
Research Methods Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"I want you to understand the methods in human cognitive neuroscience, what each one can tell you, what it can't, how different combinations of methods can work synergistically and complementarily to answer different facets of a question."
"We really need to take different research methods... Surveys are really important to capture the people who are not being labeled or accessing the health service."
"This becomes a whole new adventure in genealogy because we're doing our research in a really focused, very directed way."
"The only thing that I was saying is that if you really want to definitively know if something works."
"The data is real; now let's figure out what it tells us."
"Alright, now that you've done your research and everything is dumped into your Google Doc, it's time to organize by location."
"It's all about variance. That's why it's called analysis of variance."
"I don't trust studies, I read primary sources."
"Let's look at them as we would any other historical source."
"Just because Chris didn't know what a forest plot was doesn't mean that the points he's making here are less valid."
"Look for accurate sources and talk to people who have actually been to the country."
"That's a pretty hard question I mean yeah it's a hard question and an easy question the the the easy answer to that is you go to google and you start googling for stuff and then you watch the youtube videos that are most interesting to you."
"I want direct access to eyewitnesses... so I can have the best history possible."
"We have to stop mistaking googling for research."
"We could reduce the risk by using the computer to figure out all the possible situations long before we went to the wet lab, long before we killed animals and god forbid long before we killed humans."
"Experts reveal new way to try and spot alien life."
"Selection bias is the bias introduced by selecting individuals that aren't necessarily representative of the entire population. This can often lead to false conclusions being drawn."
"We wanted to know if the substance was the same for all the samples."
"It's not really about sources, it's about methodology."
"Sources frequently do not agree on key facts or subjects, so you'll have to do a lot of comparison investigating."
"With new technology comes a new way to study and observe with state-of-the-art technology at their disposal."
"The random cool discoveries are not going to be nearly as satisfying as having a plan and focus."
"It's very easy to research, there's a lot that you can just learn by Googling and watching YouTube videos."
"So, once you figured that out, that gives you a bunch of landmarks that you can use to look at the data sheet."
"New technologies have revolutionized how researchers conduct archaeological surveys."
"I try to source my information from a variety of sources."
"We'll talk about why she was so drawn to the White House Farm case, her methods of researching it, and the deeply disturbing evidence that turned this seemingly open and shut case on its head."
"Know all of the terminology for research methods, and do loads of practice papers for research methods, especially practice questions on the statistics stuff right at the end of the specification."
"So, these are just kind of a quick indication of some of the kinds of methods and and strategies that have been used to study personal space and interpersonal distance regulation."
"Advantages of a questionnaire include cost-effectiveness and faster results."
"Some people say these associations are too weak... I'd argue there's no data there to begin with."
"Interpretivism: Multiple realities, interpreted through sense-making. Positivism: Singular reality, verified through hypothesis testing. Pragmatism: Reality interpreted and measured, combining qualitative and quantitative methods."
"So what is the key difference between these two study designs? The key difference lies in the process of subject selection or how we divide our study participants into different groups."
"Methods based on counterfactuals and natural experiments can help us make stronger causal claims."
"Our methods provide a fundamental platform from which to engage in transdisciplinary and synthesis research."
"Interviews are one approach; focus groups are useful for a different reason."
"We dig out the realities, we dig out the theories from the ground of the data."
"It's a flexible framework for testing sophisticated social theories."
"A funnel plot displays effect sizes plotted against the sample size or standard error."
"To be successful in Irish immigrant research and tracing your Irish origins, you're very likely going to have to expand your mind beyond just looking at your direct ancestors."
"The basic way we think about the different types of evidence that people collect during a research project is quantitative and qualitative."
"Methodology is the predictable, conscious, theoretical investigation and analysis of methods."
"If you follow my instruction for a systematic review, you have a high chance to publish it in a top-tier journal."
"Difference in differences is one of these quasi-experimental methods that we can use to identify a causal impact or to solve the endogeneity bias problem."
"The biggest takeaway point is that mediation and moderation only test associations between variables."
"Once you have done all this, when you are categorizing the existing literature that you have gathered, you have to come up with some categories."
"Coding techniques to organize information into themes and concepts and queries to find text and analyze relationships between topics can be applied to literature reviews."
"EEG looks at general brain activity while ERPs look at the impact of specific stimuli on electrical activity."
"Sequential studies... are going to be done over a period of time where we're doing both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies at the same time."
"Each method is based on assumptions; if those assumptions hold, then you will be able to observe causation."
"It can be a very useful method actually with young people because rather than interviewing young people, which can be very difficult for them to articulate how they feel about things."
"Teaching research methods can help students to think critically."
"Qualitative methodologies' key strength is their ability to get detail, clarification, or information."
"When making T-tables, it is imperative to go through the data set carefully and systematically to reduce the likelihood of error."
"We're kind of just testing it towards things that we want to be true and analyzing the results in a way that will help confirm what we want to be true."
"Difference in differences model is actually very very useful."
"Interventions, longitudinal studies, and innovative research designs may be useful in exploring this uncharted territory."
"One of the good things about it is that you can do a mixed methods approach to the analysis of your research data."
"Stratification can be used to control for confounding and to look for effect modification."
"These are all tools that you can use in your work and in your projects: focus groups, household surveys, free listing, pile sorting, triangulation."
"You will be teaching them about the different research methods."
"...the strongest evidence we have is not mechanistic evidence, the strongest evidence is meta-analysis, case control, prospective cohort studies."
"Triangulation is basically the amalgamation of two to three types of research methods in a study."