, their discipline, and their curiosity."
"Your partner is going to carry Leo-like energy."
"Every one of those elements in itself tells us a lot about an individual."
"The four main traits that embody Vegeta's true self are pride, arrogance, callousness, and his thirst for battle."
"The fact that I could kill you is by far your most appealing trait."
"All of these traits that we look for in other people... we want that within ourselves."
"She was simple, always happy, caring, and thoughtful."
"Be resourceful, nurturing, loving, and consistent."
"ENTPs are all about being cut cats as well."
"The INFP tends to be much more perfectionistic than the ENFP tends to be."
"If the navamsa lagna is Virgo Tama, you become a bit selfish."
"I love that about his personality."
"In my version of Marinette, she is a bit energetic, clumsy, and outgoing."
"Character is wearing gloves 'cause he's a real cowboy."
"There's validity in a lot of the things that astrology talks about because pretty much all Taurus have the same traits and characteristics."
"The personality kind of comes first."
"You're coming across as being free-flowing, romantic, giving, sweetness, kindness."
"Chasey said a male shouldn't be jealous that's a female trait."
"The most common traits of successful entrepreneurs are people who are passionate, persistent, and keep their eye on the goal."
"Certainly not the traits of a band with simply a small devoted following."
"The style of a character's hair can be used to communicate their personality and traits."
"They all shared the same mannerisms."
"He was warm, friendly, likable, forgiving, brave, and confident."
"Elegance is such a forgotten trait."
"A Capricorn is just not going to deal with your they're just not alright."
"Sarah is Lively dreamy and Goofy."
"Polarian star seeds are known for qualities like empathy, love, teamwork, humor, and inventiveness."
"You are someone who is very sweet, very kind, very nurturing."
"Capricorns are very resourceful and they're problem solvers."
"Sigma males have a unique set of skills and qualities that set them apart within the social hierarchy. They are mysterious, introverted, intelligent, and charismatic in unpredictable ways."
"Two of the traits I admired most in you were your ability to analyze a problem and your tenacity in achieving your goals."
"None of them had even a lick of Personality."
"Taurus people are incredibly stubborn, incredibly loyal, devoted."
"...prions very frequently create interesting new traits that can be beneficial."
"Testosterone really does help a lot with a lot of those things as far as paying attention or being aggressive or being assertive or being a leader and stuff like that."
"Emotional signature signals the gene."
"Aries individuals are always looking for new challenges and opportunities."
"Trey's the type of guy to skip an Open Water"
"The sigma woman is a bit like a Secret Keeper."
"You're very balanced. You have a lot of admirable traits."
"She describes all of them as: involved, ethical, friendly, so happy, and says they have such a purpose in life."
"Could you have a culture that develops a different set of traits in people?"
"Most presidents of the United States rank high enough in narcissism to be called narcissists."
"Someone who is fun to be around, youthful, optimistic, and very clever."
"Her desires to keep things neat, clean, tidy, and trim come off less as adorable quirks and more as conditioned obsessions."
"Miss Mapleton has a strong blend of logical thinking and feminine intuition."
"First Deacon Aries are impetuous, energetic, and tend to throw themselves into activities with all of their heart."
"For Gemini, mental acumen is sharp, and they have a natural resilience. This resilience, however, can lead them to hold on to things, especially in the mind, creating the overthinking, trapped-in-the-mind energy that we see in the Eight of Swords."
"You got Bas Sethious Joe and then you have in the market money in the pocket ready to burn Jud."
"Many ISFJs are in fact much more reflective, creative, idealistic than they are necessarily experiential and pragmatic."
"A Gemini rising would be like Tony Stark slash Iron Man - witty, quick, and a little bit mischievous."
"From Teddy, it was perseverance and compassion."
"ENFPs are often fast on their feet and natural improvisers."
"Despite his slothful practices, we could definitely say that Jordy is successful, a difficult trait to ascribe to our candidate for gluttony."
"They like to be the star of the group but also don't like seeing people left out. They're extremely impulsive, spontaneous, and motivational."
"He always the one that's initiating. Always the one that's friendly. And he got the ability to listen real good, yeah."
"Ned was a difficult man charming suspicious changeable a falling down drunk a plausible liar and a wanton womanizer."
"I get all the brains from my mom and the muscle from my dad type of person, making me a sweet yet very shy teddy bear but I can turn into a drill sergeant."
"I feel like you are extremely smart you're extremely beautiful you're funny you have so many traits that people dream and wish that they could naturally have which you do have."
"Gemini... should be someone really funny and cute and smart and attractive and humble and really nice and that's a really good smile too."
"The point is, let me tell you how to tell if a person's a perfectionist."
"Being a firstborn is a green flag."
"Giorno has the mind of Dio and the heart of Jonathan."
"Personality, something we take for granted, but these are the traits, the characteristics, the way we think, we feel, and we act that make us who we are. And these traits are pretty stable over time and across situations."
"I'm a dreamer, a lifelong learner, an optimist, and a catalyst."
"Sherry's interactions with suara are marked by persistence and kindness."
"Sagittarius people are direct and forthright, good-natured and affirmative in their outlook."
"Some psychiatric conditions might be pathologic exaggerations of beneficial traits."
"Your future spouse sees in you a lot of traits that they appreciate and admire so much."
"She was known to be trustworthy, kind, giving, warm, and had the ability to make those around her feel really good."
"You can't choose greatness, we can only choose to adopt the traits, the practices, and the habits that produce greatness."
"Leo on the ascendant: Self-confident, romantic, and sentimental. Emotional and extroverted, courageous but sometimes foolhardy. Loves to take risks, a zest for life."
"Understanding why certain colors or qualities work for me or against me whether that's visual or psychological or both and figuring out what level in terms of temperature value and Clarity I can tolerate which will essentially help you find your dominant trait or traits."
"But put them all together, and it's really a very nice proposition indeed."
"Idealization is the attribution of positive, glowing, and superior traits both to self or more commonly to other people."
"This person is wise, devoted, and patient, but struggles with letting go of relationships that drain their energy."
"This character really just nails the feel for me of being this do-everything scientist crack shot supporty religious know-it-all."
"Despite its ability to fly being lost to Evolution, the cacapo makes up for it with their Stellar climbing skills and Charming personality."
"They're quite charismatic, seductive, and intelligent."
"Each of these five Kings seems to represent some trait or element that is crucial to a ruler's claim within this medieval system."
"Genetic modifications are all about changing an organism's genetic material, like its DNA, to give it some cool new traits or characteristics."
"It is a weird combination of traits. We've never seen it before."
"Cool eyebrows...good listener...ladies man...smash."
"You strike me as more of a Jimmy Carter."
"They made East Tennesseans tough, independent, and single-minded, and always colorful."
"What was something about yourself that you had thought was a flaw but now you accept as a very unique amazing trait of yours?"
"the adrian i know is kind and good he's driven and ambitious and dead sexy all traits any father should be proud of and all things money can't buy"
"Picking and choosing the traits that are successful across assorted habitats in taxa and applying them to fictitious animals."
"The most evolved masculine form is humble, compassionate, reliable, and committed."
"...some general good traits to have in guys are being funny, being kind, empathetic but not to the point of being a pushover, being ambitious and intelligent and not being an incel."
"He's like caring, he's naive, that's the difference."
"I think this is actually one of the most human-specific traits and features that we have."
"One of the most valuable traits of an investor is the ability to find hidden opportunities."
"He's a very caring man, very nurturing man, very tender, very affectionate, very intuitive, and very understanding. This is what a Cancerian man is."
"This version of Lois Lane... fascinating, passionate, scrappy, impulsive, and hopelessly reckless."
"...his competitiveness and aggressive tendencies."
"All these receivers, they really do have their own personality."
"Blue dragons are vain, territorial, and narcissistic."
"You have to have the right personality."
"You as a woman are exercising some traits that are truly feminine but are a little bit more on the doing side."
"But even the most masculine man will have elements of feminine energy and feminine traits at some stage."